so i don't know how it came about but i finally look online for the significants of 1134 and just 34 because for about 10 years now, since i was about 13 or 14 i have seen 1134 everywhere or just 34 for example almost every single time i look at the clock its on 34.. like 9 times outa 10.... and i promise you its not because i look for it, for example (and believe me this is just a few, i have countless examples) i can go hours without knowing what time it is and when i happen by a clock 34.. i was watching a movie on my x-box and even paused it a few times and when the movie ended and i hit the button to return to the menu it was 10:34! i mean come on what are the odds of that.... and it happens ALL THE TIME! i thought i was crazy... but it even happens when i'm listing to the radio for some reason they'll announce the time 34 is in it. ill ask somebody what time it is the'll the'll me XX:34 it never fails... count each letter in my name 2x and u get 34.. i make flight plans, the trip time will be 34min or ill arrive at me destination at XX:34.. when i'm flying i get a transponder code in the air from air traffic control and with out fail ill get 3443 and i've gotten 4334 even 0340.... and i've gone up with others they don't even get a 3 or 4...... TEN YEARS NOW ive been seeing this #, 1134 especially... what does this mean.. are we significant? crazy? id like to know others special traits, there talents, political and religious views. is there something going on here? i cant tell you i have some "ideas" id hate to call em visions... i mean with us thinking 34 is following us people already thing were crazy. well were not... im not.. i really cant believe theres others.
First time ever looking it up!! and presto i find many other folk that see 1134 or 34. i thought i was going crazy,i can go for hours without the slightest idea of time look at the clock and 1134 or 34 in it but mostly 1134 almost everyday!
by Anonymous - 7/08/12 9:45 PM
I see it to I'm trying to find the answer to I fear it might be bad
by Anonymous - 12/14/12 7:45 PM
Same here prices times addresses it don't matter I see 1134 everywhere I asked my grandmother she is very religous and full blooded cherokee indian she says someone is telling me hello from up above
RE: 1134
by Anonymous - 2/15/13 9:50 AM
I am 14 years old and I also see 34 throughout all of my days. When i was 5 years old i started playing football. When you sign up for football you have to put down a number or a couple of numbers that you want for your jersey. I did not choose 34 as a number, but that is what i got. Every year after that I did not put 34 as my number, but i got it 8 years in a row. I could go on and on about the number 34, but I would write for days.
by Magi Hybridsd - 6/25/13 6:45 PM
Well this will be my first post on the subject of the number 34 specifically 1134 and 1234 this started I would say about a year to 2 years ago at 1st it was gradual then it began to increase I could be sleeping then get a call at exactly 1134 or any of the other 34 sequences at 1st I thought it meant hell for obvious reasons but I would start to see 1234 as if to say not that direction just like the stories in the Bible they appear to mean one thing but as we are starting to find out there are allegorical meanings to the scriptures. Every now and then when I remember I'll research the subject of the number 34, 1134, or 1234 and to my disappointment there is very little to suffice my intrigue. I have been pretty much just living my life the same way for the past I say 15 years the only thing I have done different is I began to practice the laws of attraction or just thinking positive to put it short I don't entertain negativity when it comes or I feel it I distract myself from it I have been practicing this for a few years now I don't know if that has anything to do with it but its a start maybe we all have something in common. Well that's my time till we meet again stay positive. Your Friend SOON
by Greg - 10/06/13 11:40 AM
Since I was a child I've seen 11:34 almost every-other day. I'm not religious, though I once was. When I was a kid I just stopped believing completely. Is this related to my subconscious? Perhaps I believe that if there is a God, that I will go to hell? I'm not sure..
by Geoff - 2/24/14 10:05 PM
I thought it was strange the first time I saw it. 1134 spells hell when it is upside down but when I looked it up, I found that it has nothing to do with that at all. Based on various numerology websites that I have read, it has something to do with ascension. The digits when added together add up to 9 which means a dramatic ending, love, and enlightenment.
by Brian - 3/05/14 9:30 PM
It's so good to see other people posting about this. I've seen this number for over 7 years now and it actually makes me nervous to get on a plane,bus,times for a show..anything that has those numbers. I saw 911 for 6 years before Sept 11th happened and this is why this number makes me nervous. It doesn't FEEL right every time I see 1134...It just doesn't. Looking up what 1134 means in numerology soothes my craving that everything will be okay....It might and I might be overly paranoid......But I feel that something major is about to happen again....I wish I felt different :)
by Anonymous - 3/21/14 6:15 PM
I have been seeing 1134 for 3 years now. Some days it gets so bad I cant handle it and I start to cry because I believe that something is just messing with me. for instance the other day I decided to watch the clock tell exactly 1133 and put my head down for at least 5 mins so I wouldn't see it. then when I was walking out of my class the clock in the hallway just so happened to be 29 mins off. I could go on forever giving examples of how messed up this is. someone please comment back.
by ryan - 5/23/14 11:55 PM
Im right there with all of you.. I've seen "it" for well over ten years now. It started happening to both me and my best friend simultaneously as we began doing things most high schoolers do and since we are both very religious we took it as a sign we were headed to hell (1134 upside down) if we didn't shape up.. Well I've since cleaned up my act but to no avail . it pops up on receipts and confirmation codes, cell phone numbers ,and most frustratingly when it should not at all.. like for example when I miss seeing it on my cell phone and think I'm safe then walk by a clock somewhere and it'll be way wrong but magically say 1134. Its gotten so bad I could honestly write an entire book about all the times I've seen it. Its even gotten to the point that I will take pictures for proof because everyone thinks I'm just seeing things .. I need this to stop tho because it is quite honestly taking too much of a role in my life. I avoid looking at clocks , watches , monitors etc and thats no way to live. Its messing with my mind andi hope I can find a fix soon before I end up going insane..jk..but really
RE: 1134
by Jessica - 7/08/14 9:44 PM
I too see 34 everywhere, everyday. And it's always so random. Time, flights, signs, shirts people are wearing and so many other places and things I notice have 34. Primarily 1134. I'm not necessarily religious but I know for sure I believe in God. I have been through a lot in life especially my childhood, people say that a traumatic event causes people to become clairvoyant or have special powers, so maybe that's why we all have this recurrence. Maybe it's a good thing. I don't know. But for about 15 or more years now I've had 34 show up everywhere in my life. I told my boyfriend at the time when I first started noticing it and he blew it off saying it was a coincidence. I know it's not though. I have a couple of theories as to why I personally see it and none of them are good. My primary theory and the one that scares the crap out of me is that I will die sometime after turning 34. I've considered this as the reason I see 34 since it first started. Unfortunately I'm turning 34 in a month so needless to say I'm more than concerned. I also thought, and I hope I am mistaken, that it spells hell upside down and so maybe it's a higher power's way of telling me to change my life before it's too late. Either way, for whatever reason I see 34 constantly, I'm glad that I'm not the only one. I seriously started to think I was a little crazy until I read all these posts.
by Madelynsprite - 7/09/14 9:41 PM
I see 1134 both times a day almost every day. I can go hours without looking at the clock( for example just two minutes ago after being online for 45 minutes boyfriend remembered he had homework due and asked me what time it was) obviously I don't have to tell you. Prices and address are always seen; page urls online, someone's random clock in a car will be off and it will be 5 at night but if there clock is wrong it will always be 1134. Video games I've seen it. License plates, phone numbers it's never ending I feel haunted almost by these numbers and I have to say "eleven thirty four hell o'clock " and look away or I will stare! I don't understand it, it's been going on for a very long time please email with support
by Anonymous - 8/16/14 10:10 PM
I have seen the number 1134 on a clock for over ten years now. I sometimes see it twice a day and at least 5 days a week. When I first started noticing it I kept it to myself for years because I didn't think much of it. 2 years ago I started talking about it to my husband and my mother and telling them that I see this number all the time. At first I thought it was a bad sign because of the fact that it spells "hell" backwards but the more and more I thought about it, I began to believe that this had to be someone from above telling me that they are there for me. I began to acknowledge it in my prayers and say thank you to God for it and ever since then I began to see it even more then ever. In my heart I believe it is a blessing and a sign that someone is there watching and protecting me and my family. Thank you God!
by Mesa Arizona - 8/27/14 11:49 AM
“1134†has been appearing in my life for over 30 years. I too, noticed that the time spells “hell†upside-down on a digital clock, but have wondered at its true meaning. I know there is a message here. Glad to know I’m not the only one struggling to figure out what the message is!
Thanks to all who responded.
My mates mum has just started seeing 1134 everywhere, he's tricking her all the time about this, but guess what, if you type 1134 into a calculator and turn it upside down it's hEll!
by Michael - 9/21/14 6:19 PM
Looking for answers.
by rah808 - 9/27/14 11:00 AM
I thought I was the only one seeing 1134 on the clock I've been seeing it for about 20 years now and I felt a little worried or even a bit crazy.when they on when the numbers are added up they do actually make a 9 which is my birth day number.I do believe it has something to do with the ascension.I also feel relieved to know that other people have been seeing this also.
by Jimmy Haynes - 10/06/14 11:51 PM
I see 1134 constantly, no coinkydink😄the highest powers point it out for some reason, hell upside down yea, but what else?
