3 Comments for i am followed by 27, born on 28, mother on 29

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i am followed by 27, born on 28, mother on 29

by estrena - 1/03/25 5:36 PM
like the title suggests i was born on the 28th of march, my mom on the 29th... but growing up i have seen 27 everywhere (on buses, stairs, car license plates, the time, shows/movies, building numbers, and fortune cookies etc..) its always been there, but every time i see it i get scared..somethings not right about it like its warning me. I'm very close to 28 too, i feel safe with 28 like I'm ok but i rarely if ever see it. my personal meaning to them is they act like yin and yand, black and white, dark and light. they are a ever occuring reminder of balance. when i was in an abusive relationship it would be everywhere, he started to notice it too. im still trying to be better for myself maybe then ill see 28.

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RE: i am followed by 27, born on 28, mother on 29

by estrana - 1/03/25 5:38 PM
i just noticed i was the 720th comment,, strange

RE: i am followed by 27, born on 28, mother on 29

by Anonymous - 1/09/25 11:04 PM
I’ve been searching the interest for someone who relates with me. I have had the number 27 follow me in insane ways. A lot similar to yours like license plates, certain things happen on the 27th, I see the time at 27, movies, buildings, you name it. I document a lot of it but some are so bizarre. I’ve always thought it was a warning. It’s also protection. I think God is trying to tell me something and I’ve been trying to decipher it. There’s so many relations with 27 and the Bible that blow my mind. I’ve don’t a lot of research because of how active it is in my life and I think God is trying to warn me of his second coming.

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