like the title suggests i was born on the 28th of march, my mom on the 29th... but growing up i have seen 27 everywhere (on buses, stairs, car license plates, the time, shows/movies, building numbers, and fortune cookies etc..) its always been there, but every time i see it i get scared..somethings not right about it like its warning me. I'm very close to 28 too, i feel safe with 28 like I'm ok but i rarely if ever see it. my personal meaning to them is they act like yin and yand, black and white, dark and light. they are a ever occuring reminder of balance. when i was in an abusive relationship it would be everywhere, he started to notice it too. im still trying to be better for myself maybe then ill see 28.
I’ve been searching the interest for someone who relates with me. I have had the number 27 follow me in insane ways. A lot similar to yours like license plates, certain things happen on the 27th, I see the time at 27, movies, buildings, you name it. I document a lot of it but some are so bizarre. I’ve always thought it was a warning. It’s also protection. I think God is trying to tell me something and I’ve been trying to decipher it. There’s so many relations with 27 and the Bible that blow my mind. I’ve don’t a lot of research because of how active it is in my life and I think God is trying to warn me of his second coming.
3 Comments for i am followed by 27, born on 28, mother on 29
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i am followed by 27, born on 28, mother on 29
by estrena - 1/03/25 5:36 PM2 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: i am followed by 27, born on 28, mother on 29
by estrana - 1/03/25 5:38 PMRE: i am followed by 27, born on 28, mother on 29
by Anonymous - 1/09/25 11:04 PMRead all 721 comments »
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