Properties of the number 63






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87 Comments for Number 63 Symbolism, 63 Meaning and Numerology

Comment on Number 63 Symbolism, 63 Meaning and Numerology

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Please let me know about 63:63

by Marshal Michael - 12/29/20 1:29 AM
This number was shown me by my mother after she has been glory to God.

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RE: Please let me know about 63:63

by Anon - 1/29/25 9:55 AM
The time between the last two perfect games in the mlb. 3969 days. 63 times 63.

63 everywhere

by Anonymous - 4/11/11 10:25 AM
i was born at 6:36 am. I've come across literally hundreds of occurrences of 63 such that 63 represents a property of something, i.e., i was told last week by a friend that his dog was about to have her puppies. He said they have puppies within 63 days of getting pregnant. I thought only I noticed this number seemingly connected everywhere. It's pretty freaking odd how 63 shows up as properties of facts of just about everything.

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RE:63 everywhere

by Mae - 5/15/20 12:52 PM
The year is 2020 the month I'd May the day is the 15th. I've been seeing 63 everywhere it's crazy and scary of the unknown. Question, are any of you guys still alive who have placed this info on here from 2011-2016?? Please let me know. I was born in 1963 and I'm 57 now. It will be six more years before I'm 63. I want to know if that had anything to do with death. Thanks

RE:63 everywhere

by Lee - 3/26/21 3:05 AM
I was curious about my dad's death.i wanted to know more coz he just collapsed and was was on the 16-03-2021 and he was 63 years old therefore I wanted to know what 63 means.
Thanks n God bless

RE: 63 everywhere

by Anonymous - 12/22/23 1:26 PM
I never seen the number 63 I’m on the website to see if it was important

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63 as 6/3

by Becky - 4/18/19 9:22 AM
My birthday is 6/3/74. Gemini. Half of 6 is 3. I was born at 10:10 am. I weighed at birth 8lbs 8oz. My mother went into labor with me while watching the movie "Godzilla vs Mothra". This movie features two identical tiny twin women who sing out Mothra's name to summon him. I was also a fraternal twin, although my twin died well before birth. I have noticed that 6/3 is a rare birthday. In my life I have only met two others with this birth date. I have also always felt very special for having this birthday. Although I do believe that 63 is most potent in date form as 6/3 and I believe it is linked with death. Not the loss experiences with death, but rather, the connection to the living that remains. This is just what I have noticed personally.

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RE: 63 as 6/3

by Steve - 6/03/23 9:07 AM
Your stats are amazing! God is great and he shows us amazing things. Never known anyone with June 3 or even March 6….

Most Important Symbolism of The Number 63

by Anonymous - 9/16/13 8:28 PM
You may or may not know this, but the sum of the first 36 real numbers is 666, a.k.a. the number of Satan. So what's the inverse of 36? 63 Right? Now continue from the sum of the first 36 real numbers (666) and add the sums of the numbers up to 63. Don't worry, I've already did the math for you. It's the year of our Lord, the End of all days, the year.........2016!!!!!!!!

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RE: Most Important Symbolism of The Number 63

by Trump Supporter. - 9/05/22 6:40 AM
Really! And how's Biden working out for you! BLM, ANTIFA, rising unemployment and don't get me started on fuel and food costs not to mention he's one of the largest child, people traffickers in the world.

RE:Most Important Symbolism of The Number 63

by 63 - 5/23/23 4:24 AM
Chester Bennington (LINKIN PARK) and Chris Cornell (AUDIO SLAVE) both hung on the back of door knobs 63 days apart after releasing the song (HUNGER STRIKE). Do some digging connect the dots. The Jews are worshipers of (63 YHVH). Prove me wrong.

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by Rosanne Lewis - 9/01/20 5:56 AM
On the 8th September,2020 I will be 63 years.I want to know if it would be a good year

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63 a lot

by KartinGuy63 - 2/17/16 12:58 PM
Right, so I've looked down at the comments and seen that 63 comes up in people's lives a lot. Well, that is the case for me too. I've looked at the dates of births of my recent ancestors and most of them end up being relative to 63 any way. I don't know what is happening and it's getting a bit creepy, especially when the number is coming up in maths tests, car registrations, and facts on the TV. If someone could get back to me about what they think, it would be fairly nice of them.

