Properties of the number 22







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569 Comments for Number 22 Symbolism, 22 Meaning and Numerology

Comment on Number 22 Symbolism, 22 Meaning and Numerology

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The real meaning of 22

by Truepremise - 5/07/20 8:30 PM
22S = The System Construct
Living Archetype: The Negotiator
Color: Bleached Bone White

a. Substance for Auto-Signal-Predeliction [Good, Bad, Moderate, Null]
b. Shape for Auto-Sense Mechanism [Sight, Smell, Sound, Stroke]
c. Structure for Auto-Strategy Setting [Fun, Fizzle, Fight, Flight]
d. Signals for Auto-Search Protocol [Equilibrium, Pressure, Proprioception, Chemical]

So basically it means the variety of material things, their shape, their pattern, & how they express themselves as symbols or signs for our soul to read. Basically every sense.

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RE: The real meaning of 22

by Anonymous - 1/28/25 3:34 PM
Where can I read more about this

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why everyone is seeing the number 22

by paul leo fry ambrose - 1/10/13 2:17 PM
The prophicy of the future king from among davids desendents, that
will rise in the future ( from biblical history ). All the signs are here to show the 22nd king from among davis blood. And hes here.( along with the elect matt. 24 VERSE 22 ) (smile)

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RE:why everyone is seeing the number 22

by Anonymous - 1/24/24 8:20 PM
He’s alive.

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by Tav - 7/08/22 5:38 PM
I was told that I was supposed to be born on 12/25, but the doctor didn't want to miss family time so it was decided to induce early(3days) on the 22nd. All this is just the cherry on top of my life experiences, which all point to me possibly being the x on the biblical treasure map, so to speak.

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searched my master number 22

by Catalin - 1/20/22 9:59 AM
I've searched for the real meaning of 22 because I know im number 22 from a young age, as I learnt about numerology ,around 10 years ago, i was not creating but i had an artistic side.I had numbers guiding me through shyncronicity. Few years later at the edge of agony I remembered I had a bigger purpose. And at this moment i dedicated my life to drawing and creating life in between the shades. You can check what i do everyday ,my main focus in this life , insta Synchronicity blessed this moment to find this page honestly.

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RE: searched my master number 22

by Anonymous - 5/04/22 5:59 AM
Interesting. I am 22 also. I have known this from a young age. 22 always had a way of finding me. Blessings and Shalom!


by Mark: Divine Cryptology - 2/10/22 6:15 PM
The Honorable George Washington was born 2/22/1732, "290" years ago.
(290 x 7 = 2030) indicating 2030; Joe Biden's Electoral votes were 290

It will be 300 years in 2032 since George's birth in 1732; with a parallel with the fact that he had 300 slaves. Another strange parallel is, when Slaveowners Got 'Reparations': Lincoln signed a bill in 1862 that paid up to $300 for every enslaved person freed by Tera W. Hunter in The New York...

2/22/2222, is "490" years after George Washington's birth in 1732; I call it the year of light; the Lord's yard stick. It has been"222" years since his death from Dec/1799 in Dec/2021. In Hebrew, the "Chariot" "Rekeb" equals 222 (2021 - 1799 = 222). Something about 21 in Creation in relation to 22, this year.

Mark C Vinson

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2/2/2022 or 2/22/2022

by Anonymous - 1/27/22 6:25 PM
Is anyone else curious about these dates

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Biblical Meaning of the number 22

by De`Borah - 1/01/22 6:16 AM
Enjoy the reading of the number 22. How should this change my life?

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22s in movies... and everywhere else!

by Metakythera - 3/10/20 11:59 PM
I found this thread after searching for "22 numerotropes" which was a really great Yahoo group for discussing everything 22. Sadly its gone, but maybe someone here will start a new one on Facebook or something similar. I'll join! As a frequent commenter on the yahoo site, it's clear that despite years and years of investigation there are still no clear answers. I share the opinions of many in this thread with occurrences everywhere... and I still can't decide whether its an omen, a guide or dire warning. As we can't include links, I'd like to invite you all to check out my videos on youtube. Search for "twenty twos in movies" or Metakythera. In addition to including more than 200 examples, I've also dived into many of the ancient symbolic roots as well as modern secret society applications. I think you'll be fascinated and I eagerly await your critiques! Thanks for reading!

