I'm not Christian I'm Muslim but I have same problem.I know this number is holly number for freemasones I dont know lot about bible but I believe jesuse.I think 33 has relation with end of world and jesuse rising as soon or world war 3 will start in. Next year's.
You may be right! Eclipes comes in at the 33rd state and exists on the 33 parallel.
RE: 33
by Anonymous - 10/15/17 9:07 PM
Ok. I moved to Oregon coast recently. I witnessed the eclipse. I didn't just move. I left behind my entire life. Walked away from home equity. Something took over.
by JEPH 11 - 10/18/17 8:01 PM
My world came to a halt in 2009; which led to strange occurrences, I knew I was different, as well as an example for others, I used to believe I was weak because of the choices I made, but the options I was given. I believed I was kind, but also a little more pure of heart than others I have known, and I had allowed people's will whether good or bad to overcome my wants and needs. I dislike dishonesty, I dislike hatred for something that is not at all understood, I dislike separation, I dislike conformation, and sameness, I dislike anything that does not accentuate our individuality and uniqueness. To know that you are oil you must have water to signify that there is a difference. I do not like having all the choices I have to decide and decipher plus come to a conclusion I prefer one to another, but I do like knowing I made the right decision or choice. We are ONE FAMILY that has been divided into separateness and ocular differences, if we were all blind, it would only give us touch and audio. But sight allows us to differentiate between two, and see the horrors as well as the majestic sights of this SMALL WORLD. So what if all we have ever learned was learned out of ignorance, or the opposite it was learned from understanding. I guess understanding is the legend and love is they key. To love my enemy is setting myself free. Because truth is FREEDOM, bit honesty is virtue. And to love my captor makes me wise and knowing. Yet to show the captors their mistakes without words or actions is priceless. While they are brooding between what is seen and what is known. Karmic Resolve is forming in my mind, and it flows from the ends of my fingertips, and in each follicle of my hair, like an electric guitar bursts sounds in a monolithic accordance to the scales that make music, the scales that measure weight of words to the very conviction they stand on. The scales that measure Just Recourse, to those who blindly follow the leader, Who allows the weight of MAN to overshadow ALL LIFE. I will pray for our forgiveness, and YES, forgiveness, understanding, and Love equals to the Third Ocular Perception, which is only felt NOT perceived. So please love thy neighbors, and help those who are in need, give to those the wisdom to learn the way to make differences so they know the difference of those who are well learned and need not perceive the false words or actions of the heartless. love to those, as it occurs to All Our Attention. We Stand At Ease. I am blessed by the cloth of my makers hands, as our skin is the first separation we visually decipher. Organ... our skin is our cloth given to us by our creator, and arms and legs are tools, the brain is our only way to retrieve experiences, memories, as well as the way we perceive, and the way we learn, also all of our cognitive ability and development stems from the capacity of our brain, but our DNA that's where the information of all time is stored, and kept for retaining valuable information that would not be able to be stored in another fashion. Languages, cultures, even leaders change, but our DNA is in ALL carbon beings and lifeforms... we are quite silly to think, and then to not realize that we are one of many... multi verses, dimensions, all come out of frequency, the static that is called L-I-F-E.
RE: 33
by Sherri333 - 11/29/17 4:57 AM
Thank you for sharing your light and edcuation I can feel the passion you have to help. I do understand everything you spoke of for i am exactly what you describe and discernment is of outmost importance when your a good caring giving type of person whos nature feels good to be able to help. I too thought choices and situations i was created good or not so good and heart broken endings sometimes. I do feel though our life is a open book if i started from chapter 1 the begining of life to my last chapter my death I would before i die read my book of my life and would understand even more why most the the bad or hurtful situations were for the good or much better in the end like it had to occur to get the end result I might be wrong im very empathic and intuitive i am just learning about energy shifts and synchronicity recently since i keep seeing 33 and 333 everywhere mostly when im with this specific person it seems past year. I am not starting to se 1111 1234 and i learned much, but i see 33 so much when im around this person i feel like its trying to tell me something obviously about that person good or bad i dont know but i do feel something needs to be known for a change to occur?
RE: 33
by Anonymous - 3/07/18 10:23 AM
I'm curious if telepathy also has correlation to #33? Often when #33 appears often that day I feel a connection to 1 specific friend of mine we don't see each other often and I often don't want to he can really upset me and he runs from me avoids me when it's good and more I run try avoid IT DONT END LIKE A TWIN FLAME RELATIONSHIP WE MIRROR EACHOTHER and I feel spiritually could enlighten to 5D as 1 but he Stubborn. I know he will call me that same day 33 appears all day to want to get together.
RE: 33
by Sayeny - 6/02/18 7:40 AM
I know everything about this person and I’m scare too I m actually going to heal him it’s crazy
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by hamid - 6/15/16 2:02 AM7 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: 33
by Anonymous - 8/10/17 4:13 AMRE: 33
by Anonymous - 10/15/17 9:07 PMRE:33
by JEPH 11 - 10/18/17 8:01 PMRE: 33
by Sherri333 - 11/29/17 4:57 AMRE: 33
by Anonymous - 3/07/18 10:23 AMRE: 33
by Sayeny - 6/02/18 7:40 AMRE:33
by jason chard - 9/24/18 5:07 PMRead all 351 comments »
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