I've been aware of 222 for decades. I like this number, but it is not god. come on people, really. I mean who's god. I do not believe in such nonsense or thousands year old superstitions. God id for the weak. We got rid of witch hangings now if we could only get rid of brainwashed individuals who can not be reasonable. I know and love 222 and have my own theory, and some kind of omnipotent man in the sky is not the answer.
ignorance is bliss for u.. so i guess its all about u then huh?? ok i c.. u know it all. im sorry. i didnt know that u had all the answers .. and one for ur ignorance the Bible and whts inside is based on historical fact.. r u sayn Jesus isnt real? if so u r more ignorant than i thought.. u should really learn the truth before u tap ur little fingers on the keyboard with things pertaining to things u have no true knowledge of.. it is this same ignorance that has kept people like u from actually moving forward in life and trying to keep people back there in the dark with u because u r scared of finding out something goes against what u were taught or what u want to believe.. i will pray for u
RE: Not
by Anonymous - 12/11/16 7:55 PM
Luke 3 v 38 which was the son of God 222 in English ordinal the spirit of Christ 222
by Anonymous - 12/11/16 7:59 PM
The master of numbers=222 in English ordinal
RE: Not
by Anonymous - 1/21/17 8:21 AM
You got to read behind the meaning. Not good as a bearded chap but God as a metaphor for the energy behind everything.the absolute where creation began. It's all there.
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by Anonymous - 8/23/14 12:58 AMRE: Not
by Anonymous - 12/11/16 7:55 PMRE:Not
by Anonymous - 12/11/16 7:59 PMRE: Not
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