11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Derek - 3/11/11 10:27 PM
Michael G.- Your story reads much like mine, almost exactly, and I have a very important question for you, or for anyyone who has posted on here, that I will ask at the end of my post. Finding this site is making me extremely worried. I'm almost in tears over this. I feel damned or condemned in some way. I also feel like telling anyone about this will only result in non-understanding and disbelief, that I am dillusional or imagining things. I told one friend about this a while ago, and he told me that I am looking for those numbers. I can honestly say that I am certainly not. I dread looking at the clock for this very reason. I never want to see that number again. What may have been chalked up to coincidence at the beginning, has blown out the window years ago. It simply happens too often. Furthermore, other numbers rarely come up. At first I thought, well I'm only noticing, or taking mental note when the numbers end in 34, but it is literally all the time. This is the first time I have ever searched online for "significance of the number 1134", only to be directed to this site. The reason for my search was going to bed, and one more glance at the clock only to reveal 11:34. The phone rang earlier tonight during my pre-recorded show. I paused the show I was watching from my DVR, the show had 11min 34sec remaining. The time was 7:34pm.
I can't even explain how often this happens to me. Literally 3 or 4,sometimes as many as 8 times a day. Usually its a glance at the clock to see what time it is. I'm not ever looking for, or concious of what the time might read. It simply does...11:34 or a slight derivation, always ending in 34. It is now some 5 years that I can conciously recall this being beyond coincidence. Many times I will look to the time and see 11:33, only to have it instantly change to 11:34, or I only see the 11:34 for a split second and it changes to 11:35, either way something is drawing me to notice that particular time on the clock, or the stairmaster, or the microwave, or the gas pump, or the DVR on my tv.
I am a male, born 09/26/72. I was raised Catholic, but have since strayed from many of my beliefs over the years, though in my heart and soul I feel that I do want to believe in God, though I have spited the idea of God numerous times, due to logic and the trying to understand the Universe, and life in general. I consider myself a dreamer with very grandios and elaborate fantasies of how I want my perfect life. Sometimes I want things so badly that I imagine the capability to do anything for them. Including money, cars, homes, girls, etc. Though I feel like a good person, and very highly respect life of all creatures (I even save bugs I find in my house and set them free outside), However, I also feel like I am not living with a wholesome mind.
***MY QUESTION that I have for you Michael, or anyone else who reads this and is having the same issues...Have you ever, for any reason in your lifetime, ever verbally, or mentally, privately or publically, ever made a deal with yourself to sell your soul for all your wants and needs? Regardless if you mentally or publically recalled it, or confessed it to God, at a later time? Please, if there is anything you can relate to here, especially with my question, I would love to talk with you. I will save this page and check back for replies.
RE: 11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Michael G. - 3/12/11 3:06 AM
I can't begin to explain how common our stories are in almost every factor you mentioned; almost eerily, in fact. I know exactly how you feel --you KNOW it's not a coincidence, but yet you're unable to assess it in a logical fashion. It's completely natural to feel that way. I, too, was raised Roman Catholic, but wasn't too religious. After falling in love with the physical and biological sciences when I started college, I soon began dismissing the belief in God all together. Having been an undergraduate teaching assistant at my university, I tutored freshman biology majors. Biology was my life, and I started forming my view of life around it. Back then, I would have said the "11.34" mystery was simply a byproduct of the subconscious mind. However, things have changed since then and I now look at the world differently.
When I first started seeing 11:34, I foolishly told family, friends, and co-workers. It was foolish because they'd quickly dismiss this almost supernatural event that was taking place for me. If they didn't laugh it off, they cordially heard me out, but then changed the subject; therefore, they thought I was exaggerating or was just making it up. I knew I had to start keeping it to myself. No one really understood. For awhile, I was second guessing myself. I, too, was dismissing these events as mere 'coincidence.' However, after some time, I began to come to the realization that these events were in no way mere coincidence, especially in a statistical sense. One of the major factors in my reasoning was I never saw '34' when I was consciously looking for it. For example, I would only see it if I was genuinely checking the time or turning on my phone --not if I was thinking, "Hey, I wonder if it's "XX:34?" Wow! It just happened! My eyes, almost automatically, looked at the corner of my screen and boom, "4:34AM!" That's exactly what I'm talking about. Being a biology major, I was aware of something called the Circadian rhythm, which is basically like a biological clock. I would put the mystery of the 34 into that biological principle; however, it didn't explain why I was seeing it in places outside of time (i.e. clocks). I'd see it on receipts, license plates, books, text message character counts, etc. I'll give you 2 examples from just this week: (1) My coworker got a wig and was talking about it. I wondered how much does something like a wig cost. I asked her, she said, "Well, my wig cost exactly $34." (I was stunned, though I didn't let her know that). The other is, (2) my girlfriend asked me what time it was upon waking up, I checked the time --7:34AM! Now how can you put those two example on the coincidental or 'brain playing tricks on you' categories? You can't.
I, too, consider myself a dreamer and have also fantasized about a perfect life involving the things you wrote. I think this is PART of the reason you're seeing 34. You sound, to me, like someone who looks at life in a different way than the average person. You aren't one to just take up the regular American life. You want answers, you want meaning. You want to understand the mysteries of the universe. If this is true, then you're like me. I think part of the 34 mystery is the universe is communicating with YOU. You're looking for these answers, and the universe is basically saying, "Hey, I can hear you. I'm showing you 34 to get your attention." When I say universe, I don't necessarily mean it in a physical way. Universe can mean different things to different people. It might mean God, angel, spirit guide, energy, force, or whatever name you want to give it or attribute it to. Either way, however, it's something beyond the physical --it's metaphysical (supernatural), at least in my opinion.
My philosophy about the whole 34 mystery comes partly from research (amateur research, but nonetheless...), experience, and many many hours of thought. Do not, I repeat, do not be in fear or feel condemned. That's how I felt when it first started happening. It's not something to fear, it's something miraculous --something otherworldly. As I was saying before, the reason I think you, me, and the others on this message board have been seeing these signs is because we're naturally open to this kind of phenomena. It's almost like we're somewhat psychic on a certain level. Something, someone, or perhaps even our 'higher-self', is whispering at XX:34 to "look at the clock," or "look at your phone," etc. After learning this --having been a doubter in the supernatural, and one who was desperate for answers-- I had almost a revolution of faith. Not the kind of faith you think of like religious or what not, but a kind of personal faith in some kind of supreme being or force that's in and around all of us, and that connects us all together. So, please don't worry. This is a positive thing, definitely not a negative.
The more and more you begin to open yourself up to this phenomena, the more it'll happen. Fear is a form of negative energy and will block further occurrences of synchronization (which some refer to as 'coincidence') from happening. I believe that everything happens for a reason. I'm not one who particularly likes participating in message boards, but after seeing this board (and your reply) I felt compelled to share my story and thoughts. After all, if it wasn't for 34, I wouldn't be writing this and you wouldn't be reading this --everything happens for a reason, there are no accidents in this world.
If there's anything else I can do to help, or something I didn't answer, just let me know. I'll be checking in.
RE: 11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Derek - 3/12/11 9:10 AM
Michael, thank you for your time and elaborate answer. There is something you have said that stikes a chord with me, and is my gut sense as well. That is...["It's almost like we're somewhat psychic on a certain level. Something, someone, or perhaps even our 'higher-self', is whispering at XX:34 to "look at the clock," or "look at your phone," etc."] It is uncanny the feeling that I get when it just happens. I always ask myself, how can it be that I decided out of the blue to look at the clock or witness that number at just that moment? It is further intriguing that being concious of seeing that number prior to looking, never results in seeing it.
With regards to being psychic on a certain level (and at the risk of sounding like a total loon) do you feel like you are ever able to think of things moments before they happen? This may be difficult to explain properly, but for me it is a very strange and often occurance indeed. The problem is that what I see, or imagine happening in my mind will many times happen. However, they seem to only happen when it was a passing thought that I didn't dwell on. In other words, it was a brief thought that I didn't conciously recognize. It is only after that thought occurs in real life, that I can look back and think "My God, I just thought that...and it happened!" Much like the number 34, this happens A LOT. An eerie amount of times. It actually happens so often, that I try to log in my mind the time frame that is passing between thought of an occurance, and the actual occurance. It is a very short peroid of time. If I had to put an average time on it, it would be 3 minutes (2-4 minutes is the general window). I know this might sound obsurd, but honestly it is spooky.
I do not know what to make of your thoughts that this 'whispering' from something supernatural to us is positive. I would love to think that, but my overwhelming sense that comes over me when these events occur is not positive, but rather negative. Like I am condemned, and some force is letting me know that I am condemned. Making me know that there is nothing I can do to escape whatever might be in store for me, Hell or whatever.
I find it very ironic that we both grew up Catholic, and have since rationalized God out of existence in our heads. I wouldn't say totally for me for the fact that I am afraid to not believe on some level, and I will pray for certain things and the well being of myself and family. However, my skepticism mainly stems from the Bible and the 'stories' of the Bible, which I interpret as myths that have been blown way out of proportion, written by man (who is inherantly evil and selfish and liars). My main question for God with relation to how he can expect us to have faith in him is a simple question...How can God expect us to believe stories created by man some two thousand years ago? I don't want to sound blasphemous, but what if Jesus was merely a con-man, no different than a Charles Manson or other cult leader that had a small following of 'believers' that rumored stories for him? I am not saying this is what I think, merely what if that is the case? How can people put their faith in something that most likely is not real? Michael, the one question I want you to answer is my question about ever making a 'deal'.
