Properties of the number 44







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166 Comments for Number 44 Symbolism, 44 Meaning and Numerology

Comment on Number 44 Symbolism, 44 Meaning and Numerology

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44 all day every day

by Christina - 7/31/24 10:08 PM
I see 44 everyday since I spiritually awoke in March 2024. Not only do I see 44 all the time, I am 44 yrs old and my birthday and social security # both add up to 44. My mother died when she was 44 and my father was born in 1944. I know with God, there are no coincidences. In gematria, forty-four is 144, as in the 144,000 chosen? And 44 in Hebrew is the name of God of judgement. For what it all means, I don’t know. It drives me
crazy researching into it. I even prayed about it yet no answer. Anyone else have an idea? Let me know.

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RE: 44 all day every day

by Anonymous - 3/26/25 2:18 PM
April 4 is 44

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There are NOT 44 instances of "tribulation(s)" in the Bible?

by FewThereBe - 3/09/23 8:48 AM
According to my Bible software, there are not even close to 44 instances of the word(s) "tribulation(s)" (singular and/or plural) in the Bible; at least not in the King James Bible.

Is it an error or ???

Thank you.

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RE: There are NOT 44 instances of "tribulation(s)" in the Bible?

by Geoffrey - 8/20/24 2:25 PM
Yes, I´m curious about that too. Young? Literal Translation has it 44 times in the New Testament.

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I v seen it for years and see it all day and night. Every day.

by Durell - 11/20/23 12:08 AM
I agree with some of you that Obama is the antichrist. It's a long story. But I have my belief. From a dream. As far as the 44. It's been going on for many many years now. I see it 40 times or more in a day. On TV shows movies clocks all day. Lol. I could go on and on. But I'm sure you all already know. Lol. God is good. And Jesus is Lord.

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RE: I v seen it for years and see it all day and night. Every day.

by Anonymous - 2/10/24 10:36 AM
Agreed… I also believe he is the Anti-Christ. I’ve known since 2006. The first time I ever laid eyes on him, not having a clue who he was, or even knowing one single thing about him, it was like I was shot in the heart with an immediate thought… “that’s the Antichrist”. and I just stood there in morbid fascination. I remembered asking the Lord years earlier , when I was pre-tribber, if he would show me who the Antichrist was and about four or five years later in Oct of 2006, He revealed him to me, out of the blue when I wasn’t even thinking about any of that at the time. After that, as time went on, it was evident that he fits the bill, even long before I knew about Gematria and what his name means.

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Is '44' Good? My experience says otherwise!

by Anonymous - 3/31/21 5:46 PM
There are a lot of mixed perspectives written here that is bound to cause confusion. The devil's greatest assault. Some people believe in 'angel numbers'-tied to a new age occult belief that defies everything biblical because it calls for reliance on self-wisdom rather than Christ. These 'spirit guides' and reassuring 'angels' are demons in disguise sent to keep people separated from God. Common rhetoric when it comes practices of the occult is their over-usage of the terms 'love and light.' Remember Satan is the great imitator of God. He will have people believe that all that glitters is gold, so long as they are turning away from God and condemning themselves to a life of damnation in death.

I initially thought it was good news when I first started see '44' but then I was also seeing them in times I knew I shouldn't have, if it were truly coming from God. Why after all, would God condone sin? As I started to realize the discrepancies in things and work on strengthening my faith, I began getting harassed.... more...

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RE: Is '44' Good? My experience says otherwise!

by Anonymous - 1/28/24 1:17 PM
It's all a trick, every time you think you understand, it's another lie.. I've been down this circular path many times.. The trick is a quad inversion. You think, this is all a lie, the devils lies are everywhere, they're probably even in the bible, and indeed, they are.. Now you're thinking, it's a trap! And it is, but the devil can only speak half-lies, so while it's a trap, the truth is in there too.. Naturally you're next thought is, if you really read it and think about it, "why's God so often seem like a jerk, testing us in such awful ways, like Job?" The more you read, the more you realize God is everything, and this entire world seems bent to some kind of evil, where everything good goes sour.. Well yeah, but it wasn't meant to be that way, it is that way because we're lost and vulnerable.. Even the bible can't lead you to peace because it's been warped by greed and ill intention, men seeking power, corrupted.. Your only salvation now is if you trust in God and love your enemy like Jesus did.. You may... more...