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RE: 22s in movies... and everywhere else!

by Parik - 12/23/21 11:57 AM
I'll check out your channel, and I'd also be interested in joining a 22 group on yahoo or another website.

622 922

by Roger - 5/20/10 9:05 AM
I am with all of you. I have been seeing my DOB 622 for the past 20 years. Half of the other times 922 and sometimes 722. Sometimes they appear more frequent and sometimes not. I believe they appear more when I am on the right track and appear less when I am being bad. I have even been seeing them duplicate times on the same seen like 622 622 or a sandwich 6226. I cant believe it took me 20 years to search this.... But feels good to know I am not crazy although I feel like Ive been in two different realities for some time now.

I believe I started seeing these numbers when I came across a UFO in my driveway October 10 1990. I felt like it was there to see me. It let me get close to it but took over like lightning when I got about 10 yards from it. After that I woke up every morning at 6:22 for a long period of time months or maybe a year or more straight.

Well we should all put out thinking caps on over the next couple years to piece this all together and figure out what we must do. ... more...

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RE:622 922

by John - 9/11/15 4:53 AM
Same here, seems like it becomes most intense after strife in my life. Car crash, OBE in my 20's. Nearly left my wife 15 years ago, turned upside down, boom Spiritual awakening renewed. Now with no apparent reasons she just walked out on me. WHAM! I'm in the middle of it again, so intense, so many signs it's hard to interpret. And yes, everyone wants a piece of what I have, strangers in a store and especially the ladies (much younger than me). Just very odd, I'm just "chillin" and letting it happen. There is a direction to all of this just don't know why. Hey, is anyone else getting a high pitched ringing in their ears too? It seems it happens when it's quiet around me, especially when I go to sleep. Something is "downloading" inside of me and it is positive. Just have to wait and see I guess, just not sure of anything any more, the illusion is STRONG but apparent.

RE:622 922

by Am I for real? 08/22/1982 - 10/02/17 10:13 PM
Hello so
I'm surfing the web for what I don't know and about 12 times the number 22 comes across ok so now I am reading about 622. That leads me to read people's post and though more highly intelligent then me but somehow I follow its almost like each one of you are me if that makes any sense expect I scare people they say I talk to much and @ the same time ask me what I mean lol so therefore I am alone. I'm completely numb and filled with confuseing I have never been involved in to number and there meanings but I think I was ment to find this. Can someone expiln to me this 8 22 82 I always felt I was here to save someone so I try and try to save people from themselves,I never give up, I feel for people even when they don't deserve it, I rather laugh then cry.I have forgiven people who have done unspeakable things to me. Help?? Please.

RE: 622 922

by the divinaire - 8/22/21 5:21 PM
Today is the 22nd of August 2021. Just another day but it has prompted me to research some more for the significance since 22 has been an enigma ever since it started to make itself known and noticed more. Below a a reply from Karla I would closely agree that is has to do with the Kabbalah and also agree what is written here about the ten sephiroth channels and the complete cycle of evolution. The Malkuth path I read is where people turn vegetarian too and personally true for me because although it is taking longer, for instance you don’t want to eat meat anymore but sometimes you have to eat what you have to eat but if you had choices then you wouldn’t chose it because gradually it will begin to make you physically sick and must give it up forever. Maybe adopt the halal way of eating meat that is by blessing. I believe 22 to be a guide and/or sign to a path you have been on or just entering.

RE:622 922

by Parik - 12/23/21 11:54 AM
Roger! I'm 24 myself and I'm just now beginning to search for this number stuff, so I know how you feel when you say it took you 20 years to find it.

> "I don't know about you guys but I have been through some serious craziness in my life, damn near schizophrenia like things."

Me too!!! Schizophrenia-like is exactly how I'd describe it. Especially over the past few years, from 2019 to 2020, have been the most chaotic and painful years of my life.

What you say about feeling like you're being spiritually tested as a 22, and having enormous ups and downs and also an enormous urge to search for spirituality - perfect description again. I have this deep desire to learn about what my existence really is, what it's all for, what comes next, and to ascend, whatever that really means! Feeling like there's gotta be something more and mysterious and alien than all this!! I don't think I've ever seen a UFO, but I believe.

