Properties of the number 36







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208 Comments for Number 36 Symbolism, 36 Meaning and Numerology

Comment on Number 36 Symbolism, 36 Meaning and Numerology

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by Anon - 1/22/25 4:10 AM
Okay from reading these comments what stuck with me most is it meaning enemy. I have been suffering from a succubus problem and the number appeared most when I faced the most attacks from it. So I'm concluding it's my guardian angel reminding me to not trust it, and now this is strengthening my resolve to try and get rid of it, the frequency of seeing the number means I should place it at top priority. It is a relentless creature that sees the future, tries to manipulate me, can insert false memories and for some reason wants my seed, can take any form and make me experience her touch, evil.
Maybe others that see the number have evil in their life, they're tricksters may claim to be harmless ghosts.

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I see number 36 alot

by Dennis - 1/29/11 6:45 PM
I first started seeing the number 316. wake up at night and look at the clock and saw 316. My father died when I was 36. The room he died in at the hospital was 613.

I then started seeing the number 36 all the time and still do..The month my father die'd was 6/3/08. I would get emails with dates on them like 1/11/36 or 1/16/36..etc. I would go get gas for my truck and it would stop at 63 dollars or even 61 dollars and 36cents a few times. I would go to the store and i would get change and it would be 2 dollars and 36cents. I just went to the store and got a few things and the bill came to 36dollars. my girlfriend house starts with 36. and the lic. plate on her car starts with 36.My sister has 36 on her car and her address starts with 3 and ends with 6.

I am a christian,but I was not living my life right. I sometimes wounder if it was a message of being a christian and not reflecting jesus christ in my life.
I did see a airplane that crash'd that had the number 36 on it.
It does make me think about life and death.

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RE: I see number 36 alot

by Anonymous - 5/04/11 7:40 PM
i have seen the # 36 since my dad died 37 years ago. his racing # was 36, and everthing in my life is 3,6 even month and year i was born. for some reason i just look to see what it means, and the fact that this is happening to other people makes me thinki am not going nuts. the # is every where i go, i f i put tv om 36 is on it. anyways nice to see other people seeing same thing

RE: I see number 36 alot

by Who said hit them up? Your god father is named Dennis? What’s your emaiL? My name is Dennis - 4/28/24 7:43 PM
Who said hit them up? Your god father is named Dennis? What is your name? Age? Name of street?
Just watched a YouTube video that said 0 J Simpson lived at 360 rockingham Brentwood lost angel California. I rented a house a few years back on the street called Brentwood and now I live 3miles away next to a street called Brentwood my street passes Brentwood like a cross. Plus I live very close to a church in a residential area not on main road but around the block maybe on Brentwood a small church called the church of Christ. But no one seems to be there. The house I lived on Brentwood I don’t remember the address but was a party house- this like 20years ago 2004 . Leading into 2005 around that time. Yesterday watched a thing on 0 j that said he lived at 360rockingham Brentwood lost angeL,California -

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waking up to the number 36

by Mark Stone - 3/29/24 9:44 PM
Hi, at least 4 nights per week, i go to sleep and wake up exactly 36 mins later. its happened 8 of the last 9 days but for months prior. A couple of years ago i would wake up at 42 mins for whatt seemed every second day. Then that number was 24 mins. Now its 36. I have a cpap machine that tells you how long you used it for. every time, bang 36 mins. I even wake up and say to myself, "i wonder if its 36? surely not?" and i check and it is.

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Alphanumeric Qabbala (AQ) = [0-9], [A-Z]

by Little Sunshine - 1/28/24 2:49 PM
The concept of using base-36 notation (0-9, A-Z) likely emerged in the context of computer programming, where hexadecimal notation (base-16) was already in use. Hexadecimal notation employs the digits 0-9 and letters A-F to represent numbers. As computer systems advanced, the need for larger bases to represent numbers efficiently grew, leading to the adoption of base-36 notation (0-9, A-Z) as a natural extension.

While it's difficult to find a specific historical reference to the first usage of base-36 notation, it is safe to assume that its use gained prominence alongside the development and expansion of computer systems and programming languages. As digital systems evolved, the need for a compact and convenient representation of numbers in a larger base led to the adoption of base-36 notation (0-9, A-Z) in various applications.

