4 Comments for 27

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by Anonymous - 7/24/19 3:51 PM
the number 27 has been a constant in my life for some time, both of my daughters were born on the 27th day of their birth month, my youngest was born 07/27/2007 at 07:27 in the morning. shortly before they were born I was issued a license plat with the number 2727, many other things involving 27 have happened, the most recent was when we were assigned Lott 27 at a campground. I don't know what this means but I see it as a positive thing.

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RE: 27

by Anonymous - 9/04/19 7:11 PM
same im always seeing 27 over and over from it being randomly all my sports numbers to looking in my wallet and having 27 dollars

RE: 27

by UNKNOWABLE - 9/11/19 10:19 AM
Hello Anonymous. Have you read C.G.Jung`s book Synchronicity?

RE: 27

by Anonymous - 10/17/19 8:20 PM
Its been constant for me as well. I was born on 27th as well and so was my brother!

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