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by numbers dont lie - 8/03/13 1:41 AM
A=6 B=12 C=18 D=24 E=30 F=36 g=42 h=48 I=54 j=60 K=66 L=72 M=78 N=84 O=90 P=96 Q=102 R=108 S=114 T=120 U=126 V=132 W=138 X=144 Y=150 Z=156

GEMATRIA = 444 Mark of beast = 666
ENGLISH = 444 Stubborn = 666

JEWISH = 444 witchcraft = 666
MESSIAH = 444 Sorceries = 666
JESUS = 444 Illusion = 666
Y'SHUA = 444 New york = 666
JOSHUA = 444 corrupt = 666
CROSS = 444 Slaughter = 666
GOSPEL = 444 Computer = 666
PREACHER = 444 Insanity = 666
I If we used the simplest formula: A=1 B=2 C=3 etc etc , the values of the names will still be the same. All the 444 names would add up to 74 because going from A=6 to A=1 changes it by a sixth. Therefore all the 666 findings would all be 111. The bible says and I quote " Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666." A wise person(He who has understanding) can look at the 111 findings with the simple formula and realize that to make them 666 you just have to change the A=1 to A=6 and now you have the correct Bible formula. The amazing thing is that when you do that you end up with the sumerian code. How did the Sumerians have the correct formula? They started with 6 and increased each letter by 6, that is why English Gematria is done that way. God must have revealed it to them also. I'snt that wild?

444 patterns match up with the old testament and 666 and 444 patterns match up with the new testament. This means that the Old and New testament without collusion, perfectly coincide And connect like pieces of a puzzle with a Language that was not started until thousands of years later. ( Impossible) Without God

What are the odds of these results happening by pure chance? The calculator doesn’t go that high. I was confused on why lucifer added up to 444 until I read Ezekiel in the Old Testament. Ezekiel called Lucifer a cherubim and described a cherubim as 4 creatures with 4 heads and 4 wings. I refer to a cherubim as a 444 angel. Here are some others.

FRUIT = 444
THE KING = 444
ENERGY = 444
Melody = 444 ( Was given to us to worship.)

the odds on this pattern developing is just simply impossible. No one can get that lucky that every major word involving them could add up to the same number. Go ahead, check your name and list all things that have to do with you and see how many match. How could Jesus get this lucky. There was no English language till 1500 years after he died. How did this happen?
The only reasonable explanation would be that the authors of the Bible were initiates to a higher wisdom and knowledge and these authors universally applied mathematical principles of Gematria and or sacred geometry to encrypt this wisdom in the Bible such that it could be conveyed to future generations

20 Replies: Post a Reply

RE: 444

by 888 seeker - 7/13/14 2:17 PM
It's not adding your 444. You just accused Jesus of being satan. In Sumerian English gematria, calculate the words alone and verify that the number 444 has not been added.the calculator verifies numbers or letters. Not both at once.

RE: 444

by Wahseem (444) - 9/29/14 2:04 AM
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My name is Wahseem. If u add all the letters in my name it equals 444!! Is it a sign?


by Jerelyn - 9/29/14 2:11 AM
Thats so awesome, i love that name..


by michael - 3/22/15 2:29 AM
Are you still active I have an amazing revelation to share


by Son of Man - 10/17/15 7:47 PM
Joshua walks the earth.


by Nick M - 3/24/16 7:30 PM
I have been studying Base 6 English Gematria for almost a decade now. Your findings are the truth and you ought not be bothered by those who lack understanding whom question your findings. God bless and Godspeed, in Jesus' name!


by numbers dont lie - 6/02/16 4:37 PM
your name adding to 444 may not be a sign. but Jesus=444 jewish=444 messiah=444 gospel=444 cross=444 preacher=444 parables =444.etc is definitely a sign!


by Anonymous - 7/15/16 5:04 AM
So all repeating numbers are 666 therefore recognizing tripled numbers is Lucifer communicating to you?


