The concept of using base-36 notation (0-9, A-Z) likely emerged in the context of computer programming, where hexadecimal notation (base-16) was already in use. Hexadecimal notation employs the digits 0-9 and letters A-F to represent numbers. As computer systems advanced, the need for larger bases to represent numbers efficiently grew, leading to the adoption of base-36 notation (0-9, A-Z) as a natural extension.
While it's difficult to find a specific historical reference to the first usage of base-36 notation, it is safe to assume that its use gained prominence alongside the development and expansion of computer systems and programming languages. As digital systems evolved, the need for a compact and convenient representation of numbers in a larger base led to the adoption of base-36 notation (0-9, A-Z) in various applications.
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Base 36 notation uses the whole alphanumeric sequence from 0 to Z (a total of 36 characters) as numerical digits. Thus after 8 and 9 comes A=10, then B=11, C=12, until Z=35.
When applied in the context of Gematria, this cipher has a name: Alphanumeric Qabbala, or "AQ" for short.
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Alphanumeric Qabbala (AQ) = [0-9], [A-Z]
by Little Sunshine - 1/28/24 2:49 PMNo Replies Post a Reply
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