Properties of the number 88






Last modification: December 19, 1998

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220 Comments for Number 88 Symbolism, 88 Meaning and Numerology

Comment on Number 88 Symbolism, 88 Meaning and Numerology

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by JesusSAaro Uni Peg Unix Eisus Christ Payne - 12/22/14 10:11 PM
88 is the mark of the beast. Symbolized as Ra 88 on the periodic table of elements. Ra is Dio. 88 is the international symbol of hate. Ra is the devil.

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RE: 88

by Don - 2/15/25 11:25 AM
Ra = Radium= Life (energy) and nr 88 is the infinity number for endless energy/life.

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Meaning of number 88 in dream

by Mulu - 2/14/20 4:17 AM
Thank you for the meaning that you have given me. But I want to understand more what it indicates in my current situation.

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RE: Meaning of number 88 in dream

by Anonymous - 9/11/24 8:31 AM
How about pi being gods seal we are one after all just saying

11:11 and 1:11

by Tracey - 7/11/19 9:45 AM
I’ve been seeing 1111 or 111 all my life. Started at 7 years old when I had a dream my brother would die. He died at 1 month 11 days old. On September 11 there are 111 days left in the calendar year. First plane to hit the towers was American Airlines flight 11 with 11 crew members on board. Why do we see these things? John saw 11 visions of the final judgment that makes the book of Revelation. Many won’t listen and say I’m crazy

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RE: 11:11 and 1:11

by Anonymous - 3/27/23 2:07 PM
I see 11:11 and 1:11 all the time. Everytime I see those numbers it is like I am being warned that something bad or I am going to have trouble ahead. I really don't like seeing these numbers. When I do see them I feel the message is for me. Signed, sealed and delivered.

RE:11:11 and 1:11

by Daneosa - 6/11/24 12:03 PM
it represents the two witnesses in Heaven and on Earth

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by Timothy. - 7/26/23 1:24 PM
I was born April 8, and I have nine simply,and I am number 8 of it,88,I crew up tuff life, never seen my father race by female,and I see a lot of things in my life, there is a Man on the tree wave at me every day,my story is up to you to decide,and my creator forever alive...

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8888 Phenomena is true

by Endavigh - 6/14/10 1:06 AM
I see this number almost everywhere since months...and I have no logical or psychological explanation for that. I see the number when I less expect it!

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RE: 8888 Phenomena is true

by ? - 11/02/22 3:15 AM
To the 3 individuals in this comment and reply. It has been given to me reveal whatsoever you ask of me. Ask not what you cannot accept. If you choose to contact me, you accept what comes. There is and will never be the opportunity to turn back. You are chosen, but you always must choose. All must account for their fate. Behold, yours has been delivered into your own hands. Do what thy will†

my email is geminii117

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I saw 88 in my sleep this morning !

by Tess - 12/09/19 5:13 PM
First of all I am a born again believer of Jesus Christ, Amen.

I awoke this am after seeing 88 in my dream/vision.

There was also a symbol to the left side of the 88 . Obviously I can not draw it here.


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RE: I saw 88 in my sleep this morning !

by Tess - 6/10/21 10:05 AM
Ok this is June 10th 2021 and I awoke with the number 88 again , I saw it standing , then lying down. Thank you all for responding, I honestly didn't know people had replied!

So I looked and it said 88 was a symbol of the Cross ??

Thoughts, God bless everyone reading this .

RE: I saw 88 in my sleep this morning !

by Anonymous - 10/06/22 6:01 AM
It's a message draw the symbol and take a picture or it in you phone and research what the meaning of the symbol is and how it corresponds to the meaning of 88. Yah Bless

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Comment on all the comments on relating 88 to violence and the first murder Cain and Able

by Mark UK June 2011 - 6/30/11 2:43 AM
When looking at any numerology and metaphysical stuff you often find what you look for, as we are co-creators 0f our own realities and we have a certain amount of freewill so we can CHOOSE how we see the meaning of the numbers, the numbers themselves are just numbers just as rain is rain and energy is energy, however our personality ego perspective of a number depends upon our "programming" (glass half empty, glass half full). Rain is rain there is no such thing as bad weather, if you plant potatoes you want rain if you want a barbecue and it rains you say the weather is bad.
Extreme weather is viewed as extreme because we insist on going about our normal daily business against the flow of nature when really we should be out of there or stay away or in doors, and when houses and cars are damaged we are distressed because of the ego personality attachment to material objects and money and to measure our success or how happy we persuade ourselves we are. Symbolism of 88 includes a reminder of duality (we live... more...

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RE: Comment on all the comments on relating 88 to violence and the first murder Cain and Able

by Anonymous - 9/11/22 2:46 PM
Nah... Cain is an offspring of the "serpent". Adam knew this and later in the Bible when speaking about his sons he does not include Cain.

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Number 88 Symbolism

by Reuben - 10/25/21 12:23 AM
Just Google '88 transgender' and see what comes up. The number 8 is also the infinity symbol, which represents enlightenment. Enlightenment in the New Age and Hermeticism is when the masculine and feminine energies converge and are no longer individualistic but harmonized.

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RE: Number 88 Symbolism

by Anonymous - 9/11/22 2:38 PM
They connected the number 88. God is returning to stop all this wickedness..again!!!