RE: 11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 4/17/11 1:06 PM
Derek-I found myself on this site today the same way you did. Everything I have read on this site has been happening to me for the last 17 years. I'm @ the point where some days I see it 15-20 times. I am very spritual. My thoughts on it: I heard a very wise saying once, it goes- Coincidences is GODS way of staying anonymous! Another words every time u see 34, he's just saying I'm here. I have gotten in the habbit of telling him I Love Him and Thanx!!! every time I see it. Don't fall into the devil's trap and let him take that blessing away from you!!! As for why it's the number 34, well that's why I'm here!!!
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Stacey - 1/31/12 2:28 PM
I see 11:34 everyday. I see 12:34 almost everyday. I too see the 34 all the time and do feel like I am a person that doesn't see things as regular people do. I have brought this up with other people and they all have numbers they see all the time. My brother always see 10:12. Our Mom's b-day. Nice to know it is not an evil number yelling at me, but rather the heavens saying, Hi and Thank You for being conscious! I also don't hurt any animals, and save everything from harm. I am a vegetarian, almost Vegan. I am a musician, singer / songwriter. Hope the universe is telling me to stay on track and stay true to myself. Thank GOD you guys are going through this too. I thought I was nuts. Go 11:34!!!!
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Migz1134 - 5/08/12 11:06 AM
I am happy to find people with similar if not identical stories, I have been seeing the number 1134 for quite some time now, I would say about three to four years. sometimes it happens twice a day 1134am and 1134pm other times in the morning only or vice versa. sometimes if I do not see 1134 I will see 1143 but it never fails. I read all the responses posted here and I must admit I am intrigue by how many similarities we have, I have seen 1134 in receipts, license plates, books, etc. one time I was walking down the street and it was very windy a piece of cardboard flew in front of me with the numbers 1134 and other numbers following it. I also have had thoughts that later down the line they became true just the way of how I imagine it, I have no idea if I have the capability to see the future or if I can really do such things just by thinking about them. they say the mind is a very powerful tool and with every tool you need to learn how to use it. I even try to think I won the lotto just to see if this thought will come true at later time, so far no luck, maybe I am not doing it right or perhaps just like the above person said I didn't dwell on it, I didn't think much of it until it really happen. All this years of seeing the number I learn to embrace it rather than be fearful of it, I even have created a few online accounts and screen names with the number 1134 after my name. I must admit at times when I do see it too many times I get frustrated because I want to understand what it really means and why I see it so often, I am a very open minded person, I want to understand everything in life and the universe, I also look at life very different than an average person I love the cosmos and the entire universe and I know that people have said that math is the language of the gods and I happen to believe that. one last note on how often I see the number on may 05 2012 at exactly 1134pm the so called Super moon will be its brightest.. to answer your question I have never done any deals for my soul.. I hope one day to truly learn what this all means. Thank you for reading..
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Josh - 5/26/12 10:21 PM
I've had the exact same things happen. Lots of times in coincidences together. Like I put in my yahoo questions I saw 11:34 on the clock and 113.4 on the mile marker while I was driving down the road while my odometer was at 1343777. (343 is 7*7*7) 2134 is 7*7*7*7, so that could explain seeing 1134 and 1234, since 2134 doesn't exist on a clock.
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Rosa - 8/17/12 3:27 PM
I too see 11:34 quite frequently - to the point in which I have told my family and friends. Clocks, receipts, and even odder times. One time i was sitting in Chilis with my brother and was speaking to him about how I always see 1134. At that exact moment, I looked out the window (I didnt have a window seat), and a 18 wheel semi mail truck was driving down the highway with the numbers 1134 as its truck number large on the front. Another time i was in the office and I looked at one clock at exactly 1134 and as I turned to look at the other clocks, they all one by one turned went from 11:33 to 11:34.
I was raised Catholic also, but by no means consider myself a religious person. I suppose I do believe in a God, but its the definition I question. One night, as I was laying on the recliner in my living room, I believe I figured out what 11:34 means. Actually, I didnt "figure it out", but it was more like someone whispered it in my ear. For me, it was like someone whispered 11th month, 34th year. This will be next year for me. I would like to believe that it means something good, rather than "hell" backwards. And as others have stated on this blog, I am an ambitious person, always striving for that "perfect" life. Maybe its just a constant reminder to stay true to ones self, and not to "sell your soul" to the devil or to evil in order to advance in ones life.
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by victor - 9/04/12 10:14 PM
I see 1134, 1133, 1135, 135 etc. I see it all the times to. I.know its something significant. Im a spiritual person attend church often. I refuse believe the 1134 backwards is my destination. When u look at 11 & 34 seperately its very spiritual. Positive thinking.
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Dan - 9/13/12 10:33 PM
I have been seeing 11:34 for atleast 15yrs now! I am a faith believer in god! I was horne's in 1975. So far i have the been experienceing the same things! I will all of a sudden pause an look at the clock an there it is! I am just like the rest of you an i too know that there is some type of significants.well i guess i am not crazy:) i used to think i was going to die at 34,but obviously i am still here! So i did worry for many years an here i am still looking for more answers! I have been told that i am verry intuitive. But what similarity's do we all have ? Thanks
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by ? - 9/28/12 1:27 PM
I my self have been going through the same,2-3 times a day I just happen to look and see 11:34 or 1:34 or 1034? I feel like something is wrong or some kind of spirit is telling me something? Strange even when playing a football game on ps3 I had a call from a friend and I paused the game and it paused at 11:34 forth quarter??? It's driving me kinda crazy..???
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 9/30/12 7:57 PM
Wow! I feel a lot better now. It's been about ten years I've been seeing same numbers 1134 1143 43 34. My license plate on my work truck is 11a 344 my tractor number is 1116. It's god saying he is with us at all times. I interpret 11a 34 as Yahweh. And 1116 as. John 3.16. Thanks guys I was thinking real negative about these numbers but not anymore. I almost forgot my electric jack is number 21 look up 21 and you'll be amazed god is with us so keep doing the right thing.
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 11/20/12 11:23 AM
This dosent help we just all have the same I'm common seeing 11:34
RE: 11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 12/09/12 8:13 AM
Just wanted to say that I see 1134 ALL the time as well. license plates, plane tickets, receipts, and especially the TIME... It freaks me out and makes me feel like I'm doomed:(
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by n.stoeffler10 - 12/09/12 10:08 PM
Well, i see that I am not alone in this ever so interesting and sometimes scary path that is infested with the number 1134. I saw the clock tonight and it read 1134 therefore I decided to look it up, and I was led here. I have seen this number since childhood. I have seen it in on the clock 2x a day, at times for months on end. I have seen it in movies, I have receipts, clothing tags, random lottery drawings, and so so much more. And after burining into my mind that It was because I was doomed in some way.. I found God. I became ( or made myself believe) that this was God's subtle way of reminding me of wher I could be headed if I did not get myself in check. Then.. I looked back on the majority of the times that I was seeing these numbers, and I was living in sin, teribly. But as I forceably changed my life for the good, I did not see it as much. But I cannot speak for all of you, some of you may have never been as bad as I USED to be. But I know one thing for sure. I have been seeing it more and more over the last month (And I've not been a saint, but I have not been like I used to be.) I realized that this is very much not a coincidence, as there is nothing that happens for no reason. I have Loads of material and insight I have collected (including my own) to share with all who are plagued by the 1134 issue we seem to have in common. One of my emails is posted as my name, and I'm a resident here in sunny south florida (broward) If any one knows something I don't or wants to see what I have researched. I am a normal 32 years old man who runs a marketing research company,amd just wants to know what we have in store for us. Not one of us can truly know what this means, except the one responsible for it..... get at me. .. Nothing is Coincidence ..
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Dee - 2/19/13 12:20 PM
I am so relieved now, that I am not the only one going through this. I really thought I was going nutz. It happens to me all the time. Wherever I go, whatever I'm doing, I will stop and glance at the clock and there it is 1134 or 134 or 341, 431, 437, 734. All day long. It was starting to worry me, so every time it happens, I say " hello to u too" n I say a prayer. I am catholic and I do believe in god. I sometimes feel as if I'm spiritual. What I will imagine happening will oddly sometimes happen. I never told anyone, i don't want anyone thinking I'm crazy. I'm just glad I'm not the only one this is happening to. Hopefully this will be a good thing and not a bad thing.
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Jaynow - 3/27/13 9:49 PM
People reading all these posts creeps me out,,,,,I see the number all the time this is not a coincidence first you have to notice it then you look forward to seeing it then you tell friends and family then you sit on it then you google it and find this site were all connected in some wierd way govt. science ??????
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Drose - 4/09/13 7:49 PM
Wow I too have been experiencing seeing the number 1134, 134, for quite some time too. I am a believer in The Lord and consider myself a spiritual person. Every time it seems I look at the clock it's 11:34, the other day I was behind a city bus and the bus number was 1134. I didn't even realize it till I recently moved and looked at one of my candle holders with biblical scripture on it and it was 1 Corinthians 13:4. That happens to be my favorite scripture ;) . It's good to know there are others out there also.
