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113 meaning (hypothesis)

by Austin - 1/13/20 4:10 PM
113 on the calendar is April 23. Supposedly, The Sun, Moon, Virgo, and Jupiter are going to be aligned. Jupiter represents The Messiah. Revelations 12:1-2 “And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of 12 stars. She was pregnant and was crying out in birth pains and the agony of giving birth.” A woman is Virgo (possibly Mary).The Alignment represents "The Lion of the Tribe of Judah", marking The Rapture. So called Planet X also know as Nibiru will cause, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, tsunamis. Nasa repeatedly said it's a hoax. However, you shouldn't put faith into this because this can be a coincidence. No one knows the day or time.

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RE: 113 meaning (hypothesis)

by Anonymous - 1/30/20 1:10 AM
This is good... I’ve been seeing 113 all day today..... as I was studying Kobe’s timeline (555) and GiGi at 13

RE: 113 meaning (hypothesis)

by Kyrill - 3/06/20 8:32 PM
Hello, I would like to learn more about this. Sincerely, fre3nky.

RE: 113 meaning (hypothesis)

by Anonymous - 9/20/20 11:30 PM
That is a lie the woman is an Aquarius not a Virgo and I should know this myself cuz I am that woman and my name is INRI my love have a good evening!!

RE:113 meaning (hypothesis)

by Dave - 4/01/23 4:55 PM
My full name comes to 113 in Gematria,David Lee Welch,however when doing the calculations I made a mistake and came up with 123. My birthday is 1/23. 23 is a number that's been extremely prominent in my life,NY wife was born on the 23rd as well,23-113...I don't know,so many ways you can make connections to things if that's what you want to do but the occurrence is so regular. I don't believe in coincidences so there some significance somehow. Also the number 84 with the same regularity but more emphasis...strange. Not expecting answers here,just felt the need to share. Namaste

RE: 113 meaning (hypothesis)

by Anonymous - 4/23/24 9:22 PM
Interestingly I saw this number at the bottom of a page for a word count, then it was also 11:13 at that exact moment
It struck me, as some things often do, so I looked the number up. The link to this page stood out. I was about to leave this page thinking I had gleaned the knowledge I needed when something about this comment stopped me. So I scrolled up a little and read from the top. Immediately I was surprised to find that today is April 23rd.

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