Obama is the anti-christ

by Nobody - 9/27/17 3:48 PM
Obama is the Anti-Christ he has blinded the non-believers so they can not see the destruction coming down upon them.

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RE: Obama is the anti-christ

by Anonymous - 9/18/22 11:50 AM
Didn't age well this comment. Of course we can all agree Biden is too stupid to be the Anti-Christ and he lacks Charisma.

RE:Obama is the anti-christ

by Aimee - 4/05/23 11:15 AM
Obama absolutely is the antichrist. He is the clone of Akhenaten. The nephilum gave the knowledge to mummify the bodies to clone them later. It all goes back to Egypt. Nothing new under the sun.

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144th Comment

by Colin - 12/09/19 11:51 PM
I am the 144th comment, I am a the 1st member of a group of 144,000 souls here on Earth during times of ascension

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RE: 144th Comment

by Trevor - 9/12/22 11:21 PM
Sorry, forgot to add my name! Maybe we’ll see each other during our great missions! Finish Strong and Trust the Lord for His promises are always good!

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April 4

by Jennie - 2/08/18 1:19 PM
Surprised to see no other 4/4 birthday comments here....

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RE: April 4

by Anonymous - 3/02/22 12:23 AM
I'm an April 4th! Yay for my 4/4 sister.

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The hour is 44

by ND - 2/27/21 3:30 PM
This is just a response i made in regards to people on youtube proclaiming authority over Gods judges, Jesus, His scribe, the Sprits of the Word, The Wind, the Sea, the Land and the Fiery Serpant, and Lucifer himself.


God is judge in which Jesus/Yahweh is your prosecutor and defense attorny.

You hold false witness.

You dont treat others like yourself.

You are aware you walk upon the body of Christ? Careful how hard you stomp. You are supposed to walk with Jesus, not tread on him.

You are aware why God sent cain to Nod correct?

Tilling the dirt.

You are aware Lucifer is one of Gods favorite Angels and most powerful Angels?

King of Demons, but guess what? He's a liar. He's the police officer, police chief and jail warden.

Backseat batman, james bond, mi6

You need not only Jesus' approval but Lucifer as well.

The spirits are watching real closely as of this week. Gods scribe is writing and he is listening.

Son of man is the creation of men, the earth and all the... more...

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Number 44

by Jimmy - 8/10/18 9:54 PM
The Lord shows me this number every day 5 or 10 times a day and I said Lord God why and I had been reading the bible for a while and then I came to Ezekiel chapter 20 verse 44 the beginning of it said and you shall know that I am the Lord it is his way of telling you that he is there and if I say Lord God I wish I could hear your voice he shows me that number so many times the next day I can't believe it the God that made the heavens and the earth pays a nobody like me attention I know what 44 means beyond a shadow of a doubt he is trying to talk to use so you will start talking to him so you can be born again and you want suffer in hell it is him

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RE: Number 44

by Anonymous - 1/19/21 10:35 PM
Thanks I see 44 every day too. And I know our Lord has us

significance of number 44

by Anonymous - 3/23/15 1:11 PM
I thought that I was all alone but it is nice to see that others see the number 44 frequently displayed in digital form . I think that we might all be specifically chosen by the Holy Trinity. I believe that God is indicating that he is with us. I see 44 when I am most afflicted and depressed. It indicates do not worry God is on the case. Trust is what he is asking of us his chosen ones.

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RE: significance of number 44

by Anonymous - 9/04/19 5:15 PM
Thank you for this. Explains my dream last night wherein the number 44 was stressed.

RE: significance of number 44

by Anonymous - 12/20/20 5:57 PM
Thank you for your comment. I see 44 all the time, and I will now see it in a different light and smile knowing it is a message from God.

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44 angel number meaning

by Numerology 44 - 8/15/20 8:00 PM
44 angel number is a strong indication that your guardian angels will help you achieve the abundance you are seeking.

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by Sandy - 2/04/20 12:45 PM
The gematria for my name, my mother’s maiden and her married name, my father’s name and my brother’s name all equal 44. Additionally, my father’s favorite number was 44. I never knew this coincidence in our name values until I stopped using the Pythagorean number system. Lastly, the address of our home was 44.

