I am with all of you. I have been seeing my DOB 622 for the past 20 years. Half of the other times 922 and sometimes 722. Sometimes they appear more frequent and sometimes not. I believe they appear more when I am on the right track and appear less when I am being bad. I have even been seeing them duplicate times on the same seen like 622 622 or a sandwich 6226. I cant believe it took me 20 years to search this.... But feels good to know I am not crazy although I feel like Ive been in two different realities for some time now.
I believe I started seeing these numbers when I came across a UFO in my driveway October 10 1990. I felt like it was there to see me. It let me get close to it but took over like lightning when I got about 10 yards from it. After that I woke up every morning at 6:22 for a long period of time months or maybe a year or more straight.
Well we should all put out thinking caps on over the next couple years to piece this all together and figure out what we must do. Right now I believe we should be on a spiritual journey and find a higher level of consciousness, maybe even before 12-22-2012.
I dont know about you guys but I have been through some serious craziness in my life, damn near schizophrenia like things. Even if I get of the right path and do bad things just go insane and bad things just flop all around and rain clouds of negativity flare. Heck If I have any type of indulgence food I get seriously sensitive and bipolar ie alcohol, cigs, starch, or sugar. I dont think we are here to indulge and have the finer things of life. We have to keep ourselves up and to keep healthy so we can attain some sort of enlightenment.
I also get very sensitive when around other people. Everything goes haywire and my mind goes everywhere and my energy goes off like I had 100 espressos and shots of adrenaline. No matter how hard I try it happens. I will have to learn to harness the energy levels I possess.
All through this craziness I feel a enormous urge to search for spirituality. I have this uncanny drive for it. Its like Im going against or with the universe and when I go against it its felt like nothing I can really explain. The turmoil is more than physical, its mental, emotional, spiritual etc. It feels like a tug of war with my soul!
We 22s have some enormous ups and downs and are brought to the brink of our egos taking over. I think this is done for hardship to test us against evel but to be later used for strength against evil which is the ego. Once we pass the test maybe we can ascend. Where ascension is I dont know. It can be angelic or even alien. I dont think we have a clue here on earth but maybe thats what we 22s are here for. The chosen ones to bring about this higher consciousness before the end times or to bring about all of our next plane of existence.
We all know of the crazy types of seeings we see with the numbers but we should start to post what we fell it is or what others are saying it is on other websites so that we can compile a base for what this all means. I think the numbers will keep on coming and more frequent until we do.
Hi, I loved what you wrote! It made me smile for some reason. I've been into numerology in the last couple of weeks and it is really kick@#s! I don't see a lot of the same number's around or anything. Now I'm looking tho. Well, my purchase the other day at walmart was 333.33. I thought that maybe that meant something so, now I'm wondering if those numbers will come up again. Actually, I'm a little intriqued lately with the number 22, which is a master number in numerology, meaning a person that is very evolved and basically the world is their oyster. That they are capable of anything if they play their cards right, or something like that. I'm not a 22, I'm a 4. But, that's okay, they say in numerology that you picked your path before you got here and I have a path of a 4. Anyway, if you haven't checked out numerology you should. They call it the secret code of number's and that every letter, number or word has a vibration. Anyway, stay inlightend! :P
RE: 622 922
by Roger - 8/03/10 12:28 PM
Hello again and thanks. Yes right around the time a angel reader told me to look into numerology. It is quite amazing and my life path 8 and 22 master number fit me completely but there is still more to these numbers than numerology.
Our angels give them to us as well as pointers I believe. When you see a lot of the repeating numbers its usually a good sign that you are on track but I believe there is a whole language of numbers that we are going to have to crack.
I just started reading some books recently about the 11:11 and 22s(search it on Amazon and you will find a few books out there). The ones by Solara are pretty good but you have to have a open mind for the new prophets, mediums/channel people and what not because they can be way out there on some subjects.
What everyone should do here is go to the book store and get some journals and write every single time you get the codes. Try not to search for them but let them come to you. You will know when the angels point them out to you. I started in May or June I believe with a journal and I probably have a full 100 pages already. Its too hard to remember all these. I even forget them the same day if I dont write them down because its easy to let these things slip away and our carnal mind wants us to forget. Try to pay attention to what you are thinking or doing at the time of the numeric code and jot that down as well to keep reference. We can see if there are patterns or not.