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RE: 63 a lot

by Cindy - 8/30/20 2:47 AM
One of best verses in the Bible is Jeremiah 33:3. Ask me (God). and I WILL answer and reveal great mysteries and secrets you have not known. The key is that we have to ask . Makes sense to me to ask God about this number! Both 63 and 333 add up to 9. That’s why I thought of that verse. When we operate with Gods wisdom, we will learn how to overcome the enemy. That is our job. To get to know God and help make Him known to others. He is ALWAYS good. Lavish love and blessings is what He longs to pour out on us. He made us to be in relationship with Him. Jesus, God clothed one flesh set aside all his divinity to come to earth and live a perfect life, then offered himself as payment for all our sins. All we have to do is say yes to Him, and then follow Him the rest of our lives. Satan lies to attempt to make God look bad. ALL fear is from Satan. God only gives love and warnings to keep us safe from every lie of Satan, which always leDs to tragedy.

God wants and offers real relationship. We have spiritual... more...

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63 on the biblical wheel book

by Denise - 12/23/19 9:28 AM
63 on the biblical wheel book means Prophet. I see. And lead.

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RE: 63 on the biblical wheel book

by Anonymous - 12/23/19 9:30 AM
See bible wheel online meant

63 almost drove me nuts

by spherebeing - 1/27/18 5:58 AM
Im happy to read that the number 63 is quite positive. I was more and more annoyed by seing it constantly every day. It began suddenly about 9 month ago and the whole time I thought it might be some sort of spiritual attack on me.

Its in phone numbers, speed measurements on the side of the road, on receipts, in view counts on YouTube, very often my phone battery is at 63% even after I´ve put in a larger battery and even when my phone was unused for hours. I turn on the screen and there it is. Also on my mothers tablet. She gave it to me today and it has 63% battery. Also people tell me something with the number 63 in their sentence.

I study The Law of One. Last week I scrolled blind through the index (eBook) and clicked. Guess what opened up? Session 63!

I see this number between 5 and 10 times every day without exception. It frequently comes with synchronicity as in my example with my mothers tablet. Battery was at 63% and it showed the time 11:55. 3 seconds later it switched to 11:56. And a moment later the battery went down to 62%.

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RE: 63 almost drove me nuts

by Anonymous - 4/22/19 2:51 AM
I can relate almost to an exact match with you except my mother was born 1963

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by conley j Holbrook - 8/31/14 5:46 AM
I always see the number 63, ever since I was around 13 and I am now 20, I'm by far obsessed, the number just seems to appear at main stages in my lice as if I'm meant to be there and to see it, my dreams are also very weird at times. Any assistance at figuring out this number in my life. I went as far as to search for deaths in year of 63, I'm confused and need a logical answer, I've been told that I just see it because I want to. But it comes on unpredictable times.

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RE: 63!!!

by Anonymous - 7/06/18 5:37 PM
My Dad passed away on 6/3/92. He lived at an address of 6300. Forest Lawn is 6300 on the address. In 1992 My Mom was age 63 and my Brother 36. There is more of the same with the number 63. I do not like this number.

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U wouldn't believe

by SG - 12/12/12 2:01 AM
I don't know where to start. I'm 26 and have been researching astrology-numerology and everything else of that nature since I was 13. I was born knowing I lived before yet I was raised Christian and believed in god.
I died in a car accident at age 23 and they brought me back to life. Everything I have gone threw in those 10 years from 13-23 prepared me for what has happend. I kept seeing 63 and thought it refered to women chasing after to me. When I would see 36 it meant I was chasing girls. Maybe Im just crazy. Anyway after seeing it 11 times today, I looked it up. I am on the way to enlightenment
12/22/12 haha

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RE: U wouldn't believe

by Grexile - 5/06/18 6:25 AM
If it is of any interest to you, in Jesus's seventy week ministry on earth, the 63rd week is passion week, the week Christ was crucified for the sins of the world.

63 calling

by Anonymous - 7/30/17 4:09 PM
Trying to figure it out....why is the #63 so powerful. Its just an age; or is it something else.

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RE: 63 calling

by Anonymous - 3/22/18 1:11 AM
Genesis 3.6 man sins
Exodus 6.3 Creators name
Levit. 9.9 high priest attone

This is the meaning

There is sin/evil
There is GOD/YHVH
We all need priest sacrifice to attone for our iniquity

Praise JESUS he did it for us

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My birthday 6/3/63

by TB - 3/08/18 7:06 PM
My husband of 28 years died 6/3/17 and my dad died 6/3/80.

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RE: My birthday 6/3/63

by TB - 3/08/18 7:07 PM
And that was the 63rd comment!


by Anonymous - 1/17/18 7:17 PM
My birthday is 6/3/63. I always felt somehow special because of this. Because 6 can be represented as 3+3, I concluded that 6/3 represents 333, the number for ascended angels guiding my life path...times two! I am doubly blessed.

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by Antonio - 1/12/18 8:29 PM
I've been seeing number 63 all over on a regular base for 1 year now. I'm thinking maybe it's because I was born in the year 63, so its quite normal that it will stand out.

