Properties of the number 27






Last modification: December 19, 1998

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721 Comments for Number 27 Symbolism, 27 Meaning and Numerology

Comment on Number 27 Symbolism, 27 Meaning and Numerology

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my friend

by barb - 6/13/14 8:07 AM
is 27 an unlucky number

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RE: my friend

by Nitwit - 3/07/25 9:04 AM
No. It’s a number that has unfathomable implications for me. Still aiming to understand.

i am followed by 27, born on 28, mother on 29

by estrena - 1/03/25 5:36 PM
like the title suggests i was born on the 28th of march, my mom on the 29th... but growing up i have seen 27 everywhere (on buses, stairs, car license plates, the time, shows/movies, building numbers, and fortune cookies etc..) its always been there, but every time i see it i get scared..somethings not right about it like its warning me. I'm very close to 28 too, i feel safe with 28 like I'm ok but i rarely if ever see it. my personal meaning to them is they act like yin and yand, black and white, dark and light. they are a ever occuring reminder of balance. when i was in an abusive relationship it would be everywhere, he started to notice it too. im still trying to be better for myself maybe then ill see 28.

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RE: i am followed by 27, born on 28, mother on 29

by Anonymous - 1/09/25 11:04 PM
I’ve been searching the interest for someone who relates with me. I have had the number 27 follow me in insane ways. A lot similar to yours like license plates, certain things happen on the 27th, I see the time at 27, movies, buildings, you name it. I document a lot of it but some are so bizarre. I’ve always thought it was a warning. It’s also protection. I think God is trying to tell me something and I’ve been trying to decipher it. There’s so many relations with 27 and the Bible that blow my mind. I’ve don’t a lot of research because of how active it is in my life and I think God is trying to warn me of his second coming.

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27, 227, 727 haunting me

by ren - 8/21/15 11:36 PM
I too was born 10/27/72, I wake up walk to the kitchen and 2:27am would be on the clock many times. I get scared from the pit of my stomach sometimes. Is it haunting or helping? Me and my husband went to his old house that his coworker just bought, their license plate started with 227 and meeting his coworkers girlfriend at the house was a bad experience. I'm thinking it's a warning, and not a sign of the right path. It stands out too much to ignore. I have many occurrences with #27. And my neighbors home address is 10720, 7 & 2, 10 switching places. Because of this I feel more aware of a witnessing spirit communicating with me. I'm really confused, I need to start keeping a log. And also I collect feathers and I'm getting bigger bird feathers now then when I first started a year ago, like raven and red tail hawk wing feathers in my path. And so much more positive things but if I don't move on from a gift or place it turns negative. Anyone else feeling pushed to keeping moving ahead with clues?

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RE:27, 227, 727 haunting me

by 7/27 - 9/19/17 6:14 PM
I was born on 7/27 at 1:27 am I constantly see 727 all the time and it makes me feel comfortable. I don't think it's freaky anymore as I did earlier in my childhood. I feel as if it is a sign I'm going the right way on my spiritual journey.

RE:27, 227, 727 haunting me

by Anonymous - 12/07/18 5:25 AM
If you run the death date of Barbara Bush (4-17-2018) and the death date of her husband, George Herbert Walker Bush (11-30-2018), through a date duration calculator, you will find that there are 227 days between their deaths. I found that interesting.

RE:27, 227, 727 haunting me

by levi Michaels - 10/01/21 6:56 AM

RE: 27, 227, 727 haunting me

by Anonymous - 1/05/24 4:00 PM
I was born on 2-27-63 on Ash Wensday, I heard on the radio this year it will also be Valentine’s Day? What! So I just started a little research and found this repeats on 2-27 2024 and again 2030.
I glorify in Our Lord Christ Jesus.
Praying answers to our prayers in the revealing.
Be blessed and ready, God is awesome.

RE: 27, 227, 727 haunting me

by Anonymous - 7/17/24 1:47 AM
The individual who died from the Trump assass-a-Nation was a retired firefighter with the number 27. Every chance the mainstream media get they plaster the ²7 on the black screen.

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The conflict of 27

by Rudy - 2/17/19 9:39 AM
What about the 27 club?

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RE:The conflict of 27

by Anonymous - 3/19/24 12:01 PM
So 27 must be an unlucky number then.

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Seeing my birth date and versions of it 4/27

by Amy - 2/26/24 6:17 AM
My bday is 4/27 and I've been seeing versions of this w 27 in it everywhere the past couple years. I enjoy the number syncronicities but I am not sure the meaning of or why I'm very often 27 and variations of my birthday...

