i see 42 about 15 to 20 times everyday. ive had nothing but bad luck.. every time i look at speedometer, i see 42. when look at my phone to check the time, for example it will be 10:42, 12:42 etc... when i look at my phone when im playing music, for example it will be 2:42, 1:42 etc... i had a dream last night and one of my friends that see's this number was in my dream. in the dream we were on roofs of houses jumping from roof to roof and each shingle had the number 42 on it. one of the roofs we went to jump on ended up being to far and we both missed and fell to the concrete and thats when i woke up. i wrecked my car oct 6 2018 at 11:42 p.m according the camera on the stop light. i dont know what ive done to cause all of these terrible things happening to me. i could go on for hours about so many terrible things that have happened to me the passed 7 months. what do i do?
Me too bro i see that number everywhere i knew it i wasnt the only to who is this happening
RE: 42
by l - 5/05/19 7:18 PM
Don't you know what if your mind is focussed on a number, it "comes" and you see it everywhere?
by Jessica - 8/12/19 10:47 PM
Glad to see I’m not the only one! I see it everywhere! But I always see it with a 1 or 11. Like an ambulance will go by and be 1142. My husbands high school and football number is 42 which is funny! And 42 is in my pin which I didn’t realize until 42 started haunting me. All day... everyday! When I am not thinking about it I look at the clock and it’s 11:42... or 1:42.... ugh! I have researched it so much and no answer!!! Drives me crazy!
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by jacob - 12/06/18 10:21 AM3 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: 42
by MarkoOlic42 - 4/13/19 8:05 PMRE: 42
by l - 5/05/19 7:18 PMRE:42
by Jessica - 8/12/19 10:47 PMRead all 252 comments »
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