Properties of the number 64





Last modification: December 19, 1998

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110 Comments for Number 64 Symbolism, 64 Meaning and Numerology

Comment on Number 64 Symbolism, 64 Meaning and Numerology

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by Anonymous - 12/01/24 9:55 AM
I think it means freedom.
Free domain.
When we are at completion, 64, which adds up to 10 or 1 and 0, which is binary code and said to be the basis of all the universe, we can have free domain. Which means we aren’t tied down to anyone or anything and we can realm the world(s) freely :)

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Trying to understand it...

by Jamie - 2/01/24 3:30 PM
I always, always see this number. I have, for years, associated it with something dark, foreboding, and threatening. I was afraid it meant something terrible; yet, it seems to have mostly positive meanings. I wish I knew what it really meant or whether I'm noticing it only for my fear...

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RE: Trying to understand it...

by Hope Yisrael - 6/01/24 10:11 PM
Good number . It is Truth ? 6 is the number of man abd 4 is the dalet ( Door) in Hebrew . Jesus is the Door , as He is the way to the Father . No other Way . 64 . Represents God created man in His image. The image is His Belovef Son Yahusha Messiah ( Jesus Christ ) being the door to Truth .GOD and man are reconciled back to the beginning by the atonement of Jesus Christ blood . For sinners . We all have sinned and need a redeemer / Savior to bring us home to our Creator . One GOD who is Spirit and Truth . That truth is Jesus Christ . Yahusha Messiah .

I don't know

by Brian - 12/27/23 8:20 PM
I don't know why my number is special. I was born in 1964. The number 64 comes up all the time. God brought me back to life as an infant, after an accident. He called my name, and showed me things in heaven. God put the holy spirit on me, and saved my life 20-30 times now. When I stopped breathing in my sleep, I met God briefly. Does he like me?

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RE: I don't know

by Hope - 6/01/24 10:01 PM
The one True GOD loves you ‘ You are chosen of your your generation . Be still and know Yah . He is saying , to be still is to trust in Him . Wait and surrender your will to His will . You are a spirit being with a soul , living in a body . Your body is the dwelling place of His Spirit Obey His commandments . I understand . He called me by name ? Showed Homself to me and saved me from death ,

Most importantly...

by Meryine - 11/19/18 6:06 PM
64 is the "God number" - the seed of life and the universe. See 64 crystal tetrahedron, flower of life,. etc.
Most importantly:
• 64 tetrahedrons: the fundamental seed geometry of the fabric of the vacuum of spacetime itself…
• 64 things are needed to be able to approach the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord according to the 2 copper scrolls found among 300 Dead Sea Scrolls. - Look up Nassim Haramein and his theories.
• 64 is encoded in the description of the Tetragrammaton in the Hebrew Bible, which is the 4-letter theonym YHWH meaning God in Hebrew.

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RE: Most importantly...

by Anonymous - 12/27/23 8:17 PM
I was born in 1964, and God has been in my life from the beginning. He brought me back to life, called my name, showed me things in heaven. I met him when I stopped breathing in my sleep. He is real. He put the holy spirit on me in the 4th grade. God saved my life 20-30 times now.

Blueprint of creation

by Asha - 4/03/19 10:20 AM
PreVedic text from 13,000 BC describes the 8x8 mandala (64 pandas) as the blueprint of creation. 5 waves eminate from the Bindu point (singularity) to create this 8x8 grid, then holographically project (without gap or overlap) to create the physical universe. This knowledge is the foundation of the Vedas and later (6000 years ago) the Toaist and Asian cultures. The flower of life is born from this blueprint as the emanation begins to spin. Zarathustra designed the chess game to show the dynamic forces of the universe and their movements. Nassim Haramein is re establishing this knowledge through his current physics theories.