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Year 2027

by Pendragon - 6/23/23 10:13 AM
Messiah ben David in hebrew gematria 424 and Messiah ben Yosef 566 added number by number 4+2+4+5+6+6 equals 27, 424 plus 566 equals 990. The gaon of vilna in his work Kol hator mentions the number 999, which added 9+9+9 equals 27. He also says an hour is approximately 41 years. We are almost in the 6 hour since the year 1741...

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True meaning behind 27

by izam - 1/22/13 8:39 AM
im one of the 27 sighters. lately i have discovered the meaning behind it..... i cannot share with everyone here but those really wanna know can email me personally azrul028

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RE: True meaning behind 27

by Anonymous - 7/17/19 6:12 PM
The # 27 has been a number that is just part of my everyday life all of my life. Mostly 227. In the past 3 yrs. Nice started seeing 222,333,ECT. All other numbers 10:10, 11:11 and so on to the point that it's undeniably happening like never in my life but the # 27 or 227 is always in-between all the other syquences of numbers, everywhere I look all day long, I'm seeing or hearing 27 when it's mostly always been 227. My first born daughter was borned on Dec, 27 1995. My BD is the 28th of Dec. What does all this mean. It clearly means something. Help! Thanks.

RE: True meaning behind 27

by Anonymous - 6/20/23 11:11 PM
I was born on August 27
The moon was 2.7 days old

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RE: seeing 27

by Anonymous - 6/20/23 11:08 PM
I takes 27.3 days for the moon to orbit the earth
27.3 days for the sun to revolve once from our perspective

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seeing 27

by ri - 5/29/23 9:19 AM
I have been seeing 27 for countless years it’s almost every day every hour on anything I can see. my mom and dad were also born on the 27th of different months alongside tons of people in my family. I still never understand why I see it so much or what’s the real meaning behind it

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RE: seeing 27

by Anonymous - 6/20/23 11:02 PM
I takes 27.3 days for the moon to orbit the earth
27.3 days for the sun to revolve once from our perspective

death faking

by wide awake - 4/23/22 3:00 AM
The 27 club includes free masonic ritualistic death fakers, Jimi Hendrix became Morgan Freeman, Jim Morrison Rush Limbaugh and Chevy Chase etc...

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RE: death faking

by Anonymous - 12/02/22 2:27 PM
Thank you so much for your comment. I had never heard this before.. but on looking at the teeth and eyes etc of these celebs, I can totally see it! how did you learn of this? It's strange because I knew the 'deaths' were ritual, but I didn't know that they were fake. Many thanks.

Would like to know more about Jesus sharing 27 Latin sentences in France..

by Angela - 9/01/22 12:32 PM
You wrote "In the appearances in Dozule, in France, Jesus dictated 27 Latin sentences to Madeleine who however does not know Latin."

Where can I read more about this? When you say Mandeline, you mean Mary Magdalene? In French? Is this a myth/legend out of France? Its surely not in the bible. Where does this come from?

I'm going to just out and say it.. I've had memories, biblical ones.. I'm not religious. I've had a heap of evidence thrown onto my lap when I wasn't asking for it that I might be her incarnation. Yeah, me and 1,000 other insane women who think its them too. But, someone has to be. Even Edgar Cayce had the real Mary Magdalene's reincarnation in his office, working for him. She's somewhere out there...

Anyway, I was born on December 27th, 84. My birth chart is like a near perfect upright pentagram. Little to no distortion. About seven years ago I began receiving visions about Jesus, even messages shared with me. Buddhist monks have told me things in visions - my future self has tried to shake me awake... Now in the last three years I've bene heavily psychically attacked and my "connection" cut/severed by unknown dark forces.

Anyway, this 27 thing is freaking me out.

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by UNKNOWABLE - 5/19/19 1:00 PM
The #27 entered my life when I was 27 years old. Over the years I have seen 27 in a variety of different ways. This particular Synchronicity has never stopped. I am now 74 years old. Obviously, there is something Quantum involved. All the people who have shared their experiences on this site with #27 should know beyond doubt, they are experiencing Synchronicity. Experiences that transcends Space/Time that have no concrete/scientific explanation yet feel like there is Meaning to these `highly charged` events. Now, over the years, I have experienced many other different types of Synchronicity`s. Over the years I have spent countless hours contemplating on the possibility that there is something that can use Synchronicity as a means to communicate. It is only thru years of experiencing my own brand of Synchronicity`s that I have been allowed to develop a possible CLUE. THERE COULD BE A PURPOSE! One wonderful GIFT I`ve been given is an expanded level of AWARENESS. Amen. But, after all I`ve experienced, I still... more...

