Properties of the number 113






Last modification: December 19, 1998

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227 Comments for Number 113 Symbolism, 113 Meaning and Numerology

Comment on Number 113 Symbolism, 113 Meaning and Numerology

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by Joanna Giles - 3/31/21 12:23 AM
Hello my name is Joanna I was just outside and I was saying god is giving us a warring and then walk in side and Touch my phone at 113 came on my phone and I was looking forward to the Bible to get help to read or understand because I got dyslexia I don’t know how to read and we can read a little bit my daughters born on St. Patrick’s Day 1111 1111 she the love of my life my angle baby and and I been see a lot of thing and I need help to give and help ppl but nobody understand or think I’m bums hitting that god is calling me show me thing that ppl don’t have because me and my Husband were are queen and king from god we are is calling in this world and so is are daughter and the state has her and we are trying to get her back and today is my birthday and I don’t even get to see her and today is 03 31 2021 and I’m 26 years old

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RE: 113

by Tayla monagle - 3/04/25 8:24 AM
My birthday is 11,11,1998 born in Australia

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by T - 3/04/25 8:18 AM
I am ready , look i can save all humanity but if I was to sacrifice myself for my loved ones in iesus name amen in god I trust only good no bad I want kaiden to be happy and his brother beside him up there with there sibling with my mum and dad for they are blind to this world

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I see you.

by Michael - 7/17/24 7:13 PM
I've seen this number everyday since highschool senior year. The 113rd play on video (hudl) stopped the exact moment when I made my best tackle ever. Before the play everything slowed down. I looked into the crowd saw the girl I was in love with. My coach looked me dead in the eye and said go make a play. And I did!!. So excited to see it, it cut the moment I hit the guy, was told it was amazing. It cut out the 113rd video at 10.13 seconds. It was on October 13, 2013. Ever since I've seen it in billboards 1+1=3. When I least expect it when I think of someone it will pop up. In Disney, A 113 pops up all of in reference to a studio. It's an eater egg in almost all movies they have. First noticed when I decided I wanted to be a firefighter... I saw A113 on Leo and Stitch as the fire trucks license plate. To many details to ad about myself and this number. It's always there. And seems to not likely ever leave. Very crucial moments I've looked at the clock and I've seen that number staring right back at me.

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Wow to this

by Lara - 5/03/24 10:14 PM
Just prayed over my family finances and wanted to know about the 144,00 and the fibonacci sequence adds up to 113 and here we have debt cancellation. SLIHE To refund a debt!!! I’d say He answered my prayer with a big YES and AMEN

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113 meaning (hypothesis)

by Austin - 1/13/20 4:10 PM
113 on the calendar is April 23. Supposedly, The Sun, Moon, Virgo, and Jupiter are going to be aligned. Jupiter represents The Messiah. Revelations 12:1-2 “And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of 12 stars. She was pregnant and was crying out in birth pains and the agony of giving birth.” A woman is Virgo (possibly Mary).The Alignment represents "The Lion of the Tribe of Judah", marking The Rapture. So called Planet X also know as Nibiru will cause, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, tsunamis. Nasa repeatedly said it's a hoax. However, you shouldn't put faith into this because this can be a coincidence. No one knows the day or time.

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RE:113 meaning (hypothesis)

by Dave - 4/01/23 4:55 PM
My full name comes to 113 in Gematria,David Lee Welch,however when doing the calculations I made a mistake and came up with 123. My birthday is 1/23. 23 is a number that's been extremely prominent in my life,NY wife was born on the 23rd as well,23-113...I don't know,so many ways you can make connections to things if that's what you want to do but the occurrence is so regular. I don't believe in coincidences so there some significance somehow. Also the number 84 with the same regularity but more emphasis...strange. Not expecting answers here,just felt the need to share. Namaste

RE: 113 meaning (hypothesis)

by Anonymous - 4/23/24 9:22 PM
Interestingly I saw this number at the bottom of a page for a word count, then it was also 11:13 at that exact moment
It struck me, as some things often do, so I looked the number up. The link to this page stood out. I was about to leave this page thinking I had gleaned the knowledge I needed when something about this comment stopped me. So I scrolled up a little and read from the top. Immediately I was surprised to find that today is April 23rd.

