Properties of the number 33






Last modification: December 19, 1998

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351 Comments for Number 33 Symbolism, 33 Meaning and Numerology

Comment on Number 33 Symbolism, 33 Meaning and Numerology

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by Psychiatricak - 1/18/25 7:18 AM
Donald Trump is Mr President #45 and could NOT be Mr President #46. 4+5=9 while 4+6=10. BUTT, 4+7=11 so the powers that be were biden' their time with Joe for the gematria to align. Trump is Mr President Aleph-Omega Mr President 9/11. 2025/2027 is another hidden 9/11. I am seeing We the People turning the screws on Americans on Remembrance Day 2027. The numbers of those 3 dates yield a triple "11" or 11-11-11...which/witch/maga is a "33". Between January 20 2025 and 11 11 11 there are 1,025 days which/witch/maga add to an 8, the sun worshiper's number ... yarmulke, Con-gress Dome ...
A definition for the word: "Trump" includes: "to deceive" while "maga', in context, means: "witch" in Latin. Gold runners? Hermes! The message? The destruction of America because of DEBT and there is no way out! I see We the People laying Siege (Heil) by taking away the food supple. 2nd for food! Americans voted for debt, despite Vatican's warning, 2010, and now the Vatican wants to be paid the rent Americans owe for living in the SWAMP as freeloaders. Don't know of the Patriots have 10s of millions to pay their fair share and if they don't then it might boil down to a pound of Patriot for a pound of silver! America is NOT going to look the same in 1,025 days.

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RE: Trump

by Petah - 3/06/25 12:37 PM
Aw sweet, Lois. A schizo post!


by Henry Caban - 1/15/25 12:19 AM
I'm curious of the significance of this number.

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July 5th 1983 is this your birthday?

by Conrad - 1/24/17 2:15 AM
Looking for someone else with the same birthday numbers 33-6

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RE: July 5th 1983 is this your birthday?

by Anonymous - 3/27/21 3:43 PM
My birthday sumes 33 also

RE: July 5th 1983 is this your birthday?

by Ephy - 1/20/24 4:26 PM
Hi. I just found out the same. My dob is 01/29/1983. Also born on a full moon too. If anyone has any info for me would be greatly appreciate..

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The stock market also works in 3s

by Green - 1/03/24 5:09 AM
in march 1933 The market ended its great depression sell off which lasted 3 years. 2033 is not too far away...If we had the Spanish flu (Covid) again then We could be living in the roaring twenties right now

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Covid Variant

by Z - 7/06/21 12:22 PM
LambDA = 33 and DA means "to divide"

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Number 33 and the end time in 2033

by Jaroslav Kukla - 7/28/19 6:12 PM
All comments here are off the main point. Number 33 stands for the year of 2033 and the end of the Great Year in 5,793 A.M.( Anno Magnus). The bible itself is a Great Year cycle divided into two halves.From the great Flood to the Apocalypse of fire...Or, from the Summer solstice sunrise to the Winter solstice sunset,by the amounts of chapters in O.T.,plus N.T., per arc mi utes and then to arc degrees...The Summer solstice sunrise is depicted worldwidely as: the angle-slope of Bethlehem-Jerusalem, then Nazareth-Beer' sheba( Well of 7 and Well of Oath) and finaly, the angle-slope of both mountains of Transfiguratiom: Hermon( death)- Tabor( life)...Matched by the Way of Dead( Way of Stars) in Teotihuacan, or Stonehenge Avenue,and Luxor-Karnak temples,Benares-Madurai in India,or Nanking-Canton in China angle-slopes, up to the Sacred sacbe road from Kukulkan's pyramid to the Sacred Cenote in Chichen Itza, and so on,up to the a gle-slope of Pentagon-White House,and so on...It is 15°28' NE-SW angle slope of... more...

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RE:Number 33 and the end time in 2033

by Jaroslav Kukla - 7/18/20 3:19 PM
911 was committed by the zionist Blue Lodge of the West( USA) for Novus Ordo Seclorum in 2033( 5,793A.M.)! It was 1st terrorist deadly wave against humanity which lost a significant amount of human rights and freedoms!( Zionist Patriot Acts). Covid-19 was 2nd deadly terrorist wave carried out by the Red lodge of the East, from the globalist NWO cabal! In 2022-23 will arrive yet another deadly terrorist wave,from the West,possibly EU or UK...For 2024-25 is planned the most deadliest terrorist wave( Albert Pike), WW3/ Armageddon,where in accordance with the masonic Y-shaped Georgia Guide Stone, in 16 languages(7+9), where only 500 million people suppose to survive and start next,new civilisation, once again run and controlled by the judeo-khazarian freemasons?
Ama-ruca is " Motherly rich" and female body shaped continent, homs.end of the Feathered Serpent, an Earthly copy of the heavenly queen/ goddess, Milky Way, associated with the Judgement Day and end of the Great Precessional year,Anno Magnus. The US 1... more...