Everything is numeric and the universe is trying to get our attention so we better get off our butts and listen. We have to get spiritually evolved before the time comes. We are too close and us sensitives need to improve our ways. I bet any money most of us are indigo children, rainbow, or star children. We are the ones to make a difference and there is a plan for us.imo
Good luck everyone
RE: 622 922
by Anonymous - 8/04/10 12:15 PM
well i was also born on 6.22 and i totally understand you..and also kinda could relate to you...exept the UFO thing
RE: 622 922
by Anonymous - 8/05/10 2:18 AM
6:22 = 28 the perfect number
9:22 = 31 or 13 which is Baktun 13 the mayan Calender date 12/21/12
7:22 = 29 or 11 which is the number of light. 11x1=11, 11x2=22, 11x3=33..........11x9=99.
October 10, 1990 = 10/10/1990 = 11+1=12+9 = 21+9=30.
There is a sequence of numbers 28,29,30,31 which add up to 118/28 back to the perfect number.
You wrote 12/22/12 it is 12/21/12 in the Mayan calender meaning baktun 13. Baktun 13 will arrive on the day of the winter solstice at exactly 11:11 am which is the number 22. The number 31 or 13 is 3113 is when this age began and 12/21/12 at 11:11 am is when this age will come to a close and new age will begin.
1816+28 = 1844+28 = 1872+28= 1900+28= 1928+28= 1956+28= 1984+28=2012. You are probably being told to seek knowledge about 2012 and its spiritual significance.
RE: 622 922
by Anonymous - 8/23/10 1:51 AM
Since I was a child I have known I could change the world with my words. I have much the same energies you do and have similar instances with witnessing curious objects. It doesn't scare me but I dont always feel like my best intrest is involved. I have been seeing 22 and 222 EVERYWHERE. It become ridiculous. I feel like the universe is screaming at me to develop myself spiritually. I just dont even know where to start. Im a frazzled mess half the time but because of ego, like you said. Anyway thanks for this.
RE: 622 922
by K22 - 2/11/11 1:47 PM
I have the same feelings. At 30 I have high blood pressure and I need to watch everything I eat. I cannot eat or do anything bad. these things haunt me. the guilt that I carry is far too great for one person. I remove myself from social situations because of how my mind reacts.
yet; people love me, they navigate towards me. I am much harder on myself and others then most people are. I have people telling me their secrets all the time. nothing I ask, they just say it. Like something drove them to tell me. I feel that they get great pleasure in it, and I am there left to hold the emotions. Also I feel everything that is around me. If someone gets hurt in front of me, I will feel it. anyone else gets this?
the number 22 has been a part of my life since I was 19. I see it everywhere, and I have dedicated myself to decoding it. From what I can tell this number is the number that was the foundation to all of mankind. since infinity is a circle, to calculate infinity you must use PI. Michael pointed out earlier that 22 / 7 is PI. Michael mentioned pyramids, and other monuments that they cannot explain how they achieved it. for Pyramids, engineers now know that their are 22 sets of calculations to erect it. This number is a fundemental piece to civilization and being a 22 means that you are holding this world in your thoughts and hearts. There are many many others. Michael keeps mentionning the tree of life, this hebrew symbol is one of the earliest signs of spirituality and it grounds us. Of course you cannot discount the other numbers, but 22 is used to create civilisation and that is the difference with it.
Also, on an unrelated note; has anyone noticed how many time this number appears on television, movies, music etc... Unbeleivable; Batman (with Heath Ledger) the bus is bus # 22 in that long action sequence. In say yes to the dress, the main dressing room that is in every episode is room 22. most apartments are #22, etc... look for it, that is creepy. I keep thinking that the prop rooms in Hollywood are constantly ordering more 2's. and that they have boxes and boxes of unused numbers. (LOL)
I digress, the point is, I feel the same way.
Other numbers that follow me; 1 and 9
RE: 622 922
by Anonymous - 2/12/11 3:20 AM
The age we are entering symbolically is 44 which is made up of 22+22=44. The existing president of USA is the 44th president. Global incidents such as this usually has a light code message. The Tree of life is very important for one to prepare themselves for the great changes that will occur between 22 and 22.
RE:622 922
by Jamie - 7/28/11 11:43 AM
I am born 9-22 and over the past few months every time I look at the clock it's 9:22am or 9:22pm. It really started making me think something or someone is trying to tell me something. I kept searching bible verses for 9:22 and found a few that scared the crap out of me. I am very intriguied by the end of the world theories and have been for many years. I have read anywhere from 20 to 30 books based on the subject. Now that I read this I guess my feeling are the same as others. I'm pregnant now with my second child, due Jan.2012 and the thought that we possibly don't have that much longer is really devasting to me. I keep thinking something big is going to happen and just can't get it out of my head.
