Properties of the number 444








Last modification: October 2, 2011

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1990 Comments for Number 444 Symbolism, 444 Meaning and Numerology

Comment on Number 444 Symbolism, 444 Meaning and Numerology

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by SARA - 12/12/10 6:30 AM

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by Anonymous - 7/12/20 9:13 PM
Hi Sara, I would like to understand more


by Anonymous - 6/15/21 6:07 AM
Me too I'm curious of what more you know on that topic of the 144,000


by Anonymous - 7/24/21 5:47 PM
Guess your 3rd eye needs some fine tuning. Don’t quit your day job :)


by Anonymous - 9/19/21 2:47 AM
I just awoke to a voice calling out 444 ????


by Jakera tucker - 11/20/22 4:08 AM
Can you explain it to me?


by Anonymous - 5/01/23 5:08 AM
144,000 Repesents All Tha Energy points in A Man/Woman Body" Not Those That Will Go To Heaven or be Saved..????


by Adam Radloff - 11/17/23 8:27 AM
Jesus is the only way to go to heaven. Stay away from new Age and Horrorscopes. God uses number also. Follow the 1's. The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth.


by Adam Radloff - 11/17/23 12:20 PM
Jesus is the only way to go to heaven. Stay away from new Age and Horrorscopes. God uses number also. Follow the 1's. The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth.


by Adam Radloff - 11/17/23 12:23 PM
Do not worry about 666s I saw them before. Turns out He scared me to get me attention. I'm blessed to be one of the 144000 chosen.


by maha - 11/17/24 1:43 PM
sorry Sara! The apocalypse didnt happen.

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by David Allender - 5/04/15 3:37 AM
Hi there! I'm David Allender!

My name in english sumerian gematria =666
My name in greek beta gematria =444

So what, right? That's what I figured, but then there's this;

Peggy Dyk, (my better half of 22 years) AND MY name David Allender = 893 in jewish gematria! 2 cohabiting people who've turned out to be among the most fervent fighters of jewish/satanic oppression of mankind have completely different names that just so happen to equal the same gematric value of 893!

So, what again right? Well;

893 is (8 x 9) = 72 . . . . 72 x 3 = 216

And . . . 216 is 6 x 6 x 6. 666

Ruh-roh! Scary 666 right? WHO wrote, translated and proselytized the bible??? Who runs the vatican??? Who owns/controls Hollywood, Disney, Silicon Valley and ALL the media that have conditioned/programmed you to think 666 is evil???

JUST IN . . .

The man who's number is 666, is the second beast deployed by GOD to destroy babylon (the vatican), after inheriting earthly power from satan (the current "owner" of earth as Gods' tempter) and defeats the edomites (jews). It's pretty simple, GAME OVER. (for the jews who own ALL the major media, websites, big banks, the FED and all the big corps, a.k.a. "the world")

Hit GoyimGazette for more solid truths!!!

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by Anonymous - 8/24/24 8:49 AM
This guy doesn't hate semites. (which are people who speak Arabic, Hebrew and Aramaic) He hates sATANISTS. Specifically sATANIC jEWS! They (the govt) tried to kill him in the largest SWAT team attack in U.S. History because they think he's the 2nd King David. Check out his website.

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by Anonymous - 1/25/11 1:20 AM
444 in Chinese means DIE, DIE, DIE! I once knew of a guy who had a business located in a building 444. We told him something bad would happen because of the 444 = GUARANTEED DEATH. He didn't believe us. 4 years later, he was shot dead in front of this building.

Another real story, a friend of a family went to college and was assigned in a room 444 in her dormitory. We told her to change the room since 444 is a bad number. She said it was OK since she didn't believe in superstition. 4 months later, her father kills her mother, her and wounded her brother.

Coincidence? Ask any Chinese person who knows about the number 444 and they will tell you it's a bad number. You can't put any Chinese from Hong Kong in a room 444 as that person will ask for a different room right away...

