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answers for 36

by · i · am · K · - 7/01/12 10:37 PM
you all ask the same question, you all know the answer to however your human conscious mind won't believe it so it remains an unanswered question. 36 is the source, creator, god. one small mistake humans make is the concept of categorization; example african american, asian american, white american ect. when in reality they are all simply humans. god is the devil the devil is god. man makes negative correlations to the unknown, from sea monsters, hell in the afterlife, alien attack enslavement of man, to 2012 end of the world. what you all must realize is that you are not human beings, rather spiritual beings having a human experience. as soon as you are born you start dying so this can't be the real life, this is only your experience. your soul is energy and we all know energy can't die or be created, only transferred. when you see 36 it is a sign sometimes a warning sometimes guideline. fear is only entertainment. fear is the ever evolving creation of human nurture.
so why 36 well 360 is a circle and if you haven't realized it this world works because it is balanced. stop looking at this world as a beautiful mistake through evolution but as a creation by a higher being. then think of this world as a giant math equation balanced perfectly through numbers. don't believe me? try changing any of the elements in the equation of earth. stop the rotation we would burn. move it closer to the sun life would die. remove the moon, just think water boils the same, humans have synonymous body heat temperatures. look at 2012 the end of the 5th cycle of the 26,000 years. cool example who won't he nba finals???? the Miami heat in what game game 5 who won it? dwane wade #3 lebron #6 HEAT =energy even cooler all of the american powerhouse cities have a ring new york GIANTS has superbowl la KINGS has the stanley cup and miami has the championship. stop assuming negative and fearing the unknown. 2012 is the last year but it won't end negative. more a intellectual revolution man's eyes will be opened. 36 is a key in the life equation if you see it consider yourself blessed and one of the few. even in judaism they have the 36 righteous ones. you are the aides of the source your job is to make your fellow man POSITIVE.

one man mentioned the pineal gland listen to that man for he is very right. you assume the opposite to life is death however death is merely the absence of life not antithesis. as there is no such thing as cold it is the absence of heat since it can only get -458° until reaching absolute zero. the opposite of life is your dream world. conscious and subconcious two lives controlled the pineal gland. your subconscious mind is the true self, the self that doesn't die, the self that is with the source.

36 is EVERYWHERE look at a triangle 3 sides 60° each, shocker the pyramids are throughout the world? or why is the obelisk in the center of every major human civilization? Washington monument, Vatican, Paris they all have one but why? just know it is the key. just know the religion is considered by the commons as true, the wise as false and the rulers as useful. did you know the big bang theory was created by a catholic priest georges lemaître why would they do that create genesis and the standard for the physics model. simple to have 100% of human mind belief. There are two science or religion and they created both. why? look up double slit experiment. it is the only known loophole in quantem mechanics matter is only as it is to the observer. so if you have 7 billion people observing existence in your way, you own the world.

your conscious self has been polluted by human nurture, think not of the man made schooled institution rather think of the real school the school you attend everyday, the school that puts your mind at ease when in a bad mood. this school is called "dream" the biological school. every night you go there for knowledge, you might not understand all its lessons but your subconscious does the driving force for your humanity your "soul" if you will. think not of the man made institutions for they don't follow you after death, think of government as one man's theory of human civilization that he also received from the biological school. worry only about your biological lessons and you too will cultivate a plan to sustain your mental happiness.

· i · am · K ·

11 Replies: Post a Reply

RE: answers for 36

by Anonymous - 7/04/12 5:57 PM
ive been seeing 36 for about three years now and im sick of it, it wont leave me alone, i will be 36 in august and am concerned for my welfare for this year. i also see 636, 363 etc on reciepts to digital clocks.

RE: answers for 36

by · i · am · K · - 7/06/12 8:29 AM
you are seeing it because the change is coming. don't be scared fear is a bad mutation of human nurture. feel lucky that you see this number many people would wish to be in your shoes. You have been chosen for a purpose may it be to exude positive energy and affect souls around you

RE:answers for 36

by iamJ - 5/23/14 11:56 AM
so K, i know I'm two years late and i know you won't see my message after all, just for you know, in case you walk past by this website again.. well,I was literally asked to be sent here , not only for the experiences I'm about to have or already have, but also to help people to not forgetting who they really were . If they keep forgetting, how are they supposed to recreating their spirits and being a full spirits of love? I mean i know darkness and stuff was the part of experiencing,but if they still under the state where they're all zombies to the whole system , how could they possibly learn and observe , instead of being dolls and being brainwashed all over again. I'm still so young and with all of this knowledge i could get lost easily, i really want a community to start this whole mission, even seeing your comment like this, is not a coincidence. Its just , like the universe start to pulling everything that i am, into who i really am, so please , i dont care if you're two years late the same as i am, i hope you read this and help me to get my way here to finish my mission here on earth.

Love and peace,

RE: answers for 36

by Anonymous - 4/13/15 9:15 AM
hey you text me

RE:answers for 36

by H.A.R. - 5/23/15 8:28 PM
Ill take my own life if i keep living like this. I want an answer, i want to know what should i do, 36 is everywhere

RE:answers for 36

by James - 3/10/16 7:22 AM
Two Score Says Blessed is the number Thirty Six. Two Score says Thirty Six is a number that comes from the Throne of God and should be welcomed it is after all the number of creation. Two Score says this is a number that even time can not escape from it is from the Throne of God and our very days and nights,month's and years are formed off of Thirty Six is from the Throne of God it is creation. Two Score loves the Father and knows when he comes,prepare those of you who love the Father and wait for the End. Two Score Word of God.

RE: answers for 36

by false beliefs...detrimental to eternal life - 3/24/17 12:29 PM
God is NOT the devil. Have you ever even read the Bible? God is light, there is no darkness in Him. Einstein spoke best of an explanation when he said darkness does not exist. It cannot be measured as light can. It was made known when God created light by doing such He made darkness. He did not CREATE darkness though. Same principle applies to cold and evil. Also, 36 is the true Jewish Gematria total for tzaddik which means (in the utmost meaning of the words) righteous ones. These would be people like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob/Israel, Joseph, Moses, and of course Jesus.

RE: answers for 36

by false beliefs...detrimental to eternal life - 3/24/17 12:39 PM
God is NOT the devil. Have you ever even read the Bible? God is light, there is no darkness in Him. Einstein spoke best of an explanation when he said darkness does not exist. It cannot be measured as light can. It was made known when God created light by doing such He made darkness. He did not CREATE darkness though. Same principle applies to cold and evil. Also, 36 is the number of tzaddikim which means (in the utmost meaning of the words) righteous ones, walking the Earth at all times to keep the foundation stable for all who dwell here. These would be people like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob/Israel, Joseph, Moses, and of course Jesus. Please consider my correction-I was just looking at gematria and got mixed in my comment, my apologies. But God is NOT the devil. There is only good in Him.

RE: answers for 36

by Anonymous - 9/26/17 3:33 PM
You have a Facebook. Hit me up Johnny Lafayette on Facebook. We think too much alike to not be friends

RE: answers for 36

by I-am-T - 12/19/17 1:02 AM
Thanks K and J, but especially K for your insight. I have already started to see the changes, but it is hard to stay on the path, that leads away from this current reality, but we'll get there. "No wink or a smile, the stripes are also gone, the letters come and go and only me is in my mind, we move faster and faster, just like time, but to where to? Questions never lead to an answer"

RE: answers for 36

by Anonymous - 12/29/17 12:19 AM
I've seen 36 many times and I know many truth's about this world because of what I have seen how can I reach you?

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