Properties of the number 222





Last modification: December 19, 1998

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283 Comments for Number 222 Symbolism, 222 Meaning and Numerology

Comment on Number 222 Symbolism, 222 Meaning and Numerology

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RE: 222 death

by Ryan David vail, 37, 1987, Wilmington NC - 3/15/25 2:18 AM
You're having a coding problem instead of an apostate you get this code type instead do this to change your setup and fix the problem.

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by Antoinette Salvatori - 1/09/25 9:51 AM
I just keep seeing these numbers and everything for over a year coincidentally checking the time through a friend I realized using my microwave the other day it stopped at 222 I go donate plasma the machine the other day I look up it's at 222 and miles and then again I look away and I'm just waiting donating and then it stops at 444 and mouse everywhere I go driving but every time I take my time on the phone oh man it came through security cameras at the time stopped and taking photos I just don't understand why I'm seeing them and for some reason today I'm watching President Jimmy Carter's funeral and see Freemason crosses in the building where they are giving his funeral and so decided to look up the history of the building itself and saying in there that the masonry Freemasons cuz I figured it's Freemasons the length is 333 I don't understand what the universe is trying to tell me or show me and I prayed never asked there's something coming in my life I don't know if I'm blocking it and just assume that nothing good can happen or something's trying to tell me something and I don't know how to interpretate

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RE: 111,222,333,444,1111,555

by Anonymous - 1/26/25 2:01 AM
Me with 33. Seeing too much for it to be a coincidence. Seems I am drawn to the number. Are we manifesting it?


by Childofhell - 3/24/22 12:42 PM
222 is a real number of the Antichrist

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RE: 222

by Lucifer - 1/07/25 9:32 AM
Why is 222 the number of the antichrist?

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Babylonian lesser magic ritual sacrifices being done

by Kevin - 2/21/22 10:15 AM
Trumps calm before the storm comment on October 6,2017 to March 11,2020= 888 days.
May 15,2018 to March 11,2020= 666 Days.
September 11,2001 to March11,2020=222 months.
The Jewish Kabbalah who runs this world are doing these things. Freemasonry and these secret societies are all satan worshippers. The society of Jesus and knights templar.

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RE: Babylonian lesser magic ritual sacrifices being done

by Anonymous - 6/15/24 2:33 PM
you sound vaccinated.

222 Meaning

by Anonymous - 6/11/24 1:38 PM
Gematria of Hell = 222

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by Anonymous - 5/15/24 3:12 PM
the value of gematria in the alphanumeric kabbalah cipher gives me 222, I don't know what it means

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222 death

by Laura - 10/04/18 9:45 AM
About a week ago my dog got very sick throwing up and crappy type of sick first I thought it was food poising but when he stopped eating and started vomiting water I taken him to ammediatly to the vet where he was put of fluids to help him

That night I remember being worried and in tears with dreaded instinct of something bad happening in my gut.
Then I woke up in middle of night and looked at the time on my phone which was exactly 222am which gave me this unsettling feeling. I googled the number 222 and heard so many positive things I felt it might be a good sign.
So I continued to pray for my dogs recovery as he was only 8 and they where angels numbers in what google had told me

But under a week in vet care his condition worsened to extreme and I eventually collected him so could spend one night at home under heavy painkillers before calling a vet in morning for euthanasia given is terrible state as his kidneys and pancreas had failed
When I looked at the numbers on taking off the medical tag (that had... more...

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RE: 222 death

by Anonymous - 3/12/22 12:28 PM
Omg yes ! I’ve had multiple “friends” born on July 2nd. They all ended up screwing me over. I met one guy born on September 2nd and he sexually assaulted me. I met someone else after him. SAME BIRTHDAY! He didn’t assault me but he gave me creepy vibes and he got kicked out of a local bar for sexually assaulting a passed out girl! I got into a relationship with a guy born on 2/12/1992. I was just getting used by a drug addict and got abandoned during my hardest time … on top of that he ended up being a pedo …..