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by Anonymous - 4/20/20 8:20 AM
Hey I have been seeing the number 420 and it's to my understanding that angel number 420 is positive but I have been feeling like 4/20/2020 may be the day of my demise. Then I noticed 444 and honestly this post has freaked me out.


by AJ - 1/28/22 1:47 PM
I kept seeing this number before a family member passed. I’m not Chinese. I arrived here trying to find out if the 444 number combo had any correlation as sign for death.


by Mis - 12/13/23 9:04 PM
I’m now scared of getting a room numbered 444


by Anonymous - 12/13/23 9:06 PM
Ok now I’m scared of anything 444


by Anonymous - 8/20/24 8:36 PM
So was everybody in the building murdered, or just him? A building should have a lot of people. Is everybody in every building 444 murdered, or just this one guy?

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Last Chance

by the last alchemist - 2/23/24 4:08 PM
I am sent to those of you who are seeking but cannot find. Knocking, but cannot enter. Asking l, but not receiving.

I am sent to help those who seek righteousness and purity.

The end is upon us. This is your last chance for help.


Send me “444” or I will not respond.

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RE: Last Chance

by Anonymous - 7/29/24 3:59 PM
Please help me

Endgame prep

by the last alchemist - 2/23/24 3:32 PM
Armageddon has begun this day. Seek that which your heart knows to be righteous and pure. Abstain from that which defileth the soul and corrupts the spirit within. THE HOLY SPIRIT will aid you in discernment and give you strength. I have been given the Last Seal. I have been given the Last Cup. Repent now or be damned forever. Repent now and hope its not too late. The Dark One is risen. The Devil is here to conquer. Repent and turn to Christ Jesus. Beg God for mercy. FOR THERE WILL BE MANY WHO BELIEVE THEMSELVES GODS ELECT, WHO WILL BE CAST OUT. MANY “Christians” WILL BE TOLD BY THE JUDGE -“Depart from me, I never knew you.”.444

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144,000 seeing 444

by Anonymous - 9/04/12 5:55 PM
I see 444 often and 111 and 1111 and 222 and 555 mostly 111... But if this has anything to do with Bible and 144,000 you are not one of the 144,000 if you are a budist or other religion. You must believe as bible teaches there is only one God the God of Abraham, issac and Jacob and Jesus Christ is savior Gods only begotten son born to the the virgin Mary. If you believe anything else your deceived and I don't care what you think!

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RE:144,000 seeing 444

by Joe - 4/18/17 4:33 AM
I don't know what it means but I to see 444 like every day. Its been every day for at least 3 months or so ,clock, t.v, receipts, e.t.c and look at the news to day wars,and rumors of wars .yes we don't know the time,or,date, but GOD gives us decernment. Like i said i don't know what it means but i loveChrist and know he loves us.We could Be in the end times bit its something about that number. To many of us world wide are seeing it

RE:144,000 seeing 444

by Anonymous - 10/27/22 5:13 AM
444 jesus coded

RE: 144,000 seeing 444

by Anonymous - 2/07/24 3:10 AM
Look at the time you posted this, this confirms your testimony is true. 555

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by numbers dont lie - 8/03/13 1:41 AM
A=6 B=12 C=18 D=24 E=30 F=36 g=42 h=48 I=54 j=60 K=66 L=72 M=78 N=84 O=90 P=96 Q=102 R=108 S=114 T=120 U=126 V=132 W=138 X=144 Y=150 Z=156

GEMATRIA = 444 Mark of beast = 666
ENGLISH = 444 Stubborn = 666

JEWISH = 444 witchcraft = 666
MESSIAH = 444 Sorceries = 666
JESUS = 444 Illusion = 666
Y'SHUA = 444 New york = 666
JOSHUA = 444 corrupt = 666
CROSS = 444 Slaughter = 666
GOSPEL = 444 Computer = 666
PREACHER = 444 Insanity = 666
I If we used the simplest formula: A=1 B=2 ... more...

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by Anonymous - 9/30/19 5:48 PM
444 = English Jewish Jesus Lucifer. In our minds are. Omplete opposites. Why??

