Properties of the number 42






Last modification: December 19, 1998

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252 Comments for Number 42 Symbolism, 42 Meaning and Numerology

Comment on Number 42 Symbolism, 42 Meaning and Numerology

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this number has always meant the world to me, and i never tried to understand why.

by reese - 2/28/25 10:09 PM
when I was younger I had a very hard time with my times tables. you know, those paper worksheets you did in elementary school to memorize your multiples. From a very young age i’ve associated personalities to numbers six seems like a younger feminine energy, while seven seems like a slightly older masculine energy. i’ve come to learn that’s a form of synesthesia, interestingly enough. I always found a draw to the relation between six and seven, and their result of 42.

since then it’s been my favorite number, 42.

I’ve smoked weed consistently since my 18th birthday, and recently discovered I needed a break. 42 was common in the stoner world, to no surprise to anyone. 42 always found a way to wander back into my consciousness. Today i noticed that someone gaining popularity from my hometown in the musical industry has a 42 tattoo. i immediately felt unrightfully and selfishly possessive of the number. who am i to claim a number, who are we to claim anything?

when I typed 42 into the search... more...

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by Demetrius Davis - 1/17/25 4:22 AM
Sun child 777 222 999 333

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42 ongoing

by DB - 10/04/20 4:50 PM
I had a experience.. it started with using meditation(TM) improperly and going into sleep paralysis and trance like states at night. I had also radically changed my patterns of thought. Extremely low stress and love oriented.

My days were filled with what seemed like magic, my nights i began hallucinating during sleep paralysis. Having dreams of a destroied earth. Of talking with god(he looked like The Dude lol.. and being told if too many know and he raises his hands and asteroids fall.

I began reaserching all religions around the same time. I never believed in magic, or religion.

I had these coincidences like you would not believe and still do. I had a dream of a golden deer. The next day a neghibor tells me there will be a deer tomorrow.The next day I told a man not to come work at my house because i was tired. he shows up anyway with deer meat. He sees my large bookshielf and no bible. He gives me one. I was sitting at the table with it open and he began flipping the pages and telling me to read and... more...

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RE: 42 ongoing

by Anonymous - 1/17/25 4:21 AM

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by JMC - 5/01/23 5:33 AM
Israel camped in 42 different locations during the first Exodus.

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by Saved2023 - 4/25/23 1:29 AM
I was cleaning a couple of days ago and stumbled across some folded papers. I saw the number 42 printed on a card with pickles. Idk, it just stood out to me, but I forgot to research it's meaning until now. I am in the process of filing for a divorce and I asked God how long it would be before I remarry. The number 4 came to mind. Then, I starred thinking that in 4 years I will be 42. 42! There goes that number again.

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What does it mean? 42

by D - 1/19/22 11:14 PM
I made a slight invention that Ive used over the years for numerology in consideration of the English alphabet.

1-9 like Pythagorus, however I gave each letter a value more specific.

So A for example is 1, and Z is 26/8 or 8, instead of merely 8.

The 8th letter of the alphabet is H, but it is not 26, its just 8.

The concept here is to show that every letter is different, but can have a corresponding vibrational relationship with other letters that come out to a similar/identical numerical value/vibration.

Sound and Shape would have been better but how to measure this? Right. So I use this limited but useful sequential method.

ANYWAY, what does this have to do with 42. Well the constellation LIBRA (the scales, weighing of things, balancing of things) adds up to 42.

L = 12, I = 9, B = 2, R = 18, A = 1

Add them and you get 42 or 6. No other constellation on the ecliptic gives 42. Based on the other descriptions and stories I see here - there is a clear correlation to weighing and measuring of... more...