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RE: Blueprint of creation

by Anonymous - 7/07/23 6:52 PM
Awesome, thanks for the detailed answer, I learned something new

64 symbolism

by Nikky - 11/16/21 2:26 PM
I find it interesting that the gematria of 'Israel' and Zion is 64.Also mirror number of the 46 chromosomes that humans have

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by Anonymous - 10/10/21 12:49 PM
Read on "the # 64 wisdom portal" travels back BC true to this day by the calender of Enoc

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Victorious Christians

by Of Christ - 10/10/21 12:24 PM
As biblical

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RE: Victorious Christians

by Anonymous - 10/10/21 12:35 PM
This began bC of faith in Christ in the wildernes fed to the Isrealites manna. Faith in the future Messsiah from God. With God's human advocate to translate before the Holy Spirit. As it is written

i ching 64 hexagrams

by rachel Toon - 4/25/16 8:35 AM
Perhaps the 64 hexagrams in the I Ching could be included here

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RE: i ching 64 hexagrams

by Anonymous - 5/17/21 8:12 AM
chess and the I-ching ccome from the same source - biblicsal cush, math wizard chess used asdearly divination computer.cush is aka "“The Numberer” or “Arithmetician,” he using this knowledge and more to lead men on to become king, “Now, Hermes (that is Cush) is said to have ‘first discovered numbers, and the art of reckoning, geometry, and astronomy, the games of chess and hazard’” (The Two Babylons, Alexander Hislop, p. 95).

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Historical Significanc of the #64. Was it a final # before the Romans introduced 100??

by Nancy Main - 7/17/19 7:42 PM
See Subject above. My question about the # 64 being used by ?? in pre Roman (i.e. any culture using 100) times.

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RE: Historical Significanc of the #64. Was it a final # before the Romans introduced 100??

by Anonymous - 5/17/21 8:07 AM
book 'martial arts on noah's ark covers the subject intensively


by Joe - 3/27/17 5:01 PM
Somehow, the number sixty-four creeps its way in to every day of my life, every waking hour. Every news broadcast, fortune cookie, video game, every single area, contains this ubiquitous numeral. It's even in my dreams! I have no idea why this is here, but were the comments true, at least I'm a Latin-knowing thirteen-year-old nerd... DAEMON,ME DECEDE!

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by caitlynn iii - 5/02/21 4:36 AM
64 is based on eight, comes from the Tower of Babel, is found in chess•. For a pawn to promot to a queen it has to go through 7 stages of struggle, there are many initiaton rites all over the world that reveal the eight-step process.The c-board, based on the number 8 totaling 64 squares, likely was used for divination purposes by astrologasters Cush/Nimrod. (Genesis 10)As in Western chess, for pawns making it alive across the trench board is a big deal. True to the nature of upward mobility, running the chess gauntlet and surviving means promotion, prestige and above all, power. “Pawns are ordinary man, attempting to cross the board, through the seven grades of initiation, to reach the eighth square, the goal of the initiate. To attain the eighth state is Paradise Regained, realization, enlightenment, becoming a Mover at Will [Ed., “all-powerful; regal, Queen-like”]. Pawns are ruled by Venus and Mercury, the pair of lovers” (Cooper, J. C., p. 34).
64 mirrors the I-Ching, the Chinese foretelling... more...


by OkotSolomon. Ug - 1/18/20 12:01 PM
Number 64 means marriage. 8 for man times 8 for woman equals 64
Why 8. This number stands for new beginning in Hebrews that's the Bible. Man leaves his father and mother and begins a new home. He is joined to his wife who also leaves her parents for a new beginning.

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RE: 64

by Anonymous - 3/27/20 12:38 AM
2 is the number of woman and 3 is man. 5 is marriage as it represents the opening of the 5th chakra in two temples (7). 8 is more so a spiritual wisdom number of God and the universe


by illuminatiOpress - 11/12/13 4:24 PM
64 = DNA it is best represented by the 64 spaces on a chess board, 32 paces are white (the light) and 32 spaces are black (the dark) 64 has to do with the battle between good and evil and the control of humanity.

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RE: #64

by Whm55 - 4/14/18 12:51 PM
The light tells a a story

RE: #64

by Anonymous - 3/27/20 12:36 AM
Yes in chess the 64 spaces yet the white represents light and the number 9 as black represents space and the number 0. Balance is having both in creation as light acts upon space. This is also represented in DNA. This is the reason Hebrew gematria recognizes 9 is as 0 and is not a number yet Greek recognizes it is as it’s the combination of all numbers. Hebrew didn’t deny it was a number more so as it is special. Light and space should be the correct terms as light and dark are descriptive characteristics of these two energies.