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by Sabrina - 4/03/15 9:20 PM
Oh. My. God. I found people who see 22 everywhere they go!!! It's not happening to me at this moment in time, but before Thanksgiving of 2014, I've been seeing it plenty. Not just seeing it, but... You know what I mean. Here are some examples:
stepbrother's bday = 10/22/99
2014 parent teacher conferences = 10/22/14
teacher uses 22 a lot in problems
the day i flew out to see family = 11/22/14
catching the clock randomly at 22
shuffled through my songs and on the 22nd song, it was a song i deeply connected to in that moment
I found a random pair of dice, and thought to myself, "if this lands on 2 and 2... im gonna... idk what im gonna do". so i roll the dice, and GUESS WHAT!!!!!!!!!! IT'S 2 AND 2!!!! now... what are the chances of that people?!?!?!?!?!

please feel free to comment on this. your input would be nice :)

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by Anonymous - 12/08/21 7:19 PM
The chances I think are 1 in 36. Some coincidences are merely coincidences and nothing more. The mind likes to see connections whether or not we divine some deeper meaning in all of that requires faith or sufficiency of other sorts. Data. For example if you rolled those dice again 36 times... how many times do you come up with double 2's? How about if you rolled the dice 360? Or 3600 times? I get it though. It can seem magical or divine sometimes in that moment when by chance things seem to connect in just the way that supports the mysterious.


by Parik - 12/23/21 11:36 AM
Hey Sabrina,
Since you mentioned your stepbrother was born on 10/22, I thought I'd mention that 10/22 is my birthday as well haha.

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I was born on 10/22

by Parik - 12/23/21 11:31 AM
I think I've been seeing the number 22 in some odd places when I go on the internet. My birthday is Oct 22. I look forward to reading the comments on here. I bet it will be fascinating and maybe I will discover that I have a connection to some of you.


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What exactly does "Anniversary of Marriage: Weddings of Ebony" mean in relation to this number?

by Anonymous - 7/19/14 8:56 AM
What does this number have to do with anniversary of marriage? Does ebony mean African American or any person of color?

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RE: What exactly does "Anniversary of Marriage: Weddings of Ebony" mean in relation to this number?

by Anonymous - 10/23/21 5:07 PM
Nice. I get the jist . Your funny, you know that?


by 22... - 11/12/20 4:03 AM
Well, at least I'm not the only one who sees them.

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The word chi as in Chi Chen itza

by Bill - 11/30/19 6:31 PM
Chi in greek means Christ and x as in Xmas
And the numbers 22. Chi in Hebrew means
Alive and the number 18 . Chi Chen itza latitude 20.7

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Help understanding the meaning of a 22 for an achievement number.

by Jeffrey Austin Smith - 7/11/18 7:48 PM
I was born on 08/14/1958. Month 08 + Day 14 = 22.
08 + 14 + 1958 = 1980 = 1 + 9 + 8 + 0 = 18. 1 + 8 = 9
9 is my Life Number. 22 is my achievement number?

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RE: Help understanding the meaning of a 22 for an achievement number.

by Anonymous - 2/15/19 8:05 PM
I was born 14/08/1985... nothing special but feels funny, unexpected to see someone with the same numbers. Yes, that’s what I found, me too.

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Quote from third century theologian Origin on number 22

by Anonymous - 12/30/18 10:11 PM
"In the order of numbers, each single one contains a certain force and power over things. Of this power and force the Creator of the Universe made use, in some instances to give origin to the Universe itself, in others to express the nature of each thing as it appears to us. It follows, then, that, one must observe and draw out on the base of the Gospel these aspects, belonging to the numbers themselves. And in truth it ought to be not ignored that the books of the bible itself, as the Jews reported the, are, not without a reason, twenty-two and therefore equal to the number of the Hebrew elements. Since in fact, twenty-two letters seem to be the introduction to wisdom and knowledge of the World".

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My bday equals 22!!!

by $hauna - 9/12/17 12:43 AM
My bday is 08/30!! 30-08= 22!!!

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RE: My bday equals 22!!!

by Anonymous - 8/19/18 12:26 PM
The beginning of the year used to be in March not January hence September and October, the romans changed the dates when they were pitching Christianity heavily.

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seeing the number 22 and other doubles

by [email protected] - 11/18/09 2:12 AM
far as i can remember i have always seen the number 22. my birthday is 10/22.i was born at 10:10. everyday and everywhere i go i see the number 22 or 55, in a way if 22 is put beside a mirror it would be 55. with it being said that 22 is a spiritual number i do believe it is. i have visions of spirits have ever since i was a child. i hear voices of people not there. i work in a place that has motion detectors to keep the lights on, i go by the lights go off at times. i see 3 shadows that follow me one on each side and one behind. but lately i been seeing a white shadow like someone dressed in a white gown. i have so much that has happened that i dont have enough time to type it all. if anyone could tell me about any of this or want to talk about it or comments about it email me. the number 22 is also my lucky number, when i use it things are good. even in bad times. and the things i have read you have typed i too have experienced.

