Well, I have NEVER looked at a number for it's meaning. There are the obvious 3, 8, 13.... and on. But this year I am 63. Why am I even looking this number up when 62 didn't matter either?
63. It is hard to be sixty three. Knowing that the others are ahead and I'll be OLDER!!!!! Why does a 63 matter?
RE: birthday numeral
by Anonymous - 7/30/17 4:07 PM
Strange...I have never thought about my age. Numbers are just that; but I needed to see what the number 63 represents for some unknown reason. Like others on this link, I didnt look up #62, but #63 seems different then the previous ages that I've lived. I would like to know what this overwhelming feeling might be. Not fear, not excitement, not anxious. Feels more like a collective unconscious calling to me about #63. Hummmm......
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birthday numeral
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RE: birthday numeral
by kathryn - 5/31/15 6:53 AMRE: birthday numeral
by Anonymous - 7/30/17 4:07 PMRead all 87 comments »
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