RE:Number 33 and the end time in 2033

by Jaroslav Kukla - 2/26/21 10:32 AM
Covid 19 is the 2nd masonic Horseman of Apocalypse, after 911. The 3rd Horseman arrives in 2023 as Starvation, blamed on economic crisis caused by Covid, then on bad weather and bad harvests...Mad and starving crowds will be easy to manipulate to Depopulation War of Ar,agedon= WW3, in 2025 or shortly after..In 2032 ends the current Anno Magnus, and in 2033 will be here Novus Ordo Seclorum! As above,so below!

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by the one - 12/01/20 5:22 AM
my birthday is 10/01/1957 which equals 33 which I've come to see has a special meaning , but what I do notice certain forces working in my behalf.

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2033 is the " great jubilee year"

by Jaroslav Kukla - 7/28/19 6:47 PM
Remember,in 2033 is the " GREAT JUBILEE YEAR"- 2,000 years from the death and resurrection of Christ. 100 years from 1st US Banruptcy to the next one in 2033...200 years from founding the Skull& Bones murderous lodge,and 300 years from founding the Grand Orient lodge of 33 council members lodge...

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RE: 2033 is the " great jubilee year"

by Anonymous - 8/17/20 4:07 PM
300 yrs of SATANISM now is the time to bring these masonic crackpots to their knees foer all the childrens souls that they were trying to corrupt....nasty evil Bastards 'that's all they'll ever be

Dreams the number 3 appeared two times the number 5 also appeared two times these numbers burned with fire

by Israel Moses - 4/22/20 3:28 AM
That the numbers 3 and 5 appeared twice burning with fire I don't understand. And while It should not matter I am a Minister.

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A time, times and half a time

by Arnold R. A. Gutierrez - 2/04/20 3:30 AM
The meaning of "a time, times and half a time" covers a period of 33 years and 6 months or 12,600 days, more or less. The length of time of King David's reign and Jesus Christ's life on earth before he ascended to heaven to claim His throne at the right hand of God.

It also signifies the length of time that the devil was allowed by God to rule His people until the King of kings, the Lord of lords victorious return to proclaim the Kingdom of God.

(Hermeneutics is highly recommended to fully comprehend author's interpretation.)

Batangas City, Philippines
4 February 2020

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There are many like us....

by Red Oz - 12/01/19 3:05 PM
Till now life has been a ride on a rollercoaster. I know, such cliche, however, transitioning from various layers and states of awareness gave a sensation as waking up from a mind and soul numbing sleep. Now that may sound like an exaggeration, as most of our lives.

It was never a sudden leap but a slow gradual awakening to the fact that I know a very little, the curious explorer always thrives to know more, through this journey, I have learned many lessons to reflect upon.

There are so many stories and moments, I wish to share with you all, but the lack of several factors will not allow me to do so. At a random point in time, I noticed and there were some things different than usual, messages where in the numbers, first I thought this might be synchronicity, maybe a path to understanding greater things, numbers where of many orders and kind back then.

Suddenly it all stopped and the number 33 was everywhere, beyond the grasp of common logic. It made me understand it's uses:- markers, messages, answers... more...

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RE: There are many like us....

by Anonymous - 1/29/20 4:58 AM
hey, I feel the same about 22 as you do 33. I came to your words by researching a show i have been watching and they said things in this show about 33 and other things related to 33 that had my curious juices flowing with wonder needing answers i began looking into things and here i am. I woupld like to hear more about what you have come to know.

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by chad - 12/26/19 12:18 AM
If our Lord is the Alpha and Omega. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Than if you look in the King James bible the first word is "IN" the last word is "AMEN" . Amen adds up to 33 numerically when A=1 B=2 C=3... Z=26.

IN AMEN IN 33 So when Christ dies at 33 we realize it is now GOD

So we have IN AMEN. SO my brothers and sisters say and think AMEN in all that you do. God is in AMEN

The word before "AMEN" is "ALL" IN ALL IN ALL say that many times and it sounds like IN AWE. I AM, IN AWE of you because you are GODS CREATION reading this.


