For the last year I have see. 66 in everything, everywhere it’s uncanny… like it’s so obvious it’s comical but also like okay, what’s going on, what message is trying to be told to me and I hope it’s not evil
That is why I am on this forum. I also can't help but see the number as well. I gathered it warns of death to someone you know. I've lost two sons in a row and saw this number many times before their deaths
RE: 66
by Anonymous - 4/23/22 10:43 AM
I fear God's wrath.i seen gigantic capital letters appear on the face of a cloud one day ago and they were (I,M,C,U,G )the meaning scars the crap out of me!
by Numbers???66,444,111,222,777,555,616 - 6/20/23 5:39 AM
God is speaking we want to know pray more seek his face not man, for who is man but someone who speaks from his nostrils. Seek God.
by Gideon - 8/06/24 5:19 AM
I've seen 66 several times a day now for almost 2 years now. I've prayed but I can't figure this out. Is anyone here that sees this a born again christian?
by Anonymous - 1/20/25 8:45 AM
I have seen 66 a lot too. Interesting fact for y'all to think about: Our modern Bibles have 66 verses... But the original Bible (With all the apocrypha has 80 books... 80 is the number of God speaking within the Spirit... Just think about that...
6 Comments for 66
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by Anonymous - 7/06/21 6:41 AM5 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: 66
by Anonymous - 1/16/22 3:02 AMRE: 66
by Anonymous - 4/23/22 10:43 AMRE:66
by Numbers???66,444,111,222,777,555,616 - 6/20/23 5:39 AMRE:66
by Gideon - 8/06/24 5:19 AMRE:66
by Anonymous - 1/20/25 8:45 AMRead all 455 comments »
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