RE:222 death

by Sharon - 6/13/22 12:44 PM
I had been seeing 222 for months, actually I had been seeing multiple angel numbers for quite some time. They become so obvious you can not help but research them. My hours of googling had me believing that I needed to leave my then current and extremely toxic relationship and move on…That would happen but only after my 17 year old son was shot, developed severe PTSD, a habit to opioids, got a DUI, wrecked his car NUMEROUS times, overdosed, went to rehab, started self harming, and couldn’t break free from the demons. It was a fast paced dance with the devil that only the numbers could have known would end so tragically. My only son died May 7 2022 @4:15 pm. I got the call April 30- he had relapsed and overdosed, going almost 15 minutes without adequate oxygen, his brain had hypoxia. I had to make the choice to remove him from life support. I watched him fight to live, he was young and his heart was healthy. His oxygen count at an all time low but his heart still strong and pumping, I sat and held his... more...

RE:222 death

by Evie - 11/21/22 1:31 PM
Yeah. I was in Italy and my cat got hit by a car while neighbours were taking care of him. He got hit by a car why we were on holiday but they didn't want to tell us since we were stressed enough due to our flights being delayed. We checked into a hotel to go stay there for the remaining time there, that was the day he died. Our hotel number was 222. Since the neighbour didn't text us back when we asked if he was okay, I started getting worried but I thought that was a sign...

RE: 222 death

by Anonymous - 9/20/23 6:45 AM
Sadly, yes. The number 222 has been a warning of sorts in COUNTLESS situations for me over the years. From my patient id number at the ER starting with 222 and 20 min later my high fever turned into a transport to a trauma unit hospital for a kidney abscess, a freeway exit number when picking up my then boyfriend who was out of state working, springs on me 45 min later he has a live in girl friend and then we run out of gas, it appeared on the car clock twice within 10 min on my car radio (neither time was it the correct time) and I was arrested directly, I had 3 $2 dollar bills I found in my car headed up the road to see my fiance who left that night and said he'd be back to get me in 5 min and never has yet to arrive 13 months later! He also left me stranded with no money, car, smokes, water, phone, nothing....on the river bank in mid Aug. smh. I could go on and on with similar examples. My advice is to stay aware and prepared and let go, let God.

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dream of dead mother speaking the number 222

by Beatrice - 6/23/11 5:17 AM
mom was repeating the number 222 in dream

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RE: dream of dead mother speaking the number 222

by Anonymous - 3/12/22 12:38 PM
In my experience 222 is usually a warning. Not a threat. Just practice caution in life.

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222 - Is also the number of blessing (Baw-Rak) בּרך

by Doug Ames - 6/04/12 3:23 PM
בּרך Blessing Translation to Hebrew barak (Baw-Rak) Hebrew meaning Blessing, to kneel: to bless God (as an act of adoration), and (vice-versa) man (as a benefit. The value of these three Hebrew letters is 222 as follows .בּ- "B" Bet picture meaning house. Letter meaning of bet is family the number meaning = 2 ר. "R" Resh letter meaning first, beginning. Picture meaning head of man. Number value = 200. ךְ- "K" Kaf Picture meaning is palm of the hand. Letter meaning is "palm". Adds up to 222

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RE:222 - Is also the number of blessing (Baw-Rak) בּרך

by Anonymous - 2/22/21 1:09 PM
Like Obama was

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Trump prophecy by Kim Clement!!

by Israel - 7/26/19 3:20 AM
on February 22, 2014, Kim Clement spoke a prophetic word that a man would be come President!
Kim mentioned that

- "gold" (couldn't' tell if that was attached to his name) would arise among the people and restore wealth in the US

- does not speak with robusity, not eloquent and is blunt

- democrats would shake

- satan would do everything he can to put a witch in the white house

- democrats will say "impeach impeach" but it won't happen

go look it up on youtube!!

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RE: Trump prophecy by Kim Clement!!

by ZEN - 5/25/20 5:05 AM
I Disagree with this opinion of Trump being antichrist very strongly and post this as to hopefully off balance some of potential misleading information there. The Original Post that this comment was attached to is something good to look into , but take the above comment with a grain of salt.

As for the poster who announced Trump as Antichrist ... am I supposed to believe that Rachel Maddow or Anderson Cooper & the entire MSM is some sort of heavenly agent then? Nonsense.