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Dream and other symbolism

by Karen Yochim - 9/04/19 5:16 PM
Wonderful page to discover. Thank you.

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by 44 - 9/26/13 10:21 AM
My first name comes to 44 and my last name comes to 44 too but that´s not all. My birthday comes to 44 also??

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RE: 44,44,44??

by Anonymous - 7/24/19 4:32 AM
Me too...and my blood type...its quite mad

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by Does it really matter? - 1/02/18 4:18 PM
Look at the 5-pointed star (representing man - 1 head, 2 arms, 2 legs) and turn it upside down (no evil intended). Note the number 4 and a mirrored 4 that make up the star. If we stay with the star representing man & if each #4 represents an entity, then 2 souls (sharing the shoulders) make up this 'man'. Imagine then, TWO people in one body. To the first (for example) "Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ, Who are you? What have you sacrificed?" and then to the other, "Jesus Christ Superstar - Do you think you are who they say you are?" If I'm not mistaken, in the New Testament, 'The Lord Jesus Christ' was used BEFORE His death & Resurrection, and AFTER 'Christ Jesus, The Lord' was used... 44 = the boy, Lucifer (The Mysterious Stranger), not Satan.

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RE: 44

by Anonymous - 5/13/19 2:15 AM
Father(13) plus it’s mirror Mother(31) equal child/blood(44)


by Meagan Alise - 6/06/14 9:53 AM
A very wise woman that I met passed away 44 days after she taught me and a friend of mine very important things, and she was a God fearing woman, with the sweetest spirit I've ever known. I can't help but to think that maybe her very short role in our lives was linked to her destiny and once completed, she was taken home 44 days later. This woman changed my life in a matter of 3 days and I am curious as to see what relevance those 44 days could have to the total equation. My experience with her presented so many 2's and 5's, 2 representing separation and 5 representing grace. At this time, me & the person I was with had not been getting along. We were what some would call divided. I believe that God graced us (5 being the number of grace) to be able to work together for a greater purpose. Also, 2 representing the # of people God dispatched to important assignments. Can anyone shed some light on the possible significance of 44?

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RE: Help!

by Anonymous - 9/14/18 2:54 AM
In the early Christian church as today in eastern churches the soul is believed to be allowed to remain with those who mourn, and also to then experience the particular judgement or little judgement. 40 days to mourn, three days in the tomb, 1 day for judgement is 44 days.

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by ylm - 1/16/14 12:50 PM
I am an Hispanic 39 female living in Miami and I have been experienced the number 44 for more than a year. It comes all the time. Actually it comes EVERY time a see the clock, even if its not mine, the minutes are always 44.
At the beginning I thought it was something random but even my son realized about that! I have been wondering the meaning of that persistent number in my life... But this page just make me more confused!

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by Adrian C. - 1/05/18 3:09 AM
This is crazy! I just seen the number 44 when I forgave my deceased aunt for something she did or might have said because it was pretty innocent. I'm a life path number 11 in numerology but all of a sudden the 44 appeared in the air. I don't tell ANYONE this but I see things all the time and I'm not afraid of it. It's actually pretty interesting. For instance, all I have to do is ask a question and a Y for Yes or N for No appear. It's pretty funky but cool. I'm glad it happens as my life is more interesting with it happening. I wanna tell my mom kinda but I know she'll freak. I don't want her to think I'm hallucinating because I don't think that's the case! Date: 1/5/18.


by Michael - 2/20/18 12:51 PM
The only enemy is the " EGO ".
Its what religion calls "Satan"
Satan is made as an outer image , because YOU cannot change anything outside only what's within.
So as long as ones attention is given to this outer false image you give it power and all the power to do whatsoever it wants to serve the ego as a victim .
Your true self as spirit cannot be hurt , unless your thinking says it can.
Let go of the concept of Satan, if you must keep it ,at least know its the scapegoat that is used to justify ones victimhood.and ones justification to say Satan influenced them.
Or look at it that what is dark is being brought to the light , embrace it , welcome it , make peace , by doing so you render it powerless, rather than resisting which gives it power , remember resist not evil .
It is in resisting anything in life that gives it more power....


by Moyadim - 6/01/18 11:44 AM
Even though the media calls Trump the 45th President, he is actually the 44th man to be President. If you understand the way Presidents are numbered. Only labeled 45 because of one divided term, Grover Cleveland the 22nd and 24th Presidents with the election of 1888 dividing his two terms, 888 is the name of Christ in the Bible. Its that simple people, things begin under Trump. You would think since his actual name is Trump people would get this, with 7 Trumpets in the book of Revelation.