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Theory of 33

by Anonymous - 11/27/19 3:36 PM
Like many people who have posted here, I have for years attempted to decipher the whys and hows of 33. I do believe it is a sign sent from God. The sign however comes to certain people irrespective of their worldview. The number 33 shows up in the history of many different religions and organizations as shown in the paragraphs presented at the top of the page. Why do some see this sign and others do not? Although I can offer no proof, I believe it relates to one's sense of belonging here. In other words, those who are aware that they are strangers here are more likely to see the sign. By stranger, I mean someone who is aware that they can no longer derive meaning from their surroundings.

Why 33? Why not some other number? A few people have posted that they believe the number relates to Jesus and of his return. I recently read an article called the "Theory of 33" online. This article suggests that the number 33 is significant because it refers to the year 2033 - the 2000th anniversary of Jesus's death.

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I see 330 comments on this

by Anonymous - 11/10/19 8:00 AM
My friend told me of this phenomenon, that he was seeing 33 as a 'marker' of his arrival/departure/moment of decision and by and by it started to happen to me as well. I go to a remote location at a strange time and I see a car waiting for me there with a 33, when I leave I see another car comes there with a 33. I stay at a remote location and on the entrance to my room I see a 33 scratched on the wooden plank. I go to my village in a remote area and two cars pass by me from both directions, each with a 33. When I meet this friend, the phenomenon accelerates and we see the number everywhere every instant. If it was not for him, I would have felt that am going crazy. It's like having a personal relationship with reality and seems very cozy and almost dream like. It has helped me refine my life, overcome addictions and have hope that all this will have meaning if I do what is right. This number made me a better person more than anything.

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by Sebastianpaul - 9/16/19 7:23 AM
Jesus33 superb

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by John Andersen - 8/21/19 9:04 PM
33 stand for a completeness or integrity pure no? 33 above n below dance. Enlightenment of nondualistic reality with understanding of place one is located etc?

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Seeing the number 33 everywhere

by Shawna - 10/13/13 7:54 PM
So seeing the number 33 is a sign from God right?

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RE: Seeing the number 33 everywhere

by Anonymous - 8/04/19 10:06 AM
I read that a full sequence of human DNA contains 33 turns but I can't seem to find any scientific information that illustrates this clearly, can anyone explain?

RE: Number 33 and the end time in 2033

by Anonymous - 7/28/19 7:50 PM
9+11 starred Jar-Pot-Bowl-Cup on the odex Mendoza,at its center,symbolises our 11 year sun-cycles aligned in the 9 headed Dragon= Milky Way,exactly with the black hole in the Mesopotamia= Dark rift/ cleft of the Milky Way,located in the Cygnus= Northern Cross constellation represented by number 9! The black hole,CygnusX1= Swan or Yama, is the 13th house of the zodiac of Mesoamerica( 13th layer of the heavens),symbolised by the 13 stripes (6+7).Jacob in the bible has 12 sons,plus daughter Dinah= Judgement,mentioned only 8 times,mostly in the Book of Genesis!Number 8 symbolised in ancient Egypt,the galactic Womb, and so does in China today,known as the Empire of the Centre! Thus,in masonry,it is G20(9+11) for America,and G8 for the rest of the world...Most wordly temples are Octagonal!
And this same number pattern was used in 9/11 attacks in thd umbers of rew members of the " hijacked 4 planes"! Flight A

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Life Path

by 33/6 - 6/05/19 7:46 PM
The words I share will reach into the ears of understanding. the wisdom that spills from my lips shall be understood by understanding of ones self. As I grew, everyday,I've searched for process of regaining the understanding.I've traveled on a path that heals and spreads understanding threw out the mind body and soul. this has bin a experience with many emotions. the understanding of the keys within yourself opens doors to places once seen as walls. the studies I've bestowed has brought understandings. as a young child I've bin told by my father I was not a normal being. at the time I've didn't understood. As I grew, occult wisdom and teachings of heretics have provided tools to achieving the greatest understandings of ones self. this words are from a source greater than my understanding. the feeling of a training for a coming day is as felt daily. sometimes feel lost. but something has helped guide the path of enlightenments,I travel my path with
words of wisdom will be heard by the ears of understanding.

