Properties of the number 34






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622 Comments for Number 34 Symbolism, 34 Meaning and Numerology

Comment on Number 34 Symbolism, 34 Meaning and Numerology

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11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.

by Derek - 3/11/11 10:27 PM
Michael G.- Your story reads much like mine, almost exactly, and I have a very important question for you, or for anyyone who has posted on here, that I will ask at the end of my post. Finding this site is making me extremely worried. I'm almost in tears over this. I feel damned or condemned in some way. I also feel like telling anyone about this will only result in non-understanding and disbelief, that I am dillusional or imagining things. I told one friend about this a while ago, and he told me that I am looking for those numbers. I can honestly say that I am certainly not. I dread looking at the clock for this very reason. I never want to see that number again. What may have been chalked up to coincidence at the beginning, has blown out the window years ago. It simply happens too often. Furthermore, other numbers rarely come up. At first I thought, well I'm only noticing, or taking mental note when the numbers end in 34, but it is literally all the time. This is the first time I have ever searched online... more...

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RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.

by dina - 10/30/18 8:59 AM
I always see 1:34 or 11:34. It used to scare me because like most of you, I thought it was hell backwards. I have changed my minds and realized that it's not that at all. God doesn't work that way...I know that I have thought about those numbers for so long that I have subconsciously "looked" for those numbers. We are a ball of energy and so is everything else, we are attracting those numbers and it's okay. I love seeing those numbers and have connected them with a very positive.

RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.

by Herbert - 4/20/19 3:52 AM
This really freaked me out. Reading about all of your stories. I have been seeing 1134 for over fifteen years.I truly wonder what it means?

RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.

by Tony K. - 4/26/19 5:47 AM
I’ve got this figured out guys. I’ve read all of your comments out of curiosity, and sought such a thread to see the experience of others, because this is happening at a frequency higher than I’ve ever known. 15-30 times a day now for about two weeks. I’ve really got it figured out though and I hope I can help all of you. I HATE writing but will so so here when it’s not so late.

RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.

by Isaac - 7/07/19 4:49 PM
wow! This is my first time actually going into this site but I have to say that it is liberating to see and read that I'm not alone fact is 1134 is part of my social but I see all numbers and they always synchronize themselves it's almost like they talk to me through movies music people things that happen throughout my day 1134 s up to 9 therefore it is a completion number I have a lot of Nines in my name date of birth time of birth hey Bo you know ones and zeros nines I'll tell you one time I went so deep within my thought I actually hit the lottery guys but forgot to play the numbers theother day I was deep within thought after riding on the highway for some hours went to the gas station and a feather fell and it caught my attention I have so many stories but I could share will I be here all day. As far as the psychic abilities I see it is I have premonitions all the time for sight I see things before it happened sometimes seconds before having sometimes a week or two I2 won't hurt a fly set them free when... more...

RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.

by Anonymous - 7/08/19 9:52 PM
"Join Sector1134 on facebook group" this group does not exist or I cannot find it

RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.

by Timk - 10/06/19 3:06 PM
im surprised no one has mentioned the simulated universe theory yet. everyone seems to say it's God or refer to passages out of an outdated text(bible). i see many different variations of synchronous numbers. most often i see 143 or variations of this. 143 refers to "I(1) love(4) you(3)." my BDay is 831 which is i love you again(8letters 3words 1meaning). i believe it was edgar cayce that said to reverse numbers. i see 341 alot. it's just i love you backwards. you have to make meaning from the numbers. the meaning of the numbers is personal to you. so, if you think 1134 means hell than it means hell. if you think it means hello then it means hello. now i can't say i know what every combination means. but, i wouldn't go online to find out. the people posting angel numbers are just as clueless as you are. what does the numbers mean to you? that's what's important. i see 1234, 1111, 222, 234, 333, 444, and many other combinations several times a day. not just on the clock but anywhere there are numbers listed.... more...

RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.

by Anonymous - 11/07/19 3:58 PM
I read a lot of these, and I can’t say I or anyone knows what this means. I feel desperate for answers, which is why I have the urge to search the internet, but I feel that the way to turn is in my heart. I am kind of impatient, and nothing really has come up in my heart or intuition yet, so it’s nice to externally contemplate the possibilities of what this means with other people. Thank you all.
Also, I noticed in many of the comments I read, that a lot of you dreamers briefly think about things before they happen. Maybe, this is some kind of sign that our intuition is strong, but we need to learn how to use it, or pay attention to it, or realize our power to manifest and get down to what it is that we truly want to manifest in this bizarre life. Maybe it’s not about the story line, but what we learn. What state of being we learn to exist in. Our our hearts open? What are we afraid of? Another thing that seems common in our comments is a fear of hell, or a bad spirit who has a grip on... more...

RE: 11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.

by Anonymous - 12/11/19 3:58 PM
I relate to your last question.

RE: 11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.

by Anonymous - 1/16/23 9:33 PM
This is Him reminding you of your importance in this world, Jesus died for your sin, so whatever deal you made with yourself is forgiven. Keep reading the New Testament and study the word of life spoken by Jesus. It’s only through his bread we will live after death.

RE:11:34,1:34,7:34,1134,134,734,$1.34,$11.34,$7.34, 2-3 times a day for years.

by Matthew - 3/23/25 8:36 AM
I’ve been seeing it for 4 1/2 years. 4-12 times a day. Clocks signs etc. Mostly I think of God when it happens. I say a prayer. I think generally is intended to bring us closer to him. If you have sinned it’s an invitation to ask forgiveness. I you behave it’s an invitation to prayer and thanksgiving. Either way you can never be too close him. Always strive for more time with him.

It can also be a warning of challenges to come. Shortly after I first started seeing 34 on a regular basis my father died. Mergers at work, injuries and .sickness. But other times it’s good news. So he is telling me that change is coming but he’s there with me. So I pray that he help me get through it and make the right choices, and do his will. Maybe you pray for a direct answer or a vision, I never seem to get those direct answers, so you make of it what you need to. But if your drifting away from him it’s most certainly an invitation to come back to him!!!!

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21/11/24 the date

by Rach - 11/21/24 3:06 PM
As my master number is 11 and I have seen the number 4 and the number 2 alot today
Cards the ace of wance and the 8 of cups what does this mean for me today

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by Marya - 11/06/24 2:45 PM
I was listening to a song "The Day I tried to live. My song straight out of nowhere stopped. No earbuds on nothing.Right at 3:34 pm

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RE: 34 desde pequeno

by Diogo - 5/12/24 7:01 AM
Não consigo editar o comentário e se vocês virem, o meu primeiro comentário foi escrito as: 5/12/24 6:59 AM

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This is SO weird!!

by Hannah - 4/25/24 12:48 PM
I see this number ALL THE TIME.. I was searching for the number meaning AGAIN when I found this post only to see my phone battery get to 34%!! So freaky.. think we're all supposed to be part of a special 34 club? I think for me it shows up a lot when I'm struggling to stay in my power, making challenging decisions that will change things for me (for the better). Like right now I'm not happy about the situation I'm in with my living and emotional situation, I'm placing boundaries but it's tough and it makes me feel guilty because I'm also very empathic!.

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Code 34

by Ingrid - 11/16/16 6:49 AM
Life to me is searching out a conundrum , identifying pieces of a puzzle floating by nonchalantly, in a maze of information going nowhere. But, deep inside resides a knowing to gather information and constantly hold vigil over it. It is your acquisition, because, uniquely, it has been given. Eventually, you settle into your quest. It has taken years to penetrate, but yes, you hold the key, the word, the number and it is real .
One day a hint of a shrouded mystery comes upon you, unawares, and you boldly take it and secret it in your store of treasured possessions. Still, the unknown path cannot be discerned, and your growing treasure trove sometimes seems an absolute phantom of a crazy mind. The path, let alone the destination, cannot be discerned, because , for you it is not there yet. Until you relentlessly start focusing in , faithfully tapping this clue, turning it, looking at it, peering into the most ordinary of things, begging to see the extraordinary, does it dawn, that you have been... more...

