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222 death

by Laura - 10/04/18 9:45 AM
About a week ago my dog got very sick throwing up and crappy type of sick first I thought it was food poising but when he stopped eating and started vomiting water I taken him to ammediatly to the vet where he was put of fluids to help him

That night I remember being worried and in tears with dreaded instinct of something bad happening in my gut.
Then I woke up in middle of night and looked at the time on my phone which was exactly 222am which gave me this unsettling feeling. I googled the number 222 and heard so many positive things I felt it might be a good sign.
So I continued to pray for my dogs recovery as he was only 8 and they where angels numbers in what google had told me

But under a week in vet care his condition worsened to extreme and I eventually collected him so could spend one night at home under heavy painkillers before calling a vet in morning for euthanasia given is terrible state as his kidneys and pancreas had failed
When I looked at the numbers on taking off the medical tag (that had been put on in vet care) three numbers at end of his barcode shocked again me the numbers ending with 222

So far everyone on here seams to have a positive experience with those numbers but mine is connected to a heartbreaking death and I’m very worried that it could have been connected to a demon rather than a angel given how quickly it all happened

Has anyone else had a similar experience?

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RE: 222 death

by Anonymous - 12/03/18 12:33 AM
I'm so sorry for your loss 😔 It's weird you say that about weather the 222 is a good or bad thing. I see 1:11 sometimes twice a day 444 I mean in the last year almost constantly. I heard positive things about them but I have a check in my sprit about them. Like the 1:11 or 11:11 I feel it means the 11th hour. Can't tell you why. Discernment is needed pray about it ask the lord to show you the truth and exspect an awnser. Your wise to question it. It says to test and try the spirits and see if they are of God. God Bless you.

RE: 222 death

by Anonymous - 11/24/19 10:29 PM
I have been seeing 111 and I know it’s a good sign but last night after researching reptilians I woke up looked at the time on my phone it was 222 and there was a dark presence and I could tell I was being warned I should prob not look to much into it

RE:222 death

by Moses - 4/27/20 2:32 PM
Reply death 222
What i know is that according bible we have satan lucifer and the serpent and each carry a sin of 222 so the total in the world is 666 and we have holyghost jesus christ and God
so when jesus christ came to world he clear 222 sins that is why in the cross he said to God my father why have you forgotten me? at the cross, so it has something to do with sin so will advice you to chech around yourself may be hiw you leading yourself

RE:222 death

by Shannon - 5/16/20 8:17 PM
I’ve had a rough life from the age 5 and now I’m almost 17 but recently in the past few months everything suddenly went downhill & I’ve had depression and lost motivation for everything I don’t even eat or get out of bed. And I keep seeing 222, 444 , 555 , 111 but mainly 222 so I’ve made it my favourite number.

RE:222 death

by Eva Schwab - 4/13/21 3:05 PM
My identical twin sister was stabbed 222 times six days after our birthday in 2019, and ever since I have seen 222 repeatedly....why?

RE: 222 death

by Anonymous - 6/17/21 7:18 AM
Perhaps it wasn’t a sign of death but life. 222 in Hebrew means to bless the lord first in His house. Maybe you precious dog passing was a sign that the earth fades but never forget the risen LORd. Bless his holy name and be glad for HIM

RE: 222 death

by Anonymous - 6/25/21 6:10 PM
Something similar happened when my pet passed. I received 222 and 444 in various ways, and prior to this I had never put any stock or attention into numbers at all. But I literally received a telephone book delivered on my door step on Christmas Day with a phone number on the front page ad that was 222-2222. When my other pet passed just eight months later, I believe I saw repeated 3s and 5s. Perhaps this is just the universe's way of telling us that this is part of the plan and to put it all in God's hands or that we're receiving support from angels or spirit guides.