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The 33's

by Iknowalotofshit - 1/12/12 7:27 PM
To try to lay it out in a clear way, I will break it down. 33 is the master number in numerology. Dive into pi, and learn about mathematics in nature. There are plenty of videos on Youtube to observe(I suggest "nature by numbers" as a good start). It's a universal creative footprint. The Sun is roughly 333,000x the mass of earth, there are 33 phylia in the Animal Kingdom, ice melts at 33 degrees, and the numerical value of "AMEN" equals 33. There are 33 vertabae, 33 percent of the earth's land mass is desert, and the average temperature of mercury is 333 degrees. So if you see this number, you are on "your path". Christ path if you want to get philisophical. To put it in perspective, if your a 33, you got a job to do. I don't know what it is, because it's your job. The ENTIRE universe spent an emmense amount of energy, thought, and positioning to give you life, and it was ordained. You are part of the 10 percent of the population of this planet at any given time. Mind, soul and zen. You probably looked up at the stars more than most people, and your probably have a crystal clear imagination. It's not a joke, it is not a coincidence. Find your job, and do it. Peace.

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RE:The 33's

by pharaoh33 - 10/21/14 10:33 AM
Let's all look to and trust this iknowalotofshit guy who says nothing of any relevance.

RE: The 33's

by Emily - 2/27/15 12:38 PM
I needed to comment back to this. I just needed to. I see it everywhere, my birthday adds up to it, and it so happens this post was made on Dec 19th which is my birthday. (1991 is my birth year.) I needed to see this. It just smacked me right in the face with everything I was avoiding. Thank you.

RE: The 33's

by Amanda - 5/28/15 4:18 PM
Debbie Parker Hendryx.
NO real marker of Christ would ever admit it on a website. The governments and churches have already located the real coming and if you continue to believe this you will cause real harm to yourself.

RE:The 33's

by debbie hendryx - 3/02/16 3:11 PM
Let's find where is the next journey of life will lead me to... This one has been interesting and informative for the whole Ness of my inner essence. Selah..

RE:The 33\'s

by Debbie Parker - 10/03/18 2:22 AM
There is a war between the souls of one nation.Our future is blick the rise of nationalist .Black henrews evangelism then theres a silent voice not heard .We are watchers .We see a darkness coming while hatred envelopes this land with mo deliver to come not yet
he will come when the remnant has appeared with a new voice . A new hope a new people arise out of hatred bigotry and regilious false teachings are destroyed.Shalom i see 2050

RE: The 33's

by Anonymous - 12/16/18 3:53 PM
Wow I’ve always notice I’ve seen 33 or 333 but lately I’ve been seeing it constantly from looking at a time or sometimes everywhere you see numbers!! I always felt I have a connection with the universe relationship with God /Jesus that’s change lately but I’ve never lost faith . I don’t get it though I try to listen but it’s hard!! Is it all in my mind or is it something bigger then us!? (Feels good to know there is a stronger power that loves you / watches over you )

RE: The 33's

by Anonymous - 1/15/19 4:31 PM
Universal Creative Footprint is U=3+ C=3+ F= 6
Total being 336 which is a real strange coincidence. Lol

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33 wow!

by Joe I - 10/18/18 4:37 AM
Reading this I noticed it was 6:33 Am not joking! And also noticed there were 316 comments on this which possibly relates to John 3:16 OMG how amazing! I also am getting deep into the esoteric side of the Bible and all things spiritual. It's been a challenging and adventurous journey seeing things differently since my mother passed away in September 2000. I'm not perfect but I feel God is showing me things for a reason. God bless everyone!

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by hamid - 6/15/16 2:02 AM
I'm not Christian I'm Muslim but I have same problem.I know this number is holly number for freemasones I dont know lot about bible but I believe jesuse.I think 33 has relation with end of world and jesuse rising as soon or world war 3 will start in. Next year's.

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RE: 33

by Sayeny - 6/02/18 7:40 AM
I know everything about this person and I’m scare too I m actually going to heal him it’s crazy


by jason chard - 9/24/18 5:07 PM
my birthday is 3-3-1985

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see this 33 number every place for years "years"

by carolyn - 8/22/18 10:17 PM
very place I go 33 and for years, why and on the clock always, had someone to help me see it is not because I look for it with out knowing

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by Anonymous - 8/14/18 3:06 AM
Miss Russia pageant Polina Popova was number 33. ;)

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by shannon - 6/19/18 6:55 PM
I still see 3,13,33 seconds on my watch more than any other number and it happen after I try to kill myself 3 times which there is a law title 33 put me in the hospital on the third floor in room 33--I don't know why???

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