RE: 444

by Northerner - 7/26/20 5:02 PM
In the eighties during my BSc. studies I read an article in Scientific American about numerology and the number 666. The article described how to calculate the number of names based on the the English alphabet, with A=6, etc. The author casually remarked that Kissinger had the number 666.
At that time I was a former atheist that had been seeking truth and found God in personal encounters (by simply asking God to reveal himself to me if he was real) based on Christs promise, seek and you shall find.
After reading the article about numerology I decided to calculate the number of Jesus, and many other of the Biblical and related names mentioned in your long list.
After realising that Jesus and Messiah had the number 444 I frequently started noticing 444, but this was no big surprise to me.
However I was a very surprised when I saw again and again on my digital Casio wristwatch the exact time of day 4.44,44 - since I was not intentionally looking at my clock when this happened.
And I could not believe or... more...


by Larry - 9/05/21 7:46 PM
I saw 444 everywhere , I was told it's my Angel Number. Then I ended up doing Gemetria after 2016,that's when I disovered Larry is 444 using Gemetria. I figured it was why I seen it everywhere. I know having Angel Number and Name both adding to 444 must be something rare


by Jessca cannon - 5/30/22 11:48 PM
I see 444 all the time done was born Oct 24th 2001 @ 4:44 am. Then my other son was born April 19th 1995. When the Oklahoma bombing happened..


by Jessca cannon - 5/30/22 11:55 PM
I see 444 all the time son was born Oct 24th 2001 @ 4:44 am. Then my other son was born April 19th 1995. When the Oklahoma bombing happened.. 444 are angel numbers.. I've never seen anything to with death or being bad or evil.


by Shannon - 12/15/23 9:11 PM
Jesus and Lucifer both equal 444 why is that? And if go by 9's with 1=9 2=18 and so on Jesus and Lucifer both equal 666..this blows my mind and in the Bible they referred to as the morning star..Isaiah in the old testament the morning star is lucifer and revelation the morning star is what does that tell us?? To me lucifer and Jesus are the same being...idk someone tell me what they think please?? Thanks

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by hacks - 3/21/22 10:52 AM

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This made my hair stand and tears of joy come to my eyes.

by Vikesh - 8/27/21 11:54 PM
Someone sent me this gematria list a=6 b=12 c=18 etc, so I decided to check my name as you do and mine came up as 444, which gave me goose bumps for some reason, and considering I’ve recently in last 3-4years have said things to my mates which have come out to be true and also have been having very vivid dreams about certain things which I still remember each part of the dreams which Ive sketched out what I’ve seen. Now here’s the crazy part of all, my mums father, my grandad, who I’ve never met as he died when my mum was young and I wasn’t even born yet and when I’ve always asked to know about him my mum don’t tell me much at all about him apart from the fact that he was very strict, anyway what I want to say about my grandad is that his name was ‘Bhagwan’ which means ‘God’ in the Indian language. Plus in the last few years my mind has gained so much knowledge about things that I’ve never known or even thought of, also I can literally feel what other people are feeling without even knowing them at all..

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RE: This made my hair stand and tears of joy come to my eyes.

by Anonymous - 9/28/21 9:10 AM
I’m constantly seeing 44 and 444 like many other’s. I prayed as I wanted to know more which is when the LORD took me to the Jewish gematria calculator, my name added up to the total 144 ???????? Now I don’t believe I. Coincidence rathe Coordinated incidents authorised by our LORD …APTTMH and my name is Shane, also since I’ve been on Instagram my handle has always had 144 after my name ..????????

Significance of 444, 666, 222 and Revelation 13:18

by Observer246 - 9/18/21 8:54 AM
Scientifically speaking "with respect to laws of Quantum Physics/Mechanics and all known laws of Theoretical Physics" that explain reasons for chance events to happen repeatedly, and these scientific laws rationally explain us and enlighten us about the mystical ways of life on earth and the Universe. Based on these scientific reasoning we must "think" rationally, and conclude with 100% certainty that 444 and 666 and 222 correlation with names and events/phenomena are as true/logical as daylight; especially the spectacular correlation of specific important holly scripture names and their letter/characters adding up to 444 or 666 or 222=Hell etc. In accordance with "Book of Revelation 13:18, if you stay focused to seek the answer then you shall find the "Holy Grail" especially using code "444", it will reveal the time/year place of events etc. leading to "Rapture", and harsh/horrific time after the rapture for those unfortunate/unlucky who due to their reckless sins got left behind; good news is that after the... more...