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by matt - 4/25/13 7:53 PM
I've been seeing it for 14 years now and today on a purchase I made lead me to look into it further... I am happy to see I am not, defiantly not alone in 1134. I just need reason. I am basically like most of you in most of the areas you all discuss. I was raised catholic (roman) I question everything and etc... I just wanted to thank all of you for helping me realize I'm NOT crazy....
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Toni - 4/28/13 12:35 AM
I am so glad i found this! I have been [aware] of seeing the numbers 1143 since i was 12. Im now 24. I see it everywhere: lisence plates, purchase totals, just written down, phone numbers and of course the time. Im going crazy trying to figure out what it means b.c like all you i am NOT consciencely looking for it
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Erbulan - 5/04/13 1:31 PM
I definitely agree that tares are the issue. Wheat will work for the kigdonm in one accord, or at least come to one accord eventually misunderstandings are bound to happen on this side of eternity. Divisions with the pastor and within congregations usually come because of a lack of focus on the most importance thing, Jesus Christ.I'm very happy with my current church as the pastoral staff love getting behind their congregations' ideas and running with them, offering suggestions and corrections along the way, empowering the people of God rather than ruling them. It's very refreshing to have that kind of environment.
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Dan - 5/20/13 1:34 PM
Had no idea that so many other people were seeing this number almost every day, several times per day, for over ten years now. I see it everywhere, but mostly on clocks. I see it in other arrangements too, like 1:34, 7:34, etc. The scariest time I saw it I was woken up in the middle of the night by a loud buzz noise and bright light. I thought something was in my room, so obviously I woke up terrified, sat straight up and was staring at my digital clock which read 4:31. There was nothing in my room. Just a very strange coincidence that it's the number I always see, but backwards, and there's only one minute that this can happen and I happen to be woken up by a phantom light and noise at that exact moment. Anyways, very glad to see I'm not the only one, and that people don't take this as some type of negative sign (the whole "hell" thing bothered me for a while).
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Dan - 5/20/13 2:20 PM
I want to just add that I did not intentionally post that comment at 1:34pm - in fact it was 3:34pm eastern time when I posted, and I didn't post it intentionally at that time either. I just came back to recheck to see if it posted ok, and noticed the time. Can't say I'm surprised, but still, wow...
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by David - 7/06/13 12:47 AM
Wow! So many with the same thing happening. Anyway I'll put my experience here. I see 11:34 and 1:34 and 7:34 multiple times a day from different sources. Sometimes its the view time on a youtube video, sometimes its when I choose to pause a video, even weirder times. I have a thermometer that also tells you the humidity, one time it showed 77 degrees 34% humidity! There are more sources where I see it. It started about 6-7 years ago. It started being the just the time on the clock, which made me think my brain somehow knew what time it was and I would look. But then it started being broken clocks, anything with a digital number readout. Sometimes it scares me, sometimes I think that the universe is trying to speak to me (upside down it spells 'hell' but it makes me feel better when I see it as the start of the word "Hello"). I was baptized as a kid in a catholic family, but never was religious. I too fantisized of what type of life I want. I remember as a young boy, taking a religious book my mom had, and somehow trying to wish for magical powers. I was trying to ask god to give me magical powers. I must have been like 9 or 10 years old, but I remember it vividly. I remember asking for specific powers like being able to move items with my mind and being able to read peoples mind (specifically to get girlfriends). I'm actually 34 years old now (another coincidence?). Also I want to say what I currently think it means. This might scare some people but sometimes I think I have a bad spirit following me trying to tell me that I will be going to hell. And basically whispering in my ear when to look at these things. I'm glad I'm not the only one.
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by jake - 7/17/13 12:54 AM
I see 11:34 all the time I saw it today and I see it everyday. im 17 and I've been noticing this since about 14 or 15. to be honest this scares me. every time I see it it makes me feel like a bad person and makes me feel like im going to hell. my faith with god is a little sketchy at best. I pray every once in awhile and evolution is a very likely possibility. but deep down I think god will always be in the back of my mind. so im just kind of confused with life but what I do know is I see this number to much. I always call it out when I see it and it freaks out my whole family because its seriously like every day. I guess the only thing I can do is try to be a good person and hope for the best.
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Alex - 7/20/13 12:56 PM
Hi everyone
I have been these signals for a couple years now. I used to see 1:11 and 11:11 a lot! My friend was the same way and we used to joke about it and actually found a very strange website about the beliefs in those numbers. But, it was about 2-3 years ago, maybe even more that I began to only see the numbers 11:34. Every time I look at the clock or just glance at it, it is always 11:34! I don't force myself to check the time, it usually just happens and it's freaking me out...it happened again to me today and I am thinking this is not a coincedence anymore. I was raised a reformed Jew...My mother is Jewish and since I was a kid, God was always the most important thing to me. I am not religious, I pray to God constantly. I am a person who loves trying to figure out the truth behind our universe. I am actually an ex felon...I used to be a hot head and a troubled kid who liked to party and fight and do all the things crazy kids do. I always felt like God wanted that felony so I can change my life. As I grow older and my thoughts are changing, my sense of God and the higher power is changing.
I really thought something might have been condemning me because I keep seeing 11:34...because if u look at those numbers upside down on a calculator or any digital clock it reads "HELL". I never believed in hell but I do believe in demons. I have also learned in the practice of free masonry is that he who seeks light must go thru lucifer. So now my thoughts are changing about the one they call Lucifer. I have no idea what to believe but I will never stop following the light and believing in God or a higher power. this forum really has opened my eyes that other people experience the same things as me. I really don't know where to go from here but just keep doing research.
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by jason - 9/09/13 10:47 PM
20 years old. Have been seeing 11:34,1:34, etc etc. nearly everyday sometimes only a couple times a week. Usually when I see it I get a chill down my spine anymore. It seems as if that number is telling me something. I have grown up in a religious family. I, however, remained agnostic through my childhood all the way to today. I'm starting to reconsider my faith.. In the past I have 'prayed' to the devil and meant every word I said. Even though I honestly didn't think the devil existed (still dont) I prayed just to go against god for whatever reason it was. I had a rough life being an idiot. Now it seems I'm pulling my life back together and the numbers are appearing more and more frequently and the first thought when I see it is "It's a sign" and "God"... I don't understand but it has been drawing my attention to Christianity. Are most people here Christians?
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by benny - 9/27/13 10:18 PM
Hey guys i have the same thing goin on i see 1134 i belive we are chosen for somthing does any of u have dreams that u know are warning u of somthing or is your family seperated
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by josh - 11/06/13 8:44 PM
I also have this same issue. 11:34 multiple times a day. I even have a tattoo that has a clock in it and without ever telling my tattoo artist about this. He tattooed the clock to... yep 11:34. It has freaked me out over the years. I've never been too religious and can't seem to get the fact that it reminds me of the word "hell" every time I see it. It's been good to find this tread though and no I'm not crazy. Thanks for making this site.
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 11/14/13 6:24 PM
@benny my parents are separated, and just like everyone else I keep seeing this number again and again, sometimes people call me at that time too, I was never baptized but I believe in God and Heaven and Hell, I've been seeing this for months and it's making me want to cry, when I was a smaller child I stole 3 things, I regret it every day and I know now it was wrong and to never do it again. I try to be a good person but when I see it I feel like I'm going to Hell, I of course don't want to and I cry because I see this, I hope it's not a bad thing because its making me miserable, also even if I don't look at the time I get a tingling feeling in my body when it's that exact time, I'm very scared and I don't want to go to Hell, I'm thinking of going to see a priest and tell them about this and see what they think, I'm very upset and I'm very worried too
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 11/20/13 12:00 AM
Darn, im the same way. I woke up in the middle of the night looked at the clock ...and guess what? Yup 1134. I had to google this phenomena
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 12/12/13 10:42 AM
my Number i always see is 12:34
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Pride - 12/19/13 2:35 AM
Has anything positive/bad happened in your life while you started
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 12/28/13 10:21 AM
I have seen 1134 for about five years myself. Like you I've felt condemed at times. I don't know what it means . I grew up believing in God and still do . No deals with the devil I can think of however I have thought about it, but quickly relic it's not worth it.
RE: 11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 1/24/14 3:52 PM
Don't be scared. You are a good person. There must be something special about you! Notice when you see it, and notice all the good things that are happening.
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 2/07/14 8:13 AM
I started seeing 1134 about 2 years ago. I would notice it at work, for some reason I'd look at the clock everyday at that time without trying to. It freaked me out, and I told a co-worker who just laughed. I was working in accounting/payroll at that time and I started seeing 1134 in reports, etc. After, I left that job 1134 sightings continued: random clocks in random places, receipts, license plates, you name it, I saw it. I'm not so much freaked out by it anymore, now more I'm intrigued. I grew up going to baptist church, don't attend now but I very much so still believe in GOD. Recently I've been researching Christianity, how to become a born again Christian. With all of the Illuminati and NWO, music industry and mass media satanic symbolism going on, I believe now that 1134 is GOD's way of showing he is real, Heaven and Hell is real. 1134 in my opinion is used to get believers or warriors of Christ to wake up and take action.
