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I saw 88 in my sleep this morning !

by Tess - 12/09/19 5:13 PM
First of all I am a born again believer of Jesus Christ, Amen.

I awoke this am after seeing 88 in my dream/vision.

There was also a symbol to the left side of the 88 . Obviously I can not draw it here.


5 Replies: Post a Reply

RE: I saw 88 in my sleep this morning !

by Anonymous - 2/06/20 5:47 AM
Me too. Just this morning it was like a vision! I am looking for answers

RE: I saw 88 in my sleep this morning !

by Chelsea - 9/04/20 4:50 AM
I had a end time dream and when I woke I saw 88:88 flashing before me aswell. I am a believer in Christ, I saw this aswell i was half awake so.i believe it was a vision not a dream .

RE:I saw 88 in my sleep this morning !

by David T. - 9/06/20 10:08 PM
I also am a believer in Christ. I just saw the #88 repeated 4 times in TV...i.e.commercials, weather forecasts, promotions. That's the 1st time I've seen 88 repeated. Its usually other #s like 13,31, 11:11, 1s and 4s

RE: I saw 88 in my sleep this morning !

by Tess - 6/10/21 10:05 AM
Ok this is June 10th 2021 and I awoke with the number 88 again , I saw it standing , then lying down. Thank you all for responding, I honestly didn't know people had replied!

So I looked and it said 88 was a symbol of the Cross ??

Thoughts, God bless everyone reading this .

RE: I saw 88 in my sleep this morning !

by Anonymous - 10/06/22 6:01 AM
It's a message draw the symbol and take a picture or it in you phone and research what the meaning of the symbol is and how it corresponds to the meaning of 88. Yah Bless

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