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by IAM - 10/12/20 1:03 AM
I've noticed the incredible leaps that synchronicity and serendipity take together. A thought you conceive reflects to you in reality, and in doing so, in creating an idea that idea it must remind you, it must keep feeding you because its the drive it understands so it repeats itself to you in it's purest form, and then every form you break and create from there. It does this to bring into an awareness of a pattern, and as you said a clue. A message written to us by a cosmos we cannot see but we feel.


by UNKNOWABLE - 10/26/20 2:25 AM
Response to IAM`s comment dated, 10/12/20. This particular comment-sharing site seems to be for those who have had profound experiences with the #27 and or Synchronicities. In your comment you failed to mention any such experiences.


by Anonymous - 5/08/21 8:51 PM
Hi.Amber Julien, born on August 27. My whole waking reality and in dreams is a stream of synchronicities.


by Fletcher - 11/29/21 11:52 AM
I see this number, 27, constantly. Sometimes as many 15 to 20, others I'll only see it once but it'll be the only number I see that day. It's become so prevalent even my roommate admits its beyond excessive. I feel like it's the universe telling me to look and pay attention, it could be bad, or it could be really bad, you never know. I think of it like a point of interest. Then usually my gut will tell me whether it's bad or good. Always listen to your gut. It will never lead you wrong, your head, however will lie to you sometimes.

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todo es todo

by Gata - 7/13/21 12:32 PM
the first time i ever saw this number was with an ex boyfriend, we both made it as our “number” after we saw we had the same battery percentage. after some time i decided to part ways, abt a month later i’m in guatemala seeing 27 possibly ANYwhere…. i sighed anytime i did, felt like it was some kind of message that my ex was the “one”. one day after months of being broken up i saw the number 27 again and again and again. decided i’d call it mine. i know it was never about my ex and but something about that number and the amount of times i see it in my daily life just makes me wonder, what it might be telling me
i hold this number dear to me because it’s always been around when i needed the most reassurance, at times i feel like i’m making myself crwazy expecting a number to give me peace but that’s not it at all. it doesn’t hurt to believe but then again we need is some reassurance, even if it’s just a number.
i hope one day i find out

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RE: todo es todo

by Anonymous - 11/01/21 8:23 PM
I was born June 27th 71 and I see the number 27 all the time too on license plates on the day clock on TV on cars as the trip I see the number all the time and I know it's common denominator of 27 is 3 which is the trinity but then I seen on here it means holy spirit also so I'm like why am I always seeing the number 27 it's cool to see that more people see it other than me now that I look this up and I'm still researching wondering what the hell this number 27 is all about well have a good day bye

The 27 Club, what does it mean?

by A new song, psalm 33:3 - 5/11/21 8:31 AM
I believe the message we're being shown by the 27 Club is related to a song by Jimi Hendrix, who is a member of the "club". If 6 was 9 (2+7). It's a message about man, created on the sixth day, being born again of the water and of the Spirit. Number of the Beast is 666, and it is the number of man. We become less, and he becomes more. Further symbolize by the Ying Yang sign. The word says that the singers and players on instruments are in Mount Zion oh, and all of God springs are in thee. Psalm 49:4 I will incline my ear to a parable I will open my dark saying on the harp. God bless.

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by 7/27 - 9/19/17 6:24 PM
I was born on 7/27 at 1:27 am I see 7 and 27 a lot! Also look at the clock and more often than not, I will see 7:27. My great grandma was the 7th daughter of the 7th son. We also come from a very long line of witches

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RE: 727

by UNKNOWABLE - 11/15/20 8:03 AM
If you were born on, 7/27 @ 1:27 am and you are part of a long line of Witches and your Great-Grandmother was the 7th child of a 7th Son and presumably also a witch, I`m wondering, do you have any thoughts on the Synchronistic timing of your birth and has or does it help you in the practice of the Wiccan tradition?

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by Anonymous - 4/12/18 4:43 AM
My mom was born Jan 27,I was born June 27,and my daughter Dec 27. The beginning,middle and end. That's special to me.

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RE: Numbee2u

by Anonymous - 4/18/19 7:49 AM
I was born on June 27th also! My mom's is may 27th.


by Clare Baxter - 7/20/20 12:52 PM
I was born 5/27 too and my Mom was 3/27

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27s Have now become a part of my life

by Have now become a part of my life - 3/29/20 1:28 AM
Unbelievable that I’m not the only one out there!!

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i see 227 all the time

by Anonymous - 2/25/19 8:00 PM
My birthday is 2/27/70. since 2017 I'VE been seeing the number 227. It's not me just seeing it on a clock, its every where, no matter what I'm doing that number is there. My birthday is just two days away, I praying that it will be filled with lots of blessing.

