222 - Is also the number of blessing (Baw-Rak) בּרך
by Doug Ames - 6/04/12 3:23 PM
בּרך Blessing Translation to Hebrew barak (Baw-Rak) Hebrew meaning Blessing, to kneel: to bless God (as an act of adoration), and (vice-versa) man (as a benefit. The value of these three Hebrew letters is 222 as follows .בּ- "B" Bet picture meaning house. Letter meaning of bet is family the number meaning = 2 ר. "R" Resh letter meaning first, beginning. Picture meaning head of man. Number value = 200. ךְ- "K" Kaf Picture meaning is palm of the hand. Letter meaning is "palm". Adds up to 222
4 Comments for 222 - Is also the number of blessing (Baw-Rak) בּרך
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222 - Is also the number of blessing (Baw-Rak) בּרך
by Doug Ames - 6/04/12 3:23 PM3 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: 222 - Is also the number of blessing (Baw-Rak) בּרך
by 323 - 6/17/12 8:08 PMRE: 222 - Is also the number of blessing (Baw-Rak) בּרך
by O - 8/21/12 4:20 PMRE:222 - Is also the number of blessing (Baw-Rak) בּרך
by Anonymous - 2/22/21 1:09 PMRead all 283 comments »
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