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RE: Code 34

by Mike - 12/05/23 9:34 PM
1134 is the truth. People who are newer to seeing this ultimate believe that it spells hell backwards. But the truth is that you aren’t seeing it backwards you are seeing it as god intended. It’s a sign from the divine that you are on the right path and everytime you see 34 pop up in the most random situations, that hid us right there with you guiding you to your destiny. I always said that if 1134 is hell backwards than it must be Heaven forwards. And forwards we must go without fear! God bless you all, I know we are all brought to this page for a greater purpose

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by Anonymous - 9/06/21 9:50 PM
1+1+3+4=9. 9 is the anchor in the physical world. Read about 3,6, and 9 and it will make sense. I think the 11:34 is a reassurance from God that He is in control. We all get lost in the world around us, so when you see this, just take a deep breath and know you are right where you need to be at that time and to keep faith in God!

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RE: 1134

by Iris 369 - 11/24/23 3:59 PM
Anonymous, you posted your answer on 09/06/21 (9, 6, (2+1=)3)

I see 1134 a lot. I break it down like 11 (1+1=)2, 3, 4...a type of progression.

I like your answer very much.

1+1+3+4=9. 9 is the anchor in the physical world. Read about 3,6, and 9 and it will make sense. I think the 11:34 is a reassurance from God that He is in control. We all get lost in the world around us, so when you see this, just take a deep breath and know you are right where you need to be at that time and to keep faith in God!


by jamie - 8/15/09 12:18 PM
Where do i start? There is an unnatural force out there that draws me to a digital clock...or causes me to minimize a computer game to check the time when i think it's 2..maybe 3's 11:34. i refuse to look at clocks...yet the few times a day i do i see see 11:34 am and pm every day. So far really REALLY bad things happen to me when i see it. It's not just the number 34 i see it everywhere. it's 11:34 when bad stuff starts happening. I consider myself to be extremely tough mentally and physically although i do not put on a tough guy image. But this brings tears to my eyes when i speak of it. I lost my first real love in a car wreck. I would like to think shes warning me but now it's freaking me out. Thank god someone else sees it.

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RE: 1134

by Anonymous - 8/08/23 2:42 PM
1134 = HELL upside-down on digital clock. You are welcome!! :-)

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by Derek Jaskula - 1/07/11 1:44 PM
so i don't know how it came about but i finally look online for the significants of 1134 and just 34 because for about 10 years now, since i was about 13 or 14 i have seen 1134 everywhere or just 34 for example almost every single time i look at the clock its on 34.. like 9 times outa 10.... and i promise you its not because i look for it, for example (and believe me this is just a few, i have countless examples) i can go hours without knowing what time it is and when i happen by a clock 34.. i was watching a movie on my x-box and even paused it a few times and when the movie ended and i hit the button to return to the menu it was 10:34! i mean come on what are the odds of that.... and it happens ALL THE TIME! i thought i was crazy... but it even happens when i'm listing to the radio for some reason they'll announce the time 34 is in it. ill ask somebody what time it is the'll the'll me XX:34 it never fails... count each letter in my name 2x and u get 34.. i make flight plans, the trip time will be 34min or... more...

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by x7slim8x - 9/11/21 8:56 PM
I see it too.... everywhere for decades. It just our brains fixated on it. I don't feel it has any true bearing on my life.


by Hunter - 11/24/21 6:31 PM
Same, i saw it twice today and i think it means im going to hell im scared


by Anonymous - 2/28/22 7:06 PM
I turn 43 in 2 days my name equals 11 letters. I believe I will die this year and I believe when I see the number its always been at a crossroad where i need to make a choice and if I choose wrong it's taking me that much closer to going to hell. I think I've ran out of choosing the. And now it's time to face the music. I see it in everything now. Before it was very seldom. But as My lifestyle grew so did the numbers. They even started appearing in my job..I engineer music so it's alot of numbers. But the numbers are almost always 1134 or 666.667 or 34 in general..anyways I'll check back with u guys if I make it past 43.. If I do pass tho..the.. all can save your souls by making the right choice is guess..