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RE: i see 227 all the time

by Anonymous - 3/03/20 4:54 AM


by Anon - 2/27/20 6:27 PM
My father passed away on 27.02.1969. My best friends birthday is the 27th. My old house number was 27. My now house number is 27. My register number was 27. The toughest day of my life was on the 27th. I check the time and see 27. 27 has been following my whole life and I still don’t know why. Some say it could be a gift which is could be bc of my best friend. But it also can’t be because it was the day my father was taken away. I wish I knew.

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RE: 27

by Anonymous - 3/03/20 4:46 AM
27 also has been following my life my sons birthday n death date = 27 all the its to much to write you can call me directly to talk on the phone down to my phone number my grandson is born 9/27

Number 27

by Steven - 11/28/19 6:44 AM
I was studying the forex market pairs, currency for those of you who don’t know, when I created a few trend lines when I instantly noticed the shape I had created was an upside down letter “A” but with the middle line of the “A” crossing through both sides. Idk why but I saw in the shape a jackals head but with lines.. I looked at the time out of anxiety and had this feeling of wanting to find out if 1:27am meant anything when I stumbled upon this.. I read what the number 27 supposedly means and would like to know if someone could reach out to me regarding this...

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Is 27 a good or bad number?

by Sayaan - 10/17/19 8:17 PM
I was born on the 27th of Jan and my brother was born on the 27th of Dec. He was born in the year 2000 though i was born 2003. The number 27 has always stuck out to either it be on doors or anything i don't get why. Literally as i am writing this my phone is saying 27% and the time 9:09pm and 2+7=9. Honestly i don't think this is a coincidence. When i was young my fav number was 27 but ive shortened it down to 9 because i believe 9 is a divine number also. I noticed this.

I was born - 2003 notice the 3
My name has 6 letters - S A Y A A N
And the day i was born was the 27th
- 2+7=9

Idk if my birthday and my name have any significance in this lifetime but i know its pretty crazy how when you put it together you get 369 which is also a divine number. Yeh i just also get some really bad luck nearly all the time and its depressing. Im 16 years old btw. And i love plants and trees all of them idrk why but i do and yeh its almost an addiction. Everyone says im weird and i believe them ngl. I am also very spiritual 😂

Can someone just tell me if 27 is a good or bad sign cause its hard ngl lol

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RE: Is 27 a good or bad number?

by UNKNOWABLE #27 - 11/25/19 11:09 AM
Please read my first and only comment on, 5/19/19. I hope it can help you in developing a feeling and an understanding of Synchronicity. That is what you are experiencing. For me, there is no "good or bad" attached to the #27. Over the years, IT/SYNCHRONICITY has helped me expand my level of awareness. I hope in time you will also SEE.

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Number 27 dream

by Katie - 11/18/19 3:48 PM
I was having a hard time finding the right chords/ voice range for a new song for a CD. I dreamed about the number 27, and knew it had something to do with music theory and this song. As I researched, I found the chords! B major (2nd note on the scale), and D major 7th!! How stinking cool!! :D

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by Leanne - 10/31/19 10:16 PM
Hi me an my sis born on 27th 4 years diff in age I see 27 all over least 5 6 times a day also my sis lives at house 27 mead init x

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by Anonymous - 7/24/19 3:51 PM
the number 27 has been a constant in my life for some time, both of my daughters were born on the 27th day of their birth month, my youngest was born 07/27/2007 at 07:27 in the morning. shortly before they were born I was issued a license plat with the number 2727, many other things involving 27 have happened, the most recent was when we were assigned Lott 27 at a campground. I don't know what this means but I see it as a positive thing.

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RE: 27

by Anonymous - 10/17/19 8:20 PM
Its been constant for me as well. I was born on 27th as well and so was my brother!

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Love numbers

by B mck - 8/28/18 2:25 PM
I'm fascinated but everything I've been finding out about 27 my birthday is 2/27/63 I believe that numbers play a significant part of our lives 3 it's one of my favorite numbers as I look at the number 27 I see that it's been playing a big part of my life because all the things that I have researched today and far as the Antichrist there's always evil where is this good we know the Christ was good and yes he is going to come and try to do everything to undo what is right but if we are walking in the right light we should have no fear of what's to come. It's just sad about all these school shootings because the enemy well the spirit that these children are carrying is very dangerous and he is working through our future the future is killing off the future all we can do now. let's come together as a corporate group and pray for our youth and pray these spirits of deception with leaves these vessels that God created and that the light will penetrate the darkness.

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RE: Love numbers

by Anonymous - 7/17/19 6:18 PM
I'm in Amen