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birthday numeral

by Anonymous - 9/07/11 10:47 AM
my birthday numeral is 11/2/63. What does that mean? I believe it's a lucky number. I don't know what time though.

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RE: birthday numeral

by Anonymous - 7/30/17 4:07 PM
Strange...I have never thought about my age. Numbers are just that; but I needed to see what the number 63 represents for some unknown reason. Like others on this link, I didnt look up #62, but #63 seems different then the previous ages that I've lived. I would like to know what this overwhelming feeling might be. Not fear, not excitement, not anxious. Feels more like a collective unconscious calling to me about #63. Hummmm......

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NUmber 63

by Anonymous - 5/31/13 3:35 AM
Last night I dreamed that a 'huge revolution started with the construction of the building 63, it was built by flying spots of light' and somehow in that moment I understood that everything that was being told to me before by the masters started becoming real.

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RE: NUmber 63

by Anonymous - 3/19/17 9:47 AM
I had a dream where me and some people I know had been placed in this giant house one of my friends was taken to the master of the house and later in the dream I saw them discussing something there was a single piece of paper on the table that read 63 I remember looking onto my friends eyes and being dissapointed for some reason it weireded me out when I woke up so I googled it and I still don't have a solid answer

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by Barbara - 7/26/16 11:46 AM
I turned 63 at 10:25 today. God has sent me a message Isaiah 13.I am growing in Spirit, Mind & Body.

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Seeing 63 after AI Stroke

by Aob - 3/13/16 9:03 PM
I began noticing #63 every after I had a AI stroke June 17 2015. It showed up as the temperature and on the heart monitor in the hospital. Clocks, books, signs, receipts. Then finally, only after a nurse callef me at work as part of the release procedure and said we had the same birth day, month and year did I realize #63 was my birth year. It tapered off in the winter months but is showing up alot again and I'm also having more muscle pains on my right shoulder and more knee strain. So like everyone else I would love to know it's meaning/ reason for appearing.

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RE: Seeing 63 after AI Stroke

by Aob - 3/13/16 9:04 PM
I seemed to notice #63 when most stressed or worried.

Seeing 63 after AI Stroke

by Aob - 3/13/16 8:58 PM
I began noticing #63 every after I had a AI stroke June 17 2015. It showed up as the temperature and on the heart monitor in the hospital. Clocks, books, signs, receipts. Then finally, only after a nurse callef me at work as part of the release procedure and said we had the same birth day, month and year did I realize #63 was my birth year. It tapered off in the winter months but is showing up alot again and I'm also having more muscle pains on my right shoulder and more knee strain. So like everyone else I would love to know it's meaning/ reason for appearing.

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number 63

by Anonymous - 7/04/13 11:14 AM
I had a dream that i was in my yard and there was a mist sprinkler. I was touching the mist with my hand when i saw a solid grey cat behind it. It had an "M" mark on its forehead. The only part that i could see through the mist where the glowing emerald green eyes. I held my hand out for him to sniff but instead he leaped towards me. I flinched and when he was about to run into my arms he dropped straight down and became the Egyptian goddess of cats, Mau. She began circling me and turning into Hieroglyphs, some i new, some i didn't. I closed my eyes and when i opened them, there was the number 63. i blinked and it was gone.

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RE: number 63

by Zach - 2/17/16 1:03 PM
Can u remember the hieroglyphs? If u do I would recommend that u write them down and find out what they mean. That would give a lot of info.

Why do i keep seening number 63 in my head?

by Henry Hart - 8/03/10 4:21 AM
I really need help who is going 2help me,by telling me the reason why am always seeing the number 63?
I was playing a game called lido and in this game each time i throw the dies it shows 63 sometimes after i must have throwed it about 4 or 5times it will show back 63 i really dont understand what does this number mean,and why am i always seeing it?

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RE: Why do i keep seening number 63 in my head?

by Anonymous - 11/08/15 5:18 AM
I dont understand this question but do you mean you roll 6 and 3 or see it when rolling thr dice?

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number 63

by bob smith - 8/29/14 1:43 PM
Enoch the 7th, Lamech the 9th correlate with the second Jacob#63, father of jOSEPH IN Mt 1:16. Amazing! All copycat names.

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robin williams dies at 63 BY SUICIDE

by mary spikerman - 8/11/14 10:01 PM
not coincidence that the first definition is according to "R'.somebody besides me needs to do some math on this one cause the illuminati is at work here.

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by Anthony Dewey Rowe - 3/31/14 6:08 PM
dob 1963

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Bible '63'

by Anonymous - 4/03/13 10:08 AM
7th Generation (Enoch) and 9th generation (Lamech) were both 'seconds' with those names. The father-to-son generations ALL have different names until the 2nd Jacob in Mt1:16.

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