by Anonymous - 2/28/22 7:06 PM
I turn 43 in 2 days my name equals 11 letters. I believe I will die this year and I believe when I see the number its always been at a crossroad where i need to make a choice and if I choose wrong it's taking me that much closer to going to hell. I think I've ran out of choosing the. And now it's time to face the music. I see it in everything now. Before it was very seldom. But as My lifestyle grew so did the numbers. They even started appearing in my job..I engineer music so it's alot of numbers. But the numbers are almost always 1134 or 666.667 or 34 in general..anyways I'll check back with u guys if I make it past 43.. If I do pass tho..the.. all can save your souls by making the right choice is guess..


by Roy - 3/09/22 7:17 PM
The first time I saw 1134 my clock had been upside and was facing the window so I saw the reflection in the window it saying HELL and then as soon as I saw it my lights started flickering and i started feeling cold as if there was an energy in the room oppressing me and that whole night was filled with night terrors and screaming sounds of hell in my ear ever since then I see it and something bad always happens maybe I am destined for hell? I’ve sortve embraced that idea and now I associate my self with the number 1134 as my own personal number it gives me power I for some reason thought I might’ve been born at 11:34 so I checked my birth certificate and it was 11:31, 3 minutes off, funny enough I was born on the 6th I weighed 6 pounds and 11:31 added up is 6, 666 11:34 I am the antichrist


by Bruce - 4/06/22 12:24 PM
I've been seeing 11:34 for years. Since I was a teenager and I'm now 54! What does it mean?


by elias - 9/03/22 5:27 PM
i might have the answer.....THIS IS GOING TO SOUND CRAZY but i have been seeing 11:34 for 20yr now it would drive me crazy but at the beginning of this year (2022) its a very long story but Jesus came to me in my head he would not leave me for 5 months. he told me that the book of revelation is not coming yet its very far away from now but very soon very soon something bad is going to happen to the earth its an alien invasion unlike no other he would not stop telling me that its very bad....its not as bad as the day of the beast but he say ALOT of people will die and he needed my help and from the others he's chosen for something that is a long story to explain......i know that 11:34 means hell backward but its actually a bible verse Hebrews 11:34...."Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens." and Daniel 11:34 "When they fall, they will receive a little help, and many who are not sincere will join them.".....there are others but these two are the ones i was given......its a long story i hope this helps because i still cant stop seeing it


by elias....fine dont believe me - 9/03/22 5:52 PM
elias....fine dont believe me i am just trying to help them make sense of what is happening to them....I AM NOT those astronaut nut jobs that are in tv. I am telling you as a christian what has happened to me and the little information that jesus has given to me i still see the 11:34......only this site and a post on reddit mentions about the 11:34 clock cant find anybody talking about this NO WHERE in the internet NO WHERE....this is the second site i have found that talks about this.....but fine i am typing away my time.....bye


by trying 2help - 10/02/22 4:12 AM
Go on tiktoc
I think her name is MountainMysticWV
I thought she was full of it, but when I hung out with her for a day, she pointed out everything she saw! This number follows specific people. Msg her
She can explain a lot!


by enq - 12/14/22 6:24 PM
it's close to lunch or midnight snack time, maybe it's just our stomach telling us to look. =D

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Code 34

by Ingrid - 10/30/22 4:55 AM
A dream was securely implanted in the author's mind and the quest that she then embarked on to discover its meaning, was an excavation of a grand mystery. For over twenty-seven years she turned this dream over and over desperately trying to place puzzle pieces together, in order to decipher its meaning and number 34.

The revelation is profound, awe-inspiring and will resonate within your entire being. The author sat in church for many years and had never heard it. The unveiling faithfully followed through both Testaments and revealed, in these latter days, that a distinguished race of people will have forgotten not only their history, but their ancestry as well. At this pivotal time only God who wanted His people to know the truth about themselves, could have resurrected this knowledge.

The book 3 4, is about this very race. Over many thousands of years the dispersed tribes of Israel have moved westward from the Middle East to the British Isles, to the United States of America, Canada,... more...

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RE: Code 34

by Archana - 12/05/22 10:45 PM
God Bless you Ingrid for bringing us together in Spirit. I would love to talk with you, as I need your knowledge to put puzzle pieces together..