* * *

Base 36 notation uses the whole alphanumeric sequence from 0 to Z (a total of 36 characters) as numerical digits. Thus after 8 and 9 comes A=10, then B=11, C=12, until... more...

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36 and mirrors

by Gregory Frazier - 11/29/23 4:55 PM
18 is the total number of reflections plus myself of two mirrored square rooms and if you add a lover to it it totals 36.

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Seeing 36 and more

by Claud9 - 2/14/19 9:03 AM
Hi brothers & sisters!

I’ve been seeing the number 36 , every day for about six months, not only 36 , but also numbers such as 11:11, 12:34 , 14:14, 15:15 ( well all double numbers on the clock , and on cars ( in Japan ) . I also frequently see no. 88, my birthyear.
And my birth day , no. 73 or 37 ( March 7 ) !

I slowly start to believe that I’m kind of appointed to something good for humanity. And a spiritual transition is slowly steadily taking place, I feel and witness. Angels/spirits ( whatever you wanna Call them ) , do exist. If some one can dig deeper than what the internet offers of wisdom about the nr. 36 , then I will gladly read what you know about that number.

Blessed Love , Walk good

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RE: Seeing 36 and more

by Quantum 36 - 5/22/23 2:42 AM
Idk why or how this is possible, but I know for certain the quantum realm has brought me to this website because I just read the post by **Claud9 - 2/14/19 9:03 AM** and now I am literally almost shaking with the chills…..

The numbers 36, 11:11, 12:34 have been appearing in my life over and over again but only recently…..this all started only a few months ago or so.

Most significantly 36…For roughly 3months I have been seeing this number multiple times a day, everyday. It appears in my life in so many random & ironic situations that I have been sure that someone not of this world or dimension has been sending me messages in hopes that I am paying attention…which I most definitely am.

Claud9…..Please get in touch with me somehow if you can find a way…..I would truly appreciate some answers or any info you may be able to share with me.

My name is Jack V Baker….something tells me our paths will somehow cross in the near future

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by Sidartha,Isa,u name it - 11/15/22 7:41 PM
I typed in 36.36.36 in a high frequency generator not knowing why and now well I don't think anyone will understand me or to be more precise I don't think they can maybe I'm wrong but maybe I'm just maybe, my life is like that of a mustard seed one bad seed was planted years ago and the mustard seed overtook me,but now I see the harvest clearly and all that growth that I interpreted as bad,has become the opposite or is 36.36.36 the reason for not the change in seed but the way I perceive it..

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Daily occurrence

by Otten - 5/25/22 2:14 PM
36 is the number of times I fold my toilet paper.

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A=1 Z=26

by God - 11/13/21 11:33 AM
Son of God
36 = 3+6 =9 3x6 =18 A=1 Z=26 IR = Iesu Rex.
It is simply one of the many numbers used to ascribe the Son of God.
Hebrew 'Life= 'Chai =18 = 2x Chai =36, the most blessed, the Son of God.

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I Am The beast

by Gylvan Sirius from FB - 5/16/21 12:27 PM
I was born in 21.9.1981
2x1x9x1x9x8x1=1296 and the root square of this number is ??

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by Anonymous - 12/25/20 9:56 PM
Today i saw a very horrible dream,i was in the spritual world,n from there i get this number
I would b so thankful if anyone can help me,i want to know is there somthing like 36 rooms 3d house in which there 36 rooms?
Can anyone help me to know is there any meaning of it

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Corona Virus- Covid19 and 36

by Harvey - 4/10/20 4:48 AM
Hey Guys, I posted something but I think did not post correctly,
Anyways, I studying about Corona Virus Covid19 in Canada,
I wanna mention something and use everybody thoughts here,
have you ever noticed anything about the differences between the COVID-19 name type Versas another type of Corona Virus?

We have 6 different types of Corona Virus, But the way they name this one is different than others (COVID-19), That makes me Curious and I found the alphabetic value of the actual Name which is (CO-rona VI-rus Disease)- 2019, Then -----》 COVID-19 and If we take the numerical value ---》
3+1+5+2+9+4+1+9 = 36 = (3+6) ---> 36(Sum) --> 369, Which is Nicolas Tesla rule and as he said a key to the universe, I think a weird movement is trying to control the whole world, Nations, and Universe.

