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42 Spiritual Calling

by Diana - 4/18/16 12:43 AM
42 isn't a bad omen. I have always dreamed of numbers which till last year I thought were lucky lottery numbers. But I never did win 😂. I couldn't understand why I would see numbers in my dreams. But after a bit of research I discovered numbers are actually a form of communication from the spiritual realm. I'm a Christian so believe it's Gods way of guiding us and showing us our true life's purpose. This is the meaning of number 42 that I read on website scared scribes angel numbers

Angel Number 42 is a message from your angels about pursuing your passions and life purpose. When you do things you love, and put your heart and soul towards achieving your goals, the angels give you guidance and assistance every step of the way.

The repeating Angel Number 42 is a message from your angels indicating that you are to maintain faith and trust, and know that your prayers have been heard and are being answered. Your angels are working very closely with you and are assisting with achieving your success. You are encouraged to reach out for help from them whenever you feel the need.

Angel Number 42 also encourages you to pursue your ideal career and/or profession. If you are intuitively prompted to begin or expand a spiritually-based career, practice or profession, the angels will assist with establishing the foundations that will lead to your desired results and ultimate success. Working to serve others will manifest all that you want and need in your life.

I hope this helps you as it helped me
God bless

7 Replies: Post a Reply

RE: 42 Spiritual Calling

by Donna - 1/27/17 3:40 PM
42 came to me today

RE:42 Spiritual Calling

by Henry - 4/15/17 2:30 PM
i had a dream last night about 42 plse help am a believer

RE: 42 Spiritual Calling

by Anonymous - 12/30/17 7:36 PM
I have been seeing 42 also. I want to think it is a positive but my life has been a struggle for over three years now. Keep praying but it is like God doesn’t hear me. It is interesting that some see it as a positive and some as a negative. It would really be nice to know for sure

RE: 42 Spiritual Calling

by Vision - 2/21/18 2:05 AM
Hi there! I thought I was actually crazy to see this number following..but thank you so much for what you have shared about the number 42.. may God bless you.

RE: 42 Spiritual Calling

by Anonymous - 6/17/18 6:59 PM
Jason Daryl Johnson Sr. From Kinston NC...I've been playing music since I was five ..I am adopted and 42 has followed me all my life through all lights and darkness's. I have Narcolepsy...and sleep paralysis...my forth child was born on 10-4 also means 42 which can also mean Amen ...which also means I agree👍😁

RE: 42 Spiritual Calling

by L - 5/05/19 7:22 PM
Be careful, you quit the christian field to become a numerologist. Knowing the meaning of the numbers is not bad, but you may fall in Kabbala by this way. I warn you.

RE:42 Spiritual Calling

by PA. Florida. - 6/04/19 10:15 PM
I dreamt my sister shouting out that she is 42, but in reality she is 37. I'm a believer in Christ Jesus and under spiritual attacks almost 6 months now. My sister don't speak to me and tried numerous times to spoil my reputation.

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