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444 414 1144 11 44 = 666 SATANS NEW NUMBER.

by CURSED - 2/03/12 10:52 AM

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RE:444 414 1144 11 44 = 666 SATANS NEW NUMBER.

by Erik - 4/15/18 7:42 PM
The comment made by bryan basically made my jaw drop. I pray you see my message and that we can talk. You could not be more on the money. I needed to hear exactly that. I will pray you see this and respond. God bless you my brother

RE:444 414 1144 11 44 = 666 SATANS NEW NUMBER.

by God - 7/29/18 11:07 AM
I was not able to read all because I don't need to read all! the numbers 444 1144 are just numbers man have created and just as an number you have seen, but are more popular in time because people make you believe in anything that may be true or false. ask anyone or yourself how all things were created , no one knows. does god and angels and the devil's really exist? ..remember that numbers are not the same number symbol for others that speak and created different languages in the planet and others will think your not normal. However your brain is very sensitive and can guide you to something good or bad. I do see this numbers as good and not bad. I do have to say that the world will end soon and you are going to believe it! just because I say it!. I am not god or evil, but those numbers are use for finding gold!

RE:444 414 1144 11 44 = 666 SATANS NEW NUMBER.

by Observer246 - 9/18/21 8:41 AM
Scientifically speaking "with respect to laws of Quantum Physics/Mechanics and all known laws of Theoretical Physics" that explain reasons for chance events to happen repeatedly, and these scientific laws rationally explain us and enlighten us about the mystical ways of life on earth and the Universe. Based on these scientific reasoning we must "think" rationally, and conclude with 100% certainty that 444 and 666 and 222 correlation with names and events/phenomena are as true/logical as daylight; especially the spectacular correlation of specific important holly scripture names and their letter/characters adding up to 444 or 666 or 222=Hell etc. In accordance with "Book of Revelation 13:18, if you stay focused to seek the answer then you shall find the "Holy Grail" especially using code "444", it will reveal the time/year place of events etc. leading to "Rapture", and harsh/horrific time after the rapture for those unfortunate/unlucky who due to their reckless sins got left behind; good news is that after the... more...

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dick and balls sweaty balls

by giant cum sack - 2/05/20 11:47 PM
check out Levi Optimistic on youtube and soundcloud

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equals 444 in

by mlm4prez2020 - 1/30/20 1:20 AM
Messiah n queen bee and my name malissa n mona lisa equals 444 in sumarian gematria but this comment reduced to 22 is also my bday

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Exclusivity leads to Hell

by The Excluded One - 1/15/20 7:57 PM
You included old Charlie Devil there but excluded MOI? Why? 321, 644 & 1510? Why?

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My testimonial on '444' and the 'One'

by Petri from Finland - 6/19/12 1:25 AM
My testimonial on '444' and the 'One'

For 13 years I have witnessed the appearance of number 1444 - yet not knowing what meaning it carries and not fully understanding for what reason I have kept seeing it.

This all started in summer 1999 after I had moved together with my later-to-be-wife. I started to wake up early on the mornings on very exact time of 4:44. I always felt frightened and oppressed becouse of the atmosphere - there was always a complete silence outside as if the nature would rest or have retreated and the spirits of dead would be walking around. This experience repeated 10 to 15 times during a half year period and ended on a last repetition during which I received a message with a simple content "one" or "1". I was certain that I did receive something yet doubtful if the message was this simple. Somehow I concluded that I should rely on this simple concept "one" or "1".

From then on I started to see number 1444 - or pay attention to the repeating occurrence of it. It appeared on... more...