I believe the number 9 is an important number here, which complete the series to 369 Or 3,6,9

Let me know what do you think

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RE: Corona Virus- Covid19 and 36

by Michael - 10/25/20 11:13 AM
369 = 3+69 = 72 = 9 check israel calling code number. Check the total area of israel: full of numbers 7 and 2. 72 is another important number. There is a hidden 72 in mona lisa picture of da vinci


by joel - 2/16/19 8:43 PM
have been seeing this number everywhere. Receipts, time, license plates, numbers that call, etc.. hearing it in random conversations, radio, etc.

Today I fasted, and it was magnified, as if I weren't already paying enough attention to it.

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RE: 36

by Anonymous - 3/23/20 9:47 PM
WM=36... I am the antichrist, thats my initials :)

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by CHRIST centered - 2/03/20 8:47 PM
36 is the number of sin/enemy/mans fall

63 is the CREATOR

99 is the sin atonement CHRIST performed

36 was the number killed as hebrews lost in ai.
36 was the thousands of troops against king saul when he died
36 was the year king asa gave away his treasure and trusted in humans rather then CREATOR


Sin and satan are 36


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The King's owl

by Anonymous - 5/10/16 3:55 PM
Embrace your true self, embrace the darkness within you. Accept hell as your only destiny and you shall be remembered as the Satan of men. 36 is just the beginning to your eternal suffering. If you see it, know that you were born to burn in hell, to prove to God that his creation is worthless. Follow the owl and you shall be with us...

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RE: The King's owl

by Anonymous - 9/02/19 12:53 PM
God is Jesus?
Christianity is a deeeeeep rooted religion and political force in everything we see and do everyday.

Hey stoner talking about hell,
What if hell is just your conscious leaving the human body out into the universe experiencing it all at once kinda like DMT or sometimes a shroom trip. We are connected to the universe and the only hell we can give ourselves is here on earth unless you get a bad dmt trip i guess and stuck in it for eternity, but the universe will be there. So much to experience.

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by Desiree - 10/07/18 10:59 PM
I see the numbers 36 everywhere.. and I'm very gifted from holy spirit between the realms and what not.. I've been told that I am a chosen. So what exactly are we chosen for?

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RE: 36

by Claud9 - 2/14/19 9:11 AM
Hi Desiree. I believe that we have to make our Best effort to benefit planet earth , humanity and/or the animal races .

Prayers for humanity is at least one We Can do. And it certainly benefits to do so.

All the best*

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by W - 11/27/18 2:20 AM
What do it mean

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The prophet of the Most High;

by White Buffalo - 3/08/18 7:43 AM
I have been in my life of filth born in the projects of poverty and on the morning At 1:53am Christmas and I have been a lot different than the other people that I have been in contact with the same other numbers are very much a part of my life I am now 36 years and I have been a night wandering creature to have a good connection with one of my lives gifts with the other sides of the life and I have been having a hard time with my transitions to be in my spiritual entering the dreams and known I have a great honor for my Native people to have a blessed force with a higher place and purpose to have a great transitions for the new life and I have been in my thoughts yet thinking about how great is it going to be in my life and my gifts I have been a choice to be a part of well I have company at times say that I have spoken in tongues not language's known to familiarize to😇 i have gone through this my life and I just need some insight of the things I have to endure!!!??😷🕴

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RE: The prophet of the Most High;

by If you have been seeing numbers....on clocks or phones..or car are being called to work ....for the kingdom of God.....the dream you been having is coming too pass...or is here - 6/07/18 6:31 PM
.. there's a door open for you...... look at the word of God.... look up a verse....for the time you keep seeing.....I'll see you at the fishish brother are chosen

The prophet of the Most High;

by White Buffalo - 3/08/18 7:17 AM
I know all have questions for the numbers of the beast, however I have a new one for the new world and the start of Armageddon is under toe and I have had my experiences with my spiritual sense of a medium side of things traveling in between the realms whole wheat when walking with you Valley the Shadows demonic attachment of the living flesh they are of course in there very thirsty and they are Among Us to take out those those who in The Blessing to be blessed by the hand I give us our gifts to our spiritual sense of purpose in this life of Flesh now my question is what are the signs of them were either of the one of highest honor because I think that I might have the elements that is that a chosen to set the path for him