RE:622 922
by karla - 3/11/15 10:36 AM
It has to due with kabbalah......if you aren't focused on where you wanna go....the enedgy will shred you to pieces.....there's a calm center in Pluto where you can see everything that goes on and where time doesn't exist.don't think too many go there think it's called the abyss.........but it's safer than any of the other spots from my very limited experience with it once I finally understood where the heck I was.
RE:622 922
by John - 9/11/15 4:53 AM
Same here, seems like it becomes most intense after strife in my life. Car crash, OBE in my 20's. Nearly left my wife 15 years ago, turned upside down, boom Spiritual awakening renewed. Now with no apparent reasons she just walked out on me. WHAM! I'm in the middle of it again, so intense, so many signs it's hard to interpret. And yes, everyone wants a piece of what I have, strangers in a store and especially the ladies (much younger than me). Just very odd, I'm just "chillin" and letting it happen. There is a direction to all of this just don't know why. Hey, is anyone else getting a high pitched ringing in their ears too? It seems it happens when it's quiet around me, especially when I go to sleep. Something is "downloading" inside of me and it is positive. Just have to wait and see I guess, just not sure of anything any more, the illusion is STRONG but apparent.
RE:622 922
by Am I for real? 08/22/1982 - 10/02/17 10:13 PM
Hello so
I'm surfing the web for what I don't know and about 12 times the number 22 comes across ok so now I am reading about 622. That leads me to read people's post and though more highly intelligent then me but somehow I follow its almost like each one of you are me if that makes any sense expect I scare people they say I talk to much and @ the same time ask me what I mean lol so therefore I am alone. I'm completely numb and filled with confuseing I have never been involved in to number and there meanings but I think I was ment to find this. Can someone expiln to me this 8 22 82 I always felt I was here to save someone so I try and try to save people from themselves,I never give up, I feel for people even when they don't deserve it, I rather laugh then cry.I have forgiven people who have done unspeakable things to me. Help?? Please.
RE: 622 922
by the divinaire - 8/22/21 5:21 PM
Today is the 22nd of August 2021. Just another day but it has prompted me to research some more for the significance since 22 has been an enigma ever since it started to make itself known and noticed more. Below a a reply from Karla I would closely agree that is has to do with the Kabbalah and also agree what is written here about the ten sephiroth channels and the complete cycle of evolution. The Malkuth path I read is where people turn vegetarian too and personally true for me because although it is taking longer, for instance you don’t want to eat meat anymore but sometimes you have to eat what you have to eat but if you had choices then you wouldn’t chose it because gradually it will begin to make you physically sick and must give it up forever. Maybe adopt the halal way of eating meat that is by blessing. I believe 22 to be a guide and/or sign to a path you have been on or just entering.
RE:622 922
by Parik - 12/23/21 11:54 AM
Roger! I'm 24 myself and I'm just now beginning to search for this number stuff, so I know how you feel when you say it took you 20 years to find it.
> "I don't know about you guys but I have been through some serious craziness in my life, damn near schizophrenia like things."
Me too!!! Schizophrenia-like is exactly how I'd describe it. Especially over the past few years, from 2019 to 2020, have been the most chaotic and painful years of my life.
What you say about feeling like you're being spiritually tested as a 22, and having enormous ups and downs and also an enormous urge to search for spirituality - perfect description again. I have this deep desire to learn about what my existence really is, what it's all for, what comes next, and to ascend, whatever that really means! Feeling like there's gotta be something more and mysterious and alien than all this!! I don't think I've ever seen a UFO, but I believe.
14 Comments for 622 922
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622 922
by Roger - 5/20/10 9:05 AM13 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: 622 922
by Nicold - 5/28/10 8:25 AMRE: 622 922
by Roger - 8/03/10 12:28 PMRE: 622 922
by Anonymous - 8/04/10 12:15 PMRE: 622 922
by Anonymous - 8/05/10 2:18 AMRE: 622 922
by Anonymous - 8/23/10 1:51 AMRE: 622 922
by K22 - 2/11/11 1:47 PMRE: 622 922
by Anonymous - 2/12/11 3:20 AMRE:622 922
by Jamie - 7/28/11 11:43 AMRE:622 922
by karla - 3/11/15 10:36 AMRE:622 922
by John - 9/11/15 4:53 AMRE:622 922
by Am I for real? 08/22/1982 - 10/02/17 10:13 PMRE: 622 922
by the divinaire - 8/22/21 5:21 PMRE:622 922
by Parik - 12/23/21 11:54 AMRead all 569 comments »
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