Properties of the number 72







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153 Comments for Number 72 Symbolism, 72 Meaning and Numerology

Comment on Number 72 Symbolism, 72 Meaning and Numerology

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Get Out of the Occult !!

by Anonymous - 11/20/22 3:37 PM
Zohar, Kabalah, .. . is of the Devil;
ALL you need is Jesus, His word, & His Holy-Spirit.

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RE: Get Out of the Occult !!

by Anonymous - 12/25/24 7:40 PM
That's ridiculous, and we love you very much

7/2/72 @ 7:02

by Lorraine - 11/05/17 3:46 PM
I was born at 7:02 on 07/02 in 1972 - I always felt there is some spiritual or religious significance hence me finding this page on Google search.

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RE:7/2/72 @ 7:02

by lorraine - 12/03/22 3:36 AM
Im also Lorraine and I was born in 72, it keeps coming up over and over, 3 does as well. My daughter was born at 7.02 and I have just found at i have a genetic abnormality on gene 72.3

RE: 7/2/72 @ 7:02

by Anonymous - 5/26/24 12:17 PM
Wow I was also born on 7/2/72

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My Age 72

by Rhonda - 12/17/22 8:15 PM
I was born in 1950 and now I’m 72 years old. It seems to be a tubuant time in my life And it seems lost “Truth” seems to be the base of that turbant manifestation. Please help me understand some connection. Ty

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RE: My Age 72

by Anonymous - 1/16/24 1:40 PM
Hi there: That was a hard year of testing and trials. I feel that the number 72 has a way of testing your resolve as it is so associated with God and groups/communities. I hope that you are one of the people lucky enough to have survived this testing and have taken time to find peace with the lessons of the larger cycles of time and illumination which have come your way. May the peace of the Lord be with you and know that HIS word is ever there to comfort and support you through the trials of life. Jill in CALIFORNIA

The number 72

by Dale - 9/15/23 1:10 AM
I keep seeing the number 72 so frequently that’s it not even funny! What is this?

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7 22 72

by Anonymous - 8/30/23 1:27 PM
I was born 7/22/72. Each of these numbers have been very significant. My father died when I was 7 and we made a big move that year that changed the trajectory of my life. I have 7 letters in each my first and last name. I had my first child at 22, my mom had me at 22, my grandma had my dad at 22. I see the number 72 repeatedly in cycles that come and go.
2 and 15 also have significance. My oldest child was born 2/15 and my younger 3 children have 2 sets of 15 months between when they weee born. My oldest child’s initials are ASL and the younger 3’s names start with his initials in that exact order. I did not plan this at all but realized it years later.

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by Flora - 9/28/22 7:43 PM
The word "curse" is found in 92 verses, and is used 101 times in the Authorized King James Bible. In the Old Testament is it found in 81 verses, and used 89 times. In the New Testament it is found in 11 verses, and used 12 times. I find this page filled with a lot of questionable information, indeed the entire website. By highlighting your obvious lies you reveal your hatred and antisemitism.

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by Anmissnu - 9/09/22 6:13 PM
Jesus died for 3 days 72hrs

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Communist Russia

by Anonymous - 3/10/22 2:29 PM
72 years (and two days) from the October Revolution in 1917, to the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989.

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by Anonymous - 4/27/21 3:33 AM
Also Kali is seen wearing a necklace with 72 demons heads upon it. And Thyphon is NOT the name of Set. That name is not native to Khem in any tradition. The name is Set/Seth/Sutek/Suty or some such variation of his name. The Greeks later attributed this god with Thyphon incorrectly as Set was bastardised.

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RE: 72

by Caitlynn ii - 5/02/21 4:05 AM
'Khem' is biblical Ham, son of Noah: also, Moloch, the god of barbarity and blood. Moloch signifies "king"; and Nimrod was the first after the flood that violated the patriarchal system, and set up with Ham, or Khem, "the burnt one." As "her" also, like Ham, signified "The hot or burning one," this name formed a foundation for covertly identifying Ham with the "Sun," and so deifying the great patriarch, after whose name the land of Egypt was called, in connection with the sun. Khem, or Ham, in his own name was openly worshipped in later ages in the land of Ham (BUNSEN); but this would have been too daring at first. By means of "Her," the synonym, however, the way was paved for this. "Her" is the name of Horus, who is identified with the sun (BUNSEN), which shows the real etymology of the name to be from the verb to which I have traced it. Then, secondly, "Mes," is from Mesheh (or, without the last radical, which is omissible), Mesh, "to draw forth." In Egyptian, we have Ms in the sense of "to bring forth"... more...