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anthony - 2/25/14 12:12 PM
I as well see it and have for about ten years. I was working with a guy and he was a really religious man but at the same time kinda a hypocrite. He always saw it and felt he was doomed or some sort of curse. Since then I have seen it sometimes everyday but sometimes not but I see it all the time. The same in movies, license plates, time, etc. After reading everyone's story I'm going to think of it as a good thing and that the presence of my loved ones that have past are around me and supporting me. Thx
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by James - 3/15/14 10:42 AM
Literally, 3 min. ago I saw 11:34. I was just watching YouTube videos and I looked up. These numbers follow me. I got a score of 11134 in hungry shark evo (an app). I don't know if you guys have realized that 11:34 upside down on a digital clock says HELL. And it scares me.
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Tim G. - 3/27/14 11:48 AM
I also have an exact same thing is happening to me . Ever since my ex wife told me 1134 flip it upside down it spells hell if you look at it on the clock . 16 years later I'm still seeing you all the time to 3-4 times a day on the clock and change from the grocery store . I do believe it's God's Way of saying stay on task remember what you could be . At least that's what I'm hoping . I am glad to see others are going through the same thing also.
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Maddie85 - 4/29/14 3:13 AM
Oh gosh, coming across this page made me sigh in relief. I see 1134 everywhere almost everyday both times a day on the clock and if I miss it I will see it on something shortly after the time. Just like tonight I went to the store and the clock in the car is off and said 218 or something so I didn't notice the time went in and my charge was 1134 after tax then got in the car and checked my phone and it was 1134!! That's just in the last 7 hours lol i literally see it every chance possible. I get so relieved when I notice the time and it's 1139 or 1131. It maxes me anxious so bad.Then I start thinking of the number 23 and how if you see it you will become obsessed. I'm not religious but very spiritual and believe in the balance of the universe but goodness I wish I could find a reason for this. What is my message???
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Maddir - 4/29/14 9:36 AM
My phones been dead all morning just plugged it in (took time to find charger and turn on) the time when I picked it up was 1134!!!
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Cara B - 5/27/14 10:41 PM
I was walking on my daughter fathers back and was right next to the tv. I didnt take notice of the time but the glare of the numbers of the clock reflecting in the television really grabbed my attention that I had to look twice. It spelled hE:ll yes hEll. It freaked me out because ive been struggling to find jesus again, felt a little attacked by a demon maybe. Sounds kooky I know. Well my take on this? If 1143 spells hell backwards then is it a good thing to see all the time or a reminder to find God again
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by No way - 6/30/14 3:50 PM
Josh said: "...2134 is 7*7*7*7, so that could explain seeing 1134 and 1234, since 2134 doesn't exist on a clock."
No Josh. 7*7*7*7 equals 2401, not 2143. Therefore, your whole conclusion is wrong.
Hence no, it can not explain seeing 1134 and 1234. And YES, 2134 exists on a clock (21:34 9:34 pm).
The logic with 1134 and 1234? Couldn't see any.
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 6/30/14 4:10 PM
1134 backwards means hell? How come? Usually "4" is taken as "A", so it'd be AELL more likely.
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Brendaquinones87 - 8/11/14 8:44 PM
Hello,My name is Brenda and I am 27. I have had a tough life and now am doing my best to walk a straight path. I consider myself very spiritual but also open to other phonemenas in life. I believe the universe is a live and God uses it to move us in many ways. I can tell you from experiance when i start to see those numbers i tread carefully. Ive seen the numbers everywhere just like everyone else. Receipts,clocks even byeing a baloon. The number was 134. Kinda freaky. Because its to frequent to be a coinicidence. Its a message for sure. The two times this year that have shown me its a warning were a time i had a flight to Ny and me and my sister kept seeing those number everywhere 134,11:34,1:34 and so fourth the whole week before the flight. Just so happens i almost missed my flight becsuse we were irresponsible with our time management. We should have been early to the airport. But we got there late. Second time is when i am around my abusive exboyfriend. I see the number on the clock constantly. Hes a bad person who lives an evil life and out of no where fights start where i can land in jail or hurt and we share a child together. As soon as i stop seeing him the numbers go away. So those experiances tell me they are a warning. Just be responsible i would say. Thats what it wants you to do. ALWAYS DO THE RIGHT THING BECAUSE A CHALLENGE OR TEST IS COMING. FOLLOW YOUR GUT(a.k.a holy spirit).
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Brendaquinones87 - 8/11/14 8:57 PM
Oh yes I just wrote the above comment. The same day of the flight i got a speeding ticket and guess the amount of the ticket. $134. I promise you. I have it if no one believes me i know its that serious for us. I dont know just pray about it but i know God is always there protecting me so i know its more Good then Bad,More Godly then evil. Although God doesnt want us believing in numerology. So jut pray till it goes away.
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by NeilB4no1 - 8/30/14 12:57 PM
Having had a spiritual awakening as a result of these steps I was "shown" in my mind, The reason "I" saw 11:34 an inordinate number of times was because I was putting my "self" through HELL On my own(without God's help)or the help of others. At least I "thought" I was alone(didn't believe we were anything, just humans, "being". That perhaps "I" was responsible for my "reality" and thusly the living HELL my life became. I came to "believe" a lot of things. I believe heaven and hell are here on earth. I believe we keep coming back till we "come to believe", "in something" for our "self", on our own, in our own time. No blithely "falling in line" or "just having faith". No "coat tail riding". I had to do "My" own research. I found the answers within. I still don't know how or why we appear to be these "people". The greatest journey is "self" discovery. What we are all a part of, not from. Whether we're aware of it or not. Perhaps no-selfdotcom might help. You can figure that one out yourself. Stay true to your self. Free your own mind. Believe in something greater than just your "self". Movies. Song Lyrics. Love them! I'ts as if the Younivserse speaks to me through them! All of them! It's all good! Service to others, gets me out of my "self". Give Love with no expectations of receiving anything in return. Can't go wrong there. Reality IS the greatest work of "fiction" ever!
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Scott - 9/22/14 6:51 AM
Hi guys- I see this multiple times a day as everyone else mentions. Sometimes more than others. Everyday on my way to work I get off exit 11 route 34. I see it on the clock TV, on receipts, all the same stories. I sometimes awake in the middle of the night and its 1:34, etc. This morning I listened to a video online and it started by saying this report was posted at 7:34am. I just smile when it happens and just giggle to myself because I have just never been able to figure out what it means. At first I thought it was a negative thing, but since have embraced it. I am a 35 year old Male born on October 18th and am non religious. I feel like I am a good person, but also think very differently than most. I also do feel like it is some sort of message or warning or something about things to come in the world, but have never been able to pin point what it could be. I do feel like I have some type of slight special mental power, but again have never been able to put my finger on it. I do have a very high I.Q. so wondering if anyone else on here also has similar characteristics. May be too many of us but it would be cool to do a google hangout or skype with whoever wants to join to just chat about our experiences. Anyhow good luck to you all and lets hope this is just some greater powers saying hello to us when they feel we need it most:) Happy Monday!
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by ronnie - 9/30/14 10:45 PM
I cant believe how many people experience this!!! I thought i was the only one, its everything!! Hotel rooms, time, addresses, every single day!!! What does it mean??
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by David Garcia - 11/19/14 1:20 PM
I can relate to all this. I have been seeing this for quite some time and after googling it I found it was an angel message. I try my best to listen for guidance or insight. I love to think a miracle is about to happen. I think we should all meet and share our passion, stories, thoughts and conclusion. This is deffinately not a coincidence, and neither is this Website or what brings us here.
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 12/18/14 5:10 PM
This is all I see too...34, 43, 11, anything with 43 or 34 in it. It is a sign from God I believe
RE: 11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 12/27/14 12:31 PM
my brother for years thought he had committed a sin so bad he was condemned forever....as I was praying for him....God said to me...."Tell him I see the end from the beginning".....the end of the world as we know it will be when we catch up to Heb 9:12.....Jesus put his blood on the alter of God....It is the "IT IS FINISHED"......cry out for forgiveness and to be washed in the BLOOD of Jesus....when God sees' you all he will see is his Sons' BLOOD
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 1/15/15 11:40 AM
I too have come across this time 11:34 . I came to thought at first that it was a coincidence and must be lucky numbers or really I don't know. I also as others mentioned with 11:34 backwards and upside down spells hell. But something inside of me never feared that. I've lived a life where I can say i've escaped death a few times. I've been saved through past bad experiences and have been only made stronger as a person. for as religion goes, I was born Catholic but never participated. I've always believed in God but did'nt take it any further than that. Recently I have been led to Christianity within the last year and I was not at all seeking religion. But i was looking for help, guidance and answers. Since I've come across Christianity my eyes have been Sooo exposed to things I've never imagined. My life has new value. New views, i've gotten answers, I've got help and guidance. Unreal that everything I've needed was right there all along. Now with this 11:34 message we receive daily. It is a sign of contact. For that I feel something when I see those numbers. As much as it might seem like a mind game but to actually get a feeling is totally different. In these scriptures here I'm going to post, I can actually relate to. I don't know if others can but hopefully you will. But before I go forth with that. I want to ensure those who disclose themselves with god, that he is there. Have I seen him? No.. But i feel him. We all do. The Trinity that we are made of. The father, the Son and the Holy Spirit lives within all of us. We are made of a soul and a spirit through Jesus saving our sins for his father. Anytime you receive a feeling that touches you, through whatever in life your doing is your spirit(heart). We were not created to see this obviously, why human belief of it is impossible. We may not see it but we feel it. Anyway. Here are scriptures I've found that relate with this amazing message for us chosen 11:34ers :)
Heb 11:34
Quenched the fury of the flames,and escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength;and who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies.