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Dream of number 113

by Anonymous - 4/07/24 6:26 AM
I just wanted to know what does 113 means

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This is crazy

by Anonymous - 2/06/20 3:16 AM
I seriously thought I was the only one. I've been driving myself crazy trying to figure out why I see the number 113 throughout the day. Not a day goes by that I dont see it. It's to the point I'm actually doing research on it now and I came across this... very interesting

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RE: This is crazy

by Anonymous - 1/23/24 1:37 PM
Yup im not alone i dont stop seeing 316 and 69

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by Aswin - 11/17/15 11:39 AM
Hi, guys i think we have something in common going on in here!! I started this when i was in 8th grade i guess... i was travelling in a bus n naturally started writing 113 with my finger.. it has been a habit ever since... i got to college and my phone number which i didnt choose but was handed to me by my university because i was a foriegner here.. ended in 113... and a lot other stuff.. anyone who reads the comment and is experiencing similar stuff can add me in wechat... id - ash_dudeism113 lets all get together and make a group and see what this is about.. i think we are destined for something! !

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RE: 113

by Dastiffy - 10/13/23 6:34 AM
My Earth Birthday is 11181965=113. on the 322 day of the year

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New Argentinian President

by Veredicto - 8/17/23 2:27 PM
Recently, a new public figure called "Javier Milei" came to light, who promises to lead Argentina to become a world power and put an end to the misery in which they have been living for more than 30 years. His rapid rise caught my attention. So I looked up his name in the Gematria. And I saw that it gives "113". When I saw that, I knew that he is another one of the bunch, another puppet to control the population. Argentina will go to ruin

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RE: 113 meaning (hypothesis)

by Harper - 5/25/23 2:35 AM
Interesting how you placed the numbers meaning for April I believe you said on the calendar. See to me I place the number exactly what the numbers are looking like 11/3....My Birthday November 3rd.. Love and Light Beautiful ones ????????????????????????

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by John duncheskie - 4/11/22 10:19 PM
I've been wondering why I'm here and why 113 is stuck in my head I've done things in my life that I should have died from long ago I was on my gsxr pushing it to the limit I just lost my kids an wife so I was going to run my bike off the road right in front of chastity house my oldest daughter's mom who past away I wanted to die I was going as fast as that bike would go an at the last second something made me take the curve an there's no way fiscally at that speed but I made it an on the straight away it's like something grabbed the back tire an snatched it up when I went over the handlebars the speedo send 113 my old history teacher lives right where I recked he send his whole family was on there porch whatin for me to ride by thay herd me coming from a few miles away but thay herd me go by but never seen me I traveled by them 100 yards clear view of the road on a hunter orange an black bike an no one out of like 5 Peaple seen me why is 113 so important or what is the reason I'm here why just thought I'd put this out there I just don't know else to do to get a answer or help

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RE: 113

by Anonymous - 1/02/23 11:15 AM
Many look at 113 as 1/13 or Nisan 13. The day Jesus sup with Judas. Which on a future date will be the AC baptism. The great falling away

Biblical meaning

by Anonymous - 12/15/22 9:22 PM
The LORD is to be praised is the biblical meaning. Amen!

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by Ray - 5/02/14 1:35 PM
1/13. I get the same thing but I have four close friends born on the 13th 7/13,8/13,9/13,10/13

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RE: 1-13

by Anonymous - 10/29/22 8:14 PM
Thanks and praise to the Father!! Its so nice to know im not alone in the 113 support group!! Now i will sleep better knowing you all care so much

Number 113

by Regan Bowen - 7/20/22 8:50 AM
The words Steelers and Dallas sum to 113 in gematria. 113 the 30th prime number and the Steelers played Dallas in Superbowl 113. Both Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant sum to 113 in gematria and the words 'the national basketball association' sum to 113 in reverse reduction gematria and Kobe passed Jordan in scoring on December fourteenth, which was 113 days after his birthday August 23. The words 'not true' 'not factual' fiction' 'not hobest' etc sum to 113.

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by 113 - 3/17/17 7:16 PM
I've been seeing this number since 1/13/2010 mostly when I'm angry, sad, or when karma just hit me,

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RE: 113

by Anonymous - 3/31/21 12:24 AM
What u mean plz help me understand this I have dyslexia and I will call him from God it’s so is my husband

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Still A Mystery

by Charlie M - 1/16/21 6:52 PM
Good to see this subject is still stirring interest... none of us can give a definitive answer as to why this number is proving such an enigma... although I came back to the forum after watching a Mission Impossible film where the number 'A113' features on a silver ring and again when Tom Cruise requests an 'immediate evac' from a situation quoting 'A113'?
I do believe that Tom Cruise may have some reason for drawing attention to the number... maybe just random ?!