RE: 1134
by Joseph foote - 10/07/14 12:46 PM
Hey Derek this message is for you that posted on 3/11/11.. I have to say exactly what you were reading is from word to word to what I'm experiencing. I would like to talk to you one-on-one because I have a theory. My direct email is joegoegpp... I won't be able to rest my mind until we talk.
by Anonymous - 10/09/14 11:12 AM
For like 20 years i have seen this #. First time i have looked up meaning. Weird so many see this?
by leeah - 10/18/14 9:41 PM
Me too for yrs now.
by Servant - 10/18/14 11:12 PM
For years Ive seen this number 1134.
I didnt understand what it meant only that in the 5th grade someone showed me what it was backwards, which I think is B.S..
I would see it when i'm driving and then something I didnt like would happen . After a while I began to associate it with a sign that something is gonna happen to just be on alert.
Although I associated it as a sign for that I do get those days when not a dang thing happens.
So the big question is what does it mean?. It maybe nothing , or it can mean a lot of different things , however I highly doubt someone or something sends a message through the clock or recipt that your gonna go to hell. Thats just a bunch of crap. Get a personal relationship with Jesus and in its own time you'll figure it out.Don't get your mind cooking on some bull crap that tries to scare you , and don't let some dude on here try and put fun house mirror junk in your head.Keep in mind we as humans hold on to things that make us afraid ,its easier to be negative than positive , reason being is back then when we actually hunted our lunch , we had to watch out for predators and be on high alert ready to defend and kill for survival. Problem is we advanced technologically , but our minds are still ready to to figure out the thing that scares us.
Which is where stress and anxiety comes in and next thing you know you been on adrenaline and cortisol for too long ,you start to allow intrusive thoughts in the mind ,you have an uneasy feeling , then just when you think thats it bam your hit with fear and regret. Although I comment on a lot of stuff I love helping people. God Bless be cool be safe.
by Me too!! Since 2012, constantly 11:34 - 11/14/14 6:03 PM
I finally found this quote in a website. Someone else mentioned that it was hell upside down, but that didn't resonate with me at all. I feel that it's only a positive affirmation like 11:11 "make a wish"/synchronicity.
Number 1134 is a blend of the vibrations of number 1 appearing doubled, amplifying its influences, with the attributes of number 3 and energies of number 4. Number 1 encourages initiative, instinct and intuition, self-leadership and assertiveness, new beginnings and taking a fresh approach. It also relates to motivation, striving forward and progress, and reminds us that we create our own realities by our thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 1’s appearing together relate to the karmic number 11. Master Teacher Number 11 relates to the principles of spiritual awakening and enlightenment, illumination, high energy, creative idealism, inspiration and intuition, self-expression and sensitivity. Master Number 11 tells us that to connect with our higher-selves is to know, live and serve our soul mission and life purpose. Number 3 resonates with energy, growth, expansion and the principles of increase, self-confidence, spontaneity, self-expression, encouragement and assistance, and enhancement of your natural talent and skills. Number 3 also indicates that the Ascended Masters are around you, assisting when asked. They help you to focus on the Divine spark within yourself and others, and assist with manifesting your desires. Number 4 resonates with practicality and application, hard work and responsibility, traditional values, honesty and integrity, inner-wisdom, and diligence and determination to achieve goals. Number 4 also relates to our drive, passion and purpose.
Angel Number 1134 is a message from your angels that you are being supported, encouraged, loved and surrounded by your angels and the Ascended Masters. Give any negative fears, doubts and worries to your angels to transmute and heal, and trust that you are on the right path in your life. Step forward boldly and trust that your determination, hard work and efforts will have long-term benefits in your life and in the lives of others. Your angels empower you to live and serve your soul mission with passion and purpose.
The repeating Angel Number 1134 asks you to put some extra focus and effort towards your creative endeavours to ensure that you manifest long-term rewards on all levels. If you have been considering a new direction or beginning a new project or venture, now would be a most auspicious time to make a move in that direction.
by just alex - 11/28/14 11:42 AM
For a great deal of time, longer then I can remember. The number 1134 has been a great deal part of my life. Initially I always saw it but didn't acknowledge it. It wasn't till I remembered as kids that 1134 upside down spelled hell. The better part of me wanted to laugh the curious part of me wanted to know why I kept seeing it. It was only when I embraced the idea that it was connected to something bad about to happen that it took a toll on my life mentally. Like many of you I saw it everywhere. I would get excited when I would walk in the kitchen and see the clock on the stove at 1133 cuz then I would be like I missed it phew. Then I walk past the microwave and it's 1134. At work me and 3 of my coworkers were in a school pulling cable and we all picked a room. Why was it the room I picked had a kids project on the top shelf and when I got on my padded and looked over at it plastered on the front was 1134. I texted my mom and got the response back at 1134. I would play in a poker tournament and do well and look up at the timer and see 1134. Needless to say after that I would lose. I finally refused to believe it was anything negative but my life right now isn't cookies and creams. Just amazed at all the people who are faced with this same dilemma. As far as religion goes. I spent a good deal of my youth in church and Catholic school. I'm at a point in my life where I even question my faith. Either way upon readin (me too!!) response. I'm somewhat reassured that it has to be a positive that I'm seeing it and I'm going to focus my energy on embracing it for the reason that if I thought it was something negative and I based my life on that then it only makes sense that I'm surrounded by negative But if I focus on that response I read and think of it as a positive I might see a change for the better.
by BludRust - 1/07/15 1:47 AM
11:34...this number and anagrams of iit have pervaded my day to day life so much that I decided to write a song with the title 11:34. I've been seeing it so much that even my wife has noticed it when it happens and has commented on the synchronistic nature of it. She and I have exactly 41 hours and 31 minutes between us I'm October 16, 1978 at 12:13 pm she's October 18, 1978 at 5:44 am, she sees it almost as much as me but doesn't make a big deal about it
by Ted - 1/13/15 5:42 PM
Synchronicity. There is so much more to life than we know. The next level of human evolution in consciousness. Read! look for the signs. Ive been seeing it since middle school, I am 25 now. I am finally starting to realize what all this means.
by Anonymous - 1/13/15 7:17 PM
it is 1134 upside down is hell
by Dawn - 2/04/15 10:49 PM
This is crazy! I see this all the time too! I know I'm redeemed by Christ alone, but seeing the 1134 (hell) freaks me out! Even numerology isn't something I want to delve into either. I seriously am perplexed
by kindaconfused - 2/20/15 9:59 AM
For at least 3-4 yrs i have been seeing 11:34 EVERY day twice a day on clocks, doesnt matter if im home or out. I drive alot for work using GPS and arrival time alot of the times will say 1134. Buying things at the store price or change wll many times be 1134. I have told oots of people this, some think im nuts, some are interested, never had anyone say it happens to them too. At first it was clocks, i thought maybe it was an internal clock. But seeing it everywhere is kinda freaky.
by Anonymous - 2/20/15 10:59 PM
Ok this 1134 has been happening since the digital cloii ck came out. But in recent years I've been seeing 1010-1111-1212 and lately 1134 a lot. What in the heck is going on? Need a answer!!!!Going nuts
by Anonymous - 2/23/15 3:59 PM
I see 11:34 all the time that's my band :)
by rus - 3/29/15 7:06 PM
I can't believe this many people have experienced this I've never told anyone because I thought they would think I'm crazy. But I'm going on 15 years or more seeing 1134 o. A daily basis.
by Judy - 4/15/15 10:48 PM
I lived at the address 1134 for awhile as a child and in the last 25 years or so, it's become my number--license plate, etc. I believe it to be a type of 'spiritual address' that will someday be made apparent. In the meantime, so glad to know I'm not alone in viewing it so frequently--always makes me happy.
I even wrote a song which starts: Don't coming looking for me at 1133 cuz' I'll be waitin' by the door at 1134.
by Anonymous - 4/20/15 4:37 AM
Yeah I just startied seeing that number especially 1134 and i am
only a teenager
by livy - 6/01/15 11:59 AM
I like it
by andre - 6/12/15 12:58 PM
wow unbelieavable how many see this and comment ive been seeing this for years and its always when i look at the clock its weird but it is hell backwards i aint here to bring anyone down but hell is probally where im headed unless im forgivn for whatever reason that's all i see sometimes twice a day its so crazy how the mind looks for the time at that moment of time ik theres more to life im just very logical everyone wants it to be positive for whatever reason and i do have a negative thought process but with this said i think its hell and we are being told thats the path we are headed on but jesus who i believe in can forgive u idk why he would but he can its on u to make the change and i hope u all can i k im hopeless so i can only wish he can forgive me for my sins gl everyone and see u soon hahahaha not funny!
by brittdispensa83 - 6/17/15 8:47 AM
I believe it is heavens way of telling us that our souls have been accepted & we will b called up. I c it ALL the time also. Now I know I am not alone. Idk y but I meditate & pray & I get the feeling that our brother & sister souls r telling us god has accepted us into his kingdom.
by Ian - 7/26/15 10:43 AM
I put it in longitude and latitude and got an area in the Sudan near Ethiopia which is said to be near the garden of eden.
by Donte - 8/22/15 4:12 PM
Well guess I'm another person seeing 1134. I've been seeing this for about 3 years now... I see it at least 2 to 3 times a day. Even if a clock is set wrong. Microwave, stove
Car, computer wherever... This was extremely creepy until I googled 1134 and found it to be a angel number I guess.
by Anonymous - 9/16/15 12:02 AM
For 15 years now I have been seeing this number, at least once a day. But this month I have been seeing it everywhere, all the time, i feel like I am going crazy sometimes! But I believe that our consciousness is getting ready to evolve with the lunar eclipse and Gamma wave set to pass through the earth on September 28th. I have also noticed that people have become extremely irritable, it is our body's way of trying to hold onto our soul before we ascend into higher dimensions and leave this one behind. Get ready boys and girls, it's going to be an amazing ride!