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RE: My testimonial on '444' and the 'One'

by Anonymous - 9/19/17 8:44 PM
It started around 5 years ago I started seeing the number 11. I noticed and still do my name . Date of birth . Address . Phone number add to 11 when broke down . My birthday is the 15th August and that's the 25th day of the year . I see 1111 111 . 222 444 especially and wake up at 11.11 or 2.22 I see it everywhere literally. And I search for answers using laws of physics and universal laws and general spirituality . I find the information overwhelming and glad there's thousands in my boat. It's a spiritual awakening from what I can tell . My life has been falling apart in the last 3 years and struggle to get by . Helping others more than myself . I am homeless lost the car I slept in . Lost my job and left with nothing but my life but I realiased how beautiful life Is and so I do not give up. If anyone has a step forward in revealing the meaning of these spiritual messeges I'd love to know thanks

RE:My testimonial on '444' and the 'One'

by Kundalini Chakras - 3/26/18 1:28 AM
Start meditators report all types of wonder, which are not a phenomenon, however, rather the first opening of the internal senses deep feelings, Visions, the sensing of scents that are not present, etc.. Kundalini takes over meditation, whether you place that name on it otherwise not. While the awareness is still, Kundalini could rise.

RE:My testimonial on '444' and the 'One'

by Debra - 6/10/18 3:43 AM
All my life I counted things in 4's , never knew why, one day I trained myself to stop...recently I've been seeing 444 every where , this morning I asked God if it had meaning , I than felt the need to search it on google in a biblical manner , and thats how I found going to look further into this since I felt led by the Holy know , all my life I just knew things , I mean I knew God as my Father , Jesus as my Savior and I felt something in my heart , just wasn't sure how to express I know now , Holy Spirit..I could write a best saller nook on my life...thank you for
your letter , God bless you

RE:My testimonial on '444' and the 'One'

by Anonymous - 8/23/18 12:10 PM
I am the number 444 but i am not jewish

RE:My testimonial on '444' and the 'One'

by Karen - 9/30/18 4:29 PM
Wow, I see 444, 44. Everywhere.
Like you I am a believer, and feel the significance is definitely from God of the bible.
I read how 444 is an angel number, and how my 'angel', is giving me a message that he is watching me. I dismiss that as ridiculous. Angels from God would NEVER call attention to themselves. I also understand 4 is the number of creation. And Jesus, the creator came upon us, 3 times, came as a child, came as the resurrected Lord, and will come for his saints. So, I have concluded, that seeing 444, is God telling us his return is imminent. What are your thoughts.

RE:My testimonial on '444' and the 'One'

by Dave - 1/04/19 9:36 PM
I started seeing 444 after a near fatal car accident.A TBI caused many visions,yet 444 prevailed since 2001.All the other visions manifest themselves as dejavu.444 is still unfullfilled. I believe it to have higher meaning? Any thoughts?

RE:My testimonial on '444' and the 'One'

by Of course I would be the 44th comment - 1/20/19 6:51 AM
Of course I would be the 44th comment. I see 44, 444, 14 ALLLLLL of the time. Lord, what are you saying to me?

RE:My testimonial on '444' and the 'One'

by Anonymous - 3/28/19 11:12 PM
44th comment !

19 x 4 x 19 = 1444

Look out for Friday 19th of April 2019

RE:My testimonial on '444' and the 'One'

by Natalie - 7/07/19 3:29 AM
After I felt separated from God bc of my disobedience and doubt, that’s when I started seeing 111 and 444. I believe it may be demonic oppression, not from God. I’m not completely sure bc I don’t know all the ways God works. I know that faith in Jesus Christ sacrifice for us and true repentance are the only way to Him and Heaven. Please do these things bc I know that He’s coming back soon!

RE: My testimonial on '444' and the 'One'

by Anonymous - 10/20/19 10:31 PM
Exactly my brother in Christ Jesus. I have been seeing these numbers 444 everywhere lately but I have also seen 11:11 222 333 and 555 but not as much as 444. We are being separated now I believe from the wheat and the tares and how right you are " Choose this day whom you will serve" For in this house we serve the Lord. I just have prayed and prayed for my family to wake up and see and me myself have repented much and the other day during prayer when the Lord brought names to my mind I verbally said their names and said I forgive them Lord. I was in total awe at the years back and the names brought to mind, I had forgotten many of these people for the years have separated us to separate lives. I knew this was truly devine and from the Lord and I am so grateful I forgave because immediately I received the peace of the Lord. Yes, we should always seek these things out as we should the WORD OF GOD. God bless you always!