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RE: Still A Mystery

by Anonymous - 3/24/21 1:51 AM
Far from coimcidene pandemic and election 11/3 and 3/11 in most of the world march 11 would be written 11/3/2020 the day the u.s declared a pandemic and then we have november 3rd. 11/3 here in the states the telmud tells of 113 to be a number of deception.

The Truth

by Sam - 5/19/20 5:31 PM
The number 113 is too ensure is that the holy trinity has been complete, that the Holy Spirit walks before us once again not only in our hearts but also as a human 1 and 1 being the father and son 113 being the father son and Holy Spirit all exisiting in one “GOD”

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RE: The Truth

by Anonymous - 1/26/21 1:25 PM

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Are we all connected?

by Ray - 1/01/21 7:38 PM
I see 113 all of the time, for some reason I have made it seem scary but maybe it's good?! Idk. I was a policeman in 2001 and I chose my badge number of 113. I've seen it everywhere since. I chalked seeingg it up to having it as a badge number. But over the years it's become embedded in me. I am retired from the military and for almost all of my Carreer we had our ss number as our only identifier. Within the last ten years they started taking off the ss numbers and replacing it with service numbers, and yes it started with 113 which I would have received in the 90s before being a cop. I see it all the time, randomly spray painted in the back of a stopsign. In descriptions for everything from medical commercials to mileage. Oddly my original birth certicate has me born at 1130am. My first wife who I had beautiful kids with was born on 1/11, my wife now that I adore was born on 1/15, 1/13 would be the halfway mark in that. That's random but I just noticed that. But it's constant stuff like that, ii was freaked... more...

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RE: Are we all connected?

by Charlie M - 1/16/21 6:59 PM
We are all connected Ray... we've all posted on this forum and we all came here for the same reason... to try and find out why we all pay attention to this number... I dismissed "random" long ago !

Covid vaccines

by MRC-5 - 12/22/20 7:50 PM
The Jewish gematria equate MRC-5 to be 113

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I was born with the numbers 113 aperd twice what does this mean?

by Anonymous - 11/20/20 9:46 PM
I was born with the numbers 113 happen twice the date and my birth weight what does this mean?

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by Anonymous - 5/11/09 4:09 AM
I have been seeing 113 for years, i'm not sure if there is a meaning however everytime I question or query it with a friend it will show up in one form or another allowing me to point it out to the friend.

example; 3 years ago (ish) I was explainging it to a then flat mate, it wasn't the deepest of conversations threw it out there for his explanation.

the next day we went to rugby training and on the score board of the (empty) cricket pitch next to us was 113?

could go on all day with stories like this.....

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RE: 113

by Ray - 11/13/20 10:55 PM
The doomed Space Shuttle flight of
Columbia in 2003 was the 113th of
the program! Just read it before I
found this site. Freaky.

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Election Day November 3 (11/3)

by John - 11/04/20 4:50 AM
What a wild day. More to come ...

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by Rebecca - 2/23/20 2:57 AM
I just found you all. 113 has been around me for over 30 years. Too many stories that are just too bizarre. My kids adopted this number as they saw it all around me. It was even in slow motion one time. That almost scared me. What do we have in common here? I have one tattoo. It is 113. Had to do it!

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RE: 113

by James - 10/26/20 7:37 AM
This number brings me to one person in my mind over and over. I miss them

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113 = Masonic 33.

by GrandeFormaggio - 3/05/20 11:07 AM
11-3 symbolism often refers to the simple and well-known masonic 33: 3x11. Like Kobe Bryant (who faked his death) and brother Michael Jordan, both 113 in English gematria. Satanic Freemasons. They love to code everything, symbolism fetishist as they are.

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RE: 113 = Masonic 33.

by Anonymous - 9/21/20 4:50 AM
The gods they worship require real blood. There’s no faking their death.


by Mah - 9/07/20 2:05 AM
This is so weird my b day is 113 and the time I was born was 9:13 which totals 13 in numerology I am the 13th child and the road I grew up on totals 13
The year I was born totals 13

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