8 Comments for 666 - judtifying judging

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666 - judtifying judging

by Anonymous - 1/31/11 10:17 PM
66 is holy book bible consist of 66 books. Number 6 is Adam. If you add all these numbers what do you get?

7 Replies: Post a Reply

RE: 666 - judtifying judging

by Anonymous - 1/31/11 10:33 PM

RE: 666 - judtifying judging

by Anonymous - 1/31/11 10:58 PM
adam and eve ate the fruit of what?

RE: 666 - judtifying judging

by Anonymous - 8/23/14 1:17 AM
18! what a lame!

RE:666 - judtifying judging

by Input - 3/13/15 7:01 AM
Q: Adam and eve ate the fruit of what? A: A Fig tree, then they used the 'fig leaves' (of that same tree), to try to cover their sin; but, sin can only be covered by the shedding of blood; so God slaughtered 2 'blameless lambs' and shed their blood as a sacrifice; then, God used 'those skins'...'that covering'...to 'temporarily cover' their sins, until the 'REAL LAMB' of GOD, a truly 'Blameless Lamb' came, and 'His Blood' was shed at the Cross, to make a way to 'permanently cover' (permanently pay for) the sins of all of the future descendants of sinful Adam and Eve (all of us) all those future descendants who would 'choose' to come to the Cross, and ask God the Father for His forgiveness, for all their sins...and to do it in the Name of His Lamb that paid the ultimate price (in blood) for all those sins...Yeshua (Jesus)...Remember, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His Only Begotten Son, His Only Begotten Lamb! (John 3:16:)"

Statement: 66 Books, and Adam 6, what do you get if you add them up? Mocking: 18! what a lame!...to help out, the person meant what do you get when you put them together, not add up...and you get 66,6 or, 666 as was being implied. The mocker saying l8, what a lame, doesn't realize that even at 18, that number can be divided by 3, and you get three equal numbers 6-6-6...maybe not so lame?

RE: 666 - judtifying judging

by Tim williams - 3/16/16 2:40 PM
Real believers don't ask for what's already been given, we simply receive all what God has already given once we are in Christ, contrary to most doctrines asking for forgiveness is not confessing it's professing your unbelief contrary to the gospel of your salvation, Romans through Philemon. Strange after the death and conformation of Saul to Pauls you can't find in any of his 13 books, phrases like, born again, remission of sins,asking for forgiveness, confessing ( except when Paul is referring to Israel, Romans 11,,, many just don't get it, they deny the power of the righteousness of the grace of god in Jesus by faith alone, adding to the finish work by THIER own conceits and self righteous bringing indignation to themselves...oh their will be much gnashing of teeth to be sure, make sure you all get your pastors addresses when you're left behind for more refining in thee tribulation so you can stay with him, or in most cases hanging them for lying to you

RE: 666 - judtifying judging

by Anonymous - 12/11/16 7:45 PM
The fruit was a lie

RE: 666 - judtifying judging

by Anonymous - 5/24/17 10:54 AM
There isn't 66 books lol

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