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RE: What does it mean? 42

by Svitlana - 9/14/22 12:22 PM
One is very grateful for your comment.
One reincarnated on the soil of Ukraine, 24 years ago by the destiny of my soul moved to the south East/ NC of the united States of America ( 24/ 42)
From October 21, 2021, we are decoding #42/ 24 - bc it's heavy coded into creation of Ukraine, current war and the future. The new bloody phase of war started on February 24(???????? independence day - August 24,1991) The fake government of Ukraine( every "country" is a corporation) on September 6, 2022, = #666 passed genocidal law under #4142 = 11 or 41- 42 for forced vax(only 30% ???????? have vax before Jesuits roll the war). I would love for you to share with me more of your knowledge for #24, 41, 42, also #44 - # people in(from Wikipedia) = # element Rhutenium = old name for western Ukraine.
One knew about incoming war 4 months and 2 days before it started, but I couldn't tell anyone.
Today, we came across with this educational website and your comment.
Thank you??

Try to imagine .

by RICHARD THOMPSON - 1/17/22 1:17 PM
Imagine, if you can, being incarcerated or tortured with no knowledge of duration, and the limited comfort provided by the knowledge of time limitations. ie. Being tortured without a clock, Sun or reference to the passage of time ... the eternity of Hell.
In the past, people were inadvertently buried alive (comatose, maybe) and awakening in a closed casket.

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42 accept it!

by Anonymous - 7/23/12 6:34 AM
I have recognized the number 42 since I was 7 and I am now 22: ironic age right my fellow 42 visioners? Haha I even have the number tattooed over my heart on my chest. Its nice to run across this blog and see that others like me also recognize this number.
I find the majority of the posts contain question after question, panic, or sincere confusion over why we are seeing 42. You are only "haunted" by 42 if you allow yourself to be "haunted" by it. One person says its a curse and the next says its a gift, then the other says its a sign.
In my humble opinion, 42 is equal, 42 is honest, and 42 just makes plain sense.. so why over analyze something that magically works..? why over analyze something that has balance and flows so easily into our lives on a daily basis? That's the point! Don't!
No matter what way you take it, at the end of the day all that can be said is you're currently reading this blog in search for an answer, but in the great words from the hitchhikers guide.. what exactly is your question?... more...

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RE: 42 accept it!

by Kevin - 7/26/21 4:09 PM
Even the date of you’re post adds up to 42wow

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The first six prime numbers

by Gregory - 4/23/21 2:14 AM
In the Book of Numbers, Chapter 35, The Lord spoke unto Moses:

6 And among the cities which ye shall give unto the Levites there shall be six cities for refuge, which ye shall appoint for the manslayer, that he may flee thither: and to them ye shall add forty and two cities.

7 So all the cities which ye shall give to the Levites shall be forty and eight cities: them shall ye give with their suburbs.

The first six prime numbers plus one equals 42.
The real numbers in between minus one equals 48.

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by Anonymous - 2/20/20 7:06 PM
I have been seeing 42 for approximately 4 years. Just as others in this post mentioned, I see it multiple times a day. I, too, have lost much in the last few years. I lost my home, and now some property that I own seems to be escaping me. Prior to this happening, the Lord spoke to me one day (about 4 years ago) and told me that I was 42 and to read the book in the Bible with 42 chapters. I searched the Bible and found out that the Book was Job. The day after he told me that I was 42, I had lunch with some friends. At the table we were discussing our ages. My childhood friend said, "You're 42, right?" I said, "42"? Why would you think I am 42 when she should know that both of us are in our late 50's. She said, I keep hearing the Lord say that you are 42. I was totally shocked by her statement, but it was confirmation of what the Lord had said to me the previous day. I have been searching to understand what this number means and why I was chosen to be 42. It is bewildering and there is not a day... more...

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RE: 42

by Wendy - 2/08/21 10:07 AM
Thank you for that???? I had a dream about my life and how I chose to have a really hard first half of my life and then was given the number 42 and then the dream ended. Always searching to understand 42 the number and why it was spoken in my dream.

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Jesus has returned (he is 42)

by Justin Williams - 10/04/19 6:26 PM
Jesus is currently residing on the earth. He is 42 years old. He would not be making a claim like this if it were not true.