Ask yourself “why”? The MSM who is largely considered 95% corrupt & worse by anyone who has woken up or began to .... has in a completely unprecedented manner worked in concert to dispel him from any and all view?

Are they only sources of corrupt mass hypnosis In all other things not Donald Trump? But are suddenly on their Heroes Journey in regards to DJT?


“The Enemy of my enemy is my Friend”

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222 in my life

by Anonymous - 11/09/14 6:10 PM
The number had been repeating in my life for decades until I met my life partner. Then it began to repeat in her life too. We married on 222 and haven't been happier. I think the number was guiding us both down a path to true happiness

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RE: 222 in my life

by Destiny - 2/23/20 9:46 PM
You have hit the nail my bother! You are an enlightened soul!

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by Merri - 9/13/12 10:50 AM
i also am getting this message 222 and have been for many years on a daily basis. i do not believe in signs and im not one of those kinds of people who look for signs in things. But this is been going on for 15 years daily. im convinced its a message but im not sure what its supposed to mean. 222 follows me everywhere.

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by bob ritter - 10/01/18 12:56 PM
even clocks that don't show correct time when I look at them they show 222
I have no clue whats going on. at night my phone I wake up and look and it's 222 every night.


by Susan - 2/22/20 2:34 AM
I have been seeing this number for at least 20 yrs. I don’t like it! A friend of mine died on 2/22. I feel it’s teasing me. Just saw it a few minutes ago on a clock that was flashing 222. Wrong time! For fun I played 222 on pick three on the lottery. It came up 221! See!

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222 - u r too absorbed onto something

by Anonymous - 5/14/11 8:02 AM
I think it means you are too much into something. Every time I am absorbed into something too deep I see this numbers. It means come back to normality or don't dive into it.

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RE: 222 - u r too absorbed onto something

by Anonymous - 11/24/19 10:38 PM
I totally agree. I see ones when I’m in a positive place with god. Researching reptilians and demons last night and I woke up at 222 with the darkest presence and pretty clear warning to stop looking into the dark side and focus on the light


by Daren - 8/27/13 6:14 PM
I have been seeing the number 222 on my clock each and every morning. I awaken for no reason, look at the clock, and it ALWAYS is 2:22 A.M. I see it all over the place. I had no idea it was from God. I thought it was demonic.

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RE: 222

by Anonymous - 11/24/19 10:30 PM
I feel like 222 is demonic 111 feels like god

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Japanese Man

by Anonymous - 3/24/19 4:31 PM
Ezekiel war is coming soon.
Russia,Iran,Turkey will attack Israel(Ezekiel 38).


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by Nadine - 6/14/18 3:32 AM
I was born 11/01/1974 which can reduce to 11 11 11 I was born at 2:22am on all saints day. I have an INFJ personality type,( which is the same as Ghandi,Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King Jr, and. Adolf Hitler. My path life reduces to a 6 and I have 5 other family members with the same path life number.. I am the only woman. I feel i have a destiny, to address matters.. the story goes deeper...any word out there..

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RE: 222

by Anonymous - 12/04/18 3:48 PM
I feel the exact same. Actually I just learned I am an infj and I found that out about myself on YouTube randomly. I needed to understand why I think the way I do and it wasn't difficult to find the answers. But its something I've never heard of before until now. These numbers came to me. It started with 9:11. Saw that since I was preteen up to early 20s. 24 I started having number 3 RANDOMLY pop in my brain when I would be thinking about very deep subjects pertaining to the meaning of life. I wouldn't be thinking about numbers at all but it was so clear like a voice in my head randomly, 3. Since then I've had my eyes opened to so much understanding and it's so cool! I dont even try to study these numbers I just get let to them. My name and birth number also equal to a 6. My name number is 3. Anyway, I also feel a deep urge to warn the world of certain things. Be aware of things around us.

222 - Army

by General - 4/25/16 9:57 AM
You are all here for a reason. You have been chosen. You know you feel it. Do not fight it your fate is determined.