RE:222 death

by Sjahn73 - 2/19/22 10:43 PM
I recently lost my dog, who also had the same thing happened to you. My dog was fine, and then not fine. I started noticing repeating numbers 1111, 2222, 3:33, 444 , so on. My dog stopped eating, and started vomiting. Not severely but would not eat. I took him to my vet where they told me he was in renal failure, he lasted 7 days. I took him home from my vets to laid him to rest. It was heartbreaking and I miss him so much. I still see the repeating numbers and when I read up on 2222 , it lead me here. It does seem to be positive , I’m open that maybe we are being directed here to find peace and harmony and, I’d like to believe it’s time for me to move on. My dog would want me to be hurting. So I’m taking it as a positive that my dog will meet me at rainbow ???? bridge. I hope you find peace, as well.

Take care and God Bless

RE: 222 death

by Anonymous - 3/12/22 12:28 PM
Omg yes ! I’ve had multiple “friends” born on July 2nd. They all ended up screwing me over. I met one guy born on September 2nd and he sexually assaulted me. I met someone else after him. SAME BIRTHDAY! He didn’t assault me but he gave me creepy vibes and he got kicked out of a local bar for sexually assaulting a passed out girl! I got into a relationship with a guy born on 2/12/1992. I was just getting used by a drug addict and got abandoned during my hardest time … on top of that he ended up being a pedo …..

RE:222 death

by Sharon - 6/13/22 12:44 PM
I had been seeing 222 for months, actually I had been seeing multiple angel numbers for quite some time. They become so obvious you can not help but research them. My hours of googling had me believing that I needed to leave my then current and extremely toxic relationship and move on…That would happen but only after my 17 year old son was shot, developed severe PTSD, a habit to opioids, got a DUI, wrecked his car NUMEROUS times, overdosed, went to rehab, started self harming, and couldn’t break free from the demons. It was a fast paced dance with the devil that only the numbers could have known would end so tragically. My only son died May 7 2022 @4:15 pm. I got the call April 30- he had relapsed and overdosed, going almost 15 minutes without adequate oxygen, his brain had hypoxia. I had to make the choice to remove him from life support. I watched him fight to live, he was young and his heart was healthy. His oxygen count at an all time low but his heart still strong and pumping, I sat and held his hands for hours as the doctors pumped him full of morphine so he would die, my son would never want to be a vegetable- that was the prognosis given. I had to watch him die to save him from living his worst nightmare. I now see 222 everywhere, Every day. The 222 was warning me of his death and I didn’t get it. Now it’s warning me of mine and I welcome it. The numbers do not lie- 111: they’re warning you, your thoughts create your reality. 222: you didn’t head the warning and now your worst nightmare that you’ve played over and over in your head has no choice but to play out in the movie screen we call our lives. I always said he would become an addict, a fear I held as close as I did him, I didn’t want him to ever be like me. But the universe doesn’t know the difference between a thought, a dream or reality. What you think is what will be. I think I will die soon, and I will be so happy to do so. 222

RE:222 death

by Evie - 11/21/22 1:31 PM
Yeah. I was in Italy and my cat got hit by a car while neighbours were taking care of him. He got hit by a car why we were on holiday but they didn't want to tell us since we were stressed enough due to our flights being delayed. We checked into a hotel to go stay there for the remaining time there, that was the day he died. Our hotel number was 222. Since the neighbour didn't text us back when we asked if he was okay, I started getting worried but I thought that was a sign...

RE: 222 death

by Anonymous - 9/20/23 6:45 AM
Sadly, yes. The number 222 has been a warning of sorts in COUNTLESS situations for me over the years. From my patient id number at the ER starting with 222 and 20 min later my high fever turned into a transport to a trauma unit hospital for a kidney abscess, a freeway exit number when picking up my then boyfriend who was out of state working, springs on me 45 min later he has a live in girl friend and then we run out of gas, it appeared on the car clock twice within 10 min on my car radio (neither time was it the correct time) and I was arrested directly, I had 3 $2 dollar bills I found in my car headed up the road to see my fiance who left that night and said he'd be back to get me in 5 min and never has yet to arrive 13 months later! He also left me stranded with no money, car, smokes, water, phone, nothing....on the river bank in mid Aug. smh. I could go on and on with similar examples. My advice is to stay aware and prepared and let go, let God.

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