by C. Craig - 10/25/16 6:20 AM
my experience with 44/444/4444
on april 4th 2015 i was up late watching the tv series rome on netflix, while i was watching rome i was searching online for news articles and came across a news article called "rabbi predicts blood moon judgment" i read the first paragraph and being an agnostic/atheist, that hated monotheism especially, i copied and posted a link to it on a pagan website's chatbox, i went back and read the rest right away, it was about how on april 4th the 4th day of the 4th month at 4:44 am there would be a "blood moon eclipse" which was part of a series of 4 lunar eclipses in a row that would take place on jewish feast days and that would last 4 minutes and 44 seconds and would mark the beginning of passover during the reign of the 44th president. I looked down at the clock, it was 4:44 am, i freaked out at the improbability then i went back to the pagan chat box to tell them about it and saw that my comment was posted at 4:44:44 am and I realized how this took the improbable and multiplied the improbability even more(this was also april 4th, 4th day of the 4th month). so started looking up the signifcance of the numbers 444 and 44, it was very intriguing to me as you can imagine, i looked up events in the year 444 and found nothing, then 44 ad and found nothing, then i came to 44bc and found out that the events of the tv show Rome(assassination of julius caesar) i was watching at that very moment took place in 44 bc, i then paused rome on netflix and to my amazement i saw that the title of the episode i was watching when all this happened was "Passover" so i freaked out even more at the insane imrpobability of it all and when i calmed down i then wondered if passover in 44 bc and 2015 took place on the same day(april 4th/15th of nissan) and i found out that they did and i freaked out some more and then i wondered when they match again after 44 bc and if there was some regular pattern to it but there isn't a regular pattern, the 2 dates didn't match again until 33 ad, passover 33 ad, on the EXACT day that Jesus died on the cross, this came as a huge surprise to me and directly pointed to a divine source of this improbability.
i went all through history looking for when these dates match, some of them are the most significant dates in history, 1776, 1939, 1901, but then i wondered, "when do they match again after 2015?" and i found out that they match again in 2034, when i turn 44 years old(i turn 44 the next day on april 5th) I was always into the occult so i knew about this thing called gematria which is a jewish system of assigning numbers to letters and words and so i looked up 444 in gematria and found out that the following words equal 444 in gematria: Jesus=444, Iesous(the greek name of jesus)=444, Yeshua(the hebrew name of jesus)=444,messiah=444, cross=444,jewish=444 and menorah=444. I also found out that the word God appears exactly 4444 times in the king james bible and that the very first verse and the very last verse in the bible have exactly 44 letters each. I also found out that the prophecy of 70 and 7 weeks, which started with artaxerxes decree started in 444 bc, which prophesied baptism and start of Christ's ministry to the day.


by DeToXiK - 5/18/17 11:09 AM
It Means, Wat u want it 2 mean, in relation 2 urself
Its 1 the ways we all connect


by Russ Josey - 10/14/17 4:24 PM
I have been seeing 444 everywhere. Imagine my surprise when I calculated Russ in simple and Sumerian gematria and came up with 77 and 444.


by Tony - 1/09/18 9:35 PM
Santaclause 777


by Believe - 5/09/18 12:33 AM
by numbers dont lie -
A=6 B=12 C=18 D=24 E=30 F=36 g=42 h=48 I=54 j=60 K=66 L=72 M=78 N=84 O=90 P=96 Q=102 R=108 S=114 T=120 U=126 V=132 W=138 X=144 Y=150 Z=156

GEMATRIA = 444 Mark of beast = 666
ENGLISH = 444 Stubborn = 666

JEWISH = 444 witchcraft = 666
MESSIAH = 444 Sorceries = 666
JESUS = 444 Illusion = 666
Y'SHUA = 444 New york = 666
JOSHUA = 444 corrupt = 666
CROSS = 444 Slaughter = 666
GOSPEL = 444 Computer = 666
PREACHER = 444 Insanity = 666
I If we used the simplest formula: A=1 B=2 C=3 etc etc , the values of the names will still be the same. All the 444 names would add up to 74 because going from A=6 to A=1 changes it by a sixth. Therefore all the 666 findings would all be 111. The bible says and I quote " Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666." A wise person(He who has understanding) can look at the 111 findings with the simple formula and realize that to make them 666 you just have to change the A=1 to A=6 and now you have the correct Bible formula. The amazing thing is that when you do that you end up with the sumerian code. How did the Sumerians have the correct formula? They started with 6 and increased each letter by 6, that is why English Gematria is done that way. God must have revealed it to them also. I'snt that wild?