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answers for 36

by · i · am · K · - 7/01/12 10:37 PM
you all ask the same question, you all know the answer to however your human conscious mind won't believe it so it remains an unanswered question. 36 is the source, creator, god. one small mistake humans make is the concept of categorization; example african american, asian american, white american ect. when in reality they are all simply humans. god is the devil the devil is god. man makes negative correlations to the unknown, from sea monsters, hell in the afterlife, alien attack enslavement of man, to 2012 end of the world. what you all must realize is that you are not human beings, rather spiritual beings having a human experience. as soon as you are born you start dying so this can't be the real life, this is only your experience. your soul is energy and we all know energy can't die or be created, only transferred. when you see 36 it is a sign sometimes a warning sometimes guideline. fear is only entertainment. fear is the ever evolving creation of human nurture.
so why 36 well 360 is a circle and if you... more...

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RE: answers for 36

by Anonymous - 9/26/17 3:33 PM
You have a Facebook. Hit me up Johnny Lafayette on Facebook. We think too much alike to not be friends

RE: answers for 36

by I-am-T - 12/19/17 1:02 AM
Thanks K and J, but especially K for your insight. I have already started to see the changes, but it is hard to stay on the path, that leads away from this current reality, but we'll get there. "No wink or a smile, the stripes are also gone, the letters come and go and only me is in my mind, we move faster and faster, just like time, but to where to? Questions never lead to an answer"

RE: answers for 36

by Anonymous - 12/29/17 12:19 AM
I've seen 36 many times and I know many truth's about this world because of what I have seen how can I reach you?

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36, 316, 666, 111, 1134

by Skipp - 9/10/11 4:21 PM
I see these numbers all the time. Everywhere. On everything. I don't let the fear of what others want me to feel interfere. I'm constantly leaving and arriving at my destinations when 36 is on the clock or on the dashboard. Mileage, distance to empty, etc.

The last 4 digits of my girlfriend's number are 3636. We always text each other when 36 is on the clock. We work at a store and the store's number is 1134 and she works in dept 72. 36+36=72.

I started noticing this 36 stuff when my mind became aware of more things. After I read books that revealed the truth about our God. It feels so good to me knowing that there are others out there experiencing this. The stories on here have touched me and I hope mine does the same for you. Stay positive my friends and don’t let the fear overtake you.

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RE: 36, 316, 666, 111, 1134

by ZenOfMakaveli - 8/22/17 9:43 PM
I have thoughts on a few of your numbers but the one ill mention is 1 1 3 4.

That is hEll backwards.

1134 hE11

The opposite of hell is heaven of course, so that is one potential conclusion.

1134th minute of the day is 6:54 PM

AKA 18:54

This is 306 minutes before the end of the current day/start if next one.

1134 & 3_6 fit together like puzzle pieces.

306 minutes is 5 hours & 6 minutes.

5 & 3 can be seen as interchangable at times as the 5th letter of the Alphabet is E & this is 3 looking in a mirror.

306th day of the year is November 2nd & 211 is a number both mystical & close 2 god ( intelligent design source )

One thing about 211 .....

FLIGHT 175 on 9/11

175th minute is 2:55

On a clock 2:55 is Short Hand on the 2 and long hand on the 11.

RE: Mother

by Anonymous - 7/20/17 1:06 PM
Cosmic number...special...

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What should I do ?

by Prem - 7/19/17 4:21 AM
This number 36 is following me from my school days. My roll no was 36. In college my roll no. 36, my friends roll no. Was 36. My bike number ends in 36. My office id starts with 36 and my cooking gas number is 36. It got me intrigued.

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RE: What should I do ?

by Anonymous - 7/20/17 1:05 PM
It is a sacred number...auspicious


by AK - 6/19/17 4:25 AM
Has anybody figured this out yet? I have had this experience for the last 3 months or so. At first i didn't make anything of it. Kept seeing it in my car and on my cell phone. Every time i checked my phone i keep seeing an hour and :36. It happens at least 2-4 times a day. I know for sure know this can't be a coincidence, but I don't have a clue what it stands for and what does God want me to know. I have been praying about it. Hopefully i will receive an answer. If anybody has any info please share.

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by bigman - 6/13/17 3:52 AM
I saw no 36 in my left hand that's why I searched for the meanings and stoped seeking here

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