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I have seen a revelation

by Mikael - 4/14/21 1:29 PM
I saw a face (not human at all) with the number 72 in his forehead...

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Thank you

by Charles O'Donnell - 2/04/21 5:35 PM
As I continue to survive this daily battle of this worlds evil and greed...I find peace and solitude when reading these types of biblical meanings

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by Becky - 8/15/18 3:06 PM
When I was young on Sunday a yellow school bus would pick me up for Sunday School. It was a big church! This sounds bad but what I remember was the stuff they gave away on Sundays to get you to come. I don't remember the teachings! When I got older I walked down to the end of my street there was little church it was small, homely and more personal I loved to go there. I remember feeling Happy walking home. I've always Believed always. We Went as a family couple times South East Christen but the church was huge and service was televised. They had a coffee shop, ATM'S so many people but we didn't know anyone no meeting the minister! It just didn't feel right. I started trying to read the bible but I don't understand what I'm reading. I find myself questioning everything. Is this right, wrong, maybe I just don't really know! My Biggest fear it scares me the most is being deceived! Following a false profit because I don't Know! Will I know Him? You Know The part when it tells you not to come out stay in your... more...

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RE: Scared

by Anonymous - 10/18/20 6:56 PM
you already know him and she already knows you and if you are living in walking by Spirit then you will know that God is everything therefore you cannot bedeceived unless it be your own self deceiving your spirit

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All it's AWESOME

by Elizabeth V Scheskie - 10/16/20 2:44 AM
Thank you for your hard work I was born on October 1,1948

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by Lo - 5/12/20 4:02 AM
I was born on 08/12 in 1972 ?

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by bubby - 3/04/20 1:54 PM
hello i am bubby i love bible and dont know which 72 is the real 72 help

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The word “curse” in the Bible

by Peter - 1/20/19 8:14 PM
It is not used 72 times but 87 times.

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RE: The word “curse” in the Bible

by Anonymous - 12/10/19 5:17 AM
What translation?

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I just recieved this number from the lord.AMAZING FACTS

by Jennifer Landon - 7/19/19 1:37 AM
This is totally amazing astonishing.WowWOW WOW

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RE: I just recieved this number from the lord.AMAZING FACTS

by Anonymous - 11/29/19 1:49 AM
I have just received this number from Father God today , today is 11-28-19 . I was born on 9-11-72 . Our God is an awesome God !!! It is awesome to see what this means. Father God says our dreams are Visions of what's to come the End is Near. Get Ready, Get Ready, Get Ready the King is Coming !!!

Babbling On... English = Significant Business Computer

by JAS - 4/11/19 6:52 PM
English Gematria (as-is context) defines my name (relative to Jesus Allah and Satan) Joseph Allen Sprute #72

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Jesus Height in the Shroud of Turin is 72 inches

by David Sereda - 4/07/18 7:08 PM
Jesus height using the imprint in the Shroud of Turin is between 5' 11", 6 ' and 6' 0.5" so at 6 feet, he was 72 inches. The British Imperial Inch is 0.00106 difference per inch, so in the time of Christ we are looking at a man 72 inches tall.

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108=72+36=gods and angels

by Thomas born Gemini - 3/17/18 1:00 AM
First, I shouldn't even be here! My earthly mother got damaged after my older brother was born plus a few year later she got "cancer" thus operating away stuff!!! But 111 months later I still popped out.... My birth date adds to 36 but as Gemini split identity we get 72! And the 72 and 36 gets 108... My mother had no idea Thomas means twin!!! Well I have noticed this synchronicity thing going on heavily since 2012. And it goes in waves and increases when attention to is increases. As twin I am split thus easily get distracted and lose focus. So this search for god and the synchronistic signs also has happened in waves, specially since the truth of the creation of everything also leads to the recognition of other truths like, 9/11 false flag, atom hoax and flat earth truth!!
Well last months the search for god and the signs of them has been the main thing. This since my intuition tells me the time is running outish!! Well I have found out, and my intuition sense recognises the truth, cell salts, apostles the... more...

