4 Comments for Myth of Ra, 666, and the Mystery of God

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Myth of Ra, 666, and the Mystery of God

by Steve Traverse - 4/06/16 3:26 AM
The statue of Liberty is a remake of the Collosus of Rhodes which is Mithra or Myth of Ra. The strong angel of Revelation 10 the mystery of God. CERN Scientists discover the universe has either 10 dimensions or 26. 26x26 is 676, which is 666+10. The letter G is 7 but looks like 6. Psalm 69 refers to Jesus, who is the Q source. The letter Q, 6, ,9 are all interchangable to make 666. 24+26 adds up to 50 as in the 50 names of Marduk, who is Ra, Yhwh, Michael, etc. Hebrews 9:26 "He dies once at the end of the ages." Revelation 9 ascends from the bottomless pit. Freemasonry is Free May Sun Re, as in Amen Ra in the Month of May, which is May 26 the Receiving of Amen Ra. Hosea 13:4 (26x2) I am the lord from Egypt there is no other Savior but me. The number 26 is like a loose thread that unravels the whole bible. Pay very close attention to every verse and chapter that makes 26.

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RE:Myth of Ra, 666, and the Mystery of God

by Tom Romer - 4/21/19 5:46 PM
You're perfectly right Steve. My own protracted thought-path confirms that 666+10 is the number of the Sun God Ra. See Addendum (3): Numerology and Etymology of the Antichrist from Thought 648 [A] dated July 2018 on my blog site ScruffyOwlet's Tree.

RE: Myth of Ra, 666, and the Mystery of God

by 676 AND 626 - 9/17/19 9:17 PM
HI I am very curious how you came to associate Amun-RA with 676? Please respond if can!

RE:Myth of Ra, 666, and the Mystery of God

by Tom Romer - 8/18/20 1:16 PM
Amoun-Ra is the perfect God: the 6 Greco-Roman goddesses of artful grace and beauty, the 7 of the Judaic god of material peace and love, and the 6 Greco-Roman gods of resilient strength and honour.

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