Cursed by satan,I don't think so,but he desires to have your soul,(Luke22:31).JESUS said,for the Prince of this world cometh,and hath nothing in me..(Johen 14:30).so don't think he won't come after you......I think we(444) are the OVERCOMERS...(1John 5:-4-5),,(Rev 2:7-11-17-26),,(Rev 3:5-12-21) and the best one Rev 21:7)
RE: 444 414 1144 11 44 = 666 SATANS NEW NUMBER.
by don't think so - 2/09/12 5:29 PM
666 was not the number of satan. 666 is the number of man.
RE: 444 414 1144 11 44 = 666 SATANS NEW NUMBER.
by Anonymous - 3/16/12 9:51 PM
You are what you believe you are!!! If you believe that you are cursed so shall it will be- you have that choice no one else!!!
Re:444 414 1144 11 44 = 666 satans new number.
by illusion - 8/20/13 9:42 AM
i'd see the number 1144 every day !!! its just a coincidence ....
Re: 444 414 1144 11 44 = 666 satans new number.
by sad - 9/10/13 5:57 AM
then hell awaits you me iam going in the rapture sad sad from tv to music to medication cars planes more of less all inventions will be meaningless thats why the devil has got to you God be with u people its not the meaning of 444 its not anything more than numbers but yes a jews will be saved and il be going in the rapture afore swearing and saying iam a nutter no iam no iam just tellig you how i see it through my own eyes and the Lords words one more thing the catholic church are all masons in the vatican will be shaking in there boots look thats a fact now they pray to u no God kicked him out of heaven his name starts with lu iam totaly telling u the truth ive seen and heard what gos on in lodges up and down the uk and they do all the satanic ritualls in the north west of all buildings fact its there to look fact
RE: 444 414 1144 11 44 = 666 SATANS NEW NUMBER.
by Nicklaus Z. - 12/04/16 5:52 AM
I was told by my girl look up what significance is 444. So I did and found this form. So thanks I'm not the only one. Now for my experiences with number 444 mostly in the morning 4:44 am. Truth is told hear.... It started when I was a child I would wake up in the 4:44am in a seizure type of act. When I woke up out of the trans my father and brother would be holding me down to the bed. This happened numerous times and never told my family that when these events took place I would be having nightmarish visions/dreams of a demon or demons pulling me into the depths of he'll and would be fighting them off. As I grew older the dream seizures faded away but would still wake up at 4:44am steadily. I never feared these 4:44 am but definitely made me nervous because I have a understanding of God's love. I would later in life experience at a hotel room being held down not being able to say anything then suddenly pulled off the bed then thrown up against the hotel room wall 4:44 am I left fast leaving the complementary bible open on the night stand for good reasons. About 8 months later the wife and I were staying at a friend's house and I woke up at 4:44 am and noticed the wife standing at the end of the bed naked yelling and pissing her self, fortunately I didn't experience this by myself. My friend Mike was standing behind her and he replied what the @$&?$ was that about. I said I will tell you in the morning. I also lived in Las Vegas NV, about 4 years ago and heard a bang in the back of the house 4:44pm and heard the wife yelling so I ran to her. Their was a intruder in the garage and my wife had him at gun point. I could tell this man was troubled with life and suppressed thoughts. So I told the wife to go inside and everything will be ok. So I started talking to this man his name was Terrance and he said he just had to get away from evil and was told to come here. I believed him so we sat for a while talking, and of course the wife still ticked off because I'm giving hospitality to this intruder. Well Terrance started telling about all the evil he sees everyday people's demons following them. Just so you know Vegas isn't a place to be if you actually have this gift or curse of seeing demons. Thinking of what this man Terrance is telling me I'm now getting concerned about his mental well being. Then I saw he was holding a book in his hand and could tell it was drawings good ones so I asked him if I could look at them and he's said are you sure because I draw what I see and I need it to stop!!! As I gave him a a true compassionate hug he handed over his art book. I opened it and it was great graphics of a devilish man and stayed quiet yet interested in the next drawing. As I turned the page my heart throbbing hard I got chills all over and slammed his art book shut. I then told Terrance that he wasn't crazy he been giving a gift yet possible curse of this type of visional truth. He said you believe me and I replied with great reassurance Yes because on that second page of you art book the drawing of that demon was the demon that I always dreamed of when I was a child at 4:44am. Threw the next few weeks I stayed close to Terrance and found ways to help him cope with this gift and use it for good because he seriously was going to start killing these bad people then him self another possible mass killing in the makings. Together true God's help and love we grew to understand better of why we were brought together at 4:44pm. Terrance is now doing good and is now a artist for Marvel Comics witch I think is awesome because he is such a talented artists. I Nicklaus Z. yet this day wake up often at 4:44am and for reasons beyond my realm people who seem to need help find their way to me or I find my way to them threw God's help and love. Our Lives become stronger threw understanding and compassion of one's soul. So even though 4:44am makes me nervous yet I'm also blessed to have this gift of foresight to help make the world a better place and hopefully also in the after life.