RE: 1134
by Grant - 9/17/15 10:03 AM
This is the first time I'm looking into the number 34 and why it follows me. I thought I was the only one. It's crazy to see the exact same things happening to other people. Crazy crazy.
by Tim - 9/19/15 11:09 AM
10 years at least I see this number on the clock. But am unsatisfied by the angelic meaning I feel it is a number of awakening consciousness. Since I saw the video The Secret "law of Attraction". And it made such an impact I have studied and done research for the last two years. Has anyone else finally found a satisfying meaning that is more than a hello from ur angel above?
by Anonymous - 9/20/15 9:39 PM
It means at one time or another we have all spoke with the devil
by Anonymous - 9/20/15 9:48 PM
It's one of those mathematical numbers to connect to us
by Paul C. - 10/08/15 1:21 PM
Yeah,i see the number as well,and Like many of you,it got so bad *freaky* that I wouldn't look at clocks,so I wouldn't see those numbers...anyway it's defiantly something good,bad if I but for so many people experiencing the same thing like this......are we the chosin for something?,is it a curse,would love to find out,,,,,,after years of keeping this to myself, and finaly googling it yesterday, to find that so many people have the same story as me,is just blowing me away.
by spirit us - 10/14/15 10:08 PM
We are the battalion of benevolent spirits. We are all in sync. Like a mass praying or meditating for the same positive outcome. The war of all wars is not a physical one but a spiritual one. 9/11 created mass fear/panic/hatred. Resulted in many wars thereafter. Our collective consciousness can defeat such mass effects spawned by fear and other negatives by our opposites of this world. If we notice things outside of material objects then we are not numb to the world we live in. Or as Morpheaus would say we are free from the matrix of the usual 1's and 0's. God speed for the battles to come that we should be in the right state of mind/spirit during the collective trials of this world and beyond.
by gabby - 11/18/15 12:45 AM
i thought i was the only one. every time i look at a clock its 11:34 im not trying i just happen to glance and i see it and im like why what does it mean it happens alot to me i say im going to hell cuz it spells it upside down lol idk it creeps me out
by Rich - 11/20/15 11:26 PM
I too see 1134 everywhere. I rarely miss it on the clock each day, a video will pause at this time, NFL game clock stops at this exact time. It really does freak me out. The odds of me seeing it as often as I do are tremendous. Not sure what it means, but I feel like it is a warning. I am a Catholic and wondering if this is gods way of telling me to straighten up.
by Douglass B - 12/21/15 4:23 PM
I'm glad I'm not by myself! I thought I was going crazy! Can someone please explain this to me!
by Douglass B - 12/21/15 4:26 PM
Then I see Gabby made a post about it on 11/18/2015, which is my mothers birthday! And Rich made a post on 11/20/2015, which is my birthday! Lol!
by Michael - 12/30/15 10:01 AM
Since learning what it is and that I'm not the only 1 I feel good about it like specially choosing few of us.I've been seing 1134 for about 15yrs am and pm a also 1143. Another crazy thing is my mom uses 143 to text I love you and I'm her first born so she puts 143-1 all numbers are also in my birth date 111384 which is also unique because the whole point from what I get is it's the 9th angel 1+1+3+4=9 so the extra 1 and 8 in my birth date still equals 9
RE: 1134
by Anonymous - 1/03/16 4:54 AM
I look at the clock all the time and it's 1134or 234 or xx34. I seen3443 or 43, A LOT. Id love to know the meaning
by Nick Limitless - 1/22/16 12:45 PM
I see 1134 on occasion, but for the most part it's usually triple digits or quads at least 4 times a day. But there was a point in my youth where I saw 1134 twice every day and what really triggered it was dabbling with the Ouija board. To me, it seemed as if it was a message from hell or something Cuz soon after that my house became haunted, my dad got heavily oppressed by some type of demonic spirit, and my life was just falling apart. After learning more about the Spirit realm and how the demonic operates in our lives, I began revoking all contracts and praying against then in a spirit of power and boldness rather than fear. And sure enough all the crazy evil stuff stopped and now it's like I'm being haunted by God.. In a good way. I call it the Holy Haunting.. And no, I'm not a Christian lol hopefully this was helpful.. Blessings
by Ruben - 2/04/16 5:47 PM
Hell back words
by oryan wilkins - 2/08/16 2:30 PM
Maybe we're supposed to unite at a certain time and fight the powers of hell.
by Chris heath - 2/16/16 4:14 PM
This blows my mind why does this happen to us ive seen tge number almost everyday since age 12 I am now 26 I dont talk about it much in fear of being ridiculed I have also seen a black shadow when I was 16 I woke up one night and a black figure was standing in my doorway I wonder if both are connected it sounds crazy but it's true I need answers
by nate - 2/25/16 10:41 AM
Mind blown. I always tell everyone 11:34 or 1134 haunt me and who would believe it right? Weird...
by Cameron - 3/29/16 9:37 PM
Have you ever swore to God? Or tried to make a deal with the devil? Because this could be a sign from God
by Anonymous - 4/27/16 11:55 AM
1134=hell upside down on an old calulator
by uhrich - 5/23/16 11:43 PM
So there are 100s of us who all see the same numbers??? Now checking it out online sends some relief religiously anyways but is this all this means?there has to be something more to it. When was everyone born and what month myself Oct 15th 1982 perhaps it has nothing to do with it maybe it does. Has anyone found out other things about these numbers??
by uhrich - 5/23/16 11:44 PM
This list grows more and more all the time so somethings up with it
by Matthewwright535@gmail - 6/04/16 1:27 PM
I've been seeing 11:34 for the past 6 or so years as well. I also thought it meant hell, phone calls, time stamps on pictures, texts, clocks, everything. That's all okay, I could get past that. The thing I can't get past is my best friend passed away in a car accident last year at exactly 11:34. If anyone would like to talk, or help me with this. Please email me. Thanks.
by Anonymous - 6/20/16 2:51 AM
by So so crazy - 7/05/16 7:34 PM
I'm with all of y'all. I
I see 11:34 all the time. My husband thought I was nuts and I told him I would show him. Now he's like what is going on.
Revelation 3
2-3 “Up on your feet! Take a deep breath! Maybe there’s life in you yet. But I wouldn’t know it by looking at your busywork; nothing of God’s work has been completed. Your condition is desperate. Think of the gift you once had in your hands, the Message you heard with your ears—grasp it again and turn back to God.
“If you pull the covers back over your head and sleep on, oblivious to God, I’ll return when you least expect it, break into your life like a thief in the night.
4 “You still have a few followers of Jesus in Sardis who haven’t ruined themselves wallowing in the muck of the world’s ways. They’ll walk with me on parade! They’ve proved their worth!
5 “Conquerors will march in the victory parade, their names indelible in the Book of Life. I’ll lead them up and present them by name to my Father and his Angels.
6 “Are your ears awake? Listen. Listen to the Wind Words, the Spirit blowing through the churches.â€
by Anonymous - 8/02/16 3:47 AM
OMG! I've been seeing 1134 for about 10 yrs myself now...i remember back in the "pager" days when soneone pissed you off you would send 1134 to there pager cuz upside down it reads hell in digital thats pretty scarry ok so ive talked to friends and relatives about this and heres what ive heard which i think its sounds possible..they say its our own internal clock for example ive been working at my job now for 16 years and get up at 4:30am ever since ive started i use to use my alarm clock but havent now in years cuz my internal clock gets me up at 4:30am everyday so you ppl who are always seeing that on clocks only ..this could be the reason BUT my problem and sone of you that ive read it isnt just the clock..check this out i used to play this puzzle game on my computer ur timed and depending on how fast you do the puzzle it gives you points well not once not twice but 3 efin times both my time and score was 1134 i even took pictures of this so the very following day i took my proof pictures to work to let my co workers see cuz there always talking smack laughing at me so i had a chance cuz it was a slow day hardky no custoners i gathered up the guys and showed them the pics of course they said big deal this is not goid proof of anything as they laughed and i said im wasting my time with you guys so as i started to walk back to my desk ..theres this big digital clock hanging on the wall and i look up and wouldnt ya know it it was1134 i spooked and right away told the guys out loud Hey guys what tine is it..they all looked at the digital clock displaying 11:34 and of course again they said i planned i just sat down waant gonna try to even here is another freaky story I went to go visit a friend of mine when i got there she said she was goibg out with some friends so i said its cool ill just kick it here with ur bro and ill see her when she gets back and so she left at around 2am i get a call it was my friend calling from the party saying she drank more than she could handle and her friends that drove her there wanna stay so she asked if id pick her up and i said sure so she gave me the address and i headid over there i wasnt familiar with the area so i was driving slow looking at the street names making sure i didnt pass it...then i see the street so i make a left now im looking for the address slowly i come up to the address and thats when i noticed the address was efin 1134 i have countless others and clock ones reading 1134 also..SO WHAT DOES THIS NUMBER MEAN IF ANYTHING OTHER THAN A NUMERIC 1134???