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RE:222 - Army

by Katie 26 yrs old - 12/04/18 3:16 PM
I agree , its intuition. I feel the same feelings of feeling like I am destined to spread good things for us. So the only thing I know to do is speak of the things like the numbers and so far it's been working. Planting seeds I guess in a since, but whether someone thinks it's the Lord is for themselves to see. I just say it to whoever is around me and I see 3:33 or 333 on a random sign on my side of the road in a random town directly at a stoplight or stop sign lol. Its just random and I'll say to them , look the lord or his angels are talking to me. And sometimes I get to explain my feelings. I love it! I mean, why not tell ppl ? Right? Being afraid that someone wont understand isn't true. Its not what your preaching its what your feeling. And that's really from you. Pay attention people please. Truth is always given to you, just have to go with the flow and keep acknowledging these numbers as they come.

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by Barbara - 11/21/13 5:52 PM
I have been seeing 222 for about 7 years now off and on... more on... in the most random places. I'm not talking about on a clock. I'm talking about going weeks WITHOUT thinking about these numbers, and then having something weighing on my mind pretty heavy, having uncertainty about something, and then BAM! I'll see 222 out of the blue for quite a few days, randomly, and then something ALWAYS REALLY GOOD happens to me without my assistance, so to speak. For one of many examples, thinking about a new job I would like to have... walking into McDonald's and slowly getting into line while on phone, finally ordering my food and being handed my receipt with order #222. Not even a week goes by and instead of walking a routine path, I decide to take another way and I accidentally walk by a truck with plate number beginning with... 222. Another time, I decide to leave the dogs attended while everyone is at work. I go to work stressing, did I make a mistake? Should I left the dogs behind a secure gate? A man came... more...

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RE: 222

by Anonymous - 5/06/16 4:40 AM
Happens to be my birthdate.

RE: 222

by Anonymous - 6/24/18 7:09 PM
Same here

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by Karlene Paul - 10/07/17 7:28 AM
I got up to feed my moko and when I finish feeding him I went and picked up my phone and it said 222 ,I have be praying for a sign

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666 - judtifying judging

by Anonymous - 1/31/11 10:17 PM
66 is holy book bible consist of 66 books. Number 6 is Adam. If you add all these numbers what do you get?

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RE: 666 - judtifying judging

by Anonymous - 12/11/16 7:45 PM
The fruit was a lie

RE: 666 - judtifying judging

by Anonymous - 5/24/17 10:54 AM
There isn't 66 books lol

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Guardian demon

by Allen james pencoff - 5/09/17 6:00 AM
I have a guardian demon

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RE: Guardian demon

by Anonymous - 5/12/17 1:37 PM
What is that

Found this number by a mistake

by LJS - 3/28/17 10:12 AM
For random reasons I was counting up the syllables of Elohim Yahweh Shalom. I miscounted the syllables as 2,2,2 when in reality it was 3,2,2. Never seen this number in life as far as I recall but apparently other comments say it's special.

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by Anonymous - 9/18/13 11:40 AM
I've been aware of 222 for decades. I like this number, but it is not god. come on people, really. I mean who's god. I do not believe in such nonsense or thousands year old superstitions. God id for the weak. We got rid of witch hangings now if we could only get rid of brainwashed individuals who can not be reasonable. I know and love 222 and have my own theory, and some kind of omnipotent man in the sky is not the answer.

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RE: Not

by Anonymous - 1/21/17 8:21 AM
You got to read behind the meaning. Not good as a bearded chap but God as a metaphor for the energy behind everything.the absolute where creation began. It's all there.

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Real Meanings

by Anonymous - 2/09/11 11:43 AM
111 - try to be too much of father figure
222 - try to be too much of mother caring
333 - try to be too much of good son
444 - try to be too much of body
555 - try to be too much of helper
666 - try to be too much of listener
777 - try to be too much of supervisor
888 - try to be too much of director
999 - try to be too much of believer

bible guides you toward the truth. There is no one who is righteous but God. Jesus forgave your sin in order to make your way to find the truth easy. Bless u..

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RE: Real Meanings

by Anonymous - 2/15/16 5:16 PM
I've been seeing222 since2011 and now 555. I see them both either one of them daily and more than one time a day. I am both of these that are stated here.


by General - 2/06/16 11:19 PM
"He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus."

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