I have noticed for the last 10 years that 26 is always poppiing up in my life. I knew it had a meaning and I have been serching high and low for some answers. For example my birthday is July 26 and on my 26th birthday I was 26 weeks pregnet. Just reciently I was deep in thought about issues in my life ( this was at 3ish in the afternoon) when I heard my coffee maker turn on. I got up to check out what was going on my coffee maker time said 7:26 ( my birthday ). I knew it was a message. I just had asked a spiritual lady what all this could possible mean and she said that they are message and to pay close attention to your thoughts when this number accures. I don't believe it is a sinister force at all so we should all be glad and embrace these messages.
The number 26 means alot to me beacause all 3 of my sons were born on the 26th; may 26, 2005, december 26th 2007 and january 26th 2011. And with my last son he was a scheduled c-section for feb. 1st, and i've never gone into labor before but he fought for the 26th.
RE: Getting answers!
by King - 4/02/11 10:25 PM
Hey I was born on the 26th of January as well. I was born early too. They tried to keep me in but lo and behold I fought to get out and I did. There is something weird about being born on the 26th. Something that seperates you from the regular things inlife,pusshes you to commune with God, and constantly urges you to search for the embetterment of all human kind. It's not fun by any means. It's alienating to say the least, but I must say that that the journey is full of new revelations all the time. And if I ever accomplish what it is I seek, it will be worth it. Be good to your son born January 26th. If he is anything like me, especially with his Aquarius tendencies, he will be more than a handfull. But he will keep you in awe when he reveals his inner dreams.
And just like others. I have been in that place inbetween wakefulness and sleep. Where the mind produces the imagery of your innermost thoughts and desires, and sometimes there is a force that threatens to seperate you from existence itself and you claw back to reality lest you lose yourself.
Good times!
RE: Getting answers!
by JEL - 4/22/11 10:43 PM
so weird. i was born on 1.26.87 and i've always thought i was different from everyone in some way but i couldnt pin point it. my mom told me that when she was pregnant with me she started having health problems and i guess when i was born she had complications or something. she told me this when i was young and it made me feel bad. i had a rough childhood and i spent most of my life feeling lost and constantly trying to find happiness because of my unfortunate childhood. i found myself always trying to fit in with different groups of people and through those different groups there were certain individuals that i would "click" with more than others and i always wondered why. a friend told me that something will happen on my 26th birthday. (or maybe my 25th? i cant clearly recall) ever since i was told that, part of me wanted to find out why and what could possibly happen. i got so into it that i guess it got to the point where it started to drive me crazy? i noticed that the people in my life that were born on the 26th had a very strong connection with me. its like we all have a certain understanding with a lot of things. i noticed i have strong connections with people who are born on the 25th or 27th also. its so weird because sometimes i get this warm overwhelming feeling inside and at the same time i get goosebumps. it happens a lot when im at church (im catholic) or if i start speaking about spiritual or soulful things. it even happens when i listen to certain songs that have meaning in my life. theres something about january 26 and the "age of aquarius". im not sure exactly whats going to happen but all i have to say is try to clear out all the "bad" stuff in your life. i've been through a lot in my life and made bad decisions that led me somewhere where i never thought i would end up. at the same time it was a blessing in disguise because if all the "bad" stuff that happened in my past didnt happen, i wouldnt have found myself again. I stopped going to church for a long time but, when I started going again I started feeling those warm sensations inside and I would even start to cry because the feeling was so intense, in a good way. sometimes God is just testing us for us to learn and realize how precious life is. for those of you who are afraid, don't be. i have a feeling something good is going to happen.
RE: Getting answers!
by I knew there were others! - 11/30/12 8:39 AM
I just read about 30 comments regarding the # 26. My birthday is also July 26 and FYI: so is Mick Jagger, if you didn't already know. I have had a very odd experience with the #'s 26, 726, 226,227, 776, 13 and a few more...... born 7/26/67 I find 13 to be a prevelant # in my life..... Some what of a curse I feel, but I have hope and faith of the opposite. Life has been difficult lately, oh the past 3 years or so, which ironically was when i started being aware of the significance of my birthday #'s..... but primarily the significance of # 26. since i have been bombarded with weird occurances of these #'s... poping up in my life daily. One instance of many include buying the board game Taboo @ walmart @ the request of my son... the price tag read 26.67 26/2 = 13 6+7 = 13....... I see by chance 7:26 on the clock almost daily, as well as 1:13 and 2:26,... may be a subconscience thing, I don't know, but its weird. I have attempted to clear my mind of it all but to no avail. How should I take all this? in the past 3 years,I was diagnosed with type 2 insulin dep diabeted, my business failed (after 13 years), went to jail on 6/20, I have been through drug and alcohol rehab, facing bankrupsy and losing my home to forclosure. I hope God has something positive for my 12 year old Son, whom I adore more than anything in this world. I am hopefully coming out of my depression soon to fight hard and get back on track.
RE: Getting answers!
by Anonymous - 2/22/13 12:40 PM
January 26th too, 1980! I think it is very special indeed, I am very much Aquarius, but then some. That place between awake and asleep - I visit all the time, I used to be scared of it but I have learned to try to listen. There are amazing things there but they can be scary. I sometimes hear the most amazing indescribable music there. I get the symptoms of what some people refer to as "The Wench" however I never feel as if there is a Wench with me, but I am paralyzed and feel I may separate from reality ultimately passing away and have to fight to come back to my body only finally waking up to see with my physical eyes and relieved to be alive. What is this. I never hear anyone else talk about it. Back on point, 26 is everywhere and I feel there is something very significant to it! Be blessed
RE: Getting answers!
by Alexander - 4/29/13 7:20 PM
You are absolutely right! I use it as a guide & if you keep your mind positive towards it then you will learn to see the signs.
RE: Getting answers!
by Ade - 5/16/18 6:58 AM
I had to comment as I also have my birthday on the 26th July! My obsession with 26 comes from my mum and as long as I can remember 26 has been so so important for me - crazy thing is I've never doubted it! My Mum was 26 when she had me on the 26th - at 12.26pm (saw the birth certificate), My grandma sadly passed when she was just 26, I met my wife on the 26th, bought my wife an engagement ring without realising there was 26 diamonds in it... got married on the 26th (lol why wouldn't I!) and then.... My daughter is born on the 26th December - 2016 (tenuous on the year but it still has 26 in it!) Love the fact I'm not alone on this! LOVE THIS NUMBER! Ha!
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Getting answers!
by Courtney - 2/09/11 12:45 PM7 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: Getting answers!
by Anonymous - 2/13/11 11:35 AMRE: Getting answers!
by King - 4/02/11 10:25 PMRE: Getting answers!
by JEL - 4/22/11 10:43 PMRE: Getting answers!
by I knew there were others! - 11/30/12 8:39 AMRE: Getting answers!
by Anonymous - 2/22/13 12:40 PMRE: Getting answers!
by Alexander - 4/29/13 7:20 PMRE: Getting answers!
by Ade - 5/16/18 6:58 AMRead all 387 comments »
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