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by Mandalina - 8/04/19 1:28 AM
I like to read this every time and any time with my family

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by todd - 11/13/18 4:32 PM
64 symbolizes staying at home and accepting that

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Computer screens are multiples of 640 since MS-DOS

by Anonymous - 2/15/18 10:32 PM
MSDOS: 640x480
720p screen: 1280x720 (640*2x720)
1080p screen: 1920x1080 (640*3x1080)

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I see this number everywhere!!! I was also born in 1964

by Diane - 12/11/17 10:54 PM
This is very interesting. I have been seeing this number everywhere for several years and have always wondered about it. Thank you for sharing this information.

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by Anonymous - 9/28/17 7:50 PM
Yup. Even got it tattooed.
Never felt like a bad thing though.. more of something divine

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the meaning of 64

by misree - 1/07/17 4:25 PM
it means that you are in a very dangerous room/bed room because there are dangerous spirits there. it is even more dangerous if you hear a person in your dream saying 64. it also sometimes means that a angel is stuck in hell, or a demon dragged a angel into hell for stupid spichality. if this is happening or happened to you, YOU ARE IN DANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. you will need to go see a Latin demon ghost escaper. good luck Misree.S

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RE: the meaning of 64

by Anonymous - 6/09/17 10:42 AM
I was with some friends goofing around in a house that was supposedly haunted. Had a little battery powered recorder so i kno no one edited/tampered with it to mess with me. The woman who owned the place was reading the temp off, 67, 65, 66.6 she said ohh the temp is 666 in here. I was being a smart ass & asked, oh so what are you trying to say, are you a demon or a satanist? nothing happened. We continued in other parts of the house, nothing at all. When we quit we were listening to what we recorded. A deep older mans voice clearly sayed 64 after i asked that. Didnt sound hostile or angry, just calm & firm. Never understood what it meant. Why would 64 be relevant to a spirit or demon or me?

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64 ?!

by Marek - 8/07/14 9:17 AM
Oh , im happy that im not alone with same problem . I see this number literally everywhere. and im absolutely sure that is not a coincidence.
In Gilliam´s Twelve monkeys they go to hotel , room no. 64 ! two weeks later after i seen this movie i have been in hotel in London and guess which number of room they gave me ?! Every third car i see, has this number on license plate ! just few examples . Who knows what's going on,please contact me knedlajs

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RE: 64 ?!

by John Doe - 5/08/17 9:33 AM
I'm surprised to see that it happens to people all over the world.
Is it happening with other numbers too? Let's say 26. People out there seeing 26 in everyday life again and again? If not we should form a cult.


by Jason - 4/23/17 7:09 AM
I see the number a lot on nickels "1964" ever sense I was hitin the leg by one that flew from a mower in late 90's "Still have it" I'll pull out a handful of change and the first nickel I look at is 64. My girlfriend got a new car a few yrs ago and numbers on the plate were 6466 I recently bought a bike and the plate has 64 and 11 on it "see that one a lot too" doesn't happen al the time. Recently been going through a rough time with my girlfriend and I saw a nickel lying on the floor at work in my area, picked it up and it was 64. What do eat his mean been trying to figure it out for years now.

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i see 64, i am 64

by John - 4/20/17 12:15 AM
ibtoo see 64 everywhere. it started around 2003. my phone number, social number, charges, in movies, if i randomly look somewhere, once i was in a sporting goods store. i walked up to a compass and i picked it up and it was stuck on 64. best i can tell is that it is my number reminding me that every thing happems for a reason and was meant to be.

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by PraSHu - 11/05/15 11:11 AM
i am 16. i face something same like you people. everyday every moment of my life is filled with number 64. phone battery=64,i am chess player square=64, my school roll no was=64 that too 2 times, and many more things are 64. cant understand whats the mystery behind this 64...

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by oh - 4/02/17 8:38 PM

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my dream

by georgy - 11/10/16 10:44 AM
in my dream i sow a women and she tell me a number 64 but i dont know what doesn't mean this number cann you help me

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RE: my dream

by Anonymous - 12/21/16 8:31 AM
I just had a dream last night and that number just was brought to my mind strongly this morning. weird


by Rowland Blair - 4/25/16 4:58 PM
I see this number literally everyday. I have not gone a day without seeing it everywhere everyday for the past 6 years

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RE: Everywhere

by Anonymous - 10/17/16 9:33 AM
I also see it everywhere. I remember when I was telling my friends about it as we were on Ebay shopping for superhero outfits (gosh, long story behind this) initially, they took me as a joke but legitimately, the first outfit to pop up cost $64.

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