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by Interested - 3/24/14 5:39 AM
Felt I should have a say considering what it was that got me to find this page.
I watched a video on Youtube last night about Sonic Geometry and the relevance of the number 432.
I spent the night and then today playing with it and maths and found some interesting things.

72 is 1/6 of 432
720 is double 360, 360 being 6x60.
1/3 of 432 is 144.
144 ÷ 432 = 0.333333etc...
72 x 12 = 864
432 x 2 = 864 - 1% of seconds per day (86,400)
72 ÷ 6 = 12
12 x 3 = 36
36 x 2 = 72
72 x 5 = 360
720 x 3 = 2160 (One Great Month "Mayan Calander" also diameter of the moon)
(1/12 of "One Great Year "Mayan Calander" 25920)
2160 ÷ 5 = 432
432 x 60 = 25920
72 x 360 = 25920
25920 ÷ 6 = 4320 ÷ 6 = 720
6 x 6 = 36 x 6 = 216 x 12 = 2592
36 x 24 = 864 x 3 = 2592 ÷ 72 = 36

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this info and I highly recommend watching the sonic geometry movie as it covers a lot about numbers and music.

5 Replies: Post a Reply

RE: 432

by Anonymous - 4/02/14 2:25 PM
you make some big mistakes

RE: 432

by Linda - 4/19/15 3:55 AM
I was calculating the equinoxes that appear every year, also connected with Jesus/Bible(3 days death, than Resurrection). So here is how I calculated it.
72h(3 days)+72h(3 days) = 144 ( 3 3 ) the age that Jesus never lived, since we know at 32 yrs he died... However, considering the equinoxes I developed this even more and came to the conclusion that GATE 33 is opened at equinox time and it's active for 72h or 3 days.


by Anonymous - 11/21/16 12:06 PM
He died at the age of 33... and whats the significance of 144? and i dont understand why you did your math that way LOL... 3d+3d?


by A Dozen Dozens - 12/03/17 5:43 AM
The significance of 144 is a dozen dozens. A dozen makes me think of eggs (and therefore breakfast)(so in turn toast)!!
So 144 = Huge Breakfast!

[This comment meant to intentionally represent how arbitrarily contrived out of thin air most of what's typed on this page is. Number Study in the Bible is interesting... but don't miss the Savior it was inspired to reveal in the first place; JESUS CHRIST.]


by Realistic - 2/10/18 3:41 PM
The logic in your math is as imaginary as jesus or any other made up sky-daddy.

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