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66 the meaning

by charlie - 6/03/11 11:48 AM
I feel tht the number 66 represents man.
man was created on the 6th day.
Man has a pineal gland called the 6th charka
That gives man the number 66.
Now if you study the bible
You'll also notice beast was created on the 6th day.
Satan sits in the temple of God declaring he is god.
The church is looking for a temple in Jerusalem.
God says his temple is man. 1Cor3:16-17. God tells us many times we are his temple.
Satan wants to open mankinds pineal gland so he can sit on the seat of the soul declaring he is God. The world will receive another spirit,another gospel, another jesus. 1cor.11:1-4 Eve is a picture of the last day church being deceived by satan. Satan openes the eyes of Adam & Eve. Pineal gland has been given many names it is called the 3rd eye also. Its located in the middle of the forehead. The mark of the beast is on the forehead or hand.
If mans number is 66.
He has his pineal gland opened he is demon possessed w/ a beast
because beast was also created on the 6th day.
You get 666!

I also believe tht is why we are seeing flooding along route 66 it is occult ritual. To do away w/ God's law the number of man.
By the way there are 66 book's in the bible Jesus is the word made flesh. Jesus took man's identity so we could have his identity.
Satan comes in like a flood. Is.59:19
Rev.12 satan sends out a flood after the woman. The woman is the church in Rev. 12. Along route 66 is the bible belt of america.
They want to kill as many christians as they can.
But we know God will protects the woman tht births forth the man child... Rev.12:2-5. The earth helps her swallows the flood.
God will take care of His true children!!!

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RE:66 the meaning

by Anonymous - 4/09/12 1:25 PM
66 called the great work.
Jesus the word made flesh John14:1
man is made in the image of God Genesis 1:26
The bible has 66 books
Jesus number is 66
Man created on 6th day Gen.1:31
man has a pineal gland which is called by many names
seat of the soul, the 3rd eye,6th seal, 6th chakra
pineal gland being 6th chakra & man being made 6th day
also makes man number 66
Beast was also created on 6th day
Man 66
open mans pineal gland, satan enters man pineal gland Gods temple . a beast created on 6th = 66+6=666
Revelation 13:18 KJV
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six

the number of the beast is number of man 66+6=666

son of perdition is anti christ 2 Thess 2:3
Judas also called son of perdition John 17:12
Now it would be wise to study Judas who is given the same title as The anti christ, son of perdition.
Satan entered Jesus Jn.13:27

the demons entering swines mt.8:31-32 prophecy of last days.
Just as Adam & Eve had their eyes opened. Mankind will have their eyes opened. Gen. 3:7 ( 3rd eye is also called seat of soul. Jesus died to save our soul Heb10:39)
Adam & Eve also is a prophecy of the last days.
God told us the end from the beginning Is.46:10
God warns not to be deceived as Eve by the serpent that they would preach another Jesus,another gospel & would receive another spirit. 2cor.11:1-4
The false gospel is we use our freedom in Christ to feed our sin nature thru movies,music,video games, books ect. We no longer love GOD w/all our heart,soul & mind. We love God of the bible & we love the god of this world also.
To many think if they are a christain they can not be deceived. Which is a lie. Those who are deceived don't know they are deceived. Wide is the path to destruction. Because of the churches rebellion against the true gospel God turns his people over to a delusion.God warned us of a genertion that would be pure in their own eyes yet not washed from filthinessPr.30:12
Satan comes as an angel of light 2cor 11: 14-15
Satan is a spirit Eph 2:2
Satan wants to enter the human race. the devils entering the swine are people in the last days. Swine represent people Mt.7:5-6
Satan wants to sit in the temple of God.2thess2:3
Man is God's temple not a building made of hands. 2cor3:16-7
God warns us not to trust in lying words the temple of the LORD. The temple of the LORD is said 3 times because they will soon build the 3rd temple in Jerusalem for the anti christ to rule & regin from. Jer.7:4
Matthew 6:23 KJV
But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!
Satan will open peoples pineal gland called the 3rd eye or seat of soul. God warns us not to partner w/thief those who do hate their soul. Pr.29:24 God also warns us how they will defile his secret place Ez.7:20-22
Just as Jesus people are many being one in him. Satan's people are many being one in him.
Satan son of perdition
Godly men of perdition Jn 17:12/2 thess 2:3
perdition of ungodly men 2Pe.3:7
Satan comes in like a flood IS. 59:19
floods of ungodly men Ps 18:4
I believe the mark of the beast is mass demon possession thru mass media.We have many movies showing demon possession thru movies. Batman forever a beam is beamed in the middle of forehead while people are watching tv. Halloween 3 a child wearing mask while watching tv falls over dead and snakes crawl out of his head. Movie Poltergeist the little girl talks to demons thru tv.
Mass media will be used to open pineal gland to cause mass demon possession. Radio & CD's also will be used to open the pineal gland.
Tv- has towers
cell phone - has towers
computers have a tower.
They built a tower to heaven in Genesis 11:6
Daniel 4:11-2 the tree that reaches heaven feeds all flesh. Flesh represents the way you think. Mass media causes you to have the mind of the world. Satan is the god of this world. 2cor4:4 God commanded us to love him w/ all our mind ALL means all.mt.22:37 Not to eat from the table of devils & his table.1cor.10:21
We must choose one side or the other. As a elijah the prophet said how long will you halt between two opinions.We were commanded to take up the cross & cruify the flesh. Gal.5:24 God gives us a list of the flesh & list of the fruit of the spirit. Gal. 5:18-24 God will not be mocked those who sow to the flesh will reap corruption. Gal.6:7-8
Daniel is a prophecy of last days. Mt 13:31-32 the tree w/birds or sometime called fowls represents demons. God was telling us the church would be taken over from w/in.
The church has become friends w/ the world. That is why we have hollywood making so called gospel movies & we have gospel singers on secluar artits CD's. God calls the church his enemy. They are committing spiritual adultrey becoming friends w/ the world. James 4:4
The fowls are called the wicked one Mt.13:4& 19. The fowls in Matthew 13 are demons inside the church 1Tim4:1-2.