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Romans 11:34

by Tec - 6/25/22 11:31 AM
Romans 11:34 “Who has known the mind of the LORD? Or who has been His counselor?”

I quote this verse every time I see it. I don’t know what’s going on in my life, but I know He does and he’s amazing, and who am I to tell Him how I think it should go?

Just my thoughts on the subject

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34 or 3 fours

by Kenneth scoggins - 3/17/22 12:27 PM
I started noticing whenever I looked at a clock it was always 934 or 1234 or something 34 . Then I realized that the main road from freeway to my road is FM 934 . The county road I live on is 4434 . My birthday is 10-11-63 which is 4 threes . What is this trying to tell me? Please help

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by Anonymous - 7/07/21 12:50 AM
For God so loved the world he gave his one and only son so that whoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)

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by Anonymous - 4/28/21 7:59 PM
We might not know the answer to our question or the Meaning Of A number , But I know We have a mission On this earth , And as Dangerously It might seem. Keep Moving Forward & Stay True to yourself . Spread Kindness .

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by Danielle - 5/28/20 1:35 AM I am thinking I was completely alone dealing with this alone, to see this many people is mind blowing.

I’ve been seeing 1134 for over 10 years. At this point it’s starting to take a toll on my mental health, I think one day if I see it in another unexpected way I’m going to have a psychotic episode and have to go to the hospital, I’m very serious.

It has gotten to a point where I’m questioning my sanity, am I delusional? Is this psychosis? I need someone who knows how the brain/mind works entirely and can explain to me how this is possible before I lose the little sanity I have left..

So like I said it’s been over 10 years being a slave to 1134, but it’s starting to get creepier and creepier.
Just the other day I was sitting at my desk writing some things down, a little stressed out. My phone was next to me on my right side on the desk and I was recording my voice on my voice memo on my phone, the numbers are constantly moving because is counting... more...

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RE: 1134

by Jr - 6/04/20 4:55 AM
You’re not crazy.
It’s spiritual.
I see 1143 And 1134 everywhere
And other number sequences at different times.

I am turning 34

by Fungai Manuel - 5/18/20 4:08 AM
What does it mean

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by Elle - 5/01/20 4:03 AM
Was born 34 days after a meteorite landed in America.

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Authoritative Perspective on 1134

by "1134" - 12/07/19 11:35 PM
My previous comment in the thread, which explained the meaning of the number, was deleted, for reasons I don't know. Following their lead, I will offer something less easily mishandled. Here are some valuable pointers for interpreting the number:

1) It does not refer to Hell. This is thought because 1134 reads "Hell" when upside down on a calculator. That is too specific to English. 1134 is a number. Math is a universal human language system.
2) Breaking the digits apart into angel numbers usually leads to flimsy interpretations. The number must be considered as a whole separately from the individual parts.
3) Your first guess about the meaning is probably wrong.
4) Conclusions from superstitious fears about seeing synchronicities are usually wrong. No one freaks out about seeing a magnolia tree, and yet I see magnolia trees less often than 1134. It is a natural part of the world that should be studied carefully, scientifically.
5) Mathematicians will have a stronger intuition for understanding numbers... more...

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Well damn...

by Stacy - 9/16/19 8:35 AM
Odd. Thought I was the only one...thought I was weird, which I am, but thought I was crazy-weird. About 20 years now, 34.. I'm 43 now and when I was still in my late 20's-early 30's i was convinced that was the universe telling me at what age i would die (I've lived a rather extreme life, wouldn't have been a surprise). I've never researched this oddity of mine online to discover it's not just my oddity, and I'm not sure if I'm comforted or not by knowing there's quite a few of us that sees this...mine is just 34. Clocks, number seen any and every where in any depiction....but 34. It used to scare me when it was 3-4 times a day for weeks on's slowed some, not everyday yet still noticeably often enough to be familiar...scared when highly seen and yet scared me when first noticed its decrease. Why the change? Hell, why even the start of? Why 34?

