4 Comments for Comment on all the comments on relating 88 to violence and the first murder Cain and Able

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Comment on all the comments on relating 88 to violence and the first murder Cain and Able

by Mark UK June 2011 - 6/30/11 2:43 AM
When looking at any numerology and metaphysical stuff you often find what you look for, as we are co-creators 0f our own realities and we have a certain amount of freewill so we can CHOOSE how we see the meaning of the numbers, the numbers themselves are just numbers just as rain is rain and energy is energy, however our personality ego perspective of a number depends upon our "programming" (glass half empty, glass half full). Rain is rain there is no such thing as bad weather, if you plant potatoes you want rain if you want a barbecue and it rains you say the weather is bad.
Extreme weather is viewed as extreme because we insist on going about our normal daily business against the flow of nature when really we should be out of there or stay away or in doors, and when houses and cars are damaged we are distressed because of the ego personality attachment to material objects and money and to measure our success or how happy we persuade ourselves we are. Symbolism of 88 includes a reminder of duality (we live in a world that we perceive as good and evil, positive negative, black and white, fear and love etc etc) and when we read that Cain killed able (twins) that is symbolically reminding us that duality ends and is ending now as we approach the end of a great cycle. Accessing this information occurs many ways and is part of a number sequence which includes all double numbers 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99, and any reader of european history in moderate depth will see the numbers, the entry level is noticing that the Norman Invasion of England took place in Oct 1066, (10 10 66) and the Allied Invasion of Normandy occurred on 0606 1944 (66, 44) The battle at Hastings (at the Village called Battle) was defended by Harold Godwinson (King Harold II) so Harold Fought at Hasting so HH 88. For military anoraks the Germans prime defence of Normandy was carried out using their far superior 88 mm guns in their Tiger Tanks and Flak batteries used in ground defence role, also note the duality of TT in Tiger Tanks and the abbreviation mm for millimetre. TT can be followed to the Isle of Man TT motorcycle race and Manx Grand Prix, where the symbol of the Island is the 3 legged swastika, also portrayed as the triple spiral or triangle in many different points in human history. So all these things are designed to help you to remember who you really are and that what you perceive as reality is not complete, only the tip of the iceburg (88 % is below water) you are much greater than what you think you are, and so is reality, we have created a kind of 5 sense based limited reality where we are seperate and things happen to me and people do things to me so it is all out there, when really the truth is buried in side you, and example of hidden in plain sight ( where do you hide something from someone, inside them or right in front of them, the last place they think of looking)
The whole Nazi thing was the universes way of keeping certain things in the conscious mind, the colours red black and white, the swastika, the letters HH, the numbers 88, the Star of David etc etc, go on the journey and the more you travel and look the more you will find, but if you stop at 666 and Adolf Hitler then that is what you get!!! The number 666 goes back way before the New Testament, and is originally the number of the Male Gold Solar energy, and relates to the Solar Plexus area of the abdomen, the yellow chakra which is the seat of the intuitive second brain (gut instinct), remember the Bible was originally written at points in human history when it was a male (patriarchal society and female energy was suppressed and declared evil hence ST George slaying the dragon, which represents the pagan earth tribal feminine worship of the divine, the dragon energies and dragon lines of FengShui, Ley Energy Lines etc etc), so yes the number of the beast is the male dominace of the female energy and values, the rape and dehumanisation of the feminine and woman for thousands of years, as actually the Solar Gold 666 is meant to be in harmony with the Lunar Silver of 333 making 999. Interesting that the word feminine is spelt femi/Nine. Hope this rambling makes sense, and will end with armistice day which is 11 AM on 11 Nov so 11 11 11 when we remember them , when the real message is REMEMBER (RE-MEMBER) put your self together and remember who you really are and why you came here!!!!! Love and Light (9/11) Mark

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RE: Comment on all the comments on relating 88 to violence and the first murder Cain and Able

by Anonymous - 6/03/12 10:43 PM
Hi Mark,

Great work, thanks for wondeful insight, however i believe things that cannot be explained does not mean that they do not exist. You are correct in many ways but it starts the discussion are we really helusinating or perceving something else or may be both. I am suffering from number 77 and sometimes 78, i tried to evaluate myself from both points but never got any satisfatory answer. I am on the verge of getting crazy. I have lost so much and so dear ones that i find it difficult to trust anyone. I have lost my ground, sense of reality. To me everything looks same. I am always for answers in everythinb, from numbes to events, patterns, peples , normal hoardings, plant, trees, books, weather, things that happen in a day. Numerology, astrology, statics, science. I am restless i need something to feed my mind, i need information to keep myself content. I have answers of most of the thing one would ask, psychological disorders and treatment. I feel relaxed when i help others but that doesn't pay so i do what i hate.
I want peace, i wanna relax can anyone help? I always help others but it seems like no one is capable to help me.

RE:Comment on all the comments on relating 88 to violence and the first murder Cain and Able

by mr magdalene xp - 11/10/12 2:24 AM
great minds think alike ....the connections between incidents are like a trail of bread crumbs or carrots ...certain names letters and numbers literally seem to travel across time ....for those who can't sleep at night worried about the world and its problems and what humans do to one another....i'm not a fan of the rock gospel show jesus christ superstar as it portrays mary magdalene as a prostitute and she certainly wasn't....but there is a song in there called " everythings alright " some of the lyrics are " we want you to sleep well tonight let the world turn without you tonight" just chill and relax you are not alone, humanity is having growing pains and there are other enlightened humans on the case....there are some TOP people in in all the right places. stop watching the news , don't buy newspapers . you will be in a far better mental state to help fix your own little part of the world after a good nights sleep and in a less worried state ....go and watch stargate atlantis or star trek or dr WHO or PAUL something..........THINK COSMICALLY WORK LOCALLY ........martin has left the building ...AND I HAVE A MESSAGE OFF GOD FOR YOU..........SHE SAYS TO TELL YOU " ~~~ REMEMBER YOUR DIVINITY~~~"

RE: Comment on all the comments on relating 88 to violence and the first murder Cain and Able

by Anonymous - 9/11/22 2:46 PM
Nah... Cain is an offspring of the "serpent". Adam knew this and later in the Bible when speaking about his sons he does not include Cain.

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