Luke 11:34
Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are healthy, your whole body also is full of light. But when they are unhealthy, your body also is full of darkness.
I hope this can be relative to those who encounter this 11:34 message as for how I find myself to understand it as those who said it can be a wake up call or a reminder. Just when you think your alone and no one is watching. They've been watching all along. Be one with god for he is your way for love,help and guidance. Listen to him, Because he listens to you. He will only be faithful and righteous with you if you are for him. God bless you all!!
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by karan - 1/17/15 2:26 AM
You guys are like my family now I swear my life revolves around the number 143 in many iddferent orders and various additions as well as those same numbers. I'm Christian and just praise Jesus's name because it's like a message and in my personal experience which doesnt happen to others when I try to relate. Therefore I've been thinking positive about it and God's there.its funny how all the september birthdays experience it often, mine is on the 29of September so I can relate.
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by karan - 1/17/15 2:30 AM
Also, another relationship is 1134 backwards is hell although its a reverse which sounds like a signal that the one staying in God's hand will go to the reverse location of hell which is heaven.. Just stay true to God since we're majority of Christians who are experiencing it
RE: 11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 1/28/15 11:50 AM
I couldn't have said it any better 100% I think it's a Libra thing we have some psychic abilities I keep on seeing the number 34 so I made it my favorite numba
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Bryan B - 2/07/15 8:44 AM
This is awesome, I'm not crazy. I first saw 1134 on my clock when I was 12. I was upside-down so I saw hell I did t think anything of it but started to see it all the time. I'm 35 now and it hasn't changed I wanot to get it as a tattoo, not knowing if it's good or bad but it has been a part of me for a long time now. My brother be lives me now that I'm not just looking for it. He wanted to buy a new cell phone and asked me to have a look and see what I think of it. I looked at the phone and the time was 1134. No other phone had that display time. I did find a meaning that I like. It's called the angel numbers if you ha entry found it already look it up may make you feel better about the number, I know i have.
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by shalimar - 3/03/15 8:46 AM
I've had the same thing going on for years now....I see 11:34 am and pm everyday. I realized that if you add the numbers up it equals 9...the number 9 is a sacred number you can look up the sacred number 9 and how the universe equal 9 in all we see. It gets deep. Maybe theses numbers are trying to tell us something.
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Julian - 4/14/15 12:10 AM
Seriously? Okay first off I see the number 11:34 all the time not really 9:34 or anything else. Once and awhile I will see 12:34 but very it's very rare. I see 11:34 all the time. And unlike most of u I am not holy or am very religious or even understand why GOD would show us the number 11:34?!?? In what reason would that help me or anyone else? Beside come on here because like u guys I wondered what was going on?? And here all of u are talking about God putting us together by this number?? How do u figure? Because u have the belief in or follow God in some way ?? All of u r all relieved because people said that it must be from God and that's it? U all think that answer is the one??? No more digging?? No more searching? Lol wow. God can be an answer but not the only answer. We need to open our eyes a little more here people. Seriously.
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Julian again - 4/14/15 12:13 AM
Oh and another thing I'm not a liver either so whoever put that answer up is an idiot.
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Julian - 4/14/15 12:14 AM
I meant libra. Seriously?!!?! Star signs ?!!? Lol
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by A Christian - 4/30/15 1:55 AM
Ok everyone I'm going to let you all in on some very relieving news.. I have seen this number many times and all of you are correct. 734 and 1134 and 134 are very significant and I'm about to explain the significance in my experience. Although there is no zero before the numbers God uses this number to let you know that he is making a point or he is watching you at that perticular moment. At first when the enemy was always putting fear and doubt in my mind , I thought it would spell hell backwards just like many of you all have thought and if you are living a sinful life then that could be his way of telling you that you need to make better choices, however after giving my life to Christ what was intended for my harm actually was turned around for good. Now when I see those numbers I get very happy because it's actuallly God telling me hello or 734 backwards or hello 1134.. I specifically have spoken out loud to him to confirm that what this actually means is Hello . I would like to be very specific on how God confirmed this with me. If anyone would like to know more about this and what happens please email me at Hugoestrada1.
This is actually very powerful and I don't mind sharing this with you all. By the way I'm also an ex army ranger .
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Megan - Daughter of the King - One Savior - One God - 9/19/15 3:24 PM
Goodness where would I even begin... I noted my beliefs in my Megan as you can see. #1 because I am a very proud believer in Jesus Christ. Always have been and ALWAYS will be. And #2 being because I feel like I have to scream that out loud almost minute by minute in my life right now. First I KNOW God has been heavily with me since my this has all begun but I can't help but to be almost certain that I am been under attack by the other side of things as well. Reason why God has had me under his wing so mercifully and lovingly. But I want it to STOP! Especially since I am a single mother with two amazing children to take care of (with out much of a support system at all) ALL MY SUPPORT COMES FROM GOD, trust me! I've literally seen some extremely scary days for over a year now.. But because of Him :) I am still fighting and singing His praises!
I see the number 43 sometimes 20+ times a day. Exactly how you described it.. Catching my attention anyway it can. Then came the number 47... Then 34. I just want to know why. Because like I said I've seen some very bad days and had one bad thing after another happen to me almost daily for over a year. I want it to stop. I WILL live through this because I'd never in a million years be anything other than a firm believer in Jesus Christ. But goodness make the numbers go away!! Any thoughts you have on this please?
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Kevin willbur - 10/08/15 10:02 PM
Wow... It started in middle school for me, type in 1134 on a calculator. Over the years in point it out to friends and they just blow it of. I started to point it out to my wife when it happens. On the clock, on the timer of the crock pot, after arguing with my wife I look at the time.. So I searched it, of course I didn't have to finish and the magic numbers pop up. For me I only see 1134 not just 34, or 734. But I thought about it for a min... And 25 came to mind. 25 was my number in school. My box number in elementary, my locker number. Then... Let's break it up. 25 is a 2 and a 5. 2 is 2 1's. (11) 2+5=7 and 7-3=4 1134 I have always found these numbers my whole life. Happy to know I'm not the only one.
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Dresden - 11/13/15 8:21 AM
This is not a bad sign .. it does not represent hell or a negative thing......... This is a symbol that has been placed in our lives for our divine intentions abilities and united power to uplift the energy and action/work it will take to make a massive global impact for awesome and beautiful revival. I must not reveal to much here
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Alex - 1/07/16 6:21 PM
I read your post, and related to it in almost every way shape and form, i.e. timeing that you've been conscious of it, the recurrence is becoming basically daily that i see the actual 11:34 but like you, i totally unconsciously began to notice i see 11:43 and 1:34- those particular 3 #s show up constantly, and sometimes a 2 pops in there, usually 12:34 -it's ridiculous....
The funny thing is, i don't even care what time it is in general. I had a bad car accident and am not working, driving, socializing is dissipating and my health is declining...
I'm always skeptical of things, and feel that reality is my reality mainly therefore; what is "truth" any ways? Plus i can always be a lawyer or the "devils advocate", no pun intended because....
****as i read your post, like i said, i was weirded out that i had decided to search this and find your post. And patiently read your words till the end like you said........
***************my heart stopped with your question and yet my intuition was keen and i almost knew as i read....What you were going to say........*********
-i did make some deal
-i was a child, a toddler still and even though i don't recall why or exactly what, i remember:
-it was xmas eve around 1984 ish?, my parents let me open one present. It was a cabbage patch doll.
-i was alone and my big sister was sleeping out, we shared a room
-i was scared, and i felt the devils presence....I was 3!!!???!!!
-i have a photo graphic image of me holding my doll on the bottom bunk, looking at ooorrrr i should say through!!! The ground...Praying to hell, it was calling me
-i dont know what was said or why, but i think i offered up my soul or luck or idk!!!!! But i begged and prayed, and i have been seeking answers or sum thing in past few years asking close friends and such if they ever experienced something like that.
-i feel that i am unusually intuitive, empathetic and that runs in my family or sum kind of psychic type thing.
-i also have experienced messed up stuff. There's so much more....