RE:444 414 1144 11 44 = 666 SATANS NEW NUMBER.
by bryan - 1/29/17 10:23 PM
someone knows that Gods chosen are seeing these numbers I see... lol these and are called for a task set before time to accomplish these people have a heart of gold can love even while being persecuted from all sides . There heart is full of light. They are a poor people. They have been pushed around spit on and accused by others and let there sorrow and hurt teach them Gods amazing love and mercy they truly understand grace. They have been told by believers they are in deception but they couldnt be shaken they couldnt have the truth tooken because they held onto jesus his heart loving when it hurts denying themselves. they have been chastened and tried rejoucing in there sorrow letting grace and lessons be learned from it. Beautiful hearts but struggle in there flesh because they enemy the lieing accusing serpent couldnt have there hearts they somtimes deal with addiction get depressed feel as if the world dont understand them finding through it all its because they hated jesus first a man with a beautiful heart the heart of god. All there troubles and attacks by the snitch lucifer never worked they only made them firmer and rooted deeply in LOVE through jesus christ. His sheep his elect his pride and joy his heart. They are waking up at this time and my brothers its real all of it and this is another device of the snitch pointing his finger. dont worry take heed to all that jesus is study the gospal. Learb how to fight the snitches voice by overcoming it with love. Its all fitting together just like he planned every little detail. Down to this date 6/3. I dont know whos number that is but you do. trust god trust and honer him by loving your enemys. God bless all you.
RE: 444 414 1144 11 44 = 666 SATANS NEW NUMBER.
by Anonymous - 4/11/17 11:21 PM
no. not cursed. you can still be redeemed despite what theyve tried to convince you of. there is Power in the blood of Jesus, He can break any contracts youve made with the enemy. Jesus overcame the grave and satan at the cross. I pray that this message reaches you with comfort and assurance in Jesus Holy name, his yolk is easy, and his burden is light
RE:444 414 1144 11 44 = 666 SATANS NEW NUMBER.
by Erik - 4/15/18 7:42 PM
The comment made by bryan basically made my jaw drop. I pray you see my message and that we can talk. You could not be more on the money. I needed to hear exactly that. I will pray you see this and respond. God bless you my brother
RE:444 414 1144 11 44 = 666 SATANS NEW NUMBER.
by God - 7/29/18 11:07 AM
I was not able to read all because I don't need to read all! the numbers 444 1144 are just numbers man have created and just as an number you have seen, but are more popular in time because people make you believe in anything that may be true or false. ask anyone or yourself how all things were created , no one knows. does god and angels and the devil's really exist? ..remember that numbers are not the same number symbol for others that speak and created different languages in the planet and others will think your not normal. However your brain is very sensitive and can guide you to something good or bad. I do see this numbers as good and not bad. I do have to say that the world will end soon and you are going to believe it! just because I say it!. I am not god or evil, but those numbers are use for finding gold!
RE:444 414 1144 11 44 = 666 SATANS NEW NUMBER.
by Observer246 - 9/18/21 8:41 AM
Scientifically speaking "with respect to laws of Quantum Physics/Mechanics and all known laws of Theoretical Physics" that explain reasons for chance events to happen repeatedly, and these scientific laws rationally explain us and enlighten us about the mystical ways of life on earth and the Universe. Based on these scientific reasoning we must "think" rationally, and conclude with 100% certainty that 444 and 666 and 222 correlation with names and events/phenomena are as true/logical as daylight; especially the spectacular correlation of specific important holly scripture names and their letter/characters adding up to 444 or 666 or 222=Hell etc. In accordance with "Book of Revelation 13:18, if you stay focused to seek the answer then you shall find the "Holy Grail" especially using code "444", it will reveal the time/year place of events etc. leading to "Rapture", and harsh/horrific time after the rapture for those unfortunate/unlucky who due to their reckless sins got left behind; good news is that after the rapture earth will only last one human lifetime = 60 to 100 odd years, and I guess crime rate will either drop to zero or may get worse, and some unfortunate lot "Left Behind" will still be hoping to seek salvation. So, check with NASA if any massive NEO is due to strike earth "bullseye" in near/long future? But, I am 100% sure NASA will keep NEO impact info well classified/hidden, otherwise 90% of the "mentally challenged" folks across the world will go on mad "trip", and quickly resort to reckless rampage, free for all as in the sequel "Purge" or "Walking Dead" :( , even if the impact confirmation date is 100 plus years into the future 2036?? 2050??.
12 Comments for 444 414 1144 11 44 = 666 SATANS NEW NUMBER.
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444 414 1144 11 44 = 666 SATANS NEW NUMBER.
by CURSED - 2/03/12 10:52 AM11 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: 444 414 1144 11 44 = 666 SATANS NEW NUMBER.
by Anonymous - 2/07/12 3:00 PMRE: 444 414 1144 11 44 = 666 SATANS NEW NUMBER.
by don't think so - 2/09/12 5:29 PMRE: 444 414 1144 11 44 = 666 SATANS NEW NUMBER.
by Anonymous - 3/16/12 9:51 PMRe:444 414 1144 11 44 = 666 satans new number.
by illusion - 8/20/13 9:42 AMRe: 444 414 1144 11 44 = 666 satans new number.
by sad - 9/10/13 5:57 AMRE: 444 414 1144 11 44 = 666 SATANS NEW NUMBER.
by Nicklaus Z. - 12/04/16 5:52 AMRE:444 414 1144 11 44 = 666 SATANS NEW NUMBER.
by bryan - 1/29/17 10:23 PMRE: 444 414 1144 11 44 = 666 SATANS NEW NUMBER.
by Anonymous - 4/11/17 11:21 PMRE:444 414 1144 11 44 = 666 SATANS NEW NUMBER.
by Erik - 4/15/18 7:42 PMRE:444 414 1144 11 44 = 666 SATANS NEW NUMBER.
by God - 7/29/18 11:07 AMRE:444 414 1144 11 44 = 666 SATANS NEW NUMBER.
by Observer246 - 9/18/21 8:41 AMRead all 1990 comments »
Comment on 444 414 1144 11 44 = 666 SATANS NEW NUMBER.