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RE: 44 & Seraphim

by Voln Gharst - 9/09/09 5:52 AM
Arabs call Jerusalem, "Al-Quds"

Al-Quds = 528 (Reverse Hebrew)

And match with just about all values of 'Jesus' (ie. 515, 18, 444, 74, 555, etc)

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RE: RE: 44 & Seraphim

by Anonymous - 9/27/17 3:44 PM
2 Corinthians 4:4
 Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.


by Anonymous - 6/19/17 7:56 AM
Reading through comments and years of studies into all kinds religion, numerology, geometry, and everything bizzare I've been lead to believe that 44 is closely associated with the evil eye/ eye of horus-ra/ LUX-LUXOR programming/ Lucifer. So it's pretty long to discuss. Long story short those are all one entity that lure one in with using the light and good fortune to stealing,use, alerting and shutting off energy that most people don't even know exist anymore. Research LUX/ evil eye and you'll find that they offer SHORTCUTS using 44. One should be very wary of any and all who claim shortcuts!

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by Marlen Silverstein Gottman - 5/06/17 9:15 PM
Hidden (hi-DD-en) - (he-44-en)

Four (400) hundred years after Jamestown was established; Barack Obama announced his candidacy for president.

And he was 44th president; -- and Donald Trump is the 45th president -- But he will be only the 44th person
(the 44th male), to actually hold the job.

Because president Grover Cleveland - served TWO non-consecutive terms:
He won the election in 1884, but lost in 1888 -- and won again in 1892 —
So, he is considered both the 22nd and 24th president.

So, Trumph is actually both "44th and 45th" president.

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RE: 44

by Anonymous - 5/14/17 4:12 AM
Very interesting. Barack Obama appears in the Bible. Also take Santa Clause. Rearranging Santa into Satan.. definition of Clause is an old old word deriving from another meaning lighting. Best I can remember.

44 66

by Nickdavijhon - 4/16/16 1:53 AM
I'm seeing two numbers, 44 and 66. I had a few crazy experience taking hallucinative drugs. Eversince this numbers been appearing to me. I wouldn't not try to talk about it, because it would be to much.

Normally I see 44 but I would say 80 percent of the time 66 will follow. I can not avoid it, I feel like God is telling me something and I just don't know what it is.

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RE: 44 66

by Anonymous - 4/05/17 9:24 AM
Me too I see 44 66.. and I dont know what it means or if it has any meaning..

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Infinite Energy

by Sir Diamond - 1/23/14 2:46 PM
It is equivalent to the infinite of number 8. If you turn number 8 sideway, it is an infinite symbol. This is why Immanuel ( Jesus ) chose the fish to feed to the people.

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RE: Infinite Energy

by Gina John - 2/20/17 10:15 AM
Thank you

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by Anonymous - 12/06/16 12:52 AM
They are meaningless mental constructs. You cannot focus on the road if you're consistently looking at the road signs. Keep following your own intuition, dance to the beat of your own drum and ignore everything else. Including "magic" numbers.

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by Anonymous - 12/05/16 5:29 PM
"Darkness", Ignorance, Disharmonious such as the Modern Standard Tuning of 440hz producing a "disharmonious" frequency in opposition to the harmonious 432hz

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RE: RE:44

by Anonymous - 12/06/16 12:49 AM
This is new age crap. Listen to some 440hz music. Then listen to 432hz. It doesn't sound good.


by Anonymous - 8/15/16 10:07 PM
The,,,44th President, 44 years ago we had an attack at the Olympic games that 11 killed victims of the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre was commemorated on Wednesday 3 Aug,2 016 a ceremony at the athletes' village in Rio. Two of the widows of those killed in Munich were present and said the remembrance had brought closure. in an official ceremony organized by the International Olympic Committee.

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