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by Joe - 3/27/17 5:01 PM
Somehow, the number sixty-four creeps its way in to every day of my life, every waking hour. Every news broadcast, fortune cookie, video game, every single area, contains this ubiquitous numeral. It's even in my dreams! I have no idea why this is here, but were the comments true, at least I'm a Latin-knowing thirteen-year-old nerd... DAEMON,ME DECEDE!

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by caitlynn iii - 5/02/21 4:36 AM
64 is based on eight, comes from the Tower of Babel, is found in chess•. For a pawn to promot to a queen it has to go through 7 stages of struggle, there are many initiaton rites all over the world that reveal the eight-step process.The c-board, based on the number 8 totaling 64 squares, likely was used for divination purposes by astrologasters Cush/Nimrod. (Genesis 10)As in Western chess, for pawns making it alive across the trench board is a big deal. True to the nature of upward mobility, running the chess gauntlet and surviving means promotion, prestige and above all, power. “Pawns are ordinary man, attempting to cross the board, through the seven grades of initiation, to reach the eighth square, the goal of the initiate. To attain the eighth state is Paradise Regained, realization, enlightenment, becoming a Mover at Will [Ed., “all-powerful; regal, Queen-like”]. Pawns are ruled by Venus and Mercury, the pair of lovers” (Cooper, J. C., p. 34).
64 mirrors the I-Ching, the Chinese foretelling Book of Changes that too, having 64 square trigrams, is set to eight. The basic Mandala (meditation maps), based on 8 x 8 squares, signifies the “celestial world order established on earth.” Parts of Hindu temples have this mandala recipe built into them as said of shrines to Brahma Prajapati/Prajapathi (Japheth, Noah's son). The term Hindu is a breakaway from the earlier Indus River Civilization farther to the west and closer to Shinar, the older stomping grounds of the clans of Nimrod (Gen. 10.10). Fujiàn white crane’s kung fu, 8-step kata is also a 3-D Mandala with Hindu god ties, all strong Noahic correlations.
Crane dances found in ancient Greece have eight steps, the ninth being a kick of sorts , same is found in the Okinawan karate kata called nahanchi/naihanchicrane dance mode, kodoryu karate and k-fu Sensei Nathan Johnson (p. 134) writes:

White Crane is a general term used to denote all crane-imitating boxing. Interestingly, in ancient Mediterranean culture, there existed a so-called Crane-Dance, said to mimic the courting habits of the crane. The dance consisted of nine steps and one leap (Naha Sanchin generally takes nine forward steps). The dance was also meant to represent the circles made by the crane’s coiling and uncoiling (Sanchin Section 3). In Robert Graves’ The White Goddess, we find the descriptive and poetic lines

The crane must aye
Take nine steps ere she flie [fly].

as do kung fu crane forms shoring a single origin source

. What does all this crane-snake and dance hijinks info have to say about East-West kung-fu connections? Check out Jackie Chan’s film Snake and Crane Arts of Shaolin (1978), where everybody is after him for the coveted book, Eight Steps of the Snake and Crane, best wishes, cait study hard

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