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66 repeating and "Nazarene Code" dreams I've been having. THOUGHTS?

by azraeil - 4/25/19 1:49 AM
I'm 23 yrs old and I've started to notice the occurrence of the number 66 about 3 or 4 times a week for the past couple months. I'm Muslim but I've always been open to all faiths. right now I'm just afraid, but I've read that the number 66 has been said to be related to being a blessing from God/Allah. I'm also including this dream that I've had for the past yr around the same time the number 66 started to show up. the dream is vague in that all the experiences in my life have actually been trials and that is not the real me that's currently living. as another part of me is hidden (trapped), as though I'm not the original. and after reading the above about the 66 obstacles in the "Nazarene Code" about Adam and his original state, I'm starting to become even afraid and confused.

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RE: 66 repeating and "Nazarene Code" dreams I've been having. THOUGHTS?

by Roberta - 5/23/19 3:31 PM
How amazing that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is communicating with you. Don’t be afraid. It’s a blessing that you see a consistent pattern of God speaking to you through numbers and a dream. It’s interesting to me that the numeric equation of Allah is 66. Six represents the number of man. Allah is man’s god. Six represents the number of man. Allah is man’s made up god. Yahweh was not made up by any man. He transcends all other gods. The number that typically represents Him is seven, the number of completion, as in the seven days of creation. While I am not an expert at dreams, I would suggest to you that the person that God created you to be is actually hidden inside of yourself. Unless you be born again, become a new creation, You cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. As people, We put on images and personas all the time. But God wants you to know that you have a calling and a destiny with Him. Do you ever feel “trapped” in this life? It may be that God, (I don’t want to be offensive, but Allah is not the One True God) Is communicating to you that you can be set free. He who the Son has set free is free indeed.

The number 6 in the Bible is all about man and his labor. It signifies man’s shortcomings and the corruption he added into the world created by God. In whatever way we mathematically represent six it signifies corruption and imperfection only. It shows man as one who is destitute of God. Number six not only denotes human labor but also human sorrow. Since God’s perfection is corrupted by human corruption so man is bound to suffer from sorrows. Six days have been given to man to work and perform labor and one day for rest and this we can observe in the modern era too. It is also true that the creation ended on the sixth day, i.e. God completed the creation of the world on the sixth day so it also represents secular completeness.

Let me end with this my friend. It was on the sixth day that God created man. Creation was not complete without a day of rest. It was on the seventh day that God rested from his labors. Perhaps the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob is calling you to completeness in Him and a season of rest. It is written that on the seventh day after God had completed His work, He rested and He blessed the seventh day. He declared it holy. Perhaps He’s calling you to completeness in Him, and to be able to rest from your labors, and to be holy. You are amazing for being so open about your search . Shalom.

RE: 66 repeating and "Nazarene Code" dreams I've been having. THOUGHTS?

by Anonymous - 11/05/20 8:05 AM
This is well explained and the Truth. Thank you child of the Most High GOD.

RE: 66 repeating and "Nazarene Code" dreams I've been having. THOUGHTS?

by Anonymous - 3/27/21 2:51 AM
I see 66 and 17 constantly. Way over the top of my usual synchronicity

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