by Anonymous - 8/29/16 11:48 PM
Wow. I've been seeing that number QUITE OFTEN for about a decade. I did a google search today to see if it meant anything. I had no idea there were this many people who experience what I do.
by Michael B - 9/01/16 4:46 PM
Just like you all this has been part of my life for a very long time. I was scared at first but I thought there had to be a deeper meaning. I do find comfort that I am not the only one, and I look forward to finding the true meaning
by 1:34, 7:34 And OF COURSE "!11:34 ALLthetime;) - 9/13/16 10:15 PM
We are a special kind of being, we must be. I mean honestly, when you think about it, what are the chances of seeing these numbers like this. (I'm assuming we all see them as much as the other..)Absolutely amazing and so interesting. I too CONSTANTLY see these numbers at the most random places. Fascinating to say the least.. I'm hungry for an answer, after a decade of trippin out on this. I don't feel confident or comfortable with the angelic numerology deal posts above. I somehow feel like I'm seeing HELL. As in a place of dark energy, demonic beings, just a bad place... In essence, If it was an angel or a benevolent energy or being, sending numeric messages, it would be something other than Looking like Hell. I know it, and I think deep down, you do too.
How to figure this all out though..??? Where to start??? Let's put our little thinking caps on my peeps;) God help us!
by Michael - 9/29/16 3:54 PM
Need I say more?!
by 34allday - 11/13/16 7:36 PM
I have been seeing 34 for a few years now, non-stop! In fact, while I was reading everyones replies, I decided to glance at the clock, and it was 9:34. I wonder if everyone here can come up with someonething that is common among all of us... FOr instance, I was born in October.... maybe everyone should start posting a few things about themselves until we can link a common denominator...
RE: 1134
by Jerfunden1978 - 1/02/17 1:48 PM
Nooooo Very glad to know I'm not alone on this one. Perhaps before death, confirmation and closure will be obtained. Not understanding it consumes my curiosities.
by eleventhirtyfour - 1/08/17 12:57 AM
This has bothered me for years! I've even tried thinking of another time to notice.....doesn't happen anything like as often as 11:34. I see it other places, but mostly on clocks. I do have a theory though that makes sense of why you have a better chance of noticing that time VS earlier times; let's say for example 2:?? - 4:?? times > usually people arent up that early to see those times in the morning, as well as night, where as 11:34 isnt early and its really not all that late. Something draws me to look at that time that i just cant makes no sense why i even look at the time when i do, because i feel like im not even curious, or even caring what time it is, yet my eyes go right to a clock-source as if i was waiting for that time...
by Ady - 1/25/17 10:04 AM
Ephesians 6:10-18King James Version (KJV)
10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
by Chuck Fops - 1/26/17 4:41 PM
I have been having this problem for close to 20 years, may be a bit longer. What I've noticed is that when I go through a streak of seeing it, something bad seems to happen soon after. I mean I have actually woken up in the middle of the night to look at the clock and there it is 1134. And then I've had it happen multiple times in the same week. And indeed something bad happens. It's almost like something is trying to warn me that I really need to open my eyes, and that I should pay attention to the little details around me. I've based some on my life decisions around this time on the clock. And those mornings have really saved me more than once. Like others have stated I have seen it elsewhere as well. I guess the big thing that I know is that when it comes in a streak, beware. I've even spoken to friends about it, and it only seems like I spread the curse to them . Because they always come back to me later, wanting to find out more about what it means. And why are they having this problem now. But as I stated I don't see it as a curse, it's almost a blessing at times. The curse comes in is when you drive yourself crazy trying to figure out what exactly it's trying to warn you about. My family is very aware of my fear of this number. If they see it coming on the clock they will cover it with a napkin, or their hand. But if the higher power really wants to get the message to you, it won't matter. You'll see it somewhere, in the places you would least expect to see it. I will admit I don't fully understand it, but I do believe In its existence.
by 1134 2 09 - 2/09/17 1:48 PM
funny i DONT see any posts internet comments time stamp @ 11;34 so you kant say you see 11;34'all the time' .correct?
RE: 1134
by Anonymous - 2/13/17 7:23 PM
I've been seeing this number for about the last 16 years of my life every time I look at a clock even when I go to pay for something the exact change would be so many dollars in the cents will be 34 I thought I was going crazy and I even tried to ignore it but I always see it and try to put it at the back of my mind I can't believe I just Google this today and came up with this result so I'm not alone there are other people who see the same number all the time as well!!!!
by Descend - 3/23/17 10:55 PM
Yeah, I've seen the number a lot too. Most of the time it is from the clock. Sometimes random places. I'll see 134 or 1134 or just 34. And when I was driving, I saw a school bus number with 134 right in front of me (the number was on its tail bumper). And then later that day I saw on the clock 1:34. Nothing bad ever happens. But it sure has me looking at the number. It has been happening to me for about 10+ years now. Makes me think I am on the right track, sometimes.
by ANONYMOUS ⤠- 3/28/17 9:55 PM
by Anonymous - 6/08/17 11:50 PM
Back here again. Years later I keep having to google it because it keeps happening. Stronger at time of true trials.... Ugh... This life...
by Anonymous - 6/09/17 12:19 AM
perhaps its us merely taining our bodies to look at the clock at 1134 since we were young and having been religious. look up: circadian rhythm. that or were huge conspiracy theorists and we all have something incommon.... :/
by Miche - 6/12/17 2:55 PM
It's not just the time on the clock for me, although that's frequent. Most recently I was in a car accident and when the policy for my new car came the first numbers were 1134-
by I figured it out - 6/16/17 9:58 AM
Its not only on the clock for me either. Perhaps were awakening... I used to fear it... then accepted it and got back into conspiracies and negative energy vibrations... Until I discovered that theres a thing called "Synchronicity". Instead of questioning why it happens.... Stop... Think.. meditate... pray... is there something you should be doing? maybe stop doing? Thats the moment I found what I was looking for.... Let me know if you have the same feelings. Good luck friends.
by Anonymous - 6/23/17 4:23 PM
Your not alone brother I see 1134 all the time everywhere for about 5 years now
by Scarecrowman - 6/24/17 10:55 AM
I know what this number means. It represents a crossroads. It's a reminder of what your future means to you! You're probably going through some current life stressor or big life change or tramatic experience and you know things need to change for the better. You are on the brink of fixing something that is hindering your life and you have to make a choice now that will set the stage for the rest of your life on earth. Don't struggle with addiction or desires that are destructive to your future... or you know you need to stop. Whenever you see 1134 its a cross of two paths that can make or break you and it is telling you to take the RIGHT path. HELL does spell 1134... but ONLY when you look at it upside-down. In other words, it only becomes hell if you choose to look at your life the wrong way. It represents progress if you look at it upright. 1+1=2, 3+4=7, 2+7=9! 9 means a bright future if you choose to do the right thing. YOU KNOW WHAT THAT IS... LOOK INTO YOUR HEART. 1234 is a number which means you're taking steps to make progress, aka: step 1, step 2, step 3, step 4. Although 1234 is related to 1134, it has a slightly different meaning. 11 is missing 1 to make 12: in other words your higher power is trying to tell you that you're almost where you need to be, but you're missing just one thing: you know what that is so go out and get that and you will have 1234, which is safety and progress.
Peace in Christ who is GOD and loves all men.
RE: 1134
by Bruce Wooten - 6/29/17 1:23 PM
I would like to share my expierence with you regarding 34. Call me anytime. Bruce. Matter of fact anybody that's reading this that see 34 constantly can call me. I want to share some expierences and answers
by Ebony - 7/05/17 9:03 AM
I have been seeing the number 1134 everyday sometimes 2-4 times a day for the past 15 years of my life. I see it everywhere.
by Audrey - 7/11/17 10:54 AM
1134 only spells hell in English. So I don't think it's something evil.
by Fhunjunkie - 11/01/17 10:02 PM
My theory is that we are the chosen few, for what yet I don't know. Maybe to stay after stage 1 of the rapture, during tribulation where we fight against the antichrist? I'm not religious, but I'd like to believe something like this than most other alternatives.
by Mark - 11/05/17 5:48 PM
1134 - If you keep noticing this set of numbers on your clock, it means your going to Hell.... The old school pagers, 1134 upside down will spell hell...