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RE: seeing the number 22 and other doubles

by Trenton - 7/25/18 3:11 PM
Your the only other person who iv heard speak on 1022, it's weird your born at 1010 cuz it sounds like my name something I notice when I see that number, but I see 1022 everywhere it seems like alot of times my thoughts and circumstances will line up to when I see the number 1022. I am a believer in Yeshua. And I was watching this video on prophecy club and it was describing this Jewish mysticism call kabbalah and it's tree of life, look up the tree of life symbol, it is ten parts that have 22 different paths. Sorry I am typing this fast and I know what you meanwhen you say you can't type all the "coincidences" cuz I couldn't either and can't even remember but a small fraction of them. Feel free to email me if you would like to talk further on the subject

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Great Pyramid tne house of God

by friend - 1/12/18 6:05 PM
Isa 2.2 And it shall come to pass in yhe last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains and shal be exalted above the hills and all nations shall flow unto it. The Great Pyramid is symbolic of the house of the Lord,Eph 2.20-22 And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord. In whom ye also are builded together for the habitation of God through the Spirit. A Chief corner stone is found on the top of a pyramid exclusivly.The Great P yramid is the only biulding that is constructed incorperating pi and the golden means. Pi 3.14 the perfect number is also the number of references to mountain in the bible.

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by friend - 12/09/17 8:04 AM
On ones journey its prudent to leave a trail of bread crumbs to find ones way back home. Think of 22 as bread crumbs.

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RE: journey

by Anonymous - 12/16/17 9:54 PM
Raisin Bread :)

its been going on for years

by sophie - 9/26/17 9:25 PM
for the past 2-3 years i have been haunted by the number 22. I see it approximately 3-4 times a day sometimes even more. there have been times where i dont see it as much but generally since 2014 I have seen it constantly. I see 22 on the clock, on my social media, on car registration plates... everywhere!! I wish i knew exactly what it means in my life. all i know is that it makes me feel content

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by Delfi - 6/07/17 8:27 PM
I have been seeing 9/22 which is my bday for a d cade. I'm up into thousands of unique sightings. The. Last one I saw was an episode of South Park. The one where the boys become detectives and as they were talking to the main detective in his office his calendar was said at September and the last day was the 22nd It was completely starting to freak me out until I realized that Rosh Hashanah in the year 2017 falls on the 21st and 22nd and on the 23rd the Revelation 12 signs in the heavens happens. I always expected the rapture to happen on the last Trump and the last day of Rosh Hashanah is called the day of the last Trump, The day no one knows the day or the hour and also depicts the wedding customs of the Jewish people so I think rapture is coming on the 22nd of this year or thereabouts

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RE: 23

by Anonymous - 7/04/17 11:57 AM
If you haven't got a tattoo don't it's a bad choice

22 divided 7

by Anonymous - 5/30/14 12:13 PM
This will not give you pie, a number close to pi, but does not following the same pattern. Questioning the credibility of the site.

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RE:22 divided 7

by Heather - 3/27/17 10:51 PM
My birthday.. is 7/22.

RE: 22 divided 7

by Anonymous - 6/07/17 8:21 PM
22 div by 7 = 3.142,,,,,

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by CuriouslyCynical - 5/30/17 11:24 PM
Was reading through the comments after the article. Someone mentioned they kept seeing :22 in the time and I laughed to myself. Looked at the screen and the time was 10:22

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Deadly attacks

by Anonymous - 5/23/17 1:37 PM
All in the UK
22-05-13 Lee Rigby
22-03-16 Brussels attack
22-07-16 Munich attack
22-03-17 London attack
22-05-17 Manchester attack
22-07-17 ???

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RE:Deadly attacks

by Anonymous - 5/24/17 7:21 AM
Age of bomber in Manchester - 22

RE: Deadly attacks

by Anonymous G - 5/24/17 1:31 PM
22 dead, coward who killed them aged 22

RE: Deadly attacks

by Anonymous - 5/24/17 4:25 PM
Munich.& Brussels aren't in the uk!

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