The number had been repeating in my life for decades until I met my life partner. Then it began to repeat in her life too. We married on 222 and haven't been happier. I think the number was guiding us both down a path to true happiness
I've been seeing 222 for a while now. Sometimes multiple times a day.It always let's me know that I'm on the right path. I believe a lot of people that has commented already have a pretty good idea of what it means. It means your chosen. You know this. You have felt this your whole life. You have a job I this spiritual war that's going on. Which side you take is your free will choice. I've noticed some people associate it with negative things. To each his on. At the end of the day it takes both Angels and Demons. They all have a job. They all have a purpose. Most of you already know. You've probably encountered both. They know your chosen as well. That's why they reveal themselves to us. I can't speak for anyone but myself, and I choose light over darkness. I'm not negative or at least try not to be when I'm encountered by a dark entity. I usually bless it, thank God for it, and then tell it it's not welcome here where I am in the name of Jesus Christ. It usually departs without incident. Did have one slam the door on it's way out one time. I gonna pray and say a blessing for all of you. You are chosen of God. Keep fighting the good fight. Finish the race. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Acknowledge God and he will acknowledge you. God bless. Reading these has made my night.
RE: 222 in my life
by Destiny - 2/23/20 9:46 PM
You have hit the nail my bother! You are an enlightened soul!
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222 in my life
by Anonymous - 11/09/14 6:10 PM2 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: 222 in my life
by Johnny222 - 2/04/19 7:11 PMRE: 222 in my life
by Destiny - 2/23/20 9:46 PMRead all 282 comments »
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