Properties of the number 22
Represents the movement, the infinity.
Symbol of the manifestation of the being in its diversity and its history.
Represent the creation, which is the manifestation of the 21, according to R. Allendy. It is amongst other things the sigificance of the "principle of differentiation, 2, being added to the initial differentiation of the Cosmos 20 to subdivide the parts and to generate, by this means, the complex mechanism of the nature - 2 + 2 = 4. (...) With 22, we see the play of the opposite particular initiative - 22 = 11 x 2 -, to balance in the natural mechanism".
Symbolizes the end of a cycle, and for the man, the end of the obligatory reincarnations on the earth.
The 22 chapters of the Revelation of John, totaling 405 verses. This current distribution in 22 chapters originates from Stephen Langton, used since the 13th century, as for all the remainder of the New Testament. Let us note that the Revelation book has also on the whole 405 numbers written in their ordinal or cardinal form: 136 cardinal numbers greater than 1, 59 ordinal numbers greater than 1, 193 times the number 1 in the cardinal form and 17 times the number 1 in the ordinal form.
Before to die, Jesus exclaimed "Eli Eli lama sabactani" which is the beginning of the psalm 22.
The alphabetical psalms of which the poetries (Ps 111 and 112), stanzas (Ps 37 and 119) or verses (Ps 145), are indicated by each of the twenty-two Hebraic letters.
It is the number of letters of the alphabet that we find in the Pentateuch.
The chronology of the Patriarchs, from Adam to Jacob, includes 22 names.
The duration of the reign of Jeroboam was twenty-two years. (1 K 14,20)
The 22 elements by which God created the world.
At his Ascension, by twenty-two times Jesus blesses the creation.
The Word of God is at the 22th level of conscience. The cosmic conscience would subdivide indeed into 24 dimensional or spiritual levels. The maximal conscience level, the 24th, would be attributable only to the God-Father and the 23th level would be considered as being an energy protective area surrounding the level 24. The 22th level of conscience would be also that of the antique Elohim also named the 24 Ancients.
Twenty-two is the number of biblical books of the Old Testament - Hebrews and Protestants. This number is obtained by counting for only one book the twelve minor prophets, as well as the Judges, the Kings, Ezra, the Chronicles (each one being generally divided into two books). It is also necessary to integrate Ruth with the Judges and the Lamentations with Jeremiah. And it is thanks to this last restriction that we obtain finally 22 instead of 24. Flavius Joseph (Against Apion, I, 8, 1st s.) is the first one to have proposed a distribution in 22 books.
The Mezuzah contains fifteen verses of the last book the Old Testament, the Deuteronomy, VI, 4-9 and XI, 13-21, for a total of 170 words, always written in 22 lines. This small roll is inserted in a tube of wood or metal and is attached to the superior right side on the frame of a door, according to the commandment of the Bible: "And you will write them on the frame of the door of your house" .
The 22 chapters of the Vendidad, book of the Avesta, written by Zarathustra.
The 22 prayers ("Yeshts") of the "Khorda-Avesta".
The Chronos god was surrounded by 22 main assistants and 22 secondary, according to the Phoenician Sanchoniaton.
For the Muslives, the Koran is the recording of the oral revelation authorized by the grace of God to the Prophet of Islam during almost 22 years, in the beginning of the seventh century of the Christian era - from 610 to 632.
According to S. Doucet and J.-P. Larosee, the man is composed twenty-two evolutionary bodies gathered in four categories: subtle body, energy body, galactic body and temporal body. Each one of these 22 bodies is formed of 1296 "partitions" that they call circumferences, vibrating each one at a precise frequency. This number 1296 is called "Energizing number", since it is the product of 12 (Cosmic number) and 108 (Universal number). By multiplying 22 by 1296, they obtain the total number of 28512 circumferences composing the 22 evolutionary bodies of the man, that is according to them the number of the man and also that of Infinite Energy.
Several old alphabets had twenty-two letters: Chaldean, Sabean, Roman, Copt and Hebraic. The letters of the Hebraic alphabet are divided into three mother letters (Aleph, Mem, Shin), seven double letters (Beth, Guimel, Daleth, Kaph, Phe, Resh, Tau) twelve simple letters (He, Waw, Zain, Heth, Teth, Yod, Lamed, Nun, Samekh, Ayin, Tzade, Qoph).
According to saint Yves of Alveydre, the primitive alphabet of all the humanity, at the period of "Ram" (adam alphabet or "Watan"), would have comprised 22 signs.
Salemi points out that the Hebrew Candelabra includes 22 chalices, 22 apples and 22 flowers by counting the point superior of the axis.
"From the twenty-two great Masters that counted the "Templiers Order" since its creation to its term, seven lost the life in combats; five died of their wounds, one of voluntary fast, having fallen to hands of infidels. Finally, James Molay had to be burnt alive under Philip the Bel, but the Order was dissolved when this crime occurred. It is therefore on the whole thirteen great Masters in function who paid of their existence the honor to command the soldiers of Christ." (John Carpentier)
The 22 cards of the Tarot - 22 mysteries major.
The Cosmos would shelter 22 Super-Universe.
The totality of mystical knowledge is contained in the symbolic of the first twenty-two numbers, according to Bambaras.
The initiation of Pythagoras with the Egyptian priests lasted 22 years.
The twenty-two channels linking the ten "Sephiroth" between them in the "sephirotic Tree" of the Cabal.
According to some mediumnic revelations, it would exist 22 main stars where all the entities will pass to achieve the complete cycle of their evolution.
Twenty-two is the number of writable regular polygons in an Euclidiean circle: 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 24, 30, 36, 40, 45, 60, 72, 90, 120, 180, 360. These are twenty-two of the twenty-four dividers of 360, the two first, 1 and 2, not defining polygons.
