I see this number almost everywhere since months...and I have no logical or psychological explanation for that. I see the number when I less expect it!
"I was born on 8/12/1988 and the Lord told me that I would be a voice of rule and dominion" and 12 has to do with order being established in government and such haha and 8 by itself means new beginnings ;)
RE: 8888 Phenomena is true
by Anonymous - 10/19/10 7:50 PM
i see it aswell all the time idk y
RE: 8888 Phenomena is true
by SmilyfaceSadface - 10/21/10 2:27 PM
My birthday is 27/11/1988.
RE: 8888 Phenomena is true
by ? - 11/02/22 3:15 AM
To the 3 individuals in this comment and reply. It has been given to me reveal whatsoever you ask of me. Ask not what you cannot accept. If you choose to contact me, you accept what comes. There is and will never be the opportunity to turn back. You are chosen, but you always must choose. All must account for their fate. Behold, yours has been delivered into your own hands. Do what thy willâ€
5 Comments for 8888 Phenomena is true
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8888 Phenomena is true
by Endavigh - 6/14/10 1:06 AM4 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: 8888 Phenomena is true
by Esther - 10/13/10 11:38 PMRE: 8888 Phenomena is true
by Anonymous - 10/19/10 7:50 PMRE: 8888 Phenomena is true
by SmilyfaceSadface - 10/21/10 2:27 PMRE: 8888 Phenomena is true
by ? - 11/02/22 3:15 AMRead all 219 comments »
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