Freaked out
RE: 11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Alex - 1/08/16 8:57 AM
Of course I as well see 34 frequently, but almost too much. Today I woke from a dream and the time was 9:34 this happens very often. When you mentioned your compassion for creatures and how you were a dreamer it compelled me to reply. I woke from a dream today, the dream involved loved and compassion for a female this has been happening lately, non the less the female in my dream she changed actually to a form of evil energy or in other terms a demon. I have sworn my service to god many times and like you I previously would bash his existence trying to solve the universe. 34 is a sign god is with you, protecting you, or some type of higher ultimatum.when I woke up at 9:34 from this dream it made me realize there was something looking over me, something positive and if you look more into 34 what's looking over us are angels, or spiritually higher consciousness of other dimensions if you want to get scientific. Once I previously astral projected to come to the same demonic face that was in my dream. 34 means there are higher powers above protecting us from these negative entities. If you can't tell already there is a war raging currently and it goes much much higher than people. This is the war between good and evil, it has always raged, it will always be of existence. The life we currently live is set to decide our path, good or evil, who will you fight for. This religiously would refer to god and Satan, but of course it goes much higher than that. Think of god and Satan as recruiters, god knows the power of love and positivity will in time overcome evil and negativity. But Satan recruits as well that's why being a positive person and trying to help others goes a long way. These powers are in existence today they are all around us evil usually represents temptation, deny negative temptations please. Do not sleep with thy neighbors wife is a good representation of this, in fact dont sleep with anyone's wife simply to strength your own morals. In this life I am here to spread knowledge I am a being that can reform information rationally and spiritually. I am telling you pick your path but puck wisely, good or bad. There is also something known as the middle, you can view this as purgatory. This can happen when we allow ourselves to walk the middle line of good and bad, meaning we have not represented either side but both. I have sworn myself to good and god like i said, and realize three years ago I was an atheist try to figure this out as well. We all have a purpose please never give up, and please join me as a member of good we together can outlast any negative power that tries to grasp the world as we know it. Look at the world as we know it today isn't this the simple battle we face at all ends? Pick up the wallet or give it back. Life is quiet simple when you look at it in these terms because that's how its suppose to be. There ARE higher forms of consciousness and one day many of us will be apart of them, looking back at human existence as bacteria. Love your family love your friends love the people around you, we are all human, this life is very simple try to embrace that, but always remember to enjoy it just in the right way. To anyone that finds this outlandish and absurd, this is natural I understand. My reply, I will see you on the other side in some way or another, or I may not, either way its irrelevant. If your ever having a nice dream and something like what happened to me happens to me, take this as a sign the "devil" is trying to stray you from your path of good. If this is mind boggling I understand, please I only ask that you be the best person you can be, never give up on love, never give up on doing the right thing, do not give into the temptations of evil it will consume you.The number 9:34 when I woke today connected many pieces of my life, I am meant to be writing this post right now, and you are meant to be reading it, nothing is coincidence. One last thing I must add, evil cannot prevail in the end good beats evil, it has been foreseen, now choose your side, I'm warning you, choose wisely.
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Salvatore - 1/20/16 9:44 PM
Ok I did not read everything on here is any one aware that 11:34 up side down spells hell and I have been seeing it for years and it makes me so mad I just tonight was thinking about it and decided to look at the time freaked out because it popped in my head and I had to test it and look at the clock yuppppp 11:34 as I was asking myself if I die where am I going and I turn around just to see 11:34 well it's clear in going to hell
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Chad - 3/15/16 3:08 PM
I'm so glad I found these amazing stories people have shared god bless all of you I have been seeing these numbers for years and only told a few people they thought I was nuts lol I now know there is a reason I'm seeing these numbers now I will embrace these not be scared and think it's just me going crazy
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 3/22/16 2:20 PM
Like a lot of people here, I too, see :34 something often- it's not always the same it could be 8:34 like I saw today, next time it could be 2:34- it changes all the time. I thought it could be the winning lottery number or maybe my time of death (whenever that might happen) I see it sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night and that always stikes me to be odd... But what is more odd, I have told 2 people in my my life that I was close to and now they see it too... I scratch my head in wonder because I know I'm not doing it intentionally, are they? Of course, they say no - maybe this is just a coincidence and our physiology is in sync- IDK - but do agree it means something 😄
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Msizi - 4/28/16 6:31 PM
I knw, no one will blve this i have been quite about it...bt its been worryin me it all started with pimples on my back, which were itchy dat it turned it sores now its number 134 and 4 is d opposite way, what does this mean...
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 5/01/16 9:30 PM
omg i woke up and it was 11:34 am tf???!!!!
RE: 11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Christina & Damien - 5/02/16 12:09 AM
34. I (Christina) have seen this number for almost 4 yrs....3-4 yrs. When I met the the love of my life (Damien),i was 34 and he was 34; and ever since we met we have both seen 34 everywhere. The clock is always something 34...licence plates have 34 or 7 or triple 4. He and i see it daily. It has become our encouragement and guidance. At first we thought we were looking for it but it was so obvious that one time it was stained in the concrete wall in front my parking stall. Now i know it is Angel number 34. When we see the number in any form we know its guiding us to our destiny. We know now to listen to our intuition and follow what we "know" to do.
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Eric T. - 5/10/16 11:39 PM
17, been seeing this 11:34 for about 9-10 months now, want answers, please, even after 5 years someone has to know something on here.
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Sadness - 9/06/16 2:02 PM
I'm tired of seeing the same number 34-I don't want to see it again. Every time I see this number 34 something bad happens and I don't know why. I hate this number in my life. When I saw 11:34 years ago my family friends hasn't been the same. It's destroying me. Can someone please help me. I have prayed and got no answer. Looking on line everyday can't find any real meaning. Someone please help me. Please
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Ken Wadley - 9/21/16 11:47 AM
I've experienced this same phenomenon since my teens, and to a ridiculous degree. Like many who have commented on here, for years I felt doom or damnation every time I would see it. But hear me friends; the TRUTH I've come to realize is this: We can KNOW that hell is NOT our destination when we BELIEVE and place our FAITH and TRUST in the FINISHED WORK of JESUS CHRIST on the cross of Calvary that PAID THE PRICE OF OUR SIN IN FULL. The bible says to live by FAITH and not by SIGHT. Often times for me that means choosing to put my faith in Christ's finished work on the cross, and not in what the numbers of a digital clock might say, or anything else for that matter. The Bible tells us that we have an enemy whose goal is too steal, kill, and destroy--and discourage! I believe that we can be tempted and prompted at times to see things that might cause us to doubt the POWER and SUFFICIENCY of Christ's work on the cross--including seeing 1134 twenty times a day--but here's the TRUTH: Our enemy is doomed for eternity to that place called hell, but IN CHRIST WE ARE NOT!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Julia - 3/01/17 5:39 PM
So well said. I feel this 100%..thank you!
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by jay - 3/07/17 12:45 PM
i see 134 or 1134 multiple times a day for years. Something just draws me to the clock at the time or it can be on a receipt of time left in a sports game just all the time i wish we knew what it meant
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by JC - 4/12/17 6:29 PM
I have been seeing this for over 30 years now...I have just lived with it as a part of my life...I have done so much research on numbers and nothing has added up yet(no pun intended). I have told friends and family and they just look at me weird. So now I just go with it...no matter if it is a bad scenario or good there is a 34 or 1134 in it somewhere guaranteed, it's almost like a path or trail. But I have yet to find someone with knowledge and I mean real knowledge of number sequence or numerology. I know there is some significance but I have yet to find it and it has been over 30 years....that's my 2 cents
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by FireStarGazer - 6/03/17 4:04 PM
I have been seeing the numbers 34 and 43 to the point where it's laughable. I see it as a wink, hello, and a way from the universe to check in with me and me to check in with the universe. Almost every hour on the hour I see the numbers 34 then 43. In other places like my phone's percent of battery life, license plates, receipts, lol right now at 4:34 pm! Haha! It confirms or reaffirms me of where I'm supposed to be.. Or where I need to be. I check myself and realign my thoughts at these times and become aware of the other signs around me. At 4:34 pm just a few moments ago for example, I was here typing this. But the tv was also on and I was aware of what the actor's lines were. "God and spirit" came out ;) it's a dumb cheerleading movie that's on for background noise. But I consider this as a sign that I'm where I'm supposed to be.
My question to all of you is this: what are you thinking and feeling during these times? What is happening around you? And if you can recall what those thoughts/feelings are/were, how can you transform them to manifest the life you want for the future? It's quite obvious that the universe, God, something metaphysical, angels or what might have you is guiding us with these numbers. I do not believe that this is negative. It's anything but. But how can you use this to your advantage in life?
If we are all connected, and if we are the universe witnessing itself, we are recognizing the patterns of the universe, and patterns of ourself :) The universe is based on numbers and mathematics. God is within ourselves. We can use these patterns and numbers, and steer our thoughts into manifestation.
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Dank - 6/08/17 12:23 AM
I too have seen this number way to often on clocks and oddly enough it's when I'm pumped up (Shiva mode) I also see the number 1234 on clocks when my mind is in construction mode. There is a fifth deminsion and it goes like this------ 1st dimension - single perspective only being able to process how you feel and what will happen to you
2nd dimension - being able to have empathy feel others and make decisions symbioticly where both prosper
Third dimension - imagining and visualizing both prospering letting it go and noticing sometimes it happens exactly the way your third eye projected it.
Fourth dimension - the realization that your mood attitude train of thoughts feeling for the day effects the imagining projecting process.
And the Fifth dimension - when you start this process you realize that you are reaching in/out of a sort of quantum field of power to bring these things into fruition. I believe this quantum field is God and the more spirit faith you have the stronger the outcomes can be. Kind of explains praying and how we're all connected on a deeper level.
I hope I don't disappear for writing this : • all good though I have faith that I'll be just fine !i!
