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by Danielle - 5/28/20 1:35 AM
Wow..here I am thinking I was completely alone dealing with this alone, to see this many people is mind blowing.

I’ve been seeing 1134 for over 10 years. At this point it’s starting to take a toll on my mental health, I think one day if I see it in another unexpected way I’m going to have a psychotic episode and have to go to the hospital, I’m very serious.

It has gotten to a point where I’m questioning my sanity, am I delusional? Is this psychosis? I need someone who knows how the brain/mind works entirely and can explain to me how this is possible before I lose the little sanity I have left..

So like I said it’s been over 10 years being a slave to 1134, but it’s starting to get creepier and creepier.
Just the other day I was sitting at my desk writing some things down, a little stressed out. My phone was next to me on my right side on the desk and I was recording my voice on my voice memo on my phone, the numbers are constantly moving because is counting how long I’ve been recording, minutes and seconds...
I’m looking directly at my paper, my head in my hands because I’m so stressed out..I took a moment to breathe and collect my thoughts before I continued to speak into my voice memo while looking at what I have written down......
Right as I was about to begin speaking again...I suddenly look over at my phone and it says 11:34....I freaked out, I freaked out so bad
I ran out of the room in hysterics, I was crying and screaming, my hands were shaking and I could not calm down...
I Tried to understand why, I tried to make sense of it.

How could my subconscious/peripheral vision know that it was ALMOST 11:34?? My subconscious or peripheral vision is so powerful that it saw the numbers 11:32...11:33...and made me look at 11:34?? WHY?? I am scared now, I saw it again today while I was on a phone call, and I can see how much time passed, I wasn’t even looking at my phone and then BAM all of a sudden I break my neck to see 11:34..11:35...11:36...I NEED ANSWERS! I’m so scared that the next time I see it in a freaky way I assure you I’m going to have a mental and emotional breakdown and have to be admitted to a ward. I seriously need help.

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RE: 1134

by Jr - 6/04/20 4:55 AM
You’re not crazy.
It’s spiritual.
I see 1143 And 1134 everywhere
And other number sequences at different times.

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