by Kevin - 11/27/17 11:06 PM
Significance & Meaning Of Angel Number 1134
Angel number 1134 is a compilation of the vibrations of number 1 appearing twice, amplifying its influences with the energies of number 3 and number 4. Number 11 vibrates with the energy of determination and will power, creativeness, insight, action, and success. It inspires us towards our destiny and reminds us that we make our realities with our beliefs and actions. Number 1 appearing doubled relates to the Karmic master teacher number 11. It refers to transformation, balance, idealism, revelation, and intuition. Follow your intuition and cosmic guidance to live your God purpose.Angel number 3 is filled with energies and vibrations of motivation and passion, humor, positivity, and joyfulness. It tells you that your angels have set you on a path to increase and growth, expansion, and abundance.Number 4 relates to patience, willpower, devotion, seriousness, reliability, and conviction. It indicates that your guardian angels are giving you love, support, and inner-strength to focus on your goals with persistence and skill.Number 34 is a message that your angels are around you listening and responding to your prayers, wishes and thoughts. The messages you send out to the universe will be answered. So be careful of the energies that you transmit to the universe for they will manifest in your life.Number 113 is a reminder that your angel numbers are at your side you as you undergo life transitions that will bring happiness and love at all levels of your life. Listen to your higher self for guidance because that is where you will discover the answers that you seek. Number 134 tells you to trust that you are on the right path. Share with your angels your fears and worries to experience peace and harmony in your life.Angel number 1134 brings a message to focus on the Divine spark within yourself and manifest your desires. Your angels are guiding you to follow your soul mission with persistence and perseverance, hard work and skill to bring love, joy, and peace in your life and the lives of others. The right opportunities and people are being sent your way to help you achieve your goals. The angels want you to continue with your determination as you struggle to find your life purpose. Whatever path you are walking on, do not give up, a great reward awaits you.
by tony fernandez - 1/20/18 1:18 PM
I know it has everything to do with LAW OF ATTRACTION. Since this number has entered its way into my life it completely changed it. Everything is working well. That number has made me realized ONLY positive outcome. I practice law of attraction religiously. nothing negative with this number.
by Becca - 2/07/18 10:01 PM
I lived in dorm room 1134 in 1995 and since then I see 11:34 a lot and often feel a little crazy when I see it, like this number comes to show itself to me from the Twilight Zone or something. Yesterday at work we watched a video about emergency preparedness and it showed an EMT writing 11:34 on a tourniquet. I thought, no way, you again! Then I went out and bought 5 lotto tickets with 11, 34, and other similar numbers :)
by Kristen - 2/12/18 12:56 PM
I’m glad I’ am not the only one who sees this number. . I’ve been seeing 1134 for a few years . My aunt used to live on 1134 once. I feel scared when I see it at night and I run to my room , but at the same time maybe it’s a good thing we are gifted people and we don’t know it. I’m still trying to discover this true meaning.
by Zadenham - 2/17/18 12:45 AM
Exactly dude. I mean you described my deal identically. Both of my parents have passed. After my mom passed just over 10 years ago, I started seeing 1134 everywhere. Then my dad passed away almost 3 year ago and then I started seeing 34 everywhere and 1134 and combos of it and 1034 and constantly over and over again with the clock. I work in a warehouse. Just so happens that 25lb sacks of product weighs exactly 11.34 kg.... it's made me consider my sanity lol
by 1134 0 - 3/08/18 1:12 PM
1134 = Hell
10345 = Sheol
by Anonymous - 4/07/18 9:58 PM
Seems like a lot of us have October birthdays
by Anonymous - 5/06/18 4:12 PM
I have seen 11:34 and often 1:34 everywhere since I was a sophomore in high school more than 30 years ago. At that time I drew a pencil perspective drawing of my bedroom for art class, including my bed and dresser with clock reading 11:34. Even then I know about it saying HELL on a calculator or digital clock. Since then I see it all the time, and I am relieved to have found this sight and to know that I am not the only one. I see it mostly on digital clocks, but have also seen it on elevators (max. weight), text message time stamps and other places. I do not know what this means, but every time I see it now I throw up a devil salute and say HAIL SATAN just to see what happens. I am averaging 5-6 Hail Satan's per week!! I am certain I am going to HELL!!! But seriously, someone please convince me otherwise, and God bless!!!
RE: 1134
by Nadine - 6/16/18 10:24 PM
@Derek Jaskula! HAHAHA! EVERYTHING you said! ME! ^_^ All day long i'll happen by clocks when it's on this number, or i'll just happen to pause my film for a break, and when coming back, I'll realise once more, that I just so "happen to have paused it at 34 mins in.. so on and so on.. ! Everytime I check the clock, it's at 34 minutes the hour... I also saw this number on the fibonnaci sequence and is the final number on the spiral... major spiritual significance me thinks!
by Rey - 8/09/18 1:03 PM
Guys, I to am an 1134.There is something here! Someone really needs to do some research into this. This many can't be a coincide.
by Lucas - 8/15/18 4:21 PM
Hey all, it's rather remarkable this is happening. I doubt that every number has a forum like this. This may seem arrogant, but I believe I am qualified to answer the questions about the meaning of 1134. I too see the number everywhere; I was even born at the time.
Like most of you, I have spent countless hours wondering about it, feeling either like I had received a special blessing or that I was under threat of something from God or some spiritual being. My whole persona and experiences in life have converged upon a few things thus far, but for brevity I will not elaborate upon this. I can say that I am doing my master's thesis in college based upon this number's influence in my life. I take it as a special message from God, and it is by no means whatsoever damning. If you are under the impression the message is a scary or demonic message, I would highly recommend you reject those ideas, because they simply do not have any grounding in evidence except for some scare tactics.
I think the message relates to the nexus between what some have described as "spirit and flesh", "feeling and thought", "imagination and reason". I believe these numbers mystically correspond to the concepts outlined by several passages in the Bible: Luke 11:34 and Romans 11:34. These are:
"The lamp of the body is the eye."
"For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been his counselor?"
These verses point to the idea of inner spiritual vision, where the unknowableness of God affronts all our imperfect ways. Then, in that void of knowledge, a new light begins, one that transcends mere constructed artifices. Interestingly, this theme is not a new one by any means, but is referenced by mystic traditions in all the great religions. It has been referred to in different ways (and with different meanings, of course), such as "the eye of faith" (Kierkegaard), "No-sight" (Buddhism, Sufism), "The Cloud of Unknowing" (Medieval Christianity), the Ka'aba (Islam), as well as many others. This theme connects love, and creativity is an important element. One can observe it in a pictorial sense through a total solar eclipse: there is a sort of shadowing out, a glorious death and burial, and a rebirth into daylight. It is the story of Christ: incarnation into earth, crucifixion, descent into hell, resurrection, ascension into heaven. Hear the good news.
A great book I recommend for anyone seriously interested in learning more about the themes I believe this number attests to is "The Inner Eye of Love" by Catholic priest William Johnston. It is introductory and synthetic, meaning that it will help people get on board with the idea, as well as connecting them to a larger tradition of this theme in both the East and the West.
Althought I have not gone far along this journey, I have strong compelling evidence to believe this theory. ther authors I recommend: Rumi, St. John of the Cross, the epistles of St. Paul, and Nietszche. There are many authors, but do not fear, this theme is not hard to access, as it fills the human psyche worldwide. If I am correct about this, y'all should have some meaningful food for thought! Enjoy. Peace.
by Anonymous - 9/03/18 12:55 PM
Same experience here seeing 11:34 and 10:34 with 1:34 and 12:34 almost everyday.its wonderful
by David W - 10/09/18 6:56 PM
I have been seeing 11:34/1:34 for as long as I can remember. I've always associated it with...hell. I've also thought that maybe subconsciously I've looked for it. Not sure! But i do know that it's not a coincidence! Lol. The Bible says that the wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget GOD!! Maybe it's a reminder to tell others..."For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
by Day - 10/19/18 12:43 AM
I believe its a sign that we are in hell now with gods love but it could be much worse we are reminded that we are going or we are livn in it they say its a angel but 1134 is hell backwards so its not the angel where lookn for im not sure what can be done about it u startrd ingoring it after so many years like i already know dont remind me everyday but thats my theory cant be good!
by Jamie - 11/05/18 12:34 PM
Its 11:34...
by colby - 12/17/18 8:17 PM
been seeing this number so much lately... Got so bad that when Dominoes raised the price of my usual pasta order it was also 11:34. Every time i look at the clock, without a doubt.