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dreams and reality

by ginger - 9/09/19 6:13 AM
mine began when i had a dream of me and 2 siblings running from the evil ones... we come to a red brick wall which had the number 444 on it... we couldnt stop or the evil ones would get us so we had to run through the brick wall and Gods hand caught us on the other side,, i woke up it was 444 am... t his was about 5 years ago... daily i am seeing 444 since then, sometimes wake up from sleep to see the clock 444, most days mid day.. i just tell Jesus I love him since i cant figure out the meaning, but see everyone else with the numbers too... how odd??

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RE:My testimonial on '444' and the 'One'

by Sharonda - 7/19/19 3:55 AM
Rene you wrote a post on 9/18/15 3:29 AM

I read your post about seeing 444, and how you asked God to show you what it means in a dream, you went on to say that: the same night, you had a dream that the rapture had taken place, and you were left behind!
It wasn't until almost 2 years later that I found your post.. What led me to it, is that I had began to see 444 everywhere: clocks, license plates, telephone numbers, game shows etc..After seeing it everywhere, everyday, I knew that God was trying to communicate something to me..Then one night, I had a dream that the rapture had taken place, and I was left behind! This is when I searched the Internet to see if anyone else was seeing 444..
Now you can imagine my surprise, and fear, when I ran across your post.. I was so confused, so much til I questioned my own sanity.. I said maybe I wrote that, ( but I know I didn't.. Anyways I went another 2 years disappointed in myself because I didn't screen shot the post, and I could not verify whether it really ever... more...

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RE: RE:My testimonial on '444' and the 'One'

by Anonymous - 7/31/19 2:57 PM
I understand you and you have the answers go within


by Antwoin - 7/31/19 2:56 PM
I have been seeing 444 my whole life on games in class on signs TV commercials and etc,I grew up on 4th street in class my number on my desk was 4 my cubby hole number was 4 I have only bought 4 cars in my life an I'm 24. Sometimes I even wake up at 444 it's like the number has been following me my whole life,so what I have learned to do is to meditate and go within to learn about what the number means and how it makes me feel and how it affects my life.

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Meaning of 444

by Chase Stroup - 6/08/19 4:50 AM
In Ancient Canaanite Polytheism there is a sacred marriage between 4 deities; Baal, Asherah, Anat, and Astarte. Asherah is mother goddess of fertility, Anat is goddess of war, and Astarte is goddess of love. All 3 are sisters and Baal's consorts. Baal is God of the Underworld which is Earth by the oldest known meaning, Heaven being the Skies. All 3 goddesses cherish their sacred bond with each other, each goddess represents themselves as well as the other 3, so if 444 ever did mean anything it'd be that but 666 are theirs and Baal's true numbers. The 69 symbol shows the female on top - 6 and the male on bottom - 9. 666 is 3 female beings and Baal loves them more than anything and by representing numbers 666 he is also representing himself as 6+6+6=9 the number for the masculine being.

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Seeing 4:44

by Nadine - 4/15/19 9:46 PM
On a near daily basis, I see the time 4:44 PM EST on the clock. Just today at work, I was heating up an early dinner before I left at 5. I noticed the time on the microwave said 4:44 (that clock is about 2 minutes fast) when I came back to get my food, the other microwave had the time of 4:44 on it (Which was also a minute or so fast). And then I saw it on my cell. I am still trying to decipher what it means. I’ve been trying to take my life in a new direction, so I wonder if it has anything to do with that.

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1/10/2019 5:26am, weird 444 incident.

by Ricky - 1/10/19 4:49 AM
ok not gonna drag a long story so here goes . I was asleep however a bug was on my eye lid not sure how I do it but I woke up but immediately knew to keep my lid shut I grabbed the bug then threw it . I was not in a panic I sat up opened my eyes grabbed my cell for light looked at the time 4:44am that surprised me because the day before I paid for a meal at $7.77 the girl at the counter suggested I play the lotto I thought to myself been there done that, I looked around and noticed how dark everything looked. I went to the restroom, light switch didn't work , went to the fuse panel fuse was tripped. Flipped it back all good now . I have to be at work soon and then go buy some bug spray afterwards. I didn't see angels nor devils nothing manifested itself nor did I get much else no bad feeling or good. I think 444 really just means 4:44am.Theres nothing special about these numbers.