RE: 11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 6/23/17 5:15 PM
Buddy it's like myself write that your not alone. I grew Christian I have always believed in God an believe Christ is a loving an forgiving saviour also I fear his wrath but I've almost wanted all this worldly stuff bad but I've known it's better to be humble .bible says give everything away an follow him, I'm starting to think we are chosen to be warriors or something I don't know but were special in some way, I will get back stay in touch everybody God bless
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Jean - 6/27/17 2:55 PM
Wow! I am in shock after reading a lot of these posts. I too always wondered why these numbers are always showing up. I've had pastors single me out at church and tell me that I am important. Twice in my life I've told people something that came to reality. One being telling a close friend of mine that she will bear a child although the doctors told her it was impossible. I am no God, but I strongly felt that he wanted me to pass along that message. I also feel that I will play a big part as a Soldier for God or something along those lines. I feel a little crazy saying this but you all have opens my eyes. I feel as we are connected and should continue to work on finding a pattern or the connection to all this.
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Jean - 6/27/17 3:00 PM
Shoot, I forgot the most important part. Today I turned 34. As I finish speaking to my mother I looked at the clock and it was 1134. So that Ms how I ended up in this website. I can't make this up.
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Zachary - 7/07/17 10:44 AM
Im only 19, but i have been seeing the same time twice a day for the past 3 years, 11:34. At first i thought it was cool, and i was somehow being given a sign. It turns out i was right. Its a sign of self torment over the things we can never fix in our lives. 1134 upside down? hEll. I have had trouble sleeping since then. Ive been getting chills when im alone and when its around 2 or 3 in the morning, im scared to leave my room because it feels like there is something following me. Going to see a psychiatrist shortly. Will update when possible
RE: 11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 7/10/17 2:12 PM
I agree with firestargazer on 6-3-17. My numbers are 1,3 and 7. I see combinations of those numbers continually all day everyday for about 20 years. Today is the 16th day of the tenth month of the year 5777 in the Jewish calendar. That adds up to 34. So I ended up on this site to investigate the spiritual significance of 34 as this is my third day sober and I have been struggling with alcohol all my life. And I feel it's a great big hug from holy Spirit to keep getting clean and stay on the path of the higher frequency of love. To love myself and take care of my body because Jesus has already overcome the devil. Do not fear seeing the numbers, rather purpose to praise God when you do and be grateful that the universe is nudging you toward higher consciousness.Be at peace
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Belfunkian - 8/24/17 11:05 PM
I can't believe everyone here sees this too. For 18 years now I've seen seeing 11:34, 7:34, 1:34 & those combos in various ways but mostly on the clock. I've always assumed it's "HELL" spelled upside down and backwards. 11:34 = 11Eh.....or so it looks like on a digital clock. It looks EXACTLY LIKE HELL on a digital clock. I haven't read all the comments here but im looking forward ro seeing how it began for ppl. Mine was an episode where a massive amount of LSD had 100% real(I was highly experienced with lsd.....I wasnt hallucinating the experience)spiritistic creatures/entities making fun of me.....laughing and messing with me. I've been a Christian my entire life. One who follows the Bible closely......where I dont celebrate Christmas or any holiday because of the origins being.pagan. Anyways, my experience with the # still comes in waves. I didn't see it.for about a yr but the past month......2-6,7 times a day I see it......and it comes at times when my conscious is bothering me. Like when im rebelling against my morals.
I hope reading what evry1 says helps me understand this.
Thx for the info!!!!
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Nada - 9/16/17 11:34 PM
I see 11:34 all the time. I have started taking pictures of the clock, or grabbing a screen shot a few weeks ago. I have a ton of pictures already.
I finally decided to google the number because it really catches my attention, it's strange.
How wonderfully bizarre there are others.
I thought it was just a weird autism thing.
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Luci - 11/05/17 8:37 PM
1134 is how many times King David is in the KJB. It is also the sum of my name, and I am in ELS codes in the KJB in English. It means light, and its from IEVE, or the English language code in the KJB 7 times. The first listing for Luci is 4713. I work on rights for people in ELS codes, and there is a path of manna of the tree of life in psalms with Adam which comes from the 13 mercies of God. It is also Luke 11:34. The 13 mercies of God and 19 points of justice. You are seeing it as a clock because the text was written to be epimethic and promethic, the creation of man and woman.
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 11/22/17 6:42 PM
Me too....
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Cassie - 11/28/17 5:45 AM
I never thought I would see anyone else with the same experience. I woke up in the middle of the night to hug my boyfriend, looked at my phone, 3:34AM. I can't take it anymore. It's so anxiety ridden. I cannot get others to believe that this is following me. I like reading that some people view this as a positive or neutral connection experience, because I am always afraid to see the :34. I'm 24. I live in Ohio. I'm a military brat who had a pretty rough childhood but nothing out of the ordinary about me, besides possibly being slightly connected to the "otherworldly" topics. I don't know. It stopped for about three months and it came back with a vengeance.
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Melanie - 1/19/18 9:54 AM
I too, am a member of the 1134 club, lol.... Amazing stories, and honestly creeps me out to some degree even more! I'm interested in knowing how many of y'all are Picses? Just for giggles? Maybe....
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Pappy - 3/23/18 5:24 PM
Ever since the clocks switched to digital from analog i have been plagued by these numbers. I avoid looking and have most everything switched to analog display. It still gets me on occasion, but i do everything possible to limit its ability to torment me. I was surprised by how many others like me there are.
I ask out loud: "what are you trying to tell me?" the numbers slow down for a few days after, then start all over again.
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 6/12/18 6:14 PM
I'm very spiritual and awaken almost every morning at 7:34 . Sometimes I'm awoken at 3:34 am problem is im awoken and I see the number 734 the most as well as 1234 too weird! Glad to know I'm not the only one!
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by North Star - 8/20/18 10:01 AM
Like everyone here, I see 34 everywhere too. I started with 12:34 haunting me everywhere and then proceeded with combinations of 34 and 42 with any other digit ahead of it.
I'm curious how nobody else here has noticed the elephant in the room... that the number 34, when written in Devanagari script, which is used to write Sanskrit (called the Language of Gods) corresponds to the symbol of AUM or Om, which is highly regarded in several religions on this planet including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism. It is also speculated that Allah written in Arabic corresponds to Aum when rotated in a 90 degree angle.
To me, this is happening at a time when my Kundalini energy is rising up the spine and has almost touched the third eye chakra. It is a time and process of divine revelations, and in no way would I link the 34 sightings to hell or the devil.
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by dina - 10/30/18 8:59 AM
I always see 1:34 or 11:34. It used to scare me because like most of you, I thought it was hell backwards. I have changed my minds and realized that it's not that at all. God doesn't work that way...I know that I have thought about those numbers for so long that I have subconsciously "looked" for those numbers. We are a ball of energy and so is everything else, we are attracting those numbers and it's okay. I love seeing those numbers and have connected them with a very positive.
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Herbert - 4/20/19 3:52 AM
This really freaked me out. Reading about all of your stories. I have been seeing 1134 for over fifteen years.I truly wonder what it means?
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Tony K. - 4/26/19 5:47 AM
I’ve got this figured out guys. I’ve read all of your comments out of curiosity, and sought such a thread to see the experience of others, because this is happening at a frequency higher than I’ve ever known. 15-30 times a day now for about two weeks. I’ve really got it figured out though and I hope I can help all of you. I HATE writing but will so so here when it’s not so late.
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Isaac - 7/07/19 4:49 PM
wow! This is my first time actually going into this site but I have to say that it is liberating to see and read that I'm not alone fact is 1134 is part of my social but I see all numbers and they always synchronize themselves it's almost like they talk to me through movies music people things that happen throughout my day 1134 s up to 9 therefore it is a completion number I have a lot of Nines in my name date of birth time of birth hey Bo you know ones and zeros nines I'll tell you one time I went so deep within my thought I actually hit the lottery guys but forgot to play the numbers theother day I was deep within thought after riding on the highway for some hours went to the gas station and a feather fell and it caught my attention I have so many stories but I could share will I be here all day. As far as the psychic abilities I see it is I have premonitions all the time for sight I see things before it happened sometimes seconds before having sometimes a week or two I2 won't hurt a fly set them free when I look at the trees somehow they talk to me butterflies land on me wish I really had someone to talk to about these things my family think I'm crazy. But I just try to stay positive at all times I keep my thoughts pure and I love really hard. Hey does anyone have any have ever dream of stepping in an and out of mirrors?