Demon possession right now is when a spirit is on you.
When they open man's pineal gland the demon will no longer be on you but in you. Which this what is called the great work changing the DNA of man. From two strands to 3 strands.

RE:66 the meaning

by Anonymous - 7/28/13 10:32 AM
Um... Satan entered Jesus???
I'm pretty sure you mean Judas.
Just saying.

RE: 66 the meaning

by Anonymous - 7/23/14 5:04 AM
Surely you cant be serious a NUMber ONe the Pineal gland is not the third eye at all that gland is the pituatary gland (not spelt right I know couldnt be bothered looking it up). New age hacks and false masters have spread that crap all over the place. Pineal gland is a higher function than the third eye (and the third eye believe it or not is not that big a deal).
Interstingly Caesar Nero = 666 and the numbers on a roulette wheel = 666
AS to Satan and Lucifer only those who know know ie what gave Jesus his moment of doubt was it satan or some dark part of him saying don't go into that you'll go blind or worse disappear to Heaven which to me doesn't sound like resurection but some sort of bad trip all that work to love your fellow man then poof your out of here
As to healing others I believe my man Jesus really did say "healer heal thyself because quite frankly unless you are at oneness with GOD = The all that is et etc etc how would you know what is really right for that fellows soul (does he not have his own true will and would he not have his own holy guardian angel and yet more)

RE: 66 the meaning

by Anonymous - 7/23/14 5:39 AM
Excellent work there dearest what your saying is that Jesus didnt have any open pineal gland and those who do are possesed Well how the hell could Jesus ever have communed with god. What the bloody hell makes a Christian more holy than anybody else " We suggest you reread the the good Samaritan parable again" Because it easily states tht often those who say they are holy are not and that a person from another faith can in fact show more mercy benevolence and charity
IS tht Bible belt you are talking about the one which supports your politicians and war machine (good money making and sellin arms isn't there)in the killing of women and children in Afganistan, Yemen and South America in the name of PEACE (did you know that the toilet seat for a B52 bomber used to cost 10,000 dollars!!!)
Do you think there is any honour courage let alone valour in sitting in an office in America piloting a drone which selects targets overseas willy nilly see documentary Dirty War by an American
AS for the flood you might consider this that WATER is a female element like Earth where Fire and Air are masculine so If Satan is a male can he be a flood at all sounds more like the Virgin Mary gone mad again maybe she needs to understand Magdelenes point of view a bit better and not go off tap due to unfullfilled desires
It is my belief that Satan doesn't declare he is God he says that you can't have Heaven on Earth ie UNITY and from Buddhas mouth "life is a sorrow" where Jesus would say life can be all JOY how much JOY can you handle
Finally would Jesus really say turn the other cheek or would he say
what the the hell can't you see you two have a problem here one of you needs to give up the ghost (ghost of the past not the holy ghost)because Jesus was no bloody Martyr I as sure you and didnt seem to be in much of a saintly forgiving nature when he kicked out the money lenders from the temple (but some of thee things are a mystery to those who know not but keep quoting the BIBLE

