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Love , Happiness and Light!

by Micky - 4/16/14 2:45 PM
Im sure a lot of you are realizing the numbers you are seeing are appearing too frequently to just be coincidence. I am soon going to start a blog about the information I have found. I too have seen number sequences starting with 11:11 and then more number sequences appeared as I acknowledged it. We are all apart of something much greater than we know and this is our wake up call. I am here to help and talk with anyone who wants to know.

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RE: Love , Happiness and Light!

by SilverHippie - 4/27/14 12:03 PM
Years ago, this number came to me in a dream. It was in the form of a written instruction: "Remember 88" with a circle drawn around it. I had this dream 42 years ago and it never left me.

RE: Love , Happiness and Light!

by Mr. Payne - 12/22/14 10:41 PM
I began seeing strange number combinations on 11-11-11. The number 333 keeps coming up as well ass 10, 28, 44 and 88. I have since discovered that they are referring to Aten, which is 8 and 10. Amun Ra is 88, and is the international symbol for hate. I have been a scientific minded person and never put much stoch in the supernatural, but the past few years I have been experiencing allot of prophetic dreams. I believe it is a warning from God to beware the 44.

RE:Love , Happiness and Light!

by The Prophet- JC Holy Man Payne - 12/22/14 10:48 PM
I had began studying several languages in my attempt to explain what I was experiencing. I have uncovered a rather disturbing message hidden in the IPA of someone's name. It says," I be Ra, you sin, obey me"! The Renegade 44.

RE: Love , Happiness and Light!

by Anonymous - 3/31/16 3:21 PM
I've been seeing 11:11 all my life, I get it on receipts, 11 cents change, there's always 11 cents lying around in my purses, I see it ALL THE TIME. Of the research I've done, bible number 11 means wisdom. The new age movement has a whole sect of 11 11 people awaiting some kind of ascension. I wonder if you would comment on that. Oh also I know the satanic version of 11 is chaos. 9 was a big number in my childhood and 5 too, that's frightening as I'm from a masonic family and both those numbers 5 and 9 have horrible meanings, I won't elaborate here. Am born again Holy Spirit filled Christian now, humbly, I certainly don't deserve it, but He's given me gifts of "seeing" a seer. And don't write about oh that's demonic, no, in Acts it speaks of a Holy Spirit gift of seer not a psychic. Thank you.

RE:Love , Happiness and Light!

by Ann Marie Ngozi Mackenzie - 2/01/19 9:51 AM
I have been seeing many reocurring numbers for the past 8 yrs. 333, 444,555,777,888. 11:33,11:44,10:10,11:11,12:12.
11:11 I have been seeing everywhere for the past couple yrs. I am a recent survivor of hurricane Michael that devastated the Florida panhandle where I live. I lost my home of 19 yrs in this country. I have lived in the USA for 20 yrs. In the early hours of 10-10-18, the winds were already 75 to 80 miles per hr as Hurricane Michael was getting closer inland. On old Harrison Ave in Panama City Florida,a huge clock was violently thrust to the ground. The time on the clock stopped at exactly 11:11 a.m.
11 symbolizes chaos,judgement warning.
This was NO coincidence. America and the rest of tbe nations, WAKE UP OUT OF YOUR SPIRITUAL SLUMBER!

RE: Love , Happiness and Light!

by Anonymous - 10/12/19 11:03 PM
I was awakened out of a sound sleep to an alarm going off at 6:19 into an open eyed vision to walking into my living room looking at my husband asleep on the couch and the clock said 8:00 the Sun was blinking and the earth quaking. Then my daughter tugs at my shirt and proceeds to tell me she just had a dream that Jesus came to see her to tell her not to be afraid of the things she may see He was coming to stay close to mommy and follow directions. A peculiar people a Royal priesthood. So much more I'd love to share.

RE: Love , Happiness and Light!

by Anonymous - 1/09/20 1:31 AM
I see 11:11 all time as well as 777-444-555 and 111 and 222 and now 88 all the time this all started about 2 years ago and it's just getting more frequent the more I see it and I'm not even going to get started on how many times I see a triangle a day no matter where I am

RE: Love , Happiness and Light!

by Anonymous - 1/09/20 3:49 AM
Are you still there ?

RE: Love , Happiness and Light!

by Anonymous - 3/07/20 9:59 PM
Its Jesus

RE:Love , Happiness and Light!

by Anonymous - 6/27/20 7:38 PM
Well Mickey it would be nice if you would let us know about your blog. Blessings!

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