I’ve noticed something in common about a lot of these folks:
1. We all come in contact with the number in our teenage years
2. A majority of us our male
3. We’re all religious
Some info on me:
by Adayis - 2/22/19 10:44 AM
I see this number every at least once per day. When i play video games i score 1134 points as well coincidentally. I have always thought of it as a good luck charm. I have always asked why do i see it and what does it mean. Now I ask what is it? ( 11:34 a noun of some sort or a message? I know it sounds unusual but seeing it in ways that are purely random is unusual in it self.
by Jadames495@gmail,com - 2/28/19 9:24 PM
Omg please help me I keep seeing 1134 34 1034 34 43 143 134 wow
by 1134 - 3/01/19 10:08 PM
My name is Gaby and I have seen this number and ask possible variations of it for over 25 years. I started seeing it when I was 13 and also thought it meant bad luck. For the first time I google and cannot believe how many people have the same story. When I was going through tuff times it would appear even more , sometimes I would feel I was cursed. After today I am convinced that it’s the opposite.I have decided to take it as a sign that whatever decision o am making at the moment it is guided by the Lord. Trust your instincts people!
by Ney - 4/07/19 10:03 AM
I see it too. For over 10 years. Clocks,receipts,addresses,confirmation numbers,order numbers, when i put gas.. EVERYWHERE..
by Anonymous - 4/08/19 8:36 PM
1134, is a really special number. Think about it, if you put that in a digital calculator, then turn it upside down... YOU GET "HELL"!
by Anonymous - 4/09/19 12:32 PM
Ive seen 1134 for many years. Now at 42 yrs old im finally getting the nerve to search the meaning. To my surprise its not bad! Numerology sites say to add the numbers and you get 9. Nine is a significant number. Whats crazy is my name has the word NINE in it. My birthdate is 27 = 9 and I see 1134 all the time...=9 So Im not sure what is going on but I'm researching like everyone to find out whats the real meaning. My 9 year old cousin said out the blue "I see 1134 all the time" Mind you I have not talked about this to ANYONE! Lets see what happens.
by JTFlyer - 5/03/19 6:05 PM
Ugh. 1134. I have been seeing it for as long as I can remember. I’m 41 - I think it started in grade school. I’ve gone years where I haven’t noticed it, and then all the sudden it’s back and it’s all the time. Been seeing it on clocks AM and PM multiple times per week. Like the original poster, I’m an Airline pilot (which is odd) and I see it in the cockpit all the time. FMS Prog Page, in distance remaining, fuel burns, transponder codes, V1 is 134 all the time, used to take off in the MD80 at 134,000 LBS all the time. 1134 most often, 134 sometimes, 34 sometimes. I often see it at the gym on clocks, timers, and counters.
I feel like it’s bad. I’m an atheist, but clearly there’s something bigger sheesh. I tend to notice it in difficult times. I think ive been seeing it since the trump nightmare started.
by Tommy g - 5/07/19 7:02 AM
Worst part i see it more when im sober gods calling i hope seen it 40 yrs in love u all i am now legally crazy seen it told since i was youg 1134 is my pin numbers. So i wont forget it lol but if not 134 734 1034. 34 even 1235 seen 666 a few times but nothing like1134 could see 1133 take a piss let me look at clock got arrested. Then again i think im the only one alive like matrix in see dreams in they happen next day were united other idiot said were texting in its not 1134 dont know we have to look for it to happen god bless
by Tommy g - 5/07/19 7:16 AM
Last post im a cutter when i was 15 then a burner suicadal in thats when that clock started now 46 good luck back in the front metallica only in south of heaven.slayer.jk hope its jesus
by Angel - 5/21/19 6:41 PM
Ive been seeing it for about 6 7 yrs now too. My bf was seeing it all the time himself since he qas little and when he pointed it out to me i started seeing it EVERYWHERE. Clocks,licenceplates,recipts,phonenumbers, movies. Everywhere. Its reallllyyy creeeppyy
by Alex - 5/27/19 2:31 AM
I have been seeing this in my life for the last 7 or 8 years. It scares me, but reading more about the number and what it could pertain to give me relief, I know I will never stop seeing it every other day. I'm am relieved to see this blog....I did some research. And the closest thing i can come to is the Hebrew pictographs. Its suppose to be gods language. Look it up and read about it, it might help you. It has given me insight.
by It's 11:34... - 6/23/19 10:54 PM
I see variations of 1134, 134, 34.... I am 47. I have become aware of this since 1/10/2018. This is also when I became aware of the supernatural bible changes. I am MANDELA EFFECTED. This is supernatural no dought. My advice, pray... BE SOBER. WATCH AND LISTEN. THE CREATOR IS MAKING MOVES.
by Stephanie - 7/28/19 3:40 PM
I feel like seeing 1134 on the clock especially is to take a moment and be silent remember to check in with yourself. I mainly see the time and it'll be am and pm on the same day for 2 or 3 days in a row. Everytime I see it I think 'hell time' 1134 upside down. And I just pause let that time go by and I treat it like a moment of silence and reflection.
by Shepardson - 10/24/19 2:19 AM
I just noticed the reccurance of 1134 today I know that i havnt heard what the angel number ment but i instantly knew when it popped into my mind earlier tonight. Thinking back ive noticed the number for many years but never paid any attention to it. I personally feel like when i was a kid i used to type 1134 into a calculator just for fun just as many others have it was always something i knew when i played around with a calculator same as "8008". 1134 was more prominently used when i was a kid. I think that subconsciously i still recognize it just as when i was a kid it may be the same for others here too, when we look at a clock or drive up the road the number will stick out to us because we joked about it so much as a child. Maybe some dont recognize the reference to when we were a child and the memories are gone. If thats the case i can understand the confusion as to why the number is taking control of some of your lives.
If i dont quite have it right or someone would like to chat my email is At yahoo (the site wont let me submit my email)
by April marie greer - 12/19/19 9:02 AM
Wat does 1134 mean
by Optional - 12/23/19 5:39 PM
I have seen this like almost everyday for over 20 years every time I check the damn clock it’s 1134
by Jessie - 12/29/19 4:41 AM
I know that seeing numbers like this more than just once in a blue mean definitely means something. There are many different theories about them. Some other examples of repeating numbers that has been happening to me the last 4 to 6 months pretty much every single day and some days 2 to 3 times a day. I have been seeing numbers on a clock such as a wall clock, digital clock, on my cell phone, and so on. Most of the time it is numbers (time of the day or night)11:11, 3:33, 1:11, and just a few minutes ago I happen to look at my parents microwave clock (mom was putting something in the microwave & I glanced at clock right before she hit the cook button & the time on it said 5:55. I actually think the microwave clock was 2 to 3 minutes off but still! But anyway, I know it is a given that people are gonna sometimes see these numbers, but when it is starting to be constant, it definitely means something. I believe, for me, my 3rd eye and 7 chakras may be starting to open, & I am becoming more aligned with the universe. When it comes to religion such as christianity I do not think believe like they do. I do believe in God (a higher power) and I also believe in isn't anything like Christian's say it is. See, I believe Jesus was a teacher of exactly the way I believe. He was trying to teach us so could he just like him and do things he could. I believe he had access to his 3rd eye(7 chakras)& also used magic at times. He also wanted us to be more kind and loving towards one another. I think it pissed the men off so the Roman's killed him and used his story to created religion to gain power and control. It worked. I think the universe, science, 7 chakras, laws of attraction and human beings as well as many other things unknown or unexplainable are connected. Man mind just made it sound more logical & added stuff to keep power and control. Like witchcraft or magic in general. It's all natural. Thinks from and of the earth are used. So yeah...its crazy but awesome. Just pissed me off we all have been conditioned a certain way otherwise we would all have access to every part of our brain. Now it is gonna take more work and effort to get there
by Brian C Burtis - 12/31/19 4:43 AM
I have been seeing 1134 all of the time and for many years. My father says whenever he sees that time now he thinks of me. I imagine everyone that is close to me thinks of me when they see it. I have been frightened of the number because if you look at it on a digital clock it reads hell if you turn it upside down. I'm seeing now that it isn't the case!This is a relief, I think. I just want to know what it really is. I don't feel like I am on the right path so I don't know if the interpretation is true. I just wish I had more of an understanding of it, because it is very real. It's not coincidence.
by Jorge Mendedz - 1/07/20 7:55 AM
25 years old. I’ve been seeing this number for years now, glad Im not the only one.
by Anonymous - 2/04/20 3:35 AM
The 1134 Thing started when i was 11 . I am almost 43 now and it has only gotten crazier. Not only do i see the number on clocks daily but for example where i work now we have two fork lifts in my particular work area. One is 11 the other is 34. I run a machine that cuts wood . The most popolar order i see daily has 134 sheets. The loud speaker asks for such and such person to call ext. 134. The most popular one. If it was just seeing the numbers it wouldn’t bother me .A little about myself . I have had a yearning for God since a very young age but never thought organized religion the way we know it was quite right. I didn’t ask for it but i have had many, many spiritual experiences both good and bad but have always been very sensitive to them like occasionally being able to see/sense them or having the feeling i could tell the difference between good and bad ones ect. At times i have felt cursed but other times i have felt blessed like having Godly experiences where God showed himself to me in amazing ways. I don’t claim to be a saint i have had my share of ups and downs and struggles. Have overcome alot of things and have struggled with others but i also have a strong sense of wanting to fight for what is right to the point that i am willing to die for it if necessary . I am retired Miltary and spent 5 years of it almost in combat. I have also went to battle with Demons spiritually . I don’t have all the answers but i believe we all have something in common . It did wage war with the Devil at a young age because i had a certain knowing of how things work Spiritually in this life and i also asked God to use me in any way possible. A couple things i have learned on my path is that almost everything that happens to us in this life Good or bad is God trying to teach us something even if it is just to be able to see and understand things from his perspective. God tests the hearys and minds of those who love him. Although i have to ait the numbers still give me the heebee jeebees i’m not sure exactly what it means. I know God is real and so are Demons . I try to refuge and scripture. I.E . John 3:16
by Joe Barron - 7/27/20 11:06 PM
I just finally told my wife about my 11:34, 7:34 and 1:34 sightings. Mainly 11:34 which freaks me out because of the whole h3// upside down thing. What’s so weird to me is that I’ve seen it for about 10 yrs now and have never told a soul until tonight... And then I googled more and found all of my 11:34 brothers and sisters. I think we’re the chosen ones! For what I do not know, but I think it’s GOOD and NOT Bad. I’ve seen it recently about twice a day now and we just lost our 22 yr old son this past December. May be him letting me know everythings gonna be okay? Idk...