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RE:Jesus has returned (he is 42)

by Jes - 9/05/20 6:39 AM
I had a dream that I believe had the number to 42 in it ...thi

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number 42

by April - 5/29/20 4:14 PM
I have long felt a strongly negative association with the number 42, and also a slightly negative association with 42 to 43, but in the main it has been 42. The Bible speaks of the number three and a half in several places as an ominous sign, or with negative associations. Three years are 36 months and a half a year, 6 months which total 42 months.

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RE: number 42

by Anonymous - 7/17/20 3:01 AM
Hello April. My night vision occurred at age 42. My day vision occurred at age 43. My apartment is 4342 Spring Park. My night vision occurred 7.16.19. Those add up to 42. My purity birthdate is 4/20, so my last day with my Bride was 4/19. There is a huge transition from 19 to 20. 2000 years. The wars and rumors of wars occurred in the 1900's, 20th century, COVID - 19 in '20, 5 planets will be lined up on 7/19/20, a month prior America celebrated the emancipation of slavery for the first time on 6/19/20. Here is where it gets good. There were 19 total kings of Israel and 20 of Judah after the divided kingdom. King David had 19 boys, 20 children total. The difference for both is one girl. David had one daughter and Judah had one queen.

The Son and Daughter of David are here. I can prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt. Feel free to visit my Facebook page - Justus Almond Williams. Also my You Tube Channel Saint Justus Martyr. I am about to add a very important one today.

42,000 satellites, the word “Star” appears 42 times in the NT. Coincidence?

by McLuvin - 5/17/20 2:06 PM
There is no “timeline”, just a loop the reverberates or “ripples” due to disruptions in our Uni-verse. I have no idea what kind of end game Elon Musk and Space-X has in mind but I fear that this does not involve good intentions.

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These are important numbers.

by Dawn - 10/22/15 10:56 PM
More information? Input?

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RE: These are important numbers.

by Anonymous - 2/25/20 9:24 PM
I swear... I just read your comment... looked at the clock and it was 1:23PM

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by Anonymous - 2/19/20 2:12 AM
very much appreciate the work you've done to give us this resource

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by Mordechai - 1/03/20 1:16 AM
Thank you for your efforts, research and willingness to share with the world your findings. I have also performed some footwork to uncover some other findings for this number. I would be willing to share, as we have a YouTube channel and will be doing a presentation on the #42. I would like to include the information found here (with your permissions) and would give full reference to you as a resource and plug your site in the presentation.

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Your web site and article

by Anonymous - 8/28/05 1:29 AM
I saw your site and thought it was great and also thought I'd pass something else along to you that you might like from

Numbers 33 stops and consumes most of an entire chapter just to record the names of the places Israel journeyed...

"5 The Israelites left Rameses and camped at Succoth.
6 They left Succoth and camped at Etham, on the
edge of the desert. 7 They left Etham, turned back to
Pi Hahiroth....." (Num 33:5-7)

Why is this info recorded? On and on for 42 places? Do these names have any spiritual significance? Yes. In fact they hold the keys to understanding several important issues:

Our personal spiritual growth - The symbolic meaning of these stages contain an ENORMOUS amount of practical advice on how to live our lives in our modern world today!


A 42 month period of tribulation begins in Revelation chapter 12. Rev 11:8 says Jerusalem is... more...

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RE: Your web site and article

by Anonymous - 11/25/19 3:29 PM
I've ordered your book, Yoseph, 14 years after you made this post. I'm thanking you in advance for sharing your wisdom.

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by jacob - 12/06/18 10:21 AM
i see 42 about 15 to 20 times everyday. ive had nothing but bad luck.. every time i look at speedometer, i see 42. when look at my phone to check the time, for example it will be 10:42, 12:42 etc... when i look at my phone when im playing music, for example it will be 2:42, 1:42 etc... i had a dream last night and one of my friends that see's this number was in my dream. in the dream we were on roofs of houses jumping from roof to roof and each shingle had the number 42 on it. one of the roofs we went to jump on ended up being to far and we both missed and fell to the concrete and thats when i woke up. i wrecked my car oct 6 2018 at 11:42 p.m according the camera on the stop light. i dont know what ive done to cause all of these terrible things happening to me. i could go on for hours about so many terrible things that have happened to me the passed 7 months. what do i do?

