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63 a lot

by KartinGuy63 - 2/17/16 12:58 PM
Right, so I've looked down at the comments and seen that 63 comes up in people's lives a lot. Well, that is the case for me too. I've looked at the dates of births of my recent ancestors and most of them end up being relative to 63 any way. I don't know what is happening and it's getting a bit creepy, especially when the number is coming up in maths tests, car registrations, and facts on the TV. If someone could get back to me about what they think, it would be fairly nice of them.

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RE: 63 a lot

by Anonymous - 1/28/17 12:09 PM
The number 63 has been following me as well, JFK was assianated in 63,on my biological birthday 11/22 1980
I've seen it on clocks and mostly on license plates ,the last two digits are 63 .yesterday someone ask me what's 9 times 7 I said 64 realizing later the answer was 63 ... I've told my mother and she statered noticing the #63
Then the Holy Spirit lead me to Genesis chapter 6:3 and that's the scripture that assures humanity one hundred and twenty years of life for spirit will not always strive with man. Jesus Christ is the Truth.by the way I'm 36

RE: 63 a lot

by Anonymous - 3/08/18 5:22 AM
I think is means more than we know but people in high places knows better I can bet that it means a whole lot you remember the remarkable film called prison break. I was a huge fan of that film and ideally the film change how I think. To cut the long story short the baddest character of that movie was 63 years old can you beat that of all #.

RE: 63 a lot

by Anonymous - 11/30/19 5:14 AM
63 on seemed like moving buses

RE: 63 a lot

by Cindy - 8/30/20 2:47 AM
One of best verses in the Bible is Jeremiah 33:3. Ask me (God). and I WILL answer and reveal great mysteries and secrets you have not known. The key is that we have to ask . Makes sense to me to ask God about this number! Both 63 and 333 add up to 9. That’s why I thought of that verse. When we operate with Gods wisdom, we will learn how to overcome the enemy. That is our job. To get to know God and help make Him known to others. He is ALWAYS good. Lavish love and blessings is what He longs to pour out on us. He made us to be in relationship with Him. Jesus, God clothed one flesh set aside all his divinity to come to earth and live a perfect life, then offered himself as payment for all our sins. All we have to do is say yes to Him, and then follow Him the rest of our lives. Satan lies to attempt to make God look bad. ALL fear is from Satan. God only gives love and warnings to keep us safe from every lie of Satan, which always leDs to tragedy.

God wants and offers real relationship. We have spiritual senses too. We all have access to conversing with GOD daily and seeing angels, and heaven. If you feel fear, ask God what lie satan is trying to get you to believe. ask Him what the truth is. As we get rid of sin in our lives, and sin in our souls that we’ve not yet asked to have forgiven AND healed, we will begin to hear and see him. Sin won’t rule over us. It’s like a magnet. When we apply the cross and resurrection (verbally), then they will be removed and each time we become more and more free. Katie Souza is the best teacher of this, I think. and just listening to the Bible over and over and over gives us so many things we must know. Btw, 66 books in the Bible. 3 John is the 63 book. 3 John, verse 2 is the premise Katie teaches about. As we work with God to get rid of old sin and as we stop sinning, then we will walk in full dominion over the enemy. We will not be sick or live in poverty. We will always have enough, no debt—not even on a house!— and we will have money to share with anyone in need. John 10:10 defines God and Satan. If it’s bad, it’s always from Satan.

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