All I know is that After reading all of your messages I felt a load lifted off of me! Well... not all of it because my wife keeps asking me why I never told her all these years! Lol
See you “chosen ones” soon. God Bless All of You!
by Mike - 7/30/20 12:48 AM
Have seen number multiple times a day for years. What could it mean? I've been searching for answers for years to no avail.
by KJ - 8/13/20 10:43 AM
It is oddly comforting to have found my way to this forum. I also have seen the number combo '1134' throughout my life for as long as I can remember. I do not seek it out, it simply shows itself on a consistent basis. Usually on the clock, it also appears in random places like invoices totals at work. I understand how things like this could be simple coincidence, but I have always felt there was something beyond my understanding to it.
While I am not a religious man, I see myself as very spiritual. I have always felt like I've had some underlying connection with the world around me, however, that feeling of connected-ness has all but vanished around Christmas of 2019. I felt like I knew something monumental was going to happen to humanity back in January 2020 and so far it has sadly come true. While I know the outcome of this year will ultimately be positive, I fear that we are on the cusp of a major culling in the world. I've never been a doomsayer and am usually blindly optimistic, but this year I find it a struggle to stay positive.
Bringing this back to '1134', I feel like the frequency of my sightings of the number has increased a great deal this year, almost to the extent that it is blatantly obvious to me at minimum once a day. I do find solace that there are others out there that have noticed the same. I hope that we all continue down the correct path and help others in this time in which darkness has been emboldened in our world.
by Kest - 8/13/20 7:51 PM
What does 11:34 mean?
by justin - 9/05/20 9:44 AM
its gods will working through you. ive been studying this for almost 20 years. i started seeing it when i quit drinking. i truelly gave myself over to god and let him guide me with all my heart and trust. its a compass that points you into situations that change many many people with the butterfly effect and also shows you when in the most doubt that youre doing whats best and where youre supposed to be. my suggestion is that if youre seeing this number, to just give in and trust that jesus will put you where you can do the most good.
by R U Ready - 10/25/20 7:28 PM
1134 days from the Revelation 12 sign that happened on September 23rd, 2017 is October 31, 2020 (Halloween). Many have pointed to this day as the return of Christ. Be ready! Pray hard!
by Brian - 1/13/21 12:57 AM
Man oh man, how am sort of relieved to see that there are others like me. I tell all my close friends that I see this number all the time. Mostly when I check the time, or if I’m doing a workout and I look right at 11 mins and 34 seconds, and just today, I stopped riding my stationary bike, at 1,134 calories... and I always see license plates with those numbers. And flipping the numbers upside down, does spell HELL, so I was soooo affraid for the longest time, that no matter what I do, am I destined to go straight to hell? I truly hope not and reading a lot of the comments and posts on here, make me fear the number a bit less
by NightRunner417 - 5/20/21 9:54 AM
Hey, I didn't expect this thread to still be alive but what do you know, it's only a few months in disuse. So here goes: I've been seeing number patters all over hell and back for a very, very long time. My usuals on clocks are 11:11, 12:34, 5:55 or any similar repeater, but mostly 1:34, 10:34 and 11:34, like A LOT. Like, it seems to defy the physics of "it can only happen twice in a day" a lot. These pattern tend to go away when things are going well for me, but when things are bad, they swarm me like mad. As others here have said, I'm not a clock watcher and these will pop up on clocks that are way off, receipts, signs, television commercials, on and on. In fact, I get 417 in a LOT of places, like the amount of time on a YouTube video and such, but mainly I'm getting flooded with 10:34 and 11:34. I like others have many times feared that either I'm in hell or going there, but I don't really believe in hell and I'm hardly the worst person ever to walk the Earth. I think the next most likely explanation is a "hello" from beyond, to help me to feel loved and supported by entities from "out there" when no entities down here seem to care. It explains why it happens the most in times of great stress. Also, something to consider... "HELLO" cannot exist on a four digit clock, but "hEll" certainly can if you flip it over, and the next best thing is "hE0l", which is what 10:34 is when you flip it over. It would be a compromise since 01:34 cannot exist on four digit clocks either. So, a half-assed hello from the great beyond? I don't know, but I do consider myself to be a dreamer/healer/shaman type soul, so maybe. We don't get to know everything until we cross over.
Just please know that you're not alone. We are MANY, we just have no means to find each other.
Love and light,
by Chason - 7/15/21 7:48 PM
I've seen it for years and years until the other night it annoyed me enough to look it up and mostly from what I seen it's something like a angel attempting to guide you intuition to the right direction for the life you want to live and to me it is everything I have experienced it could be bad or good it depends on what I make of it and yea until then I thought hell was the meaning but I'm agnostic I never really went towards anything I really don't know but I'm going to try and figure this meaning out because at this poit of experiencing this like other for years of noticing like a xbox just to hit the button boom 1134 it is and it describes me in every way who knows honestly at this point but eager to talk to someone experiencing this aswell the same way . Stay safe
by x7slim8x - 9/11/21 8:56 PM
I see it too.... everywhere for decades. It just our brains fixated on it. I don't feel it has any true bearing on my life.
by Hunter - 11/24/21 6:31 PM
Same, i saw it twice today and i think it means im going to hell im scared
by Anonymous - 2/28/22 7:06 PM
I turn 43 in 2 days my name equals 11 letters. I believe I will die this year and I believe when I see the number its always been at a crossroad where i need to make a choice and if I choose wrong it's taking me that much closer to going to hell. I think I've ran out of choosing the. And now it's time to face the music. I see it in everything now. Before it was very seldom. But as My lifestyle grew so did the numbers. They even started appearing in my job..I engineer music so it's alot of numbers. But the numbers are almost always 1134 or 666.667 or 34 in general..anyways I'll check back with u guys if I make it past 43.. If I do pass tho..the.. all can save your souls by making the right choice is guess..
by Anonymous - 2/28/22 7:06 PM
I turn 43 in 2 days my name equals 11 letters. I believe I will die this year and I believe when I see the number its always been at a crossroad where i need to make a choice and if I choose wrong it's taking me that much closer to going to hell. I think I've ran out of choosing the. And now it's time to face the music. I see it in everything now. Before it was very seldom. But as My lifestyle grew so did the numbers. They even started appearing in my job..I engineer music so it's alot of numbers. But the numbers are almost always 1134 or 666.667 or 34 in general..anyways I'll check back with u guys if I make it past 43.. If I do pass tho..the.. all can save your souls by making the right choice is guess..
by Roy - 3/09/22 7:17 PM
The first time I saw 1134 my clock had been upside and was facing the window so I saw the reflection in the window it saying HELL and then as soon as I saw it my lights started flickering and i started feeling cold as if there was an energy in the room oppressing me and that whole night was filled with night terrors and screaming sounds of hell in my ear ever since then I see it and something bad always happens maybe I am destined for hell? I’ve sortve embraced that idea and now I associate my self with the number 1134 as my own personal number it gives me power I for some reason thought I might’ve been born at 11:34 so I checked my birth certificate and it was 11:31, 3 minutes off, funny enough I was born on the 6th I weighed 6 pounds and 11:31 added up is 6, 666 11:34 I am the antichrist
by Bruce - 4/06/22 12:24 PM
I've been seeing 11:34 for years. Since I was a teenager and I'm now 54! What does it mean?
by elias - 9/03/22 5:27 PM
i might have the answer.....THIS IS GOING TO SOUND CRAZY but i have been seeing 11:34 for 20yr now it would drive me crazy but at the beginning of this year (2022) its a very long story but Jesus came to me in my head he would not leave me for 5 months. he told me that the book of revelation is not coming yet its very far away from now but very soon very soon something bad is going to happen to the earth its an alien invasion unlike no other he would not stop telling me that its very bad....its not as bad as the day of the beast but he say ALOT of people will die and he needed my help and from the others he's chosen for something that is a long story to explain......i know that 11:34 means hell backward but its actually a bible verse Hebrews 11:34...."Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens." and Daniel 11:34 "When they fall, they will receive a little help, and many who are not sincere will join them.".....there are others but these two are the ones i was given......its a long story i hope this helps because i still cant stop seeing it
by elias....fine dont believe me - 9/03/22 5:52 PM
elias....fine dont believe me i am just trying to help them make sense of what is happening to them....I AM NOT those astronaut nut jobs that are in tv. I am telling you as a christian what has happened to me and the little information that jesus has given to me i still see the 11:34......only this site and a post on reddit mentions about the 11:34 clock cant find anybody talking about this NO WHERE in the internet NO WHERE....this is the second site i have found that talks about this.....but fine i am typing away my time.....bye
by trying 2help - 10/02/22 4:12 AM
Go on tiktoc
I think her name is MountainMysticWV
I thought she was full of it, but when I hung out with her for a day, she pointed out everything she saw! This number follows specific people. Msg her
She can explain a lot!