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by Jessica - 8/12/19 10:47 PM
Glad to see I’m not the only one! I see it everywhere! But I always see it with a 1 or 11. Like an ambulance will go by and be 1142. My husbands high school and football number is 42 which is funny! And 42 is in my pin which I didn’t realize until 42 started haunting me. All day... everyday! When I am not thinking about it I look at the clock and it’s 11:42... or 1:42.... ugh! I have researched it so much and no answer!!! Drives me crazy!

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special in number 42 to me 😃

by Rose - 8/09/19 6:09 PM
I am OPTICIAN (profession) in medical field. I started the day. ELVIS passed away...42 yrs ago this month at the age of 42. The person who. git ne in this wonderful profession was a hugh Elvis fan

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today | c002d76a

by Anonymous - 7/14/19 4:23 AM
today | 054eb430

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42 Spiritual Calling

by Diana - 4/18/16 12:43 AM
42 isn't a bad omen. I have always dreamed of numbers which till last year I thought were lucky lottery numbers. But I never did win 😂. I couldn't understand why I would see numbers in my dreams. But after a bit of research I discovered numbers are actually a form of communication from the spiritual realm. I'm a Christian so believe it's Gods way of guiding us and showing us our true life's purpose. This is the meaning of number 42 that I read on website scared scribes angel numbers

Angel Number 42 is a message from your angels about pursuing your passions and life purpose. When you do things you love, and put your heart and soul towards achieving your goals, the angels give you guidance and assistance every step of the way.

The repeating Angel Number 42 is a message from your angels indicating that you are to maintain faith and trust, and know that your prayers have been heard and are being answered. Your angels are working very closely with you and are assisting with achieving your success. ... more...

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RE: 42 Spiritual Calling

by L - 5/05/19 7:22 PM
Be careful, you quit the christian field to become a numerologist. Knowing the meaning of the numbers is not bad, but you may fall in Kabbala by this way. I warn you.

RE:42 Spiritual Calling

by PA. Florida. - 6/04/19 10:15 PM
I dreamt my sister shouting out that she is 42, but in reality she is 37. I'm a believer in Christ Jesus and under spiritual attacks almost 6 months now. My sister don't speak to me and tried numerous times to spoil my reputation.

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by MarkoOlic42 - 4/13/19 8:03 PM
I knew it i wasnt the only who sees number 42 everywhere.

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42 and the ultimate engineered solar system

by Nick - 4/13/19 6:00 AM
Interestingly enough I ran into this number while doing some non related research. Since I can not provide a link to my source here I will simply quote the author to explain.

"Sean Raymond, a US astrophysicist based in Bordeaux, France

In his post, Raymond discusses how the planets need to be positioned to ensure their gravity does not cause havoc – known as the Hill radius. This limits the number of concentric orbital planes you can have around a star before a system becomes unstable.

He found that, theoretically, a Sun-like star could support 42 planets in a single orbital plane. Around our own Sun, you could have six rings of 42 in the habitable zone, giving us 252 planets."

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by Israelite - 12/08/18 3:50 AM
Sometimes, I check the clock to see the number 4:20, several times a week. It happens enough that it can't just be a stoner joke anymore (I don't smoke the stuff anyway, never got the appeal). It's just a matter of how many times a coincidence has to happen for it to no longer be a coincidence? 4:20AM, or 4:20PM, I generally catch a glimpse of it at either time (thanks to my screwy sleep cycle, which doesn't seem to negatively affect me thank God). What purpose do these three numbers serve together, and beyond the surface 'world' we live in, what spiritual significance does it serve? What about 666? We're already well beyond the "oh it's just random coincidence" since we're on this site, it probably means something deeper.

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by Erica - 10/27/18 12:46 AM
I am so curious as to why the number 42 has been following me for years now n I don't understand it. I've lived at an address growing up 2412 my granny 4212, however I didn't notice the number til I got older. I mean it's everywhere.

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