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by Anonymous - 2/20/20 7:06 PM
I have been seeing 42 for approximately 4 years. Just as others in this post mentioned, I see it multiple times a day. I, too, have lost much in the last few years. I lost my home, and now some property that I own seems to be escaping me. Prior to this happening, the Lord spoke to me one day (about 4 years ago) and told me that I was 42 and to read the book in the Bible with 42 chapters. I searched the Bible and found out that the Book was Job. The day after he told me that I was 42, I had lunch with some friends. At the table we were discussing our ages. My childhood friend said, "You're 42, right?" I said, "42"? Why would you think I am 42 when she should know that both of us are in our late 50's. She said, I keep hearing the Lord say that you are 42. I was totally shocked by her statement, but it was confirmation of what the Lord had said to me the previous day. I have been searching to understand what this number means and why I was chosen to be 42. It is bewildering and there is not a day that I don't think about the situation because I see 42 numerous times a day. I have been researching the internet and found some very interesting information by Rabbi Dr. Hillel ben David (Greg Killian); Also, I have had many dreams about rainbows and I see rainbows quite often. I discovered through reading that the angle at which light rays produce a rainbow through drops of water is 42 DEGREES. I can't make this stuff up.

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by Lambros - 4/11/20 12:03 AM
I have been recently seeing 42 as well for over the past year. I’m 36 and God willing will turn 37 this May. At the age of 33 I began seeing the number 33 so many times I thought I was going crazy. And yet the number 33 made me feel reassured as I have been seeking Jesus, God, appreciation and knowledge and beginning to make connections throughout life. Whenever I reflect on my individual purpose in life as well as our collective purpose I would see the number 33 and feel reassured that I was moving in the right direction and happy that the number 33 seemed to be reinforcing my urge to continue pursuing the individual and collective purpose of all life and to continue moving towards that purpose. THEN , I began to feel PROUD over repeatedly seeing the number 33. I even began to take pictures of it on my phone or when I noticed the weather temperature etc .. I believe that I began to see the number 42 recently because I grew more proud in my spirit than compassionate and curious. I also noticed that when I have the urge to do anything out of desire or pleasure rather than out of the obligation to love and continue to learn and grow so as to expand my ability to love and appreciate life and every moment and experience I would see 42. 42 to me has come to mean temptation and pride in my experiences. That is all I have recognized so far with the number 42. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil and God willing we will have the strength to understand and follow Gods will and stay on his path. May we continue to build as a united people regardless of individual faith as long as we build in the spirit of love, always following the golden rule. God bless you and hopefully we will grow closer to understanding our purpose here on earth and appreciate the journey all along the way.

RE: 42

by Anonymous - 9/05/20 6:49 AM
In addition to seeing 42 everywhere..which is no an obsession I've got now ever seen nice a dream I had in February... before that dream 42 didn't really have any significance.i didn't know a thing about it...


by Anonymous - 2/05/21 8:55 PM
This is very interesting. I've been having some experiences regarding 42 aswell. Would you be interested in talking about it more in depth? If so, just drop me a message.

RE: 42

by Wendy - 2/08/21 10:07 AM
Thank you for that???? I had a dream about my life and how I chose to have a really hard first half of my life and then was given the number 42 and then the dream ended. Always searching to understand 42 the number and why it was spoken in my dream.

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