Only in the current times is that true. In ancient times there were only 10 months, consisting of 28 lunar cycles. We never used to use the sun as the point on which to based out calendar. "Sept" means 7 yet it is the 9th month. "Dec" means 10, yet it is the 12th month. December used to be the 10th Month. July and August were renamed by the Romans in honor of Julius and Augustus. If you wish to calculate things like modern day numbers against ancient calendars, you need to find out how many days have passed since before the calendar was broken. From that you can calculate your true birthday, based on the old/true calendar.
It is especially important when studying ancient dates to use the correct calendar. Many of the bible dates make little sense now because they are thought about in the context of a modern calendar. Use the old calendar and the dates have a completely different meaning.
RE: My bday equals 22!!!
by Anonymous - 8/19/18 12:26 PM
The beginning of the year used to be in March not January hence September and October, the romans changed the dates when they were pitching Christianity heavily.
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My bday equals 22!!!
by $hauna - 9/12/17 12:43 AM2 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: My bday equals 22!!!
by Paul C Allsopp - 10/25/17 2:33 PMRE: My bday equals 22!!!
by Anonymous - 8/19/18 12:26 PMRead all 569 comments »
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