444 patterns match up with the old testament and 666 and 444 patterns match up with the new testament. This means that the Old and New testament without collusion, perfectly coincide And connect like pieces of a puzzle with a Language that was not started until thousands of years later. ( Impossible) Without God

What are the odds of these results happening by pure chance? The calculator doesn’t go that high. I was confused on why lucifer added up to 444 until I read Ezekiel in the Old Testament. Ezekiel called Lucifer a cherubim and described a cherubim as 4 creatures with 4 heads and 4 wings. I refer to a cherubim as a 444 angel. Here are some others.

FRUIT = 444
THE KING = 444
ENERGY = 444
Melody = 444 ( Was given to us to worship.)

the odds on this pattern developing is just simply impossible. No one can get that lucky that every major word involving them could add up to the same number. Go ahead, check your name and list all things that have to do with you and see how many match. How could Jesus get this lucky. There was no English language till 1500 years after he died. How did this happen?
The only reasonable explanation would be that the authors of the Bible were initiates to a higher wisdom and knowledge and these authors universally applied mathematical principles of Gematria and or sacred geometry to encrypt this wisdom in the Bible such that it could be conveyed to future generations


by Joshua Dale Woods - 8/19/19 5:00 PM
Yes Son of Man the Son Of God does walk the earth. He’s usually driving his Acura to be honest. He passes satan walking all the time and she is Gorgeous.


by Anonymous - 9/30/19 5:48 PM
444 = English Jewish Jesus Lucifer. In our minds are. Omplete opposites. Why??

RE: 444

by Northerner - 7/26/20 5:02 PM
In the eighties during my BSc. studies I read an article in Scientific American about numerology and the number 666. The article described how to calculate the number of names based on the the English alphabet, with A=6, etc. The author casually remarked that Kissinger had the number 666.
At that time I was a former atheist that had been seeking truth and found God in personal encounters (by simply asking God to reveal himself to me if he was real) based on Christs promise, seek and you shall find.
After reading the article about numerology I decided to calculate the number of Jesus, and many other of the Biblical and related names mentioned in your long list.
After realising that Jesus and Messiah had the number 444 I frequently started noticing 444, but this was no big surprise to me.
However I was a very surprised when I saw again and again on my digital Casio wristwatch the exact time of day 4.44,44 - since I was not intentionally looking at my clock when this happened.
And I could not believe or imagine how my inner physiological clock could be this precise, to make me look at my watch at this exact same second, day after day, week after week during my studies, in the bus etc.
This experience did not stop until I decided to stop using the digital watch, since this experience was starting to freak me out.
Today, after a several decades long rollercoaster ride in learning to love and trust completely in God, our Creator, the God of beauty, holiness, mercy and love, and in Jesus Christ, and in his word - I belive the message God is sending us with these numbers is that JESUS IS LORD AND HE IS COMING VERY SOON.


by Larry - 9/05/21 7:46 PM
I saw 444 everywhere , I was told it's my Angel Number. Then I ended up doing Gemetria after 2016,that's when I disovered Larry is 444 using Gemetria. I figured it was why I seen it everywhere. I know having Angel Number and Name both adding to 444 must be something rare


by Jessca cannon - 5/30/22 11:48 PM
I see 444 all the time ..my done was born Oct 24th 2001 @ 4:44 am. Then my other son was born April 19th 1995. When the Oklahoma bombing happened..


by Jessca cannon - 5/30/22 11:55 PM
I see 444 all the time ..my son was born Oct 24th 2001 @ 4:44 am. Then my other son was born April 19th 1995. When the Oklahoma bombing happened.. 444 are angel numbers.. I've never seen anything to with death or being bad or evil.


by Shannon - 12/15/23 9:11 PM
Jesus and Lucifer both equal 444 why is that? And if go by 9's with 1=9 2=18 and so on Jesus and Lucifer both equal 666..this blows my mind and in the Bible they referred to as the morning star..Isaiah in the old testament the morning star is lucifer and revelation the morning star is jesus...so what does that tell us?? To me lucifer and Jesus are the same being...idk someone tell me what they think please?? Thanks

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