RE:66 the meaning

by David Daniel Herrera - 1/27/18 5:21 AM
It's clearly states in the Bible my sheep hear my voice a strange they will not follow in the book of Revelation it says I saw a Beast rise out of the Earth having horns like a Lamb.but spoke as a Dragon, this is Satan in the church deguist as a Minister of Righteuoness and these men who creeped into the Church preach a false gospel and another Jesus money is there God, greedy for filthy Lucur having there's eyes full of Adultrery the Love of Money is the Root of All Evil, you can not serve God and money, you can not severe Two Masters, you will ether Love one, and Hate The other, or cleem too one and depise the other, when Jesus,made a cords out of some type rope, a whip and over turn the money exchange tables in the Temple,the money was a false gospel it brings you the bread of Flesh,it gives you temporary housing and clothes to cover our nakedness,and Water that you will be thirsty again & again, it's a temporary gospel it will come to it's End for the flesh must die because of the greatest Cancer That only Yah Yashua The Saivor can cure by Himself The Bread of Eternal Life ,The Water of Everlasting life, The Clothes of His Righteousness to Cover The Shame, of are Nakedness of our Sin & sins & an Eternal Living House that is His Body of whom we that are granted The Greatest Treasure,The The Eternal Life of The Father,Yah our Savior. Him,He, The Eternal Great I Am.Self Existing Eternal Being No Beginning No End. The Eternal Father & His Eternal Word Eternal Spirit,Will Dwell in Those,Who in His House, they will be a Part Of The Father Temple,, For Ever as Living stones,the building blocks of The Father Temple In which He will Dwell in Us Forever,The Father He Is The Gold,He is The Mansion, With Many Rooms He Is The Pearl of Great Price,And All who are Chosen will Be in The Presences OF THE MOST SUPREME MOST AWESOME SUPERIOR GREATEST
TREASURE.That No Money is Worthy,Or worth anything to buy, How Can you Buy YahWah The Father Of All Creation The Almighty Bless Hashem MOST Awesome Superior SUPREME CREATOR
When All Things Are Made By His Eternal Living Word & Eternal Spirit As He Spoke His Living Word, His Word Vibrate His Sounds of Master Piece Vocal cords of Notes in MOST Perfect Pitch Never Out Of Key,The Perfect Song.Darbar the Hebrew Word for Matter, String Theory,No Wonder We Love Music We are His Song Notes on His Grand Sacle in His Living Word (Lyrics)Of His Eternal Greatest Yashua.888TheMark Of The Father The True Gospel...666istthe Mark of a gospel of a fleshly Temporary Life

RE: 66 the meaning

by Anonymous - 9/04/18 4:48 AM
I am in agreeance with you Charlie. Your dicerment is on point. All praises to the Most High.

RE: 66 the meaning

by Anonymous - 9/14/18 6:29 PM
The state in the White House the supreme court of justice should recognize the law from the depths of their souls and all

RE: 66 the meaning

by Anonymous - 9/14/18 6:29 PM
The state in the White House the supreme court of justice should recognize the law from the depths of their souls and all

RE:66 the meaning

by RI - 12/01/18 10:06 PM
The 666 represents the letter "R" enuff said

RE:66 the meaning

by Ricardo estrada - 1/25/20 10:56 PM
This world is control by the devil’s and the last thing he wants is you having an direct divine presence contac with the most high

RE:66 the meaning

by MRS H'????QUEEN????of H'Melek YH???? H'ELUHYM [ H' 2'BOTH'1 Sr ] in H'MashaYym - 3/17/25 2:14 PM
There never Been [ Never 'WAS' a JES'US Sr in HEAVEN that Could have HAS a SON named J'es'us Jr in on earth Ye have only gotten this GODS-SPELL ( Gospel ) from Of the Swinema-ites ( Greeks ) and of from The LORD-ites and of The GOD-ITES ENGLAND those Dogma-Ites . Never would satan GOD be ever antiChrist but only anti MESSIAH , Jes'us shall only Cone IN His 'OWN Name Jesus But 'OUR SON Comes only IN 'OUR' FAMILY NAME YH . Let 'US' Create 'YshYsha' in OUR' Image with 'OUR'' MINDNESS. ENLAND Those LORDITES ( Ba'alites ) Baal-ites . Fake false King of Kings King James 6 and His 66 Books 666 Almost Inspired but satanic due to Titles and names Made vain , Lies of GOD Apollo for territory Abbadon. J'es'us be Satan's SON of devil GOD . 'WE' BEING not GOD 'WE' H'2'BOTH'1 Sr Ye Being 2'both1 Jr Duh ! 'WE' BEING H' ELUHYM H'SupremeBeing. No other ELUHYM besides ANAKNU Wake Up Satan has Fooled even You Most all ye know be 180 degrees backwards Ye think Satan GOD is not very Intellegent that he has not duped all Christian's even You !

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