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72=Time Travel

by Samet - 11/12/17 1:41 PM
Tetragrammaton is corresponding to number 72 in Kabbalah. When you arrange those the four Hebew letters in God's name within an equilateral triangle, numerical values corresponding to number 72. Also, number 72 was found under the arched bridge in the backdrop of Lenardo da Vinci's famous Mona Lisa painting. And yet, I found the same number in Quran which is mentions about these miraculous things and just like time travel in The Cave(18). 7 guy and 1 dogs stayed(slept) 300 years in their cave and they added 9 more. 8x9=72. So, I think Holy Books of Judaism, Christianity and Islam contained about number 72 and it must have significance. Finally, perhaps it has meaning about time travel. So my opinion is absolutely it has.

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RE: 72=Time Travel

by Anon - 2/16/18 9:44 AM
72 demons in the goetia

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by Interested - 3/24/14 5:39 AM
Felt I should have a say considering what it was that got me to find this page.
I watched a video on Youtube last night about Sonic Geometry and the relevance of the number 432.
I spent the night and then today playing with it and maths and found some interesting things.

72 is 1/6 of 432
720 is double 360, 360 being 6x60.
1/3 of 432 is 144.
144 ÷ 432 = 0.333333etc...
72 x 12 = 864
432 x 2 = 864 - 1% of seconds per day (86,400)
72 ÷ 6 = 12
12 x 3 = 36
36 x 2 = 72
72 x 5 = 360
720 x 3 = 2160 (One Great Month "Mayan Calander" also diameter of the moon)
(1/12 of "One Great Year "Mayan Calander" 25920)
2160 ÷ 5 = 432
432 x 60 = 25920
72 x 360 = 25920
25920 ÷ 6 = 4320 ÷ 6 = 720
6 x 6 = 36 x 6 = 216 x 12 = 2592
36 x 24 = 864 x 3 = 2592 ÷ 72 = 36

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this info and I highly recommend watching the sonic geometry movie as it covers a lot about numbers and music.

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by A Dozen Dozens - 12/03/17 5:43 AM
The significance of 144 is a dozen dozens. A dozen makes me think of eggs (and therefore breakfast)(so in turn toast)!!
So 144 = Huge Breakfast!

[This comment meant to intentionally represent how arbitrarily contrived out of thin air most of what's typed on this page is. Number Study in the Bible is interesting... but don't miss the Savior it was inspired to reveal in the first place; JESUS CHRIST.]


by Realistic - 2/10/18 3:41 PM
The logic in your math is as imaginary as jesus or any other made up sky-daddy.

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need for speed

by michael malcolm - 2/04/18 12:17 PM
God of time

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My birthdate

by Chad - 9/15/15 12:50 PM
My birthday 9/21/73 9-2=7 / 3-1=2. I hope just coincidental

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RE:My birthdate

by A Dozen Dozens - 12/03/17 5:50 AM
It's not a coincidence. 9-2 always equals 7 and 3-1 always equals 2; even before you were born on that day.
But before you it was just called "math" way back then.

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72 in a dream

by chantelle andersen - 8/12/17 4:29 PM
I had afew bad sceary airy things happen where I live I was to scared to sleep at nights as I keeper getting paralysed while hearing this intence noise with the feeling of being terrified, I didn't sleep for months, then friend came to stay , he finily had enough of wat ever was there and one night confronted it, he spoke aloud saying please leave ur not welcome hear this is her house , what do u want and why are u hear? Then every thing went dark and cold and this bright flashing number 72 poped up he said does chantelle have any goid angels or guides and 2 glowing bright entities appered, and in between them were 7 dark orbs , he said he felt scared he tryed to get where I was asleep on the bed and when he did he said I was frozen like in a posesed like state then he came to in tears , freaked out by the experience.. Please help me !!

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RE: 72 in a dream

by Bill - 10/26/17 4:29 AM
Chantelle, Ask Jesus Christ in a simple humble manner for help as you would an old friend and trust Him. After all you put your trust in an airline pilot you don't know to get you to your destination.