I honestly thought that I was the only one who was experiencing this and then I came across this website searching for answers. The number 26 has been relevant in my life for quite some time but lately I've been seeing it a lot on a daily basis. If I wake up in the middle of the night and look at the alarm clock it's either 2:26 or something 26,,wake up in the morning same thing, randomly look at my phone or Clock in the car, same thing, 26 is present. Now, I wouldn't think too much of this #26, but it has great meaning in my life. My Dad, Mom & Grandmom all passed away on the 26th (all different years and months). My birthday is 2-26.
I feel like God is trying to tell me something. I've been researching the Bible for 26 versus 226, etc. not finding anything that is hitting home to me yet. Any suggestions will be helpful.
Hi ive have been seeing 226 for some time now, and 1111, my birthday is also 2/26 and i think it means something about either our birthdays or our life in general
RE: 26 & 226 Everywhere
by Anonymous - 2/02/18 10:55 AM
I have been seeing 26 a lot recently and came to realize that it is supposed to mean that an angel is trying to send you a message
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26 & 226 Everywhere
by Kathy - 8/24/17 12:02 AM2 Replies: Post a Reply
RE:26 & 226 Everywhere
by Jo-Z - 9/24/17 4:50 AMRE: 26 & 226 Everywhere
by Anonymous - 2/02/18 10:55 AMRead all 387 comments »
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