Length of the cubit in number of fingers, for Bambaras, which corresponds to the totality of the categories of the creation: this cubit from Bambaras represents therefore the universe.
Number of total stars of which is composed the Little Bear. However, only seven of them are visible to the naked eye.
22 divided by 7 gives the number "pi", which represents the mysterious and approximate ratio of the perimeter of a circle to its diameter.
The head of the man is constituted of 22 bones: 8 for the cranium and 14 for the face.
Anniversary of marriage: weddings of ebony.
The shout of alert "22!" was used by the typographers warning thus the arrival of the chief of workshop. The number is obtained by addition of the numerical value of each letter of the French word "chef" (chief) according to their position in the Latin alphabet: C=3, H=8, E=5 and F=6.
The number 22 is used 13 times in the Bible.
The book of the Leviticus of the OT uses on the whole 22 different numbers, of which the higher is 10000 (Lv 26,8).
The number 400 is used 22 times in the Bible.
The word universe is used 22 times in the OT and the words balances, marriage, day and creation, 22 times in the Bible.
Last modification: December 19, 1998
569 Comments for Number 22 Symbolism, 22 Meaning and Numerology
Comment on Number 22 Symbolism, 22 Meaning and Numerology
The real meaning of 22
by Truepremise - 5/07/20 8:30 PMLatest of 2 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: The real meaning of 22
by Anonymous - 1/28/25 3:34 PMRead 1 more reply
why everyone is seeing the number 22
by paul leo fry ambrose - 1/10/13 2:17 PMLatest of 4 Replies: Post a Reply
RE:why everyone is seeing the number 22
by Anonymous - 1/24/24 8:20 PMRead 3 more replies
by Tav - 7/08/22 5:38 PMNo Replies Post a Reply
searched my master number 22
by Catalin - 1/20/22 9:59 AM1 Reply: Post a Reply
RE: searched my master number 22
by Anonymous - 5/04/22 5:59 AM22
by Mark: Divine Cryptology - 2/10/22 6:15 PMNo Replies Post a Reply
2/2/2022 or 2/22/2022
by Anonymous - 1/27/22 6:25 PMNo Replies Post a Reply
Biblical Meaning of the number 22
by De`Borah - 1/01/22 6:16 AMNo Replies Post a Reply
22s in movies... and everywhere else!
by Metakythera - 3/10/20 11:59 PM1 Reply: Post a Reply
RE: 22s in movies... and everywhere else!
by Parik - 12/23/21 11:57 AM622 922
by Roger - 5/20/10 9:05 AMLatest of 13 Replies: Post a Reply
RE:622 922
by John - 9/11/15 4:53 AMRE:622 922
by Am I for real? 08/22/1982 - 10/02/17 10:13 PMRE: 622 922
by the divinaire - 8/22/21 5:21 PMRE:622 922
by Parik - 12/23/21 11:54 AMRead 9 more replies
by Sabrina - 4/03/15 9:20 PMLatest of 6 Replies: Post a Reply
by Anonymous - 12/08/21 7:19 PMRE: 22 IS EVERYWHERE111
by Parik - 12/23/21 11:36 AMRead 4 more replies
I was born on 10/22
by Parik - 12/23/21 11:31 AMNo Replies Post a Reply
What exactly does "Anniversary of Marriage: Weddings of Ebony" mean in relation to this number?
by Anonymous - 7/19/14 8:56 AM1 Reply: Post a Reply
RE: What exactly does "Anniversary of Marriage: Weddings of Ebony" mean in relation to this number?
by Anonymous - 10/23/21 5:07 PM22...
by 22... - 11/12/20 4:03 AMNo Replies Post a Reply
The word chi as in Chi Chen itza
by Bill - 11/30/19 6:31 PMNo Replies Post a Reply
Help understanding the meaning of a 22 for an achievement number.
by Jeffrey Austin Smith - 7/11/18 7:48 PMLatest of 2 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: Help understanding the meaning of a 22 for an achievement number.
by Anonymous - 2/15/19 8:05 PMRead 1 more reply
Quote from third century theologian Origin on number 22
by Anonymous - 12/30/18 10:11 PMNo Replies Post a Reply
My bday equals 22!!!
by $hauna - 9/12/17 12:43 AMLatest of 2 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: My bday equals 22!!!
by Anonymous - 8/19/18 12:26 PMRead 1 more reply
seeing the number 22 and other doubles
by [email protected] - 11/18/09 2:12 AMLatest of 4 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: seeing the number 22 and other doubles
by Trenton - 7/25/18 3:11 PMRead 3 more replies
Great Pyramid tne house of God
by friend - 1/12/18 6:05 PMNo Replies Post a Reply
by friend - 12/09/17 8:04 AM1 Reply: Post a Reply
RE: journey
by Anonymous - 12/16/17 9:54 PMits been going on for years
by sophie - 9/26/17 9:25 PMNo Replies Post a Reply
by Delfi - 6/07/17 8:27 PM1 Reply: Post a Reply
RE: 23
by Anonymous - 7/04/17 11:57 AM22 divided 7
by Anonymous - 5/30/14 12:13 PMLatest of 5 Replies: Post a Reply
RE:22 divided 7
by Heather - 3/27/17 10:51 PMRE: 22 divided 7
by Anonymous - 6/07/17 8:21 PMRead 3 more replies
by CuriouslyCynical - 5/30/17 11:24 PMNo Replies Post a Reply
Deadly attacks
by Anonymous - 5/23/17 1:37 PMLatest of 9 Replies: Post a Reply
RE:Deadly attacks
by Anonymous - 5/24/17 7:21 AMRE: Deadly attacks
by Anonymous G - 5/24/17 1:31 PMRE: Deadly attacks
by Anonymous - 5/24/17 4:25 PMRead 6 more replies