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by ylm - 1/16/14 12:50 PM
I am an Hispanic 39 female living in Miami and I have been experienced the number 44 for more than a year. It comes all the time. Actually it comes EVERY time a see the clock, even if its not mine, the minutes are always 44.
At the beginning I thought it was something random but even my son realized about that! I have been wondering the meaning of that persistent number in my life... But this page just make me more confused!

11 Replies: Post a Reply

RE: 44

by Anonymous - 6/27/14 7:50 PM
me too

RE: 44

by Anonymous - 6/27/14 8:14 PM
44 is the number for adam, man and also blood and i think death, i think something new is happening here on the earth and waking up our senses by studying the esoteric may help you on your spiritual awakening journey. Kabbalah is helpful as there are many books from the Torah scholars and much information available on the internet. The site called the "Daily Zohar" is cleansing and balancing and offers protection and support as we experience the shifts and changes that are taking place constantly throughin and throughout our creation. Peace and blessings and try not to judge yourself or others, as it is a destructive force. Find a support group that is open to learning about the spiritual world we live in and how to awaken your senses to the gift inside you, your very own soul, great articles you may enjoy that are fun and educational. Absorb what is for you and leave the rest behind. We are living souls. Learn what that means, it is infinite.


by oo - 3/04/15 7:58 PM

RE: 44

by Anonymous - 3/14/15 1:52 PM
I am from west Virginia now for two13 years. I have been. Seeing the number all44 every time I look at a clock or my phone. This site as well is confusing me too. What does the44 mean in plan English.?


by Raymond Lein - 2/03/16 5:40 PM
44 is the number of God. 40 is
The number Tribulation.. 100 number fullness of God in Christ... 144 God in man. 4 number of new creation. we have to go great tribulation.


by Anonymous - 2/21/17 5:18 PM
the wild thing is that everytime i see this number something bad happens afterwards.also before i started seing this number i fell into sexual sin with masturbation. i want to be brutally honest.also i see 111 11 14,44,444 . also have been having alot of anxiety attacks as well as sicknesses


by Anonymous - 2/21/17 5:22 PM
i can feel the grace of God during this time but in a sense i feel like evil has a legal right to torment me and its very depressing.not to scare anyone.some ppl have good experiences with the number but unfortuantly for me i have been experiencing humiliation and sorrow to the point of suicidal thoughts and all.but i do thak God i am here everyday but this time is so hard.my advice to anyone reading this is to not play around with the grace of God and remember that the enemy of our souls is very real.i wish to tell my testimony of everything that i am experiencing but for the sake of time and my testimony not being complete i will wait for the perfect time. be blessed and keep God first in everything

RE: 44

by Anonymous - 4/19/17 10:02 PM
I have been seeing the number 44 for a month or 2 months now,like when i look at my time it would be 4:44 or 8:44 just always 44 would appear not just my phone but when i look at other places too i just really want to know what it means.


by Adrian C. - 1/05/18 3:09 AM
This is crazy! I just seen the number 44 when I forgave my deceased aunt for something she did or might have said because it was pretty innocent. I'm a life path number 11 in numerology but all of a sudden the 44 appeared in the air. I don't tell ANYONE this but I see things all the time and I'm not afraid of it. It's actually pretty interesting. For instance, all I have to do is ask a question and a Y for Yes or N for No appear. It's pretty funky but cool. I'm glad it happens as my life is more interesting with it happening. I wanna tell my mom kinda but I know she'll freak. I don't want her to think I'm hallucinating because I don't think that's the case! Date: 1/5/18.


by Michael - 2/20/18 12:51 PM
The only enemy is the " EGO ".
Its what religion calls "Satan"
Satan is made as an outer image , because YOU cannot change anything outside only what's within.
So as long as ones attention is given to this outer false image you give it power and all the power to do whatsoever it wants to serve the ego as a victim .
Your true self as spirit cannot be hurt , unless your thinking says it can.
Let go of the concept of Satan, if you must keep it ,at least know its the scapegoat that is used to justify ones victimhood.and ones justification to say Satan influenced them.
Or look at it that what is dark is being brought to the light , embrace it , welcome it , make peace , by doing so you render it powerless, rather than resisting which gives it power , remember resist not evil .
It is in resisting anything in life that gives it more power....


by Moyadim - 6/01/18 11:44 AM
Even though the media calls Trump the 45th President, he is actually the 44th man to be President. If you understand the way Presidents are numbered. Only labeled 45 because of one divided term, Grover Cleveland the 22nd and 24th Presidents with the election of 1888 dividing his two terms, 888 is the name of Christ in the Bible. Its that simple people, things begin under Trump. You would think since his actual name is Trump people would get this, with 7 Trumpets in the book of Revelation.

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