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 7/08/19 9:52 PM
"Join Sector1134 on facebook group" this group does not exist or I cannot find it
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Timk - 10/06/19 3:06 PM
im surprised no one has mentioned the simulated universe theory yet. everyone seems to say it's God or refer to passages out of an outdated text(bible). i see many different variations of synchronous numbers. most often i see 143 or variations of this. 143 refers to "I(1) love(4) you(3)." my BDay is 831 which is i love you again(8letters 3words 1meaning). i believe it was edgar cayce that said to reverse numbers. i see 341 alot. it's just i love you backwards. you have to make meaning from the numbers. the meaning of the numbers is personal to you. so, if you think 1134 means hell than it means hell. if you think it means hello then it means hello. now i can't say i know what every combination means. but, i wouldn't go online to find out. the people posting angel numbers are just as clueless as you are. what does the numbers mean to you? that's what's important. i see 1234, 1111, 222, 234, 333, 444, and many other combinations several times a day. not just on the clock but anywhere there are numbers listed. another one i see very often is :59. 1:59, 8:59 etc. i interpret this as last minute, or i'm running out of time for something. whatever it is, know that this is your life and you can decide to listen to the synchronicities or not. don't let some religious text influence u into thinking you are going to hell or heaven. if they trick you into believing that you are going to hell, then yes you are going to hell. at least for a while until you are finished being in hell. same with heaven. you can stay in heaven for as long as you want. eventually you will decide to live a new life with new experiences or you will decide to stay. you are a free spirit and will go where you want to go. if you want to go to a different planet in another galaxy and be born into a mermaid family you can do that. reincarnation is real. you have been born many times in many different bodies on many different planets. you just can't remember them because part of your soul contract on coming to earth was to forget everything and start fresh. maybe you were a bad person before. maybe you were a saint. i see earth as a kind of rehab planet where we all get to start fresh. get a new perspective and get brainwashed into something new. when you leave this place you get to take your experiences with you to a new place or if you still have lessons to learn you will be born again on earth and face the challenges you failed to learn from. so if you keep getting into bad relationships then the system will keep putting u in those situations until you learn to deal with those issues. maybe it's time you deal with your underlying issues now rather than later. now i do believe in a God but not the christian god. i think he's more everything, both good, evil, and neutral. i believe we make up words like good and evil for things we dont understand. we are just here to experience life for God. he sees and experiences through us. he/she/it wants to experience all existence has to offer. the good, bad, and indifferent. i think it's either extra terrestrials(angels) or this simulated universe, which God created, that influences us to look up at the clock at that exact moment when 11:10 turns into 11:11 or whatever numbers you are seeing. if you think the numbers are telling you to change something, then change something. if you think they are telling you that you're on the right track then you are probably on the right track. at the end of the day this is your life. you can chose to live the way you want. take that power back. living your life because you think you are going to be punished if you do something wrong is no way to live in my honest opinion. now dont judge me negative. i'm a very good person. i'm very generous and i make it a point help people everyday. but that's what is in my heart and soul. be true to yourself. if you are a selfish person then own up to it. be selfish. eventually you will evolve or you will stay the same. it doesn't much matter in the grand scheme. i like what bashar says, live to your highest excitement. cant go wrong with that. i believe i have many entities watching me as i progress through life. they like what i do apparently. otherwise they wouldn't put in code 143 where ever i look. if you too are seeing coded messages know that something is influencing your life and actions to pay attention at just the right moment to catch a glimpse of something miraculous. how many things had to go just right for a car to drive past and show you 1143 on the license plate. or how much planning had to take place for your gas pump to stop at 1134 or w/e the number is. be grateful we live in such a magical place.
RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 11/07/19 3:58 PM
I read a lot of these, and I can’t say I or anyone knows what this means. I feel desperate for answers, which is why I have the urge to search the internet, but I feel that the way to turn is in my heart. I am kind of impatient, and nothing really has come up in my heart or intuition yet, so it’s nice to externally contemplate the possibilities of what this means with other people. Thank you all.
Also, I noticed in many of the comments I read, that a lot of you dreamers briefly think about things before they happen. Maybe, this is some kind of sign that our intuition is strong, but we need to learn how to use it, or pay attention to it, or realize our power to manifest and get down to what it is that we truly want to manifest in this bizarre life. Maybe it’s not about the story line, but what we learn. What state of being we learn to exist in. Our our hearts open? What are we afraid of? Another thing that seems common in our comments is a fear of hell, or a bad spirit who has a grip on us. I don’t know the answer to that fear, but what I can gather from my experience in life is that all we can really do is be aware. Just pay attention without judgement. To your surroundings, your thoughts, your feelings, your personal patterns, recurring situations, whatever it is. Who can believe anything, or make any choices without awareness?
PS, I’ve never made any deals about my soul to get something I wanted, except when I was growing up I was baptized. And asked Jesus to come into my heart so that I could have everlasting life. Seems like a deal with my soul to gain safety. Though when someone does that it isn’t usually just about getting something. It seemed right, like a way of living in truth. I have, also like many others here, since doubted christianity being the answer, and am still seeking for truth.
RE: 11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 12/11/19 3:58 PM
I relate to your last question.
RE: 11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 1/16/23 9:33 PM
This is Him reminding you of your importance in this world, Jesus died for your sin, so whatever deal you made with yourself is forgiven. Keep reading the New Testament and study the word of life spoken by Jesus. It’s only through his bread we will live after death.
104 Comments for 11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
Read all 621 comments »
11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Derek - 3/11/11 10:27 PM103 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: 11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Michael G. - 3/12/11 3:06 AMRE: 11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Derek - 3/12/11 9:10 AMRE: 11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 4/17/11 1:06 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Stacey - 1/31/12 2:28 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Migz1134 - 5/08/12 11:06 AMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Josh - 5/26/12 10:21 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Rosa - 8/17/12 3:27 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by victor - 9/04/12 10:14 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Dan - 9/13/12 10:33 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by ? - 9/28/12 1:27 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 9/30/12 7:57 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 11/20/12 11:23 AMRE: 11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 12/09/12 8:13 AMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by n.stoeffler10 - 12/09/12 10:08 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Dee - 2/19/13 12:20 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Jaynow - 3/27/13 9:49 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Drose - 4/09/13 7:49 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by matt - 4/25/13 7:53 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Toni - 4/28/13 12:35 AMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Erbulan - 5/04/13 1:31 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Dan - 5/20/13 1:34 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Dan - 5/20/13 2:20 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by David - 7/06/13 12:47 AMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by jake - 7/17/13 12:54 AMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Alex - 7/20/13 12:56 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by jason - 9/09/13 10:47 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by benny - 9/27/13 10:18 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by josh - 11/06/13 8:44 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 11/14/13 6:24 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 11/20/13 12:00 AMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 12/12/13 10:42 AMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Pride - 12/19/13 2:35 AMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 12/28/13 10:21 AMRE: 11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 1/24/14 3:52 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 2/07/14 8:13 AMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anthony - 2/25/14 12:12 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by James - 3/15/14 10:42 AMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Tim G. - 3/27/14 11:48 AMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Maddie85 - 4/29/14 3:13 AMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Maddir - 4/29/14 9:36 AMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Cara B - 5/27/14 10:41 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by No way - 6/30/14 3:50 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 6/30/14 4:10 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Brendaquinones87 - 8/11/14 8:44 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Brendaquinones87 - 8/11/14 8:57 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by NeilB4no1 - 8/30/14 12:57 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Scott - 9/22/14 6:51 AMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by ronnie - 9/30/14 10:45 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by David Garcia - 11/19/14 1:20 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 12/18/14 5:10 PMRE: 11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 12/27/14 12:31 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 1/15/15 11:40 AMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by karan - 1/17/15 2:26 AMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by karan - 1/17/15 2:30 AMRE: 11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 1/28/15 11:50 AMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Bryan B - 2/07/15 8:44 AMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by shalimar - 3/03/15 8:46 AMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Julian - 4/14/15 12:10 AMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Julian again - 4/14/15 12:13 AMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Julian - 4/14/15 12:14 AMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by A Christian - 4/30/15 1:55 AMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Megan - Daughter of the King - One Savior - One God - 9/19/15 3:24 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Kevin willbur - 10/08/15 10:02 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Dresden - 11/13/15 8:21 AMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Alex - 1/07/16 6:21 PMRE: 11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Alex - 1/08/16 8:57 AMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Salvatore - 1/20/16 9:44 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Chad - 3/15/16 3:08 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 3/22/16 2:20 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Msizi - 4/28/16 6:31 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 5/01/16 9:30 PMRE: 11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Christina & Damien - 5/02/16 12:09 AMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Eric T. - 5/10/16 11:39 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Sadness - 9/06/16 2:02 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Ken Wadley - 9/21/16 11:47 AMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Julia - 3/01/17 5:39 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by jay - 3/07/17 12:45 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by JC - 4/12/17 6:29 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by FireStarGazer - 6/03/17 4:04 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Dank - 6/08/17 12:23 AMRE: 11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 6/23/17 5:15 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Jean - 6/27/17 2:55 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Jean - 6/27/17 3:00 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Zachary - 7/07/17 10:44 AMRE: 11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 7/10/17 2:12 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Belfunkian - 8/24/17 11:05 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Nada - 9/16/17 11:34 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Luci - 11/05/17 8:37 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 11/22/17 6:42 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Cassie - 11/28/17 5:45 AMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Melanie - 1/19/18 9:54 AMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Pappy - 3/23/18 5:24 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 6/12/18 6:14 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by North Star - 8/20/18 10:01 AMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by dina - 10/30/18 8:59 AMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Herbert - 4/20/19 3:52 AMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Tony K. - 4/26/19 5:47 AMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Isaac - 7/07/19 4:49 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 7/08/19 9:52 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Timk - 10/06/19 3:06 PMRE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 11/07/19 3:58 PMRE: 11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 12/11/19 3:58 PMRE: 11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.
by Anonymous - 1/16/23 9:33 PMRead all 621 comments »
Comment on 11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.