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by Hawaiian - 10/31/18 4:45 AM
444 is a message

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I had experience the sign of 444 twice

by Charle - 10/25/15 8:38 AM
Please help me.. whats the 444 really means. I had encountered this number (444) twice..

last day while I'm encoding to my work accidentally I'd notice this number. and without any knowledge about what is it. So I research the meaning of it, but I still have many questions.

and then suddenly while I'm sleeping I just woke up and then I check my phone to look out what time is it. then I was shocked that the time is 4:44 in the morning.

Please help me.

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RE:I had experience the sign of 444 twice

by Hawaiian - 10/31/18 4:44 AM
Triple 4 is a message! every message is unique.

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YES! 444 is a sign from GOD that Everything Will Be Alright!

by Joan444 - 12/13/09 9:50 AM
I have been Noticing the number 444 on my clock for over 8 years! My Mother was Very ill and had Major Surgery back in 03'. I remember the day of her operation. She had come out and was placed in the ICU. I remember Breaking Down and Crying over Her! I was fearing The Worst because her Doctors kept saying that she would never be able to return to a full and normal life. (BUT I WAS DETERMINED TO KEEP HAVING HOPE AND FAITH NO MATTER WHAT THE DOCTORS SAID.)
I bowed my head down and PRAYED SO HARD while we were in that room. I remember Crying Out and asking the Lord Jesus for a sign that My Mom would be o.k. And would you believe that after 1 hour of Praying, I LOOKED UP (with tears in my eyes and my vision blurred) at one of the Monitors in her hospital room....and there appeared the NUMBER 444! MY CRYING TURNED TO LOTS OF LAUGHTER AND PRAISE! Right then I KNEW THAT EVERYTHING WOULD BE ALRIGHT! And it has been! My Mom has Fully Recovered from Her Illness! And She is doing Fine! My prayers were HEARD AND ANSWERED! Thank God for doctors, but GOD KNOWS BEST! YES 444 is definitely A SIGN! Absolutely!!!
*For me, it means 444=JESUS!

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RE:YES! 444 is a sign from GOD that Everything Will Be Alright!

by Jeff - 9/21/14 8:27 PM
I to see 444, 4444,44444, 444444 in so many thing's it's just mind blowing. More so 444 I believe in Christ and this is very comforting I have had many struggles in life and still struggle with self will trying to do it my way and not handing it over to Christ. When I was a child about 12 yrs old I was praying to god for a sign he was there with tear's in my eyes I looked out my grandparents window and it was a small bright pearl moon out and when I looked up at it there was a perfect cross as vivid and sharp as can be, just thought I would share my experience, God bless you.

RE:YES! 444 is a sign from GOD that Everything Will Be Alright!

by sid - 8/27/17 3:29 PM
I have been seeing 444 for the past ten years. I have not told a soul about this. What does this mean? im street smart, did well, honest, not religious. It sure is interesting.

RE:YES! 444 is a sign from GOD that Everything Will Be Alright!

by Darren Godin - 10/11/18 5:55 AM
I wish i had these similarities

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Re 44

by Obed - 4/29/18 9:53 PM
I was just told by a demon that I'm a number 44 Angel!. That I'm here to help people,but women in particular. I've been condemned for quite some time, Because I blashemy against all three!! But Jesus is a false good!. Look at Genesis there are two creations!! One of God almighty!! And Lord God (Jesus) God's days of creation are numbered there is no serpent no tree of good and evil, he created humans in one day!! Now the Lord God doesn't have his days in order, makes them out of dirt dust on two separate times, he plants two trees good and evel and life, and HE IS THE SERPENT!!!! Because the author reffers to the serpent as "He". Further down in Genesis the Lord God is reffered to as "He!!!" Genesis 3:11. Then in the flood the Lord God tells Noah to take clean and unclean animals!!! Why? And God doesn't!. God says take animals by twos, the Lord God says 7 and two??? Now some one explain this falsity!! I've been condemned to hell but have accepted it! That's the difference. So many people are going to hell... more...

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