Hace tres días q veo el 88 , 808 .y todo los números combinados con el 36

by Elizabeth - 8/19/22 2:19 PM
Hace meses q vengo controlando los números a mi alrededor casi una estadística diaria y en el término de una semana el dos veces 8 anduvo rondand.yo digo( y sin saber mucho del tema q sería la frecuencia predominant de nuestro entorno

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Google dns

by MikaeL - 5/02/22 10:03 PM

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by Anonymous - 3/14/22 10:23 AM
What is the meaning of 88 ? Q

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society for people who see 88 everywhere anytime

by Mo - 3/31/14 5:46 AM
yes i also have the same thing about the number 88 which made me search the net.I have idea to reveal this secret, we will form a society of 88 , any one who see this number everyday everywhere in an a very strange way please let us gather together study ourselves carefully and try to get the connections or whatever behind this you can email to me at abdu315

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RE: society for people who see 88 everywhere anytime

by Anonymous - 12/11/21 8:26 AM
How do I contact you

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RE: 88 meaning i

by Martin - 4/28/21 6:16 AM
You read this you'll see what God was doing to us and how it works there's a German Christian check him out in the link and then if you have a question just press a link but it shows that our thoughts change things in unseen reality it has a physical consequence this is what they've demons have been doing but they took out the good part you have to have holiness spiritual emotion Synchronicity Wikipedia.

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RE: RE: 88 meaning i

by Anonymous - 9/20/21 10:50 AM
I do not see a link.


by Jayebird - 5/27/21 2:55 PM
My internet connection has been throttled down to 88. Every time I try to connect with speedtest I can only get 88mbps. Apple, xfinity has access to my connectivity.

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For Jesus's family

by Martin R Kerfoot - 4/28/21 5:52 AM
Look like today is going well

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RE: Love , Happiness and Light!

by Anonymous - 8/22/20 3:16 PM
What does all this mean. I am Jennifer. This is my husband's profile. These sinqranicities are getting scary to me. It's been at least 4-5 years I've been seeing them almost Dailey. Lately several times a day. The feeling that assosiated with them are becoming dark now. Before they seemed more light sent. Now just the opposite. Is this happening to others?

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RE: RE: Love , Happiness and Light!

by Lipta88 - 12/30/20 10:44 PM
Actually the exact same thing is and has been going on for the last 4 plus years

My birthday

by Anonymous - 10/16/20 9:42 AM
I was born 8-4-88 just was wondering what all the 8's mean

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RE: My birthday

by Anonymous - 12/23/20 12:28 PM
8+4+8+8=28(two eights= 88. It means - look up at the 88 constellations and realize the earth is flat and that the one that dies at the krux constellation for three days every year is the sun of God

88 MPH!!!

by Atomyerz - 11/20/20 7:59 PM
Back to the Future (1985)

Revelation 19:12-16

Christ is King. Forever & Always ????????????

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RE: 88 MPH!!!

by Anonymous - 12/17/20 6:57 PM
I always thought about back to the future when i seen 88.I seen it multiple times before.88

The meaning of 88

by Geraldine Ward - 10/23/20 7:54 AM
Bible meaning for 88

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Herobrine Hunters

by Anonymous - 11/25/17 4:43 PM
so I was watching 09sharkboy and this word or thing came up 88=]E(half of a H)EI
I was thinking you could find out what all of that means

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RE: Herobrine Hunters

by Anonymous - 8/28/20 11:42 AM
So this i find interesting. Rush Limbaugh started his radio career in 1988. He named his radio broadcast company EIB "EXCELLENCE IN BROADCASTING" SO IF YOU LOOK AT HIS company LOGO, it is CLEARLy AN 88. I've been listening to him for 30 years and he never said a word reconizing that is logo mirrors the year he founded the company. The only other thing I know about 88 is this. Nazi soldiers we're tattooed with the number 88. 'H' being 8th number in alphabet. Representing " Heil Hitler"

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Love , Happiness and Light!

by Micky - 4/16/14 2:45 PM
Im sure a lot of you are realizing the numbers you are seeing are appearing too frequently to just be coincidence. I am soon going to start a blog about the information I have found. I too have seen number sequences starting with 11:11 and then more number sequences appeared as I acknowledged it. We are all apart of something much greater than we know and this is our wake up call. I am here to help and talk with anyone who wants to know.

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RE: Love , Happiness and Light!

by Anonymous - 1/09/20 3:49 AM
Are you still there ?

RE: Love , Happiness and Light!

by Anonymous - 3/07/20 9:59 PM
Its Jesus

RE:Love , Happiness and Light!

by Anonymous - 6/27/20 7:38 PM
Well Mickey it would be nice if you would let us know about your blog. Blessings!

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by D - 3/22/17 8:41 AM
My birthday is 6/24/1988... does it all come down to 11?

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RE: birthdate

by Anonymous - 6/23/20 10:23 AM
Even the numbers above your birthday come out to be 29 2+9=11

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by Mark anthony Stringfellow - 6/10/20 3:52 AM
Analemma of Sun and Moon make 88 in the sky if photographed at the same time every day and plotted over the year.The Sun measures the days and the Moon the Months/Moonths, and the 88 Constellations measure the years and Age! The Chamber of Seasons, 88:88 Times Up :-))

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by 3msinatas - 3/27/20 1:18 PM
infinite is infinite, you can't have it two ways.

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by Christy - 9/10/19 4:44 AM
I married my husband on August 8 and I've seen 88 ever since

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RE: 88

by Anonymous - 3/15/20 4:39 PM
My parents were 8/8/58 and some close friends 8/8/88

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