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RE: Well damn...

by Jason - 9/23/19 4:04 AM
I been seeing this number 34 everytime I am facing a situation in my life that I fear or am anxious when trying to complete something. I try to be on the positive side because I been a born again since I was 20. I had a very difficult childhood which led me to God. Knowing and understanding his word is refreshing to me. Sometimes I feel as though he is speaking to me. I am now, 25 and I am facing alot with family, my job that I currently left because I felt the door was closing and no where for me to grow with my full potential. Right now I dont know where to turn to. But I believe it is a message from God about purpose and meaning. If you keep procrastinating you will never fulfill your purpose. I have tried to find answers for always seeing the number 34. I even try to see what those mean in the bible. Most verses in the bible with 34 in them are not quite comforting to hear. I think god is giving us all a sign. I feel we are put here for a purpose and meaning and I dont understand sometimes the situations... more...

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I'm now 34

by Ms - 7/13/19 6:52 AM
I've been seeing this number for 18 plus years now, I am now 34 and it still catches me off guard twice today at the time of this writing. 34 also spells DARK and COLD.

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1:34 1/1/06

by Anonymous - 4/04/19 3:16 AM
First born child born 1/1/06 at 1:34am
Started seeing when son was 2yrs old.
When I see the number 134 something usually Good happeneds things fall in to
Not sure what it means but my first born is my ❤️ When I see 1:34 which I have gone periods of time without seeing but when I do see the number often it’s a good thing

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by Anonymous - 3/22/19 8:49 AM
I just want to say that I’m glad that I found this comment section. I have seen 1134 for 12 yrs now an when it started I was at the lowest point in my life. An thought it ment that it was the end for me. That my life was over an I was going to hell. But in that time I stayed talking to god an he ALWAYS!!! Gave me whatever I asked for without fail. In his time. But I just started thinking that maybe their my lucky numbers. I hope to hear more comments on 1134 an maybe we can all come up with WhT it truly means.

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by Jadames495@gmail,com - 2/28/19 9:26 PM
Omg I keep seeing 1134 34 1034 134 please help me figure this out

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Don't ignore this 2. 11:34

by Steven - 1/28/13 12:24 PM
Luk 11:34

The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light; but when thine eye is evil, thy body also is full of darkness. 35 Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness.

Here are a few things the LORD wants us all to remember, I challenge you to read this all carefully (please look up any words if you don't know their meaning)... and you don't have to read it all at once :) .. copy and paste it, take time to understand it and read the Bible on your own too. Through Christ, God loves you and His gentleness makes you great. He delivers you because He delights in you. Stand on Christ and don't try to justify yourself, bring things into the light, things that bother your conscience, to your Father in Heaven, ask Him for help with anything.


1Jn 2:1 My little children, these things write I unto you, that you sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father,... more...

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RE: Don't ignore this 2. 11:34

by Devin bussey - 2/20/19 1:51 AM
So that is funny you out ALLAH. I've grown up God, Jesus but wasn't until recently ALLAH which is the same has become more and more understood. And you kind of hit the nail on the head! Thanks for that man. Not sure about you but I get this feeling about teaching become more on a higher self than lower. Learning to be in the moment and notice all that is going on at the moment 34 is shown. I actually got 234 when I really got into this page so I know I'm on the right track. Wondering if anyone else has very strange dreams or things that you know or feel or can't explain etc. But you know they have meaning at they eventually are made know. Jacobs ladder or the ladder in general has been something else that is becoming more and more in everything I read lately especially after a dream I've never forgotten years ago and since I've recently awoken to a different understanding is all kind of coming together.

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by Devin bussey - 2/20/19 1:40 AM
So I thought I was the only one, nice to know I'm not. Lol. I see it every time I see a clock almost the hour didn't matter it's always the minutes. I have been doing research and it's not a bad thing. I saw one guy kind of touch on what I have become to slightly touch on and it relating to creativity and perhaps honing in on using your creativity. I believe the number is important, not sure about most of you, but I always know I am tested but also protected in a way. I feel as if maybe it has something to do with listening to your intuition and learning to become more in tune with what it is telling you. Perhaps conquering the lower self. There are so many things just glad to see that most people on here have the same understanding that outside there is a deeper meaning behind it.

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