by enq - 12/14/22 6:24 PM
it's close to lunch or midnight snack time, maybe it's just our stomach telling us to look. =D
145 Comments for 1134
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by Derek Jaskula - 1/07/11 1:44 PM144 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: 1134
by Anonymous - 1/25/11 9:44 PMRE:1134
by Anonymous - 7/08/12 9:45 PMRE:1134
by Anonymous - 12/14/12 7:45 PMRE: 1134
by Anonymous - 2/15/13 9:50 AMRe:1134
by Magi Hybridsd - 6/25/13 6:45 PMRE:1134
by Greg - 10/06/13 11:40 AMRE:1134
by Geoff - 2/24/14 10:05 PMRE:1134
by Brian - 3/05/14 9:30 PMRE:1134
by Anonymous - 3/21/14 6:15 PMRE:1134
by ryan - 5/23/14 11:55 PMRE: 1134
by Jessica - 7/08/14 9:44 PMRE:1134
by Madelynsprite - 7/09/14 9:41 PMRE:1134
by Anonymous - 8/16/14 10:10 PMRE:1134
by Mesa Arizona - 8/27/14 11:49 AMRE:1134
by Michael - 9/21/14 6:19 PMRE:1134
by rah808 - 9/27/14 11:00 AMRE:1134
by Jimmy Haynes - 10/06/14 11:51 PMRE: 1134
by Joseph foote - 10/07/14 12:46 PMRE:1134
by Anonymous - 10/09/14 11:12 AMRE:1134
by leeah - 10/18/14 9:41 PMRE:1134
by Servant - 10/18/14 11:12 PMRE:1134
by Me too!! Since 2012, constantly 11:34 - 11/14/14 6:03 PMRE:1134
by just alex - 11/28/14 11:42 AMRE:1134
by BludRust - 1/07/15 1:47 AMRE:1134
by Ted - 1/13/15 5:42 PMRE:1134
by Anonymous - 1/13/15 7:17 PMRE:1134
by Dawn - 2/04/15 10:49 PMRE:1134
by kindaconfused - 2/20/15 9:59 AMRE:1134
by Anonymous - 2/20/15 10:59 PMRE:1134
by Anonymous - 2/23/15 3:59 PMRE:1134
by rus - 3/29/15 7:06 PMRE:1134
by Judy - 4/15/15 10:48 PMRE:1134
by Anonymous - 4/20/15 4:37 AMRE:1134
by livy - 6/01/15 11:59 AMRE:1134
by andre - 6/12/15 12:58 PMRE:1134
by brittdispensa83 - 6/17/15 8:47 AMRE:1134
by Ian - 7/26/15 10:43 AMRE:1134
by Donte - 8/22/15 4:12 PMRE:1134
by Anonymous - 9/16/15 12:02 AMRE: 1134
by Grant - 9/17/15 10:03 AMRE:1134
by Tim - 9/19/15 11:09 AMRE:1134
by Anonymous - 9/20/15 9:39 PMRE:1134
by Anonymous - 9/20/15 9:48 PMRE:1134
by Paul C. - 10/08/15 1:21 PMRE:1134
by spirit us - 10/14/15 10:08 PMRE:1134
by gabby - 11/18/15 12:45 AMRE:1134
by Rich - 11/20/15 11:26 PMRE:1134
by Douglass B - 12/21/15 4:23 PMRE:1134
by Douglass B - 12/21/15 4:26 PMRE:1134
by Michael - 12/30/15 10:01 AMRE: 1134
by Anonymous - 1/03/16 4:54 AMRE:1134
by Nick Limitless - 1/22/16 12:45 PMRE:1134
by Ruben - 2/04/16 5:47 PMRE:1134
by oryan wilkins - 2/08/16 2:30 PMRE:1134
by Chris heath - 2/16/16 4:14 PMRE:1134
by nate - 2/25/16 10:41 AMRE:1134
by Cameron - 3/29/16 9:37 PMRE:1134
by Anonymous - 4/27/16 11:55 AMRE:1134
by uhrich - 5/23/16 11:43 PMRE:1134
by uhrich - 5/23/16 11:44 PMRE:1134
by Matthewwright535@gmail - 6/04/16 1:27 PMRE:1134
by Anonymous - 6/20/16 2:51 AMRE:1134
by So so crazy - 7/05/16 7:34 PMRE:1134
by Anonymous - 8/02/16 3:47 AMRE:1134
by Anonymous - 8/29/16 11:48 PMRE:1134
by Michael B - 9/01/16 4:46 PMRE:1134
by 1:34, 7:34 And OF COURSE "!11:34 ALLthetime;) - 9/13/16 10:15 PMRE:1134
by Michael - 9/29/16 3:54 PMRE:1134
by 34allday - 11/13/16 7:36 PMRE: 1134
by Jerfunden1978 - 1/02/17 1:48 PMRE:1134
by eleventhirtyfour - 1/08/17 12:57 AMRE:1134
by Ady - 1/25/17 10:04 AMRE:1134
by Chuck Fops - 1/26/17 4:41 PMRE:1134
by 1134 2 09 - 2/09/17 1:48 PMRE: 1134
by Anonymous - 2/13/17 7:23 PMRE:1134
by Descend - 3/23/17 10:55 PMRE:1134
by ANONYMOUS ⤠- 3/28/17 9:55 PMRE:1134
by Anonymous - 6/08/17 11:50 PMRE:1134
by Anonymous - 6/09/17 12:19 AMRE:1134
by Miche - 6/12/17 2:55 PMRE:1134
by I figured it out - 6/16/17 9:58 AMRE:1134
by Anonymous - 6/23/17 4:23 PMRE:1134
by Scarecrowman - 6/24/17 10:55 AMRE: 1134
by Bruce Wooten - 6/29/17 1:23 PMRE:1134
by Ebony - 7/05/17 9:03 AMRE:1134
by Audrey - 7/11/17 10:54 AMRE:1134
by Fhunjunkie - 11/01/17 10:02 PMRE:1134
by Mark - 11/05/17 5:48 PMRE:1134
by Kevin - 11/27/17 11:06 PMRE:1134
by tony fernandez - 1/20/18 1:18 PMRE:1134
by Becca - 2/07/18 10:01 PMRE:1134
by Kristen - 2/12/18 12:56 PMRE:1134
by Zadenham - 2/17/18 12:45 AMRE:1134
by 1134 0 - 3/08/18 1:12 PMRE:1134
by Anonymous - 4/07/18 9:58 PMRE:1134
by Anonymous - 5/06/18 4:12 PMRE: 1134
by Nadine - 6/16/18 10:24 PMRE:1134
by Rey - 8/09/18 1:03 PMRE:1134
by Lucas - 8/15/18 4:21 PMRE:1134
by Anonymous - 9/03/18 12:55 PMRE:1134
by David W - 10/09/18 6:56 PMRE:1134
by Day - 10/19/18 12:43 AMRE:1134
by Jamie - 11/05/18 12:34 PMRE:1134
by colby - 12/17/18 8:17 PMRE:1134
by Adayis - 2/22/19 10:44 AMRE:1134
by Jadames495@gmail,com - 2/28/19 9:24 PMRE:1134
by 1134 - 3/01/19 10:08 PMRE:1134
by Ney - 4/07/19 10:03 AMRE:1134
by Anonymous - 4/08/19 8:36 PMRE:1134
by Anonymous - 4/09/19 12:32 PMRE:1134
by JTFlyer - 5/03/19 6:05 PMRE:1134
by Tommy g - 5/07/19 7:02 AMRE:1134
by Tommy g - 5/07/19 7:16 AMRE:1134
by Angel - 5/21/19 6:41 PMRE:1134
by Alex - 5/27/19 2:31 AMRE:1134
by It's 11:34... - 6/23/19 10:54 PMRE:1134
by Stephanie - 7/28/19 3:40 PMRE:1134
by Shepardson - 10/24/19 2:19 AMRE:1134
by April marie greer - 12/19/19 9:02 AMRE:1134
by Optional - 12/23/19 5:39 PMRE:1134
by Jessie - 12/29/19 4:41 AMRE:1134
by Brian C Burtis - 12/31/19 4:43 AMRE:1134
by Jorge Mendedz - 1/07/20 7:55 AMRE:1134
by Anonymous - 2/04/20 3:35 AMRE:1134
by Joe Barron - 7/27/20 11:06 PMRE:1134
by Mike - 7/30/20 12:48 AMRE:1134
by KJ - 8/13/20 10:43 AMRE:1134
by Kest - 8/13/20 7:51 PMRE:1134
by justin - 9/05/20 9:44 AMRE:1134
by R U Ready - 10/25/20 7:28 PMRE:1134
by Brian - 1/13/21 12:57 AMRE:1134
by NightRunner417 - 5/20/21 9:54 AMRE:1134
by Chason - 7/15/21 7:48 PMRE:1134
by x7slim8x - 9/11/21 8:56 PMRE:1134
by Hunter - 11/24/21 6:31 PMRE:1134
by Anonymous - 2/28/22 7:06 PMRE:1134
by Anonymous - 2/28/22 7:06 PMRE:1134
by Roy - 3/09/22 7:17 PMRE:1134
by Bruce - 4/06/22 12:24 PMRE:1134
by elias - 9/03/22 5:27 PMRE:1134
by elias....fine dont believe me - 9/03/22 5:52 PMRE:1134
by trying 2help - 10/02/22 4:12 AMRE:1134